3 resultados para Mount Croghan (S.C.)
Weathering-rind thicknesses on pebble-and cobble-size sediment have been used for the past half-century, at least, as an age indicator of postdepositional time following a geologic event. In mountainous terrain, rind thickness is taken as a measurement of weathering over time frames of 0.5 m.yr.; variable thicknesses are used to discriminate relative ages of glacial deposits. The effects of chemical and physical weathering that together produce rinds are only rarely considered, and most research objectives have centered on lichen alteration of clast surfaces. Recent microscopic analyses of weathering rinds on volcanic clasts of similar to 70.0-ka to similar to 2.0-m.yr. age produced new data on weathering products as well as unexpected incorporated biotic materials undergoing diagenesis. The question as to how much physical/mineral/chemical/ biotic paleoenvironmental data might be archived in rinds is discussed. The character and classification of organic materials undergoing diagenesis are also discussed.
Rock rinds have been used for half a century to date glacial deposits and recently inroads have been developed to use nuclides to provide absolute ages of weathering rinds in pebble clasts. Although maximum and minimum rind thicknesses have helped to elucidate time since deposition and allowed stratigraphic division of deposits at glacial rank, little has been done to investigate the wealth of mineral degradation, growth of alteration products and biomineralization that occur in these weathered crusts. In some cases the mass of microbe-mineral intergrowth is nearly present on a 50%/50% basis, with the biotic mass intergrown with mineral matter to such an extent that it probably controls pH and redox phenomena that act as accelerators in the weathering process. Assuming weathering time spans of 2 × 106 years or more for a complete cycle, eventual clast decomposition is the end product. Here we present evidence of microbe-clast intergrowth from selected sites of Pleistocene age (~70 ka to 2.0 Ma) in the lower Afroalpine of Mt. Kenya and hypothesize about its role in rock decomposition and fossilization of biotic end-members. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Understanding the mechanism associated with rates of weathering and evolution of rocks→sediment→soil→paleosol in alpine environments raises questions related to the impact of microbial mediation versus various diverse abiotic chemical/physical processes, even including the overall effect of cosmic impact/airburst during the early stage of weathering in Late Glacial (LG) deposits. This study is of a chronosequence of soils/paleosols, with an age range that spans the post–Little Ice Age (post-LIA; <150 yr), the Little Ice Age (LIA; AD 1500–1850), the middle Neoglacial (∼3 ka)–Younger Dryas (YD; <12.8 ka), and the LG (<15 ka). The goal is to elicit trends in weathering, soil morphogenesis, and related eubacterial population changes over the past 13–15 k.yr. The older LG/YD paleosols in the sequence represent soil morphogenesis that started during the closing stage of Pleistocene glaciation. These are compared with undated soils of midto late Neoglacial age, the youngest of LIA and post-LIA age. All profiles formed in a uniform parentmaterial ofmetabasalt composition and in moraine, rockfall, protalus, and alluvial fan deposits. Elsewhere in Europe,North America, and Asia, the cosmic impact/airburst event at 12.8 ka often produced a distinctive, carbon-rich “black mat” layer that shows evidence of high-temperature melting. At this alpine site, older profiles of similar LG age contain scorched and melted surface sediments that are otherwise similar in composition to the youngest/thinnest profiles developing in the catchment today. Moreover, microbial analysis of the sediments offers new insight into the genesis of these sediments: the C and Cu (u = unweathered) horizons in LG profiles present at 12.8 ka (now Ah/Bw) show bacterial population structures that differ markedly from recent alluvial/protalus sample bacterial populations. We propose here that these differences are, in part, a direct consequence of the age/cosmic impact/weathering processes that have occurred in the chronosequence. Of the several questions that emerge from these sequences, perhaps the most important involve the interaction of biotic-mineral factors, which need to be understood if we are to generally fully appreciate the role played by microbes in rock weathering.