We present an analysis of an X-class flare that occurred on 11 June 2014 in active region NOAA 12087 using a newly developed high cadence Image
Selector operated by Astronomical Institute in Ondrejov, Czech Republic. This instrument provides spectra in the 350 - 440 nm wavelength range, which
covers the higher order Balmer lines as well as the Balmer jump at 364 nm. However, no detectable increase in these emissions were detected during
the flare, and support observations from SDO/EVE MEGS-B also show that the Lyman line series and recombination continuum were also suppressed,
particularly when compared to an M-class flare that occurred an hour earlier, and two other X-class flares on the preceding day. The X-class flare under
investigation also showed strong white light emission in SDO/HMI data, as well as an extremely hard electron spectrum ( 3.6), and
-ray emission,
from RHESSI data. This unique combination of datasets allows us to conclude that the white light emission from this flare corresponds to a black body
heated by high-energy electrons (and/or ions), as opposed to optical chromospheric emission from hydrogen.
The direct detection of a stellar system that explodes as a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) has not yet been successful. Various indirect methods have been used to investigate SN Ia progenitor systems but none have produced conclusive results. A prediction of single-degenerate models is that H- (or He-) rich material from the envelope of the companion star should be swept up by the SN ejecta in the explosion. Seven SNe Ia have been analysed to date looking for signs of H-rich material in their late-time spectra and none were detected. We present results from new late-time spectra of 11 SNe Ia obtained at the Very Large Telescope using XShooter and FORS2. We present the tentative detection of Hα emission for SN 2013ct, corresponding to ∼0.007 M⊙ of stripped/ablated companion star material (under the assumptions of the spectral modelling). This mass is significantly lower than expected for single-degenerate scenarios, suggesting that >0.1 M⊙ of H-rich is present but not observed. We do not detect Hα emission in the other 10 SNe Ia. This brings the total sample of normal SNe Ia with non-detections (<0.001–0.058 M⊙) of H-rich material to 17 events. The simplest explanation for these non-detections is that these objects did not result from the explosion of a CO white dwarf accreting matter from a H-rich companion star via Roche lobe overflow or symbiotic channels. However, further spectral modelling is needed to confirm this. We also find no evidence of He-emission features, but models with He-rich companion stars are not available to place mass limits.
Present work examines numerically the asymmetric behavior of hydrogen/air flame in a micro-channel subjected to a non-uniform wall temperature distribution. A high resolution (with cell size of 25 μm × 25 μm) of two-dimensional transient Navier–Stokes simulation is conducted in the low-Mach number formulation using detailed chemistry evolving 9 chemical species and 21 elementary reactions. Firstly, effects of hydrodynamic and diffusive-thermal instabilities are studied by performing the computations for different Lewis numbers. Then, the effects of preferential diffusion of heat and mass transfer on the asymmetric behavior of the hydrogen flame are analyzed for different inlet velocities and equivalence ratios. Results show that for the flames in micro-channels, interactions between thermal diffusion and molecular diffusion play major role in evolution of a symmetric flame into an asymmetric one. Furthermore, the role of Darrieus–Landau instability found to be minor. It is also found that in symmetric flames, the Lewis number decreases behind the flame front. This is related to the curvature of flame which leads to the inclination of thermal and mass fluxes. The mass diffusion vectors point toward the walls and the thermal diffusion vectors point toward the centerline. Asymmetric flame is observed when the length of flame front is about 1.1–1.15 times of the channel width.