10 resultados para Geopolymer paste
Natural pozzolans are raw materials from geological deposits with a range of chemical compositions that when combined with suitable alkali activators can be converted to geopolymer cement for concrete production. In this paper the concept of adding mineral additives to enhance the properties of geopolymer cement is introduced. Taftan andesite, a natural Iranian pozzolan, was used to study the effect of adding mineral additives such as kaolinite, lime and other calcined pozzolans on the compressive strength of geopolymer cement under both normal and autoclave curing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)/energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) was used to determine the composition of the gel phase in both alkali-activated Taftan pozzolan with and without mineral additions. The work has shown that deficiencies in SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO content in the raw natural pozzolan can be compensated for by adding mineral additives for enhanced properties.
The consequence of sulfate attack on geopolymer concrete, made from an alkali activated natural pozzolan (AANP) has been studied in this paper. Changes in the compressive strength, expansion and capillary water absorption of specimens have been investigated combined with phases determination by means of X-ray diffraction. At the end of present investigation which was to evaluate the performance of natural alumina silica based geopolymer concrete in sodium and magnesium sulfate solution, the loss of compressive strength and percentage of expansion of AANP concrete was recorded up to 19.4% and 0.074, respectively.
Use of higher proportions of fly ash as a cement replacement in concrete has obvious environmental and performance benefits but high volumes of fly ash are not commonly used due to perceived lower early age strengths. In this investigation, addition of cement kiln dust (CKD) and gypsum to activate the fly ash was studied and the proportions used in the paste mixes were designed to optimize the mixture ingredients to achieve the highest early age compressive strength. Change of mineral phase composition and micro structure of the composites was analyzed. It was found that CKD was much more effective in activating the fly ash than gypsum. Appreciable early age compressive strengths were achieved for fly ash contents up to 60% of the binder and these observations were supported by analysis of the mineral phases.
Increasing research has highlighted the effects of changing climates on the occurrence and prevalence of toxigenic Aspergillus species producing aflatoxins. There is concern of the toxicological effects to human health and animal productivity following acute and chronic exposure that may affect the future ability to provide safe and sufficient food globally. Considerable research has focused on the detection of these toxins, based on the physicochemical and biochemical properties of the aflatoxin compounds, in agricultural products for human and animal consumption. As improvements in food security continue more regulations for acceptable levels of aflatoxins have arisen globally; the most stringent in Europe. These regulations are important for developing countries as aflatoxin occurrence is high significantly effecting international trade and the economy. In developed countries analytical approaches have become highly sophisticated, capable of attaining results with high precision and accuracy, suitable for regulatory laboratories. Regrettably, many countries that are affected by aflatoxin contamination do not have resources for high tech HPLC and MS instrumentation and require more affordable, yet robust equally accurate alternatives that may be used by producers, processors and traders in emerging economies. It is especially important that those companies wishing to exploit the opportunities offered by lucrative but highly regulated markets in the developed world, have access to analytical methods that will ensure that their exports meet their customers quality and safety requirements.
This work evaluates the ToxiMet system as an alternative approach to UPLC–MS/MS for the detection and determination of aflatoxins relative to current European regulatory standards. Four commodities: rice grain, maize cracked and flour, peanut paste and dried distillers grains were analysed for natural aflatoxin contamination. For B1 and total aflatoxins determination the qualitative correlation, above or below the regulatory limit, was good for all commodities with the exception of the dried distillers grain samples for B1 for which no calibration existed. For B1 the quantitative R2 correlations were 0.92, 0.92, 0.88 (<250 μg/kg) and 0.7 for rice, maize, peanuts and dried distillers grain samples respectively whereas for total aflatoxins the quantitative correlation was 0.92, 0.94, 0.88 and 0.91. The ToxiMet system could be used as an alternative for aflatoxin analysis for current legislation but some consideration should be given to aflatoxin M1 regulatory levels for these commodities considering the high levels detected in this study especially for maize and peanuts
The development of alkali-activated binders with superior engineering properties and longer durability has emerged as an alternative to ordinary portland cement (OPC). It is possible to use alkali-activated natural pozzolans to prepare environmentally friendly geopolymer cement leading to the concept of sustainable development. This paper presents a summary of an experimental work that was conducted to determine mechanical strength, modulus of elasticity, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and shrinkage of different concrete mixtures prepared with alkali-activated Iranian natural pozzolans—namely Taftan andesite and Shahindej dacite, both with and without calcining. Test data were used for Taftan pozzolan to identify the effects of water-binder ratios (w/b) and curing conditions on the properties of the geopolymer concrete, whereas the influence of material composition was studied by activating Shahindej pozzolan both in the natural and calcined states. The results show that alkali-activated natural pozzolan (AANP) concretes develop moderate-to-high mechanical strength with a high modulus of elasticity and a shrinkage much lower than with OPC.
Natural pozzolans can be activated and condensed with sodium silicate in an alkaline environment to synthesize high performance cementitious construction materials with low environmental impact. The nature of the starting materials including mineral composition, chemical composition and crystal structure groups affects the formation of the geopolymer gel phase. In this paper, the pozzolanic activities of five natural pozzolans are studied. From XRD and XRF results, most of the raw materials contain zeolite clay minerals and have a high loss on ignition. Therefore, before use, samples were calcined at 700, 800 and 900 °C, respectively. The improvement in pozzolanic properties was studied following heat treatment including calcinations and/or elevated curing temperature by using alkali solubility and compressive strength tests. The results show that pozzolan containing sodium zeolite clinoptilolite can be used to prepare a moderate to high strength binder by heat treatment and calcinations can impart disorder hornblende as a constituent of pozzolan with no amorphous phase to prepare a moderate strength binder.
One of the important factors in the use of portland cement concrete is its durability, and most of the situations where durability is lacking have been identifi ed and strategies to manage durability have been implemented. Geopolymer concrete, made from an alkali-activated natural pozzolan (AANP), provides an important opportunity for the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with the manufacture of concrete but has a limited history of durability studies. Until its different properties are well understood there is no desire to adopt this new technology of unknown provenance by the concrete industry. This paper presents an experimental study of oxygen and chloride permeability of AANP concrete prepared by activating Taftan andesite and Shahindej dacite (Iranian natural pozzolans), with and without calcining, and the correlations between these properties and compressive strength. The results show that compared to ordinary portland cement (OPC) concrete, AANP concrete has lower oxygen permeability at later ages; but it shows moderate to high chloride ion penetrability.
In the near future, geopolymers or alkali-activated cementitious materials will be used as new high-performance construction materials of low environmental impact with a reasonable cost. This material is a good candidate to partially replace ordinary portland cement (OPC) in concrete as a major construction material that plays an outstanding role in the construction industry of different structures. Geopolymer materials are inorganic polymers based on alumina and silica units; they are synthesized from a wide range of dehydroxylated alumina-silicate powders condensed with alkaline silicate in a highly alkaline environment. Geopolymeric materials can be produced from a wide range of alumina-silica, including natural products--such as natural pozzolan and metakaolin--or coproducts--such as fly ash (coal and lignite), oil fuel ash, blast furnace or steel slag, and silica fume--and provide a route toward sustainable development. Using lesser amounts of calcium-based raw materials, lower manufacturing temperature, and lower amounts of fuel result in reduced carbon emissions for geopolymer cement manufacture up to 22 to 72% in comparison with portland cement. A study has been done by the authors to investigate the intrinsic nature of different types of Iranian natural pozzolans to determine the activators and methods that could be used to produce a geopolymer concrete based on alkali-activated natural pozzolan (AANP) and optimize mixture design. The mechanical behavior and durability of these types of geopolymer concrete were investigated and compared with normal OPC concrete mixtures cast by the authors and also reported in the literature. This paper summarizes the main conclusions of the research regarding pozzolanic activity, activator properties, engineering and durability properties, applications and evaluation of carbon footprint, and cost for AANP concrete.
In order to predict compressive strength of geopolymers prepared from alumina-silica natural products, based on the effect of Al 2 O 3 /SiO 2, Na 2 O/Al 2 O 3, Na 2 O/H 2 O, and Na/[Na+K], more than 50 pieces of data were gathered from the literature. The data was utilized to train and test a multilayer artificial neural network (ANN). Therefore a multilayer feedforward network was designed with chemical compositions of alumina silicate and alkali activators as inputs and compressive strength as output. In this study, a feedforward network with various numbers of hidden layers and neurons were tested to select the optimum network architecture. The developed three-layer neural network simulator model used the feedforward back propagation architecture, demonstrated its ability in training the given input/output patterns. The cross-validation data was used to show the validity and high prediction accuracy of the network. This leads to the optimum chemical composition and the best paste can be made from activated alumina-silica natural products using alkaline hydroxide, and alkaline silicate. The research results are in agreement with mechanism of geopolymerization.
Read More: http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000829
The assessment of pozzolanic activity is essential for estimating the reaction of a material as pozzolan. Natural pozzolans can be activated and condensed with sodium silicate in an alkaline environment to synthesize high performance cementitious construction materials with low environmental impact. In this paper, the pozzolanic activities of five natural pozzolans are studied. The correlation between type and chemical composition of natural pozzolan, which affects the formation of the geopolymer gel phase, both for the calcined and untreated natural pozzolans, have been reviewed. The improvement in pozzolanic properties was studied following heat treatment including calcinations and/or elevated curing temperature by using alkali solubility, and compressive strength tests. A model was developed to allow prediction of the alkali-activated pozzolan strength versus their chemical compositions, alkali solubility, and crystallinity.