3 resultados para Freshwater Turtle
Biodiversity loss is a global problem with freshwater bivalves considered amongst the most
endangered biota. The freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, is declining
throughout its range owing to habitat degradation and overexploitation. In most of its range,
populations are regarded as reproductively non-functional which has led to the development
of captive breeding programmes. A novel method of releasing M. margaritifera was trialled,
with captive-bred juveniles being released into the rivers caged in ‘mussels silos’ (protective
concrete domes with ventilation creating upwelling to ensure water through flow). We
released 240 juvenile mussels and survival and growth rates were monitored for 18 months
post-release for three size classes: A (13.01-20.00mm); B (10.01-13.00mm); and C (4.01-
10.00mm). We explicitly tested two experimental treatments; one where sediment was added
to each silo (allowing mussels to orientate and burrow) and one without sediment. Survival
by the end of the experiment at month 18 was significantly higher for the largest size class at
97% (though growth was lowest in this cohort), and lowest for the smallest size class at 61%
(though growth was highest in this cohort). Survival and growth were unaffected by the
experimental treatment suggesting that adding sediment offered no advantage. Growth was
positively correlated with both water temperature and the particle size of suspended solids
(both of which were collinear, peaking in summer). There are a large number of ex situ
breeding programmes for freshwater pearl mussels throughout Europe and our finding
suggest that the use of ‘mussel silos’ could be a useful tool to protecting juvenile mussels
allowing them to be released at a relatively early stage of development, minimising the risk of
Little is known about long-term ecological responses in lakes following red mud pollution. Among red mud contaminants, arsenic (As) is of considerable concern. Determination of the species of As accumulated in aquatic organisms provides important information about the biogeochemical cycling of the element and transfer through the aquatic food-web to higher organisms. We used coupled ion chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to assess As speciation in tissues of five macrophyte taxa in Kinghorn Loch, UK, 30 years following the diversion of red mud pollution from the lake. Toxic inorganic As was the dominant species in the studied macrophytes, with As species concentrations varying with macrophyte taxon and tissue type. The highest As content measured in roots of Persicaria amphibia (L.) Gray (87.2 mg kg-1) greatly exceeded the 3 - 10 mg kg-1 range suggested as a potential phytotoxic level. Accumulation of toxic As species by plants suggested toxicological risk to higher organisms known to utilise macrophytes as a food source.