150 resultados para Generazione Distribuita Rinnovabili Controllo Tensione Smart Grid
The growth of renewable power sources, distributed generation and the potential for alternative fuelled modes of transport such as electric vehicles has led to concerns over the ability of existing grid systems to facilitate such diverse portfolio mixes in already congested power systems. Internationally the growth in renewable energy sources is driven by government policy targets associated with the uncertainties of fossil fuel supplies, environmental issues and a move towards energy independence. Power grids were traditionally designed as vertically integrated centrally managed entities with fully dispatchable generating plant. Renewable power sources, distributed generation and alternative fuelled vehicles will place these power systems under additional stresses and strains due to their different operational characteristics. Energy storage and smart grid technologies are widely proposed as the tools to integrate these future diverse portfolio mixes within the more conventional power systems. The choice in these technologies is determined not only by their location on the grid system, but by the diversification in the power portfolio mix, the electricity market and the operational demands. This paper presents a high level technical and economic overview of the role and relevance of electrical energy storage and smart grid technologies in the next generation of renewable power systems.
The increased complexity and interconnectivity of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems in the Smart Grid has exposed them to a wide range of cyber-security issues, and there are a multitude of potential access points for cyber attackers. This paper presents a SCADA-specific cyber-security test-bed which contains SCADA software and communication infrastructure. This test-bed is used to investigate an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing based man-in-the-middle attack. Finally, the paper proposes a future work plan which focuses on applying intrusion detection and prevention technology to address cyber-security issues in SCADA systems.
Greater complexity and interconnectivity across systems embracing Smart Grid technologies has meant that cyber-security issues have attracted significant attention. This paper describes pertinent cyber-security requirements, in particular cyber attacks and countermeasures which are critical for reliable Smart Grid operation. Relevant published literature is presented for critical aspects of Smart Grid cyber-security, such as vulnerability, interdependency, simulation, and standards. Furthermore, a preliminary study case is given which demonstrates the impact of a cyber attack which violates the integrity of data on the load management of real power system. Finally, the paper proposes future work plan which focuses on applying intrusion detection and prevention technology to address cyber-security issues. This paper also provides an overview of Smart Grid cyber-security with reference to related cross-disciplinary research topics.
Due to the intermittent nature of renewable generation it is desirable to consider the potential of controlling the demand-side load to smooth overall system demand. The architecture and control methodologies of such a system on a large scale would require careful consideration. Some of these considerations are discussed in this paper; such as communications infrastructure, systems architecture, control methodologies and security. A domestic fridge is used in this paper as an example of a controllable appliance. A layered approach to smart-grid is introduced and it can be observed how each smart-grid component from physical cables, to the end-devices (or smart-applications) can be mapped to these set layers. It is clear how security plays an integral part in each component of the smart-grid so this is also an integral part of each layer. The controllable fridge is described in detail and as one potential smart-grid application which maps to the layered approach. A demonstration system is presented which involves a Raspberry Pi (a low-power, low-cost device representing the appliance controller).
The next-generation smart grid will rely highly on telecommunications infrastructure for data transfer between various systems. Anywhere we have data transfer in a system is a potential security threat. When we consider the possibility of smart grid data being at the heart of our critical systems infrastructure it is imperative that we do all we can to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the data. A discussion on security itself is outside the scope of this paper, but if we assume the network to be as secure as possible we must consider what we can do to detect when that security fails, or when the attacks comes from the inside of the network. One way to do this is to setup a hacker-trap, or honeypot. A honeypot is a device or service on a network which appears legitimate, but is in-fact a trap setup to catch breech attempts. This paper identifies the different types of honeypot and describes where each may be used. The authors have setup a test honeypot system which has been live for some time. The test system has been setup to emulate a device on a utility network. The system has had many hits, which are described in detail by the authors. Finally, the authors discuss how larger-scale systems in utilities may benefit from honeypot placement.
The availability of electricity is fundamental to modern society. It is at the top of the list of critical infrastructures and its interruption can have severe consequences. This highly important system is now evolving to become more reliable, efficient, and clean. This evolving infrastructure has become known as the smart grid; and these future smart grid systems will rely heavily on ICT. This infrastructure will require many servers and due to the nature of the grid, many of these systems will be geographically diverse requiring communication links. At the heart of this ICT infrastructure will be security. At each level of the smart grid from smart metering right through to remote sensing and control networks, security will be a key factor for system design consideration. With an increased number of ICT systems in place the security risk also increases. In this paper the authors discuss the changing nature of security in relation to the smart grid by looking at the move from legacy systems to more modern smart grid systems. The potential planes of attack for future smart grid systems are identified, and the general anatomy of a cyber-attack is presented. The authors then introduce the various threat levels of different types of attack and the mitigation techniques that could be put in place for each. Finally, the authors' introduce a Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) communication system (operated by the authors) that can be used as a test-bed for some of the proposed future security research.
The key attributes of a smarter power grid include: pervasive interconnection of smart devices; extensive data generation and collection; and rapid reaction to events across a widely dispersed physical infrastructure. Modern telecommunications technologies are being deployed across power systems to support these monitoring and control capabilities. To enable interoperability, several new communications protocols and standards have been developed over the past 10 to 20 years. These continue to be refined, even as new systems are rolled out.
This new hyper-connected communications infrastructure provides an environment rich in sub-systems and physical devices that are attractive to cyber-attackers. Indeed, as smarter grid operations become dependent on interconnectivity, the communications network itself becomes a target. Consequently, we examine cyber-attacks that specifically target communications, particularly state-of-the-art standards and protocols. We further explore approaches and technologies that aim to protect critical communications networks against intrusions, and to monitor for, and detect, intrusions that infiltrate Smart Grid systems.
Experiences from smart grid cyber-security incidents in the past decade have raised questions on the applicability and effectiveness of security measures and protection mechanisms applied to the grid. In this chapter we focus on the security measures applied under real circumstances in today’s smart grid systems. Beginning from real world example implementations, we first review cyber-security facts that affected the electrical grid, from US blackout incidents, to the Dragonfly cyber-espionage campaign currently focusing on US and European energy firms. Provided a real world setting, we give information related to energy management of a smart grid looking also in the optimization techniques that power control engineers perform into the grid components. We examine the application of various security tools in smart grid systems, such as intrusion detection systems, smart meter authentication and key management using Physical Unclonable Functions, security analytics and resilient control algorithms. Furthermore we present evaluation use cases of security tools applied on smart grid infrastructure test-beds that could be proved important prior to their application in the real grid, describing a smart grid intrusion detection system application and security analytics results. Anticipated experimental results from the use-cases and conclusions about the successful transitions of security measures to real world smart grid operations will be presented at the end of this chapter.
This paper presents a framework for a telecommunications interface which allows data from sensors embedded in Smart Grid applications to reliably archive data in an appropriate time-series database. The challenge in doing so is two-fold, firstly the various formats in which sensor data is represented, secondly the problems of telecoms reliability. A prototype of the authors' framework is detailed which showcases the main features of the framework in a case study featuring Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) as the application. Useful analysis of PMU data is achieved whenever data from multiple locations can be compared on a common time axis. The prototype developed highlights its reliability, extensibility and adoptability; features which are largely deferred from industry standards for data representation to proprietary database solutions. The open source framework presented provides link reliability for any type of Smart Grid sensor and is interoperable with existing proprietary database systems, and open database systems. The features of the authors' framework allow for researchers and developers to focus on the core of their real-time or historical analysis applications, rather than having to spend time interfacing with complex protocols.
The BlackEnergy malware targeting critical infrastructures has a long history. It evolved over time from a simple DDoS platform to a quite sophisticated plug-in based malware. The plug-in architecture has a persistent malware core with easily installable attack specific modules for DDoS, spamming, info-stealing, remote access, boot-sector formatting etc. BlackEnergy has been involved in several high profile cyber physical attacks including the recent Ukraine power grid attack in December 2015. This paper investigates the evolution of BlackEnergy and its cyber attack capabilities. It presents a basic cyber attack model used by BlackEnergy for targeting industrial control systems. In particular, the paper analyzes cyber threats of BlackEnergy for synchrophasor based systems which are used for real-time control and monitoring functionalities in smart grid. Several BlackEnergy based attack scenarios have been investigated by exploiting the vulnerabilities in two widely used synchrophasor communication standards: (i) IEEE C37.118 and (ii) IEC 61850-90-5. Specifically, the paper addresses reconnaissance, DDoS, man-in-the-middle and replay/reflection attacks on IEEE C37.118 and IEC 61850-90-5. Further, the paper also investigates protection strategies for detection and prevention of BlackEnergy based cyber physical attacks.
This paper describes a fridge-freezer smart load model, which responds to external signals from the wholesale electricity market to support grid operations while switching the fridge-freezer on and off to maintain optimum operations for the owner. The key parameters of the model are the appliance dimensions, thermal mass, the fridge and freezer thermal time constants and the compressor power consumption. The model demonstrates that control strategies help to minimise load at times when the grid is under stress from high demand, and shift some load to a lower wholesale price or when there is excess renewable power. Three control strategies are proposed, based on peak shaving and valley filling, price signals and wind availability.
This study characterizes the domestic loads suitable to participate in the load participation scheme to make the power system more carbon and economically efficient by shifting the electricity demand profile towards periods when there is plentiful renewable in-feed.
A series of experiments have been performed on a common fridge-freezer, both completely empty and half full. The results presented are ambient temperature, temperature inside the fridge, temperature inside the drawer of the fridge, temperature inside the freezer, thermal time constants, power consumption and electric energy consumed.
The thermal time constants obtained clearly demonstrate the potential of such refrigeration load for Smart Customer Load Participation.