PURPOSE: We analyzed patients with hairy cell leukemia (HCL) to achieve a better understanding of the differentiation stage reached by HCL cells and to define the key role of the diversification of cell surface makers, especially CD25 expression. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analyzed 38 previously untreated patients with HCL to characterize their complete (VDJ(H)) and incomplete (DJ(H)) immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain (IgH) rearrangements, including somatic hypermutation pattern and gene segment use. RESULTS: A correlation between immunophenotypic profile and molecular data was seen. All 38 cases showed monoclonal amplifications: VDJ(H) in 97%, DJ(H) in 42%, and both in 39%. Segments from the D(H)3 family were used more in complete compared with incomplete rearrangements (45% vs. 12%; P <.005). Furthermore, comparison between molecular and immunophenotypic characteristics disclosed differences in the expression of CD25 antigen; CD25(-) cases, a phenotype associated with HCL variant, showed complete homology to the germline in 3 of 5 cases (60%), whereas this characteristic was never observed in CD25(+) cases (P <.005). Moreover, V(H)4-34, V(H)1-08, and J(H)3 segments appeared in 2, 1, and 2 CD25(-) cases, respectively, whereas they were absent in all CD25(+) cases. CONCLUSION: These results support that HCL is a heterogeneous entity including subgroups with different molecular characteristics, which reinforces the need for additional studies with a larger number of patients to clarify the real role of gene rearrangements in HCL.
Analysis of Ig genes in B-cell malignancies has become an essential method in molecular diagnosis, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of Ig heavy chain gene (IgH) rearrangements is now widely used for detection of clonality and minimal residual disease (MRD). Although several different sensitive protocols are now available for PCR analysis of IgH genes, they are frequently hampered owing to the high rate of somatic hypermutation present in multiple myeloma (MM). We recently described a new approach using incomplete DJH rearrangements as an alternative target. About 60% of MM samples contain an incomplete DJH rearrangement, 90% of them lacking on somatic mutations. This approach allows resolution of problems derived from primer mismatches, making DJH rearrangement a reliable and sensitive target for detection of clonality and MRD investigation in MM.
DH-JH rearrangements of the Ig heavy-chain gene (IGH) occur early during B-cell development. Consequently, they are detected in precursor-B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias both at diagnosis and relapse. Incomplete DJH rearrangements have also been occasionally reported in mature B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders, but their frequency and immunobiological characteristics have not been studied in detail. We have investigated the frequency and characteristics of incomplete DJH as well as complete VDJH rearrangements in a series of 84 untreated multiple myeloma (MM) patients. The overall detection rate of clonality by amplifying VDJH and DJH rearrangements using family-specific primers was 94%. Interestingly, we found a high frequency (60%) of DJH rearrangements in this group. As expected from an immunological point of view, the vast majority of DJH rearrangements (88%) were unmutated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic study describing the incidence of incomplete DJH rearrangements in a series of unselected MM patients. These results strongly support the use of DJH rearrangements as PCR targets for clonality studies and, particularly, for quantification of minimal residual disease by real-time quantitative PCR using consensus JH probes in MM patients. The finding of hypermutation in a small proportion of incomplete DJH rearrangements (six out of 50) suggests important biological implications concerning the process of somatic hypermutation. Moreover, our data offer a new insight in the regulatory development model of IGH rearrangements.
The hypervariable regions of immunoglobulin heavy-chain (IgH) rearrangements provide a specific tumor marker in multiple myeloma (MM). Recently, real-time PCR assays have been developed in order to quantify the number of tumor cells after treatment. However, these strategies are hampered by the presence of somatic hypermutation (SH) in VDJH rearrangements from multiple myeloma (MM) patients, which causes mismatches between primers and/or probes and the target, leading to a nonaccurate quantification of tumor cells. Our group has recently described a 60% incidence of incomplete DJH rearrangements in MM patients, with no or very low rates of SH. In this study, we compare the efficiency of a real-time PCR approach for the analysis of both complete and incomplete IgH rearrangements in eight MM patients using only three JH consensus probes. We were able to design an allele-specific oligonucleotide for both the complete and incomplete rearrangement in all patients. DJH rearrangements fulfilled the criteria of effectiveness for real-time PCR in all samples (ie no unspecific amplification, detection of less than 10 tumor cells within 10(5) polyclonal background and correlation coefficients of standard curves higher than 0.98). By contrast, only three out of eight VDJH rearrangements fulfilled these criteria. Further analyses showed that the remaining five VDJH rearrangements carried three or more somatic mutations in the probe and primer sites, leading to a dramatic decrease in the melting temperature. These results support the use of incomplete DJH rearrangements instead of complete somatically mutated VDJH rearrangements for investigation of minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma.
This article explores the feminist critique that progress in the classification of sexual violence crimes within international criminal law has not been matched by sufficient legal enforcement. It takes the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) as a case study, exploring the various myths, investigative failures and procedural developments that have hindered the ECCC’s effective investigation of sexual violence. The article argues that while there is a need to adopt a nuanced perspective of the many gender inequalities facing women, it remains crucial that sexual violence is adequately investigated and prosecuted, due to the normative value of such prosecutions. It concludes with some suggestions as to how the ECCC can improve accountability for such crimes, but also highlights lessons that future courts can learn from the ECCC’s failures.
Supply Chain Simulation (SCS) is applied to acquire information to support outsourcing decisions but obtaining enough detail in key parameters can often be a barrier to making well informed decisions.
One aspect of SCS that has been relatively unexplored is the impact of inaccurate data around delays within the SC. The impact of the magnitude and variability of process cycle time on typical performance indicators in a SC context is studied.
System cycle time, WIP levels and throughput are more sensitive to the magnitude of deterministic deviations in process cycle time than variable deviations. Manufacturing costs are not very sensitive to these deviations.
Future opportunities include investigating the impact of process failure or product defects, including logistics and transportation between SC members and using alternative costing methodologies.