9 resultados para Energy Transitions
The challenges of a low carbon energy transition have now been recognized by most nation states, each of whom have responded with differing visions, strategies and programmes, with variable veracity and effectiveness. Given the complexity of each country’s energy system (and sub-systems such as mobility, food etc), the differing sources and wealth of indigenous energy resources, the variable legacy of the fossil fuel regime and differing capacity to respond to global shifts in energy markets, it is clear that each country will respond to this challenge in very different ways.
This poses difficulties for understanding the extent to which a transition may be taking hold in any territory as simple indicators such as GHG emission data or increases in renewable energy ignore the complex contexts in which transitions take place. Drawing on the results of a study, funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (Characterizing and Catalyzing Transitions) and using the wider theoretical framework of socio-technological transitions, this paper will explore the challenges, virtues and constraints of attempting to ‘benchmark’ the Republic of Ireland’s transition. This will lead to wider observations on the normative nature of benchmarking and a critical review of how we conceptualize the very idea of transition.
The transition to a “low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy by the end of the year 2050” has been conceptualised as the “national transition objective” in the Irish Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill, passed in late 2015. This has raised a myriad of questions over how this can be operationalised and resourced and whether it can maintain political momentum. This paper assesses the utility of framings informed by the transitions (MLP) and technological innovation systems perspectives in contributing to transformative societal processes, by examining their application in an Irish case study on policy and technology. Through a qualitative exploration of the broader societal and policy context of the energy sector and a more detailed examination of the innovation systems of selected niche technologies (bioenergy and electric vehicles), the Irish case study sought to identify potential catalysts for a sustainability transition in the energy sector in Ireland: where these exist, how these are being built or enabled, and barriers to change. Following a discussion on the theoretical approaches used, a description will be given of how these were applied in the conducting of the research on transition in Ireland case study and the key findings which emerged. A critical reflection will then be made on the utility of these perspectives (as applied) to contribute to broader processes of societal transformation in Ireland.
We report calculations of energy levels and radiative rates (A-values) for transitions in Cr-like Co IV and Ni V. The quasi-relativistic Hartree-Fock (QRHF) code is adopted for calculating the data although grasp (general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package) and flexible atomic code (fac) have also been employed for comparison purposes. No radiative rates are available in the literature to compare with our results, but our calculated energies are in close agreement with those compiled by NIST for a majority of the levels. However, there are discrepancies for a few levels of up to 3%. The A-values are listed for all significantly contributing E1, E2 and M1 transitions, and the corresponding lifetimes reported, although unfortunately no previous theoretical or experimental results exist to compare with our data.
Energy levels and radiative rates (. A-values) for transitions in Cr-like Cu VI and Zn VII are reported. These data are determined in the quasi-relativistic approach (QR), by employing a very large configuration interaction (CI) expansion which is highly important for these ions. No radiative rates are available in the literature to compare with our results, but our calculated energies are in close agreement with those compiled by NIST and other available theoretical data, for a majority of the levels. The A-values (and resultant lifetimes) are listed for all significantly contributing E1, E2 and M1 radiative transitions among the energetically lowest 322 levels of each ion.
Calculations of energy levels, radiative rates and lifetimes are reported for eight ions of tungsten, i.e. S-like (W LIX) to F-like (W LXVI). A large number of levels have been considered for each ion and extensive configuration interaction has been included among a range of configurations. For the calculations, the general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package (. grasp) has been adopted, and radiative rates (as well as oscillator strengths and line strengths) are listed for all E1, E2, M1, and M2 transitions of the ions. Comparisons have been made with earlier available experimental and theoretical energies, although these are limited to only a few levels for most ions. Therefore for additional accuracy assessments, particularly for energy levels, analogous calculations have been performed with the flexible atomic code (. fac).
Energies and lifetimes are reported for the eight Br-like ions with 43≤Z≤50, namely Tc IX, Ru X, Rh XI, Pd XII, Ag XIII, Cd XIV, In XV, and Sn XVI. Results are listed for the lowest 375 levels, which mostly belong to the 4s24p5, 4s24p44ℓ, 4s4p6,4s24p45ℓ, 4s24p34d2, 4s4p54ℓ, and 4s4p55ℓ configurations. Extensive configuration interaction among 39 configurations (generating 3990 levels) has been considered and the general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package (grasp) has been adopted for the calculations. Radiative rates are listed for all E1, E2, M1, and M2 transitions involving the lowest 375 levels. Previous experimental and theoretical energies are available for only a few levels of three, namely Ru X, Rh XI and Pd XII. Differences with the measured energies are up to 4% but the present results are an improvement (by up to 0.3 Ryd) in comparison to other recently reported theoretical data. Similarly for radiative rates and lifetimes, prior results are limited to those involving only 31 levels of the 4s24p5, 4s24p44d, and 4s4p6 configurations for the last four ions. Moreover, there are generally no discrepancies with our results, although the larger calculations reported here differ by up to two orders of magnitude for a few transitions.
Calculations of energy levels, radiative rates and lifetimes are reported for 17 F-like ions with 37≤Z≤53. For brevity, results are only presented among the lowest 113 levels of the 2s22p5, 2s2p6, 2s22p43ℓ, 2s2p53ℓ, and 2p63ℓ configurations, although the calculations have been performed for up to 501 levels in each ion. The general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package (grasp) has been adopted for the calculations, and radiative rates (along with oscillator strengths and line strengths) are listed for all E1, E2, M1, and M2 transitions of the ions. Comparisons are made with earlier available experimental and theoretical energies, although these are limited to only a few levels for most ions. Therefore for additional accuracy assessments, particularly for energy levels, analogous calculations have been performed with the Flexible Atomic Code (fac), for up to 72 259 levels. Limited previous results are available for radiative rates for comparison purposes, and no large discrepancy is observed for any transition and/or ion.
In 2015 Ireland has arguably begun to make its first bold steps in confronting the challenges of energy transition, with the objective of a “low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy by the end of the year 2050” expressed in the 2015 Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill and the 2015 Energy Bill acknowledging that energy transformation relied on a new breed of ‘energy citizens’. These represent the first formal articulation of Ireland’s ambition to engage in a radical, long-term and far-reaching transition process, and raises a myriad of questions over how this can be operationalised, resourced and whether it can maintain political momentum. A range of perspectives on these issues is provided in the growing body of literature on transition theories (Rotmans et al 2001, Markard et al 2012) and the inter-disciplinary EPA-funded CC Transitions project, based at Queen’s University Belfast, represents an attempt to translate this into the context of Ireland’s institutions and technological profile. By relating this to international research on sustainability transitions, which conceptualises transitions as multi-level, multi-phase and multi-actor processes, this paper will explore the opportunities of alternative pathways that could take Ireland towards a more progressing, inclusive and effective low carbon future. Drawing on a number of case studies it will highlight some of the capacities for transition required in Irish society: where these exist, how they are being built or enabled, and the barriers to wider social change.