4 resultados para Magnetograms
High-cadence multiwavelength optical observations were taken with the Dunn Solar Telescope at the National Solar Observatory, Sacramento Peak, accompanied by Advanced Stokes Polarimeter vector magnetograms. A total of 11 network bright points (NBPs) have been studied at different atmospheric heights using images taken in wave bands centered on Mg I b(1) - 0.4 Angstrom, Halpha, and Ca II K-3. Wavelet analysis was used to study wave packets and identify traveling magnetohydrodynamic waves. Wave speeds were estimated through the temporal cross-correlation of signals, in selected frequency bands of wavelet power, in each wavelength. Four mode-coupling cases were identified, one in each of four of the NBPs, and the variation of the associated Fourier power with height was studied. Three of the detected mode-coupling, transverse-mode frequencies were observed in the 1.2-1.6 mHz range (mean NBP apparent flux density magnitudes over 99-111 Mx cm(-2)), with the final case showing 2.0-2.2 mHz (with 142 Mx cm(-2)). Following this, longitudinal-mode frequencies were detected in the range 2.6-3.2 mHz for three of our cases, with 3.9-4.1 mHz for the remaining case. After mode coupling, two cases displayed a decrease in longitudinal-mode Fourier power in the higher chromosphere.
Aims. High temporal and spatial resolution observations from the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) multiwavelength imager on the Dunn Solar Telescope are used to study the velocities of small-scale Hα jets in an emerging solar active region.
Methods. The dataset comprises simultaneous imaging in the Hα core, Ca ii K, and G band, together with photospheric line-of-sight magnetograms. Time-distance techniques are employed to determine projected plane-of-sky velocities.
Results. The Hα images are highly dynamic in nature, with estimated jet velocities as high as 45 km s-1. These jets are one-directional, with their origin seemingly linked to underlying Ca ii K brightenings and G-band magnetic bright points.
Conclusions. It is suggested that the siphon flow model of cool coronal loops is suitable for interpreting our observations. The jets are associated with small-scale explosive events, and may provide a mass outflow from the photosphere to the corona.
Aims. We study the formation and evolution of a failed filament eruption observed in NOAA active region 11121 near the southeast
limb on November 6, 2010.
Methods. We used a time series of SDO/AIA 304, 171, 131, 193, 335, and 94 Å images, SDO/HMI magnetograms, as well as ROSA
and ISOON Hα images to study the erupting active region.
Results. We identify coronal loop arcades associated with a quadrupolar magnetic configuration, and show that the expansion and
cancellation of the central loop arcade system over the filament is followed by the eruption of the filament. The erupting filament
reveals a clear helical twist and develops the same sign of writhe in the form of inverse γ-shape.
Conclusions. The observations support the “magnetic breakout” process in which the eruption is triggered by quadrupolar reconnection
in the corona. We propose that the formation mechanism of the inverse γ-shape flux rope is the magnetohydrodynamic helical
kink instability. The eruption has failed because of the large-scale, closed, overlying magnetic loop arcade that encloses the active
Context. Bright points (BPs) are small-scale, magnetic features ubiquitous across the solar surface. Previously, we have observed and noted their properties for quiet Sun regions. Here, we determine the dynamic properties of BPs using simultaneous quiet Sun and active region data.
Aims. The aim of this paper is to compare the properties of BPs in both active and quiet Sun regions and to determine any difference in the dynamics and general properties of BPs as a result of the varying magnetic activity within these two regions.
Methods. High spatial and temporal resolution G-band observations of active region AR11372 were obtained with the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere instrument at the Dunn Solar Telescope. Three subfields of varying polarity and magnetic flux density were selected with the aid of magnetograms obtained from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Bright points within these subfields were subsequently tracked and analysed.
Results. It is found that BPs within active regions display attenuated velocity distributions with an average horizontal velocity of ~0.6 km s-1, compared to the quiet region which had an average velocity of 0.9 km s-1. Active region BPs are also ~21% larger than quiet region BPs and have longer average lifetimes (~132 s) than their quiet region counterparts (88 s). No preferential flow directions are observed within the active region subfields. The diffusion index (γ) is estimated at ~1.2 for the three regions.
Conclusions. We confirm that the dynamic properties of BPs arise predominately from convective motions. The presence of stronger field strengths within active regions is the likely reason behind the varying properties observed. We believe that larger amounts of magnetic flux will attenuate BP velocities by a combination of restricting motion within the intergranular lanes and by increasing the number of stagnation points produced by inhibited convection. Larger BPs are found in regions of higher magnetic flux density and we believe that lifetimes increase in active regions as the magnetic flux stabilises the BPs.