67 resultados para Differential calculus in Banach spaces


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We prove that for any finite ultrametric space M and any infinite-dimensional Banach space B there exists an isometric embedding of M into B.


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Let $X$ be a real Banach space, $\omega:[0,+\infty)\to\R$ be an increasing continuous function such that $\omega(0)=0$ and $\omega(t+s)\leq\omega(t)+\omega(s)$ for all $t,s\in[0,+\infty)$. By the Osgood theorem, if $\int_{0}^1\frac{dt}{\omega(t)}=\infty$, then for any $(t_0,x_0)\in R\times X$ and any continuous map $f: R\times X\to X$ and such that $\|f(t,x)-f(t,y)\|\leq\omega(\|x-y\|)$ for all $t\in R$, $x,y\in X$, the Cauchy problem $\dot x(t)=f(t,x(t))$, $(t_0)=x_0$ has a unique solution in a neighborhood of $t_0$ . We prove that if $X$ has a complemented subspace with an unconditional Schauder basis and $\int_{0}^1\frac{dt}{\omega(t)}


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Descriptive characterizations of the point, the continuous, and the residual spectra of operators in Banach spaces are put forward. In particular, necessary and sufficient conditions for three disjoint subsets of the complex plane to be the point spectrum, the continuous spectrum, and the residual spectrum of a linear continuous operator in a separable Banach space are obtained.


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Let $\Gamma$ be the class of sequentially complete locally convex spaces such that an existence theorem holds for the linear Cauchy problem $\dot x = Ax$, $x(0) = x_0$ with respect to functions $x: R\to E$. It is proved that if $E\in \Gamma$, then $E\times R^A$ is-an-element-of $\Gamma$ for an arbitrary set $A$. It is also proved that a topological product of infinitely many infinite-dimensional Frechet spaces, each not isomorphic to $\omega$, does not belong to $\Gamma$.


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The multiplicative spectrum of a complex Banach space X is the class K(X) of all (automatically compact and Hausdorff) topological spaces appearing as spectra of Banach algebras (X,*) for all possible continuous multiplications on X turning X into a commutative associative complex algebra with the unity. The properties of the multiplicative spectrum are studied. In particular, we show that K(X^n) consists of countable compact spaces with at most n non-isolated points for any separable hereditarily indecomposable Banach space X. We prove that K(C[0,1]) coincides with the class of all metrizable compact spaces.


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In the paper we give an exposition of the major results concerning the relation between first order cohomology of Banach algebras of operators on a Banach space with coefficients in specified modules and the geometry of the underlying Banach space. In particular we shall compare the properties weak amenability and amenability for Banach algebras A(X), the approximable operators on a Banach space X. Whereas amenability is a local property of the Banach space X, weak amenability is often the consequence of properties of large scale geometry.


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We construct a bounded linear operator on a separable, reflexive and strictly convex Banach space whose resolvent norm is constant in a neighbourhood of zero.


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The main result of the note is a characterization of 1-amenability of Banach algebras of approximable operators for a class of Banach spaces with 1-unconditional bases in terms of a new basis property. It is also shown that amenability and symmetric amenability are equivalent concepts for Banach algebras of approximable operators, and that a type of Banach space that was long suspected to lack property A has in fact the property. Some further ideas on the problem of whether or not amenability (in this setting) implies property A are discussed.