8 resultados para GENE DETECTION
In a European BIOMED-2 collaborative study, multiplex PCR assays have successfully been developed and standardized for the detection of clonally rearranged immunoglobulin (Ig) and T-cell receptor (TCR) genes and the chromosome aberrations t(11;14) and t(14;18). This has resulted in 107 different primers in only 18 multiplex PCR tubes: three VH-JH, two DH-JH, two Ig kappa (IGK), one Ig lambda (IGL), three TCR beta (TCRB), two TCR gamma (TCRG), one TCR delta (TCRD), three BCL1-Ig heavy chain (IGH), and one BCL2-IGH. The PCR products of Ig/TCR genes can be analyzed for clonality assessment by heteroduplex analysis or GeneScanning. The detection rate of clonal rearrangements using the BIOMED-2 primer sets is unprecedentedly high. This is mainly based on the complementarity of the various BIOMED-2 tubes. In particular, combined application of IGH (VH-JH and DH-JH) and IGK tubes can detect virtually all clonal B-cell proliferations, even in B-cell malignancies with high levels of somatic mutations. The contribution of IGL gene rearrangements seems limited. Combined usage of the TCRB and TCRG tubes detects virtually all clonal T-cell populations, whereas the TCRD tube has added value in case of TCRgammadelta(+) T-cell proliferations. The BIOMED-2 multiplex tubes can now be used for diagnostic clonality studies as well as for the identification of PCR targets suitable for the detection of minimal residual disease.
AIMS: Diagnosis of soft tissue sarcomas can be difficult. It can be aided by detection of specific genetic aberrations in many cases. This study assessed the utility of a molecular genetics/cytogenetics service as part of the routine diagnostic service at the Royal Marsden Hospital. METHODS: A retrospective audit was performed over a 15-month period to evaluate the diagnostic usefulness for soft tissue sarcomas with translocations of fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) in paraffin-embedded (PE) material. Results were compared with histology, and evaluated. RESULTS: Molecular investigations were performed on PE material in 158 samples (total 194 RT-PCR and 174 FISH tests), of which 85 were referral cases. Synovial sarcoma, Ewing sarcoma and low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma were the most commonly tested tumours. Myxoid liposarcoma showed the best histological and molecular concordance, and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma showed the best agreement between methods. FISH had a higher sensitivity for detecting tumours (73%, compared with 59% for RT-PCR) with a better success rate than RT-PCR, although the latter was specific in identifying the partner gene for each fusion. In particular, referral blocks in which methods of tissue fixation and processing were not certain resulted in higher RT-PCR failure rates. CONCLUSIONS: FISH and RT-PCR on PE tissue are practical and effective ancillary tools in the diagnosis of soft tissue sarcomas. They are useful in confirming doubtful histological diagnoses and excluding malignant diagnoses. PCR is less sensitive than FISH, and the use of both techniques is optimal for maximising the detection rate of translocation-positive sarcomas.
The ability to rearrange the germ-line DNA to generate antibody diversity is an essential prerequisite for the production of a functional repertoire. While this is essential to prevent infections, it also represents the "Achilles heel" of the B-cell lineage, occasionally leading to malignant transformation of these cells by translocation of protooncogenes into the immunoglobulin (Ig) loci. However, in evolutionary terms this is a small price to pay for a functional immune system. The study of the configuration and rearrangements of the Ig gene loci has contributed extensively to our understanding of the natural history of development of myeloma. In addition to this, the analysis of Ig gene rearrangements in B-cell neoplasms provides information about the clonal origin of the disease, prognosis, as well as providing a clinical useful tool for clonality detection and minimal residual disease monitoring. Herein, we review the data currently available on both Ig gene rearrangements and protein patterns seen in myeloma with the aim of illustrating how this knowledge has contributed to our understanding of the pathobiology of myeloma.
Monitoring multiple myeloma patients for relapse requires sensitive methods to measure minimal residual disease and to establish a more precise prognosis. The present study aimed to standardize a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for the IgH gene with a JH consensus self-quenched fluorescence reverse primer and a VDJH or DJH allele-specific sense primer (self-quenched PCR). This method was compared with allele-specific real-time quantitative PCR test for the IgH gene using a TaqMan probe and a JH consensus primer (TaqMan PCR). We studied nine multiple myeloma patients from the Spanish group treated with the MM2000 therapeutic protocol. Self-quenched PCR demonstrated sensitivity of >or=10(-4) or 16 genomes in most cases, efficiency was 1.71 to 2.14, and intra-assay and interassay reproducibilities were 1.18 and 0.75%, respectively. Sensitivity, efficiency, and residual disease detection were similar with both PCR methods. TaqMan PCR failed in one case because of a mutation in the JH primer binding site, and self-quenched PCR worked well in this case. In conclusion, self-quenched PCR is a sensitive and reproducible method for quantifying residual disease in multiple myeloma patients; it yields similar results to TaqMan PCR and may be more effective than the latter when somatic mutations are present in the JH intronic primer binding site.
DH-JH rearrangements of the Ig heavy-chain gene (IGH) occur early during B-cell development. Consequently, they are detected in precursor-B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias both at diagnosis and relapse. Incomplete DJH rearrangements have also been occasionally reported in mature B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders, but their frequency and immunobiological characteristics have not been studied in detail. We have investigated the frequency and characteristics of incomplete DJH as well as complete VDJH rearrangements in a series of 84 untreated multiple myeloma (MM) patients. The overall detection rate of clonality by amplifying VDJH and DJH rearrangements using family-specific primers was 94%. Interestingly, we found a high frequency (60%) of DJH rearrangements in this group. As expected from an immunological point of view, the vast majority of DJH rearrangements (88%) were unmutated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic study describing the incidence of incomplete DJH rearrangements in a series of unselected MM patients. These results strongly support the use of DJH rearrangements as PCR targets for clonality studies and, particularly, for quantification of minimal residual disease by real-time quantitative PCR using consensus JH probes in MM patients. The finding of hypermutation in a small proportion of incomplete DJH rearrangements (six out of 50) suggests important biological implications concerning the process of somatic hypermutation. Moreover, our data offer a new insight in the regulatory development model of IGH rearrangements.
In the present paper, we report on the use of the heteroduplex PCR technique to detect the presence of clonally rearranged VDJ segments of the heavy chain immunoglobulin gene (VDJH) in the apheresis products of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) undergoing autologous peripheral blood stem cell (APBSC) transplantation. Twenty-three out of 31 MM patients undergoing APBSC transplantation with VDJH segments clonally rearranged detected at diagnosis were included in the study. Samples of the apheresis products were PCR amplified using JH and VH (FRIII and FRII) consensus primers and subsequently analyzed with the heteroduplex technique, and compared with those obtained at diagnosis. 52% of cases yielded positive results (presence of clonally rearranged VDJH segments in at least one apheresis). The presence of positive results in the apheresis products was not related to any pretransplant characteristics with the exception of response status at transplant. Thus, while no one patient with positive apheresis products was in complete remission (CR), negative immunofixation, before the transplant, five cases (46%) with negative apheresis were already in CR at transplant (P = 0.01). The remaining six cases with heteroduplex PCR negative apheresis were in partial remission before transplant. Patients with clonally free products were more likely to obtain CR following transplant (64% vs 17%, P= 0.02) and a longer progression-free survival, (40 months in patients transplanted with polyclonal products vs 20 with monoclonal ones, P = 0.03). These results were consistent when the overall survival was considered, since it was better in those patients with negative apheresis than it was in those with positive (83% vs 36% at 5 years from diagnosis, P= 0.01). These findings indicate that the presence of clonality rearranged VDJH segments is related to the response and outcome in MM transplanted patients.
It is generally acknowledged that a functional understanding of a biological system can only be obtained by an understanding of the collective of molecular interactions in form of biological networks. Protein networks are one particular network type of special importance, because proteins form the functional base units of every biological cell. On a mesoscopic level of protein networks, modules are of significant importance because these building blocks may be the next elementary functional level above individual proteins allowing to gain insight into fundamental organizational principles of biological cells.
In this paper, we provide a comparative analysis of five popular and four novel module detection algorithms. We study these module prediction methods for simulated benchmark networks as well as 10 biological protein interaction networks (PINs). A particular focus of our analysis is placed on the biological meaning of the predicted modules by utilizing the Gene Ontology (GO) database as gold standard for the definition of biological processes. Furthermore, we investigate the robustness of the results by perturbing the PINs simulating in this way our incomplete knowledge of protein networks.
Overall, our study reveals that there is a large heterogeneity among the different module prediction algorithms if one zooms-in the biological level of biological processes in the form of GO terms and all methods are severely affected by a slight perturbation of the networks. However, we also find pathways that are enriched in multiple modules, which could provide important information about the hierarchical organization of the system