11 resultados para Ictiofauna Neotropical
Morphometrics and DNA microsatellites were used to analyse the genetic structure of populations of the stingless bee M. beecheii from two extremes of its geographic range. The results showed that populations from Costa Rica and Yucatan exhibit substantial phenotypic and molecular differentiation. Bees from Yucatan were smaller and paler than those from Costa Rica. The value of multilocus F-ST = 0.280 (P <0.001) confirmed that there were significant molecular genetic differences between the two populations. Populations showed significant deviation from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium and the values of FIS (the inbreeding coefficient) were positive for Costa Rica = 0.416 and the Yucatan Peninsula = 0.193, indicating a lack of heterozygotes in both populations possibly due to inbreeding. The DNA sequence of 678 bp of the mitochondrial gene COI differed between populations by 1.2%. The results of this study should be considered in conservation programmes, particularly with regard to the movement of colonies between regions.
Allozyme analyses have suggested that Neotropical orchid bee (Euglossini) pollinators are vulnerable because of putative high frequencies of diploid males, a result of loss of sex allele diversity in small hymenopteran populations with single locus complementary sex determination. Our analysis of 1010 males from 27 species of euglossine bees sampled across the Neotropics at 2-11 polymorphic microsatellite loci revealed only 5 diploid males at an overall frequency of 0.005 (95% CIs 0.002-0.010); errors through genetic non-detection of diploid males were likely small. In contrast to allozyme-based studies, we detected very weak or insignificant population genetic structure, even for a pair of populations >500 km apart, possibly accounting for low diploid male frequencies. Technical flaws in previous allozyme-based analyses have probably led to considerable overestimation of diploid male production in orchid bees. Other factors may have a more immediate impact on population persistence than the genetic load imposed by diploid males on these important Neotropical pollinators.
Neotropical orchid bees (Euglossini) are often cited as classic examples of trapline-foragers with potentially extensive foraging ranges. If long-distance movements are habitual, rare plants in widely scattered locations may benefit from euglossine pollination services. Here we report the first successful use of micro radio telemetry to track the movement of an insect pollinator in a complex and forested environment. Our results indicate that individual male orchid bees (Exaerete frontalis) habitually use large rainforest areas (at least 42-115 ha) on a daily basis. Aerial telemetry located individuals up to 5 km away from their core areas, and bees were often stationary, for variable periods, between flights to successive localities. These data suggest a higher degree of site fidelity than what may be expected in a free living male bee, and has implications for our understanding of biological activity patterns and the evolution of forest pollinators.
Patterns of endemism in the Neotropics have been explained by restriction of forest to ‘refugia’ in arid cold-stages of the Quaternary (Haffer J (1969)
Speciation in Amazonian forest birds. Science 165: 131–137). The palaeoecological record, however, shows no such forest contraction. We review
palaeoecological and phylogenetic data on the response of Neotropical taxa and communities to climatic changes of the Cenozoic. Solar insolation varies
over this period with latitude and geography, including shifts in opposite directions between high and low latitudes. In the Neotropics, distribution and
abundance patterns originate on a wide range of timescales through the Cenozoic, down to the currently dominant precession forcing (20 kyr). In contrast,
distributions and abundances at higher latitudes are controlled by obliquity forcing (40 kyr). The patterns observed by Haffer (1969) are likely derived
from pre-Quaternary radiations and are not inconsistent with palaeoecological findings of continuous forest cover in major areas of the Neotropics
during the Quaternary. The relative proportions of speciation processes have changed through time between predominantly sympatric to predominantly
allopatric depending on the prevailing characteristics of orbitally forced climatic changes. Behaviour of Neotropical organisms and ecosystems on long
timescales may be influenced much more by precessional forcing than by the obliquity forcing that controls high-latitude climate change and glaciations.
The newly updated inventory of palaeoecological research in Latin America offers an important overview of sites available for multi-proxy and multi-site purposes. From the collected literature supporting this inventory, we collected all available age model metadata to create a chronological database of 5116 control points (e.g. 14C, tephra, fission track, OSL, 210Pb) from 1097 pollen records. Based on this literature review, we present a summary of chronological dating and reporting in the Neotropics. Difficulties and recommendations for chronology reporting are discussed. Furthermore, for 234 pollen records in northwest South America, a classification system for age uncertainties is implemented based on chronologies generated with updated calibration curves. With these outcomes age models are produced for those sites without an existing chronology, alternative age models are provided for researchers interested in comparing the effects of different calibration curves and age–depth modelling software, and the importance of uncertainty assessments of chronologies is highlighted. Sample resolution and temporal uncertainty of ages are discussed for different time windows, focusing on events relevant for research on centennial- to millennial-scale climate variability. All age models and developed R scripts are publicly available through figshare, including a manual to use the scripts.
Tryptophyllins are a heterogenous group of amphibian skin peptides originally identified in skin extracts of Neotropical leaf frogs, Phyllomedusa sp., by chemical means. Until now, biosynthetic precursor structure and biological activity remain unreported. Here we describe the isolation of a novel, post-translationally modified tryptophyllin, Lys-Pro-Hyp-Ala-Trp-Val-Pro.amide (PdT-1), from the skin secretion of the Mexican leaf frog, Pachymedusa dacnicolor. Using a 3'- and 5'-RACE strategy and an in vitro skin cDNA library, the PdT-1-encoding precursor was cloned and found to consist of an open-reading frame of 62 amino acids with a single copy of PdT-1 located towards the C-terminus. A synthetic replicate of PdT-1 was found to be a potent myoactive agent, relaxing mammalian arterial smooth muscle and contracting small intestinal smooth muscle at nanomolar concentrations. PdT-1 is thus the first amphibian skin tryptophyllin to be pharmacologically characterized and the first whose precursor cDNA has been cloned.
The defensive strategy of amphibians against predator attack relies heavily on the secretion of noxious/toxic chemical cocktails from specialized skin granular glands. Bioactive peptides constitute a major component of secretions in many species and the most complex are produced by neotropical leaf frogs of the sub-family Phyllomedusinae. We recently reported that these skin secretions contain elements of both the granular gland peptidome and transcriptome and that polyadenylated mRNAs constituting the latter are protected from degradation by interactions with endogenous amphipathic peptides. This thus permits parallel amino acid sequencing of peptides and nucleic acid sequencing of cloned precursor transcripts from single lyophilized samples of secretion. Here we report that the protection afforded is sufficiently robust to permit transcriptome studies by cloning of full-length polyadenylated peptide precursor encoding mRNAs from libraries constructed using ambient temperature air-dried skin from recently deceased specimens as source material. The technique was sufficiently sensitive to permit the identification of cDNAs encoding antimicrobial peptides constituted by six different isoforms of phylloseptin and two dermaseptins. Also, for the first time, establishment of the nucleic acid and amino acid sequence of the precursor encoding the phyllomedusine frog skin bradykinin-related peptide, phyllokinin, from cloned cDNA, was achieved. These data unequivocally demonstrate that the granular gland transcriptome persists in air-dried amphibian skin—a finding that may have fundamental implications in the study of archived materials but also in the wider field of molecular biology.
The Neotropical Euglossini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) are important pollinators of many flowering plants, particularly orchids. Lack of highly polymorphic genetic markers for euglossine species has limited the study of their social organization and inbreeding. We therefore developed microsatellite markers for two species, Eulaema nigrita (11 loci) and Euglossa cordata (nine loci), most of which were highly polymorphic in the source species and in a range of related euglossine bees.
Neotropical orchid bees (Euglossini) are conspicuously different from other corbiculate bees (Apinae) in their lack of advanced sociality and in male use of acquired odors (fragrances) as pheromone-analogues. In both contexts, orchid bee mating systems, in particular the number of males a female mates with, are of great interest but are currently unknown. To assess female mating frequency in the genus Euglossa, we obtained nests from three species in Mexico and Panama and genotyped mothers and their brood at microsatellite DNA loci. In 26 out of 29 nests, genotypes of female brood were fully consistent with being descended from a singly mated mother. In nests with more than one adult female present, those adult females were frequently related, with genotypes being consistent with full sister-sister (r = 0.75) or mother-daughter (r = 0.5) relationships. Thus, our genetic data support the notions of female philopatry and nest-reuse in the genus Euglossa. Theoretically, single mating should promote the evolution of eusociality by maximizing the relatedness among individuals in a nest. However, in Euglossini this genetic incentive has not led to the formation of eusocial colonies as in other corbiculate bees, presumably due to differing ecological or physiological selective regimes. Finally, monandry in orchid bees is in agreement with the theory that females select a single best mate based on the male fragrance phenotype, which may contain information on male age, cognitive ability, and competitive strength.
The skin secretions of Neotropical phyllomedusine leaf frogs have proven to be a rich source of biologically-active peptides, including antimicrobials. The major families of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) reported are the dermaseptins and phylloseptins and the minor families, the dermatoxins, phylloxins, plasticins, distinctins and the medusins. Here, we report a novel AMP of 10 amino acid residues (LRPAILVRIKamide), named balteatide, from the skin secretion of wild Peruvian purple-sided leaf frogs, Phyllomedusa baltea. Balteatide was found to exhibit a 90% sequence identity with sauvatide, a potent myotropic peptide from the skin secretion of Phyllomedusa sauvagei. However, despite both peptides exhibiting only a single amino acid difference (I/T at position 9), sauvatide is devoid of antimicrobial activity and balteatide is devoid of myotropic activity. Balteatide was found to have differential activity against the Gram-positive bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus, the Gram-negative bacterium, Escherichia coli and the yeast, Candida albicans, and unusually for phyllomedusine frog skin AMPs, was most potent (MIC 32 mg/L) against the yeast. Balteatide was also devoid of haemolytic activity up to concentrations of 512 mg/L. Phyllomedusine frog skin secretions thus continue to provide novel AMPs, some of which may provide templates for the rational design of new classes of anti-infective therapeutics.