35 resultados para Poor--Medical care
This article examines the travel writings and medical work in India of Lady Hariot Dufferin, Vicereine of India between 1884 and 1888. Lady Dufferin accompanied her husband, the Viceroy Lord Dufferin, through various social and political engagements in India, and carved her own niche in colonial and postcolonial history as a pioneer in the medical training of women in India. The article examines her travel writings on India and explores the nature of her complicity in the Raj, as well as the gendered nature of the separate public role she created for herself in relation to her 'zenana work' in providing medical care for the women of India. The author suggests that, through her work, Lady Dufferin challenges and extends the theoretical paradigms of postcolonialist and feminist critiques of empire.
Meeting the supportive care needs of cancer patients remains a challenge to cancer care systems around the world. Despite significant improvements in the organization of medical care of patients with cancer, numerous surveys of cancer populations demonstrate that significant proportions of patients fail to have their supportive care needs met. One possible solution is the introduction of a care coordinator role using oncology nursing to help ensure that patients' physical, psychological, and social support needs are addressed. Although having face validity, there is little empirical evidence on the effects of nurse-led supportive care coordinator roles on patient reported supportive care outcomes. In this article the authors present the results of a prospective longitudinal cohort study of 113 patients referred to a community-based specialist oncology nursing program. Using validated instruments they found significant improvements in patient-reported outcomes in key supportive care domains: unmet needs, quality of life, and continuity of care, as well as a shift in patterns of health resource utilization from acute care settings to the community over the course of the intervention. The results of this study are important in supporting the design and development of controlled trials to examine provider roles in the coordination of supportive cancer care. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Objectives: To determine the impact of the prospective payment system (PPS) for skilled nursing facilities on the pharmacologic treatment of depression.
Methods: We used a quasi-experimental study comparing the pharmacological treatment rates for depression in the pre-PPS period (1997) to the post-PPS period (2000) in 8149 residents with documented depression living in over 500 nursing facilities in Ohio. Logistic regression models adjusting for clustering effects of residents residing in homes using generalized estimating equations provided estimates of the PPS effect on use of any antidepressant and the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). We evaluated the extent to which the PPS effect was modified by organizational characteristics, including structural characteristics, resource characteristics, and staff resources available in the homes.
Results: Overall, there was no difference in the likelihood of any antidepressant [odds ratio (OR), 1.05; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.93 to 1.18, resident-adjusted model] or an SSRI being used (OR, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.86 to 1.12, resident-adjusted model) after the introduction of PPS compared with 1997 when this reimbursement system was not in place (referent group). These trends did not appear to be modified substantially by organizational characteristics.
Conclusion: Although PPS did not appear to have influenced the treatment of depression in nursing homes, systems that provide checks and balances in relation to PPS are warranted.
Objectives: Few psychotropic medications are approved for use among children younger than 18 years. Yet previous studies have shown an increase in the use of psychotropic medications among school-age children and adolescents. Most previous studies examined data only up to 1997; therefore, the results predate any impact of changing federal policies and newly marketed medications. This study examined trends in the prescription of psychotropic medications to adolescents aged 14 to 18 years in office-based care in the United States from 1994 to 2001. Methods: Data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) were used to determine visit rates and prescribing patterns from 1994 to 2001 for psychotropics that were prescribed in office-based treatment settings to adolescents aged 14 to 18 years. Rates of visits that resulted in a prescription for psychotropic medication were calculated for two-year periods. Analyses were conducted by type of medication, gender, and the prescribing physician's specialty. Results: Rates of visits that resulted in a psychotropic prescription increased from 3.4 percent in 1994-1995 to 8.3 percent in 2000-2001. These trends were evident for males and females. The average annual growth rates for psychotropic prescriptions were much higher after 1999. Trends were also significant across drug classes. By 2001, one out of ten office visits by adolescent males resulted in a prescription for a psychotropic medication. Conclusions: Average annual growth rates for the prescription of psychotropics to adolescents increased from 1994 to 2001, with especially rapid acceleration after 1999. This increase may be associated with changing thresholds of diagnosis and treatment, availability of new medications, and changes in federal regulatory policies concerning promotion of medications by the pharmaceutical industry.
This article explores the literature concerning responses to pain of both premature and term-born newborn infants, the evidence for short-term and long-term effects of pain, and behavioral sequelae in individuals who have experienced repeated early pain in neonatal life as they mature. There is no doubt that pain causes stress in babies and this in turn may adversely affect long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. Although there are methods for assessing dimensions of acute reactivity to pain in an experimental setting, there are no very good measures available at the present time that can be used clinically. In the clinical setting repeated or chronic pain is more likely the norm rather than infrequent discrete noxious stimuli of the sort that can be readily studied. The wind-up phenomenon suggests that, exposed to a cascade of procedures as happens with clustering of care in the clinical setting in an attempt to provide periods of rest for stressed babies, an infant may in fact perceive procedures that are not normally viewed as noxious, as pain. Pain exposure during lifesaving intensive medical care of ELBW neonates may also affect subsequent reactivity to pain in the neonatal period, but behavioral differences are probably not likely to be clinically significant in the long term. Prolonged and repeated untreated pain in the newborn period, however, may produce a relatively permanent shift in basal autonomic arousal related to prior NICU pain experience, which may have long-term sequelae. In the long run, the most significant clinical effects of early pain exposure may be on neurodevelopment, contributing to later attention, learning, and behavior problems in these vulnerable children. Although there is considerable evidence to support a variety of adverse effects of early pain, there is less information about the long-term effects of opiates and benzodiazepines on the developing central nervous system. Current evidence reviewed suggests that judicious use of morphine for adjustment to mechanical ventilation may ameliorate the altered autonomic response. It may be very important, however, to distinguish stress from pain. Animal evidence suggests that the neonatal brain is affected differently when exposed to morphine administered in the absence of pain than in the presence of pain. Pain control may be important for many reasons but overuse of morphine or benzodiazepines may have undesirable long-term effects. This is a rapidly evolving area of knowledge of clear relevance to clinical management likely to affect long-term outcomes of high-risk children.
High-technology medical care of extremely low-birth-weight (ELBW) infants (<1001 g) involves repeated medical interventions which are potentially painful and may later affect reaction to pain. At 18 months corrected age (CCA), we examined parent ratings of pain sensitivity and how pain sensitivity ratings related to child temperament and parenting style in 2 groups of ELBW children (49 with a birth weight of 480-800 g and 75 with a birth weight of 801-1000 g) and 2 control groups (42 heavier preterm (1500-2499 g) and 29 full-birth-weight (FBW) children (> 2500 g). Both groups of ELBW toddlers were rated by parents as significantly lower in pain sensitivity compared with both control groups. The relationships between child temperament and pain sensitivity rating varied systematically across the groups. Temperament was strongly related to rated pain sensitivity in the FBW group, moderately related in the heavier preterm and ELBW 801-1000 g groups, and not related in the lowest birth-weight group (<801 g). Parental style did not mediate ratings of pain sensitivity. The results suggest that parents perceive differences in pain behavior of ELBW toddlers compared with heavier preterm and FBW toddlers, especially for those less than 801 g. Longitudinal research into the development of pain behavior for infants who experience lengthy hospitalization is warranted.
This short review establishes the conceptual bases and discusses the principal aspects of P4-shorthand for predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory medicine-medicine, in the framework of infectious diseases. P4 medicine is a new way to approach medical care; instead of acting when the patient is sick, physicians will be able to detect early warnings of disease to take early action. Furthermore, people might even be able to adjust their lifestyles to prevent disease. P4 medicine is fuelled by systems approaches to disease, including methods for personalized genome sequencing and new computational techniques for building dynamic disease predictive networks from massive amounts of data from a variety of OMICs. An excellent example of the effectiveness of the P4 medicine approach is the change in cancer treatments. Emphasis is placed on early detection, followed by genotyping of the patient to use the most adequate treatment according to the genetic background. Cardiovascular diseases and perhaps even neurodegenerative disorders will be the next targets for P4 medicine. The application of P4 medicine to infectious diseases is still in its infancy, but is a promising field that will provide much benefit to both the patients and the health-care system.
Nonadherence to prescribed treatment is an important cause of difficult asthma. Rates of nonadherence amongst asthmatic patients have been shown to range between 30% and 70%. This is associated with poor health care outcomes and increased health care costs. There is no such thing as a "typical" nonadherent patient. The reasons driving nonadherence are multifactorial. Furthermore, adherence is a variable behavior and not a trait characteristic. Adherence rates can vary between the same individual across treatments for different conditions. There is no consistent link between socioeconomic status and nonadherence, and although some studies have shown that nonadherence is more common amongst females, this is not a universal finding. The commonly held perception that better adherence is driven by greater disease severity has been demonstrated to not be the case, in both pediatric and adult patients. Identification of nonadherence is the first step. If adherence is not checked, it is likely that poor adherence will be labeled as refractory disease. Failure to identify poor adherence may lead to inappropriate escalation of therapy, including the potential introduction of complex biological therapies. Surrogate measures, such as prescription counting, are not infallible. Nonadherence can be difficult to identify in clinical practice, and a systematic approach using a variety of tools is required. Nonadherence can be successfully addressed. Therefore, assessment of adherence is of paramount importance in difficult asthma management, in order to reduce exacerbations and steroid-related side effects as well as hospital and intensive care admissions, health care cost, and inappropriate treatment escalation. In this paper, we present an overview of the literature surrounding nonadherence in difficult asthma. We explore the facts and myths surrounding the factors driving nonadherence as well as how it can be identified and addressed.