8 resultados para Devior prima facie
This paper presents a multi-language framework to FPGA hardware development which aims to satisfy the dual requirement of high-level hardware design and efficient hardware implementation. The central idea of this framework is the integration of different hardware languages in a way that harnesses the best features of each language. This is illustrated in this paper by the integration of two hardware languages in the form of HIDE: a structured hardware language which provides more abstract and elegant hardware descriptions and compositions than are possible in traditional hardware description languages such as VHDL or Verilog, and Handel-C: an ANSI C-like hardware language which allows software and hardware engineers alike to target FPGAs from high-level algorithmic descriptions. On the one hand, HIDE has proven to be very successful in the description and generation of highly optimised parameterisable FPGA circuits from geometric descriptions. On the other hand, Handel-C has also proven to be very successful in the rapid design and prototyping of FPGA circuits from algorithmic application descriptions. The proposed integrated framework hence harnesses HIDE for the generation of highly optimised circuits for regular parts of algorithms, while Handel-C is used as a top-level design language from which HIDE functionality is dynamically invoked. The overall message of this paper posits that there need not be an exclusive choice between different hardware design flows. Rather, an integrated framework where different design flows can seamlessly interoperate should be adopted. Although the idea might seem simple prima facie, it could have serious implications on the design of future generations of hardware languages.
Both the sociology and the cognitive science of religion seek to explain the acquisition of religious beliefs. In this article, I offer an account of the acquisition and distribution of religious beliefs using the findings of both fields. In the process, I seek to illustrate the potential of interdisciplinary dialogue for improving our understanding of religion and its absence. More specifically, I present a prima facie case—based on existing work in the social and cognitive sciences, exploratory online surveys, and participant observation—that witnessing actions attesting to religious claims is one of the most crucial variables determining whether or not an individual will explicitly believe such claims. Further, I argue that the connection between action and belief can help produce an improved account of secularization and non-theism, defined here as the lack of explicit belief in the existence of non-physical agents.
In recent years, the US Supreme Court has rather controversially extended the ambit of the Federal Arbitration Act to extend arbitration’s reach into, inter alia¸ consumer matters, with the consequence that consumers are often (and unbeknownst to them) denied remedies which would otherwise be available. Such denied remedies include recourse to class action proceedings, effective denial of punitive damages, access to discovery and the ability to resolve the matter in a convenient forum.
The court’s extension of arbitration’s ambit is controversial. Attempts to overturn this extension have been made in Congress, but to no avail. In contrast to American law, European consumer law looks at pre-dispute agreements to arbitrate directed at consumers with extreme suspicion, and does so on the grounds of fairness. In contrast, some argue that pre-dispute agreements in consumer (and employment) matters are consumer welfare enhancing: they decrease the costs of doing business, which is then passed on to the consumer. This Article examines these latter claims from both an economic and normative perspective.
The economic analysis of these arguments shows that their assumptions do not hold. Rather than being productive of consumer surplus, the use of arbitration is likely to have the opposite effect. The industries from which the recent Supreme Court cases originated not only do not exhibit the industrial structure assumed by the proponents of expanded arbitration, but are also industries which exhibit features that facilitate consumer welfare reducing collusion.
The normative analysis addresses the fairness concerns. It is explicitly based upon John Rawls’ notion of “justice as fairness,” which can provide a lens to evaluate social institutions. This Rawlsian analysis considers the use of extended arbitration in consumer matters in the light of the earlier economic results. It suggests that the asymmetries present in the contractual allocation of rights serve as prima facie evidence that such arbitration–induced exclusions are prima facie unjust/unfair. However, as asymmetry is only a prima facie test, a generalized criticism of the arbitration exclusions (of the sort found in Congress and underlying the European regime) is overbroad.
This chapter, in a prize-winning volume, examines ways in which Milton’s recourse to Latin poetry in Defensio Prima serves a much deeper purpose than that of merely illustrating or lending authority to his argument. Rather, it is argued, the defence engages with a variety of Latin intertexts (Plautus, Terence, Horace, Petronius), which in turn give birth to a range of dramatis personae, with whom Salmasius is ironically and somewhat kaleidoscopically equated. This methodology lends particular force to Milton’s rhetoric of invective whilst hopefully laying to rest the fallacy that his Latin prose writings were writing during a period of ‘poetic inactivity.’ For this is a prose work that is poetically as well as politically aware.
Entries on Elegia Prima, Elegia Quarta, Elegia Quinta, Elegia Sexta, Elegia Septima, In Quintum Novembris, Ad Salsillum, Mansus, Epitaphium Damonis, Apologus de Rustico & Hero, 5 entries on the Latin gunpowder epigrams, 3 entries on the Ad Leonoram epigrams.
SOMMARIO – Si presenta un macro modello di tipo reticolare in grado di riprodurre il comportamento in presenza di taglio e momento di nodi esterni trave-colonna di telai in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato con fibre di acciaio
uncinato ed ordinario. Il caricamento del sistema è di tipo monotono come nel caso dell’analisi di pushover. Il modello considera la presenza di armature orizzontali e verticali della regione nodale e tiene in conto delle modalità
di rottura legate allo snervamento delle barre e allo schiacciamento delle regioni compresse in regime di sforzi pluriassiali. Il modello include le deformazioni flessionali della trave e della colonna in presenza di sforzo normale costante e restituisce la risposta del sistema colonna-nodo-trave (sub-assembralggio) tramite le curve carico-freccia all’estremità della semitrave. Per i singoli costituenti (trave, colonna e nodo) si è considerata la prima fessurazione, lo snervamento e lo schiacciamento delle regioni compresse e si sono fornite precise indicazioni sulla sequenza degli eventi che come è noto sono di fondamentale importanza per lo sviluppo di un progetto plastico che rispetti la gerarchia delle resistenze. Con l’uso del modello il controllo della gerarchia delle resistenze avviene a livello sezionale (lo snervamento delle barre deve avvenire prima dello schiacciamento delle regioni compresse) o di macro elemento (nella regione nodale lo snervamento delle staffe precede la crisi dei puntoni) e dell’intero elemento
sub-assemblaggio trave debole, colonna forte e nodo sovraresistente.
La risposta ottenuta con i modello proposto è in buon accordo con le risposte sperimentali disponibili in letteratura (almeno in termini di resistenza del sub-assemblaggio). Il modello è stato ulteriormente validato con analisi
numeriche agli elementi finiti condotte con il codice ATENA-2D. Le analisi numeriche sono state condotte utilizzando per il calcestruzzo fibroso adeguate leggi costitutive proposte dagli autori ed in grado di cogliere gli effetti
di softening e di resistenza residua a trazione legati alla presenza di fibre. Ulteriori sviluppi del modello saranno indirizzati a includere gli effetti di sfilamento delle barre d’armatura della trave e del conseguente degrado delle
tensioni d’aderenza per effetto di carichi monotonici e ciclici.
SUMMARY – A softened strut-and-tie macro model able to reproduce the flexural behavior of external beam-tocolumn joints with the presence of horizontal and vertical steel bars, including softening of compressed struts and yielding of main and secondary steel bars, is presented, to be used for the pushover analysis. The model proposed is able to calculate also the flexural response of fibrous reinforced concrete (FRC) beam-to-column sub-assemblages in term of a multilinear load-deflection curves. The model is able to take into account of the tensile behavior of main bars embedded in the surrounding concrete and of the softening of the compressed strut, the arrangement and percentage of the steel bars, the percentage and the geometry of steel fibers. First cracking, yielding of main steel and crushing of concrete were identified to determine the corresponding loads and displacement and to plot the simplified monotonic load-deflection curves of the sub-assemblages subjected in the column to constant vertical
load and at the tip of the beam to monotonically increasing lateral force. Through these load-delfection curves the component (beam, joint and column) that first collapse can be recognized and the capacity design can be verified.
The experimental results available in the literature are compared with the results obtained through the proposed model. Further, a validation of the proposed model is numerically made by using a non linear finite element program (ATENA-2D) able to analyze the flexural behavior of sub-assemblages.
Il tema dei servizi pubblici locali è sicuramente centrale nell'attuale contesto socio-economico nazionale ed internazionale, in quanto essi hanno un impatto determinante sulle condizioni di vita dei cittadini e sulla competitività dei sistemi economici. In ragione di ciò, negli ultimi anni in Italia numerose riforme si sono susseguite, con lo scopo di individuare l'assetto più efficace ed efficiente per tale settore. Le suddette riforme hanno così ridisegnato il ruolo degli Enti Locali, che saranno sempre meno gestori diretti e sempre più direttori di una multiforme orchestra composta dalle aziende esterne chiamate a fornire in prima persona le prestazioni agli utenti finali. Il presente lavoro si propone di individuare, anche attraverso una ricerca sui Comuni capoluogo di Emilia-Romagna e Toscana, strumenti di programmazione e controllo in ottica di gruppo che consentano agli Enti Locali di svolgere questo nuovo delicato ruolo. Tali strumenti verranno disegnati sulla base delle necessità informative delle amministrazioni indagate e nel rispetto delle più recenti riforme in tema di programmazione, rilevazione, gestione, controllo, valutazione e comunicazione delle performance pubbliche.
In this paper, we present a hybrid BDI-PGM framework, in which PGMs (Probabilistic Graphical Models) are incorporated into a BDI (belief-desire-intention) architecture. This work is motivated by the need to address the scalability and noisy sensing issues in SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems. Our approach uses the incorporated PGMs to model the uncertainty reasoning and decision making processes of agents situated in a stochastic environment. In particular, we use Bayesian networks to reason about an agent’s beliefs about the environment based on its sensory observations, and select optimal plans according to the utilities of actions defined in influence diagrams. This approach takes the advantage of the scalability of the BDI architecture and the uncertainty reasoning capability of PGMs. We present a prototype of the proposed approach using a transit scenario to validate its effectiveness.