15 resultados para Pitching Airfoil
This paper deals with identification of dynamics in suction control of airfoils for low Reynolds number regimes (8 x 10^4 - 5 x 10^5). In particular, the dynamics of interest is the map that relates suction pressure and surface pressure. Identification of such dynamics is of use to a variety of active control applications including suction control in small/medium wind turbines which operate in these Reynolds number regimes. Prior research has largely focused on higher Reynolds number regimes, creating a need for such a study. Towards identifying the said dynamic relations, experiments were conducted on NACA0012 airfoil in a wind tunnel. The dynamic relation between suction and surface pressure was identified as an overdamped second order system.
A novel surrogate model is proposed in lieu of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers, for fast nonlinear aerodynamic and aeroelastic modeling. A nonlinear function is identified on selected interpolation points by
a discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM). The flow field is then reconstructed using a least square approximation of the flow modes extracted
by proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The aeroelastic reduce order
model (ROM) is completed by introducing a nonlinear mapping function
between displacements and the DEIM points. The proposed model is investigated to predict the aerodynamic forces due to forced motions using
a N ACA 0012 airfoil undergoing a prescribed pitching oscillation. To investigate aeroelastic problems at transonic conditions, a pitch/plunge airfoil
and a cropped delta wing aeroelastic models are built using linear structural models. The presence of shock-waves triggers the appearance of limit
cycle oscillations (LCO), which the model is able to predict. For all cases
tested, the new ROM shows the ability to replicate the nonlinear aerodynamic forces, structural displacements and reconstruct the complete flow
field with sufficient accuracy at a fraction of the cost of full order CFD
Assembling aircraft stiffened panels using friction stir welding offers potential to reduce fabrication time in comparison to current mechanical fastener assembly, making it economically feasible to select structurally desirable stiffener pitching and novel panel configurations. With such a departure from the traditional fabrication process, much research has been conducted on producing strong reliable welds, with less examination of the impact of welding process residual effects on panel structural behaviour and the development of appropriate design methods. This article significantly expands the available panel level compressive strength knowledge, demonstrating the strength potential of a welded aircraft panel with multiple lateral and longitudinal stiffener bays. An accompanying computational study has determined the most significant process residual effects that influence panel strength and the potential extent of panel degradation. The experimental results have also been used to validate a previously published design method, suggesting accurate predictions can be made if the conventional aerospace design methods are modified to acknowledge the welding altered panel properties.
This thesis investigates the hydrodynamics of a small, seabed mounted, bottom hinged, wave energy converter in shallow water. The Oscillating Wave Surge Converter is a pitching flap-type device which is located in 10-15m of water to take advantage of the amplification of horizontal water particle motion in shallow water. A conceptual model of the hydrodynamics of the device has been formulated and shows that, as the motion of the flap is highly constrained, the magnitude of the force applied to the flap by the wave is strongly linked to the power absorption.
An extensive set of experiments has been carried out in the wave tank at Queen’s University at both 40th and 20th scales. The experiments have included testing in realistic sea states to estimate device performance as well as fundamental tests using small amplitude monochromatic waves to determine the force applied to the flap by the waves. The results from the physical modelling programme have been used in conjunction with numerical data from WAMIT to validate the conceptual model.
The work finds that tuning the OWSC to the incident wave periods is problematic and only results in a marginal increase in power capture. It is also found that the addition of larger diameter rounds to the edges of the flap reduces viscous losses and has a greater effect on the performance of the device than tuning. As wave force is the primary driver of device performance it is shown that the flap should fill the water column and should pierce the water surface to reduce losses due to wave overtopping.
With the water depth fixed at approximately 10m it is shown that the width of the flap has the greatest impact on the magnitude of wave force, and thus device performance. An 18m wide flap is shown to have twice the absorption efficiency of a 6m wide flap and captures 6 times the power. However, the increase in power capture with device width is not limitless and a 24m wide flap is found to be affected by two-dimensional hydrodynamics which reduces its performance per unit width, especially in sea states with short periods. It is also shown that as the width increases the performance gains associated with the addition of the end effectors reduces. Furthermore, it is shown that as the flap width increases the natural pitching period of the flap increases, thus detuning the flap further from the wave periods of interest for wave energy conversion.
The effect of waves approaching the flap from an oblique angle is also investigated and the power capture is found to decrease with the cosine squared of the encounter angle. The characteristic of the damping applied by the power take off system is found to have a significant effect on the power capture of the device, with constant damping producing between 20% and 30% less power than quadratic damping. Furthermore, it is found that applying a higher level of damping, or a damping bias, to the flap as it pitches towards the beach increases the power capture by 10%.
A further set of experiments has been undertaken in a case study used to predict the power capture of a prototype of the OWSC concept. The device, called the Oyster Demonstrator, has been developed by Aquamarine Power Ltd. and is to be installed at the European Marine Energy Centre, Scotland, in 2009.
The work concludes that OWSC is a viable wave energy converter and absorption efficiencies of up 75% have been measured. It is found that to maximise power absorption the flap should be approximately 20m wide with large diameter rounded edges, having its pivot close to the seabed and its top edge piercing the water surface.
Oyster® is a surface-piercing flap-type device designed to harvest wave energy in the nearshore environment. Established mathematical theories of wave energy conversion, such as 3D point-absorber and 2D terminator theory, are inadequate to accurately describe the behaviour of Oyster, historically resulting in distorted conclusions regarding the potential of such a concept to harness the power of ocean waves. Accurately reproducing the dynamics of Oyster requires the introduction of a new reference mathematical model, the “flap-type absorber”. A flap-type absorber is a large thin device which extracts energy by pitching about a horizontal axis parallel to the ocean bottom. This paper unravels the mathematics of Oyster as a flap-type absorber. The main goals of this work are to provide a simple–yet accurate–physical interpretation of the laws governing the mechanism of wave power absorption by Oyster and to emphasise why some other, more established, mathematical theories cannot be expected to accurately describe its behaviour.
n the context of psychosocial oncology research, disseminating study findings to a range of knowledge “end-users” can advance the well-being of diverse patient subgroups and their families. This article details how findings drawn from a study of prostate cancer support groups were repackaged in a knowledge translation website—www.prostatecancerhelpyourself.ubc.ca—using Web 2.0 features. Detailed are five lessons learned from developing the website: the importance of pitching a winning but feasible idea, keeping a focus on interactivity and minimizing text, negotiating with the supplier, building in formal pretests or a pilot test with end-users, and completing formative evaluations based on data collected through Google™ and YouTube™ Analytics. The details are shared to guide the e-knowledge translation efforts of other psychosocial oncology researchers and clinicians.
In this study, a constant suction technique for controlling boundary layer separation at low Reynolds numbers was designed and tested. This was later implemented on small wind turbines. Small wind turbines need to operate in low wind speeds, that is, in low Reynolds number regimes – typically in the range 104–105. Airfoils are prone to boundary layer separation in these conditions, leading to a substantial drop in aerodynamic performance of the blades. Under these conditions turbines will have reduced energy output. This paper presents experimental results of applying surface-suction over the suction-surface of airfoils for controlling boundary layer separation. The Reynolds numbers for the experiments are kept in the range 8×104–5×105. The air over the surface of the airfoil is drawn into the airfoil through a slit. It is found that the lift coefficient of the airfoils increases and the drag reduces. Based on the improved airfoil characteristics, an analysis of increase in Coefficient of Power (CP), versus input power for a small wind turbine blade with constant suction is presented.
A conjugate heat transfer (CHT) method was used to perform the aerothermal analysis of an internally cooled turbine vane, and was validated against experimental and empirical data.
Firstly, validation of the method with regard to internal cooling was done by reproducing heat transfer test data in a channel with pin fin heat augmenters, under steady constant wall temperature. The computed Nusselt numbers for the two tested configurations (full length circular pin fins attached to both walls and partial pin fins attached to one wall only) showed good agreement with the measurements. Sensitivity to mesh density was evaluated under this simplified case in order to establish mesh requirements for the analysis of the full component.
Secondly, the CHT method was applied onto a turbine vane test case from an actual engine. The predicted vane airfoil metal temperature was compared to the measured thermal paint data and the in-house empirical predictions. The CHT results agreed well with the thermal paint data and showed better prediction than the current empirical modeling approach.
This work proposes a novel approach to compute transonic limit-cycle oscillations using high-fidelity analysis. Computational-Fluid-Dynamics based harmonic balance methods have proven to be efficient tools to predict periodic phenomena. This paper’s contribution is to present a new methodology to determine the unknown frequency of oscillations, enabling harmonic balance methods to accurately capture limit-cycle oscillations; this is achieved by defining a frequency-updating procedure based on a coupled computational-fluid-dynamics/computational-structural-dynamics harmonic balance formulation to find the limit-cycle oscillation condition. A pitch/plunge airfoil and delta wing aerodynamic and respective linear structural models are used to validate the new method against conventional time-domain simulations. Results show consistent agreement between the proposed and time-marching methods for both limit-cycle oscillation amplitude and frequency while producing at least a one-order-of-magnitude reduction in computational time.
A major difficulty in the design of full scale Wave Energy Converters is the need to design for two conflicting design criteria. In one instance devices must be designed to couple heavily to the incident wave force resulting in the efficient extraction of energy in small sea states, however devices must also be capable of withstanding the harsh conditions encountered during extreme seas. This paper presents an initial investigation of the extreme wave loading of a generic, surface-piercing, pitching flap-type device deployed in near shore wave conditions. Slamming of the flap is selected as the extreme load event for further investigation and the experimental methodologies employed are described. Preliminary results showing both local and global loading under such events are presented for the case of a flap tested in a 3-dimensional environment. Results are presented which show flap slamming effects on the pressures experienced on the front face of the flap.
A novel surrogate model is proposed in lieu of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) code for fast nonlinear aerodynamic modeling. First, a nonlinear function is identified on selected interpolation points defined by discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM). The flow field is then reconstructed by a least square approximation of flow modes extracted by proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The proposed model is applied in the prediction of limit cycle oscillation for a plunge/pitch airfoil and a delta wing with linear structural model, results are validate against a time accurate CFD-FEM code. The results show the model is able to replicate the aerodynamic forces and flow fields with sufficient accuracy while requiring a fraction of CFD cost.