5 resultados para Creación gold standard
This paper presents findings from the third phase of a longitudinal study, entitled Care Pathways and Outcomes, which has been tracking the placements and measuring outcomes for a population of children (n = 374) who were under the age of five and in care in Northern Ireland on the 31st March 2000. It explores how a sub-sample of these children at age nine to 14 years old were getting on in the placements provided for them, in comparative terms across five placement types: adoption; foster care; kinship foster care (with relatives); on Residence Order; and living with birth parents. This specifically focused on the development of attachment and self-concept from the perspective of the children, and behavioural and emotional function, and parenting stress, from the perspective of parents and carers. Findings showed no significant placement effect from the perspective of children, and a statistically weak, but descriptively compelling, effect from the perspective of parents. The findings challenge the notion of adoption as the gold standard in long-term placements, specifically from the perspective of children in terms of their parent/carer attachments and self-concept, and highlight what appears to be the central importance of placement longevity for delivering positive longer-term outcomes for these children, irrespective of placement type.
BACKGROUND: ALK rearrangement is particularly observed in signet-ring sub-type adenocarcinoma. Since fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is not suitable for mass screening, we aimed to characterize the predictive utility of tumour morphology and ALK immunoreactivity to identify ALK rearrangement, in a primary lung adenocarcinoma dataset enriched for signet-ring morphology, compared with that of other morphology. METHODS: 7 adenocarcinomas from diagnostic archives reported with signet-ring morphology were assessed and compared with 11 adenocarcinomas without signet-ring features over the same time period. Growth patterns were reviewed, ALK expression was assessed by standard immunohistochemistry using ALK1 clone and Envision detection (Dako), and ALK rearrangement was assessed by FISH (Abbott Molecular). Associations between groups and predictive utility of tumour morphology and ALK expression using FISH as gold standard were calculated. RESULTS: 2 excision lung biopsy cases with pure (100%) signet-ring morphology and solid patterns demonstrated diffuse moderate cytoplasmic ALK immunoreactivity (2+) and harboured ALK rearrangements (p=0.007), unlike 5 mixed-signet-ring and 11 non-signet-ring adenocarcinomas, which showed negative or 1+ immunoreactivity; and did not harbour ALK rearrangements (p>0.1). ALK expression was not associated with ALK copy number. 6 of 7 cases with signet ring morphology stained for TTF-1. Pure signet-ring morphology and moderate ALK expression were both associated with ALK rearranged tumours. CONCLUSION: ALK rearrangement is strongly associated with ALK immunoreactivity, and was seen only in tumours with pure signet-ring morphology and solid growth pattern. Tumour morphology, growth pattern and ALK immunoreactivity appear to be good indicators of ALK rearrangement, with TTF-1 positivity aiding in proving primary pulmonary origin.
FKBPL and its peptide derivative, AD-01, have already demonstrated well-established inhibitory effects on breast cancer growth and CD44 dependent anti-angiogenic activity1, 2, 3. Since breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) are CD44 positive, we wanted to explore if AD-01 could specifically target BCSCs. FKBPL stable overexpression or AD-01 treatment were highly effective at reducing the BCSC population measured by inhibiting mammosphere forming efficiency (MFE) in cell lines and primary breast cancer samples from both solid breast tumours and pleural effusions. Flow cytometry, to assess the ESA+/CD44+/CD24- subpopulation, validated these results. The ability of AD-01 to inhibit the self-renewal capacity of BCSCs was confirmed across three generations of mammospheres, where mammospheres were completely eradicated by the third generation (p<0.001). Clonogenic assays suggested that AD-01 mediated BCSC differentiation, with a significant decrease in the number of holoclones and an associated increase in meroclones/paraclones. In support of this, the stem cell markers, Nanog and Oct4 were significantly reduced following AD-01 treatment, whilst transfection of FKBPL-targeted siRNAs led to an increase in these markers and in mammosphere forming potential, highlighting the endogenous role of FKBPL in stem cell signalling. The clinical relevance of this was confirmed using a publically available microarray data set (GSE7390), where, high FKBPL and low Nanog expression were independently associated with improved overall survival in breast cancer patients (log rank test p=0.03; hazard ratio=3.01). When AD-01 was combined with other agents, we observed synergistic activity with the Notch inhibitor, DAPT and AD-01 was also able to abrogate a chemo- and radiotherapy induced enrichment in BCSCs. Importantly, using ‘gold standard’ in vivo limiting dilution assays we demonstrated a delay in tumour initiation and reoccurrence in AD-01 treated xenografts. In summary, AD-01 appears to have dual anti-angiogenic and anti-BCSC activity which will be advantageous as this agent enters clinical trial.
FKBPL and its peptide derivatives have already demonstrated well-established inhibitory effects on cancer growth and CD44-dependent anti-angiogenic activity. Since cancer stem cells (CSCs) are CD44 positive, we wanted to explore if these therapeutics could specifically target CSCs in breast and ovarian cancer. In a tumoursphere assay, FKBPL stable overexpression or FKBPL-based peptide (AD-01, preclinical peptide or ALM201, clinical peptide candidate) treatment were highly effective at reducing the CSC population measured by inhibiting tumoursphere forming efficiency in breast and ovarian cancer cell lines and primary breast cancer samples from both solid breast tumours and pleural effusions. Flow cytometry, to assess the ESA+/CD44+/CD24- and ALDH+ cell subpopulations representative of CSCs, validated these results. The ability of AD-01 and ALM201 to inhibit the self-renewal capacity of CSCs was confirmed across three generations, eradicating CSC completely by the third generation (p<0.001). Furthermore, clonogenic assay demonstrated that FKBPL-based peptides mediated CSC differentiation, with a significant decrease in the number of CSCs or holoclones and an associated increase in differentiated cancer cells or meroclones/paraclones. In addition, AD-01 treatment in vitro and in vivo led to a significant reduction in the stem cell markers, Nanog, Sox2 and Oct4 protein and mRNA levels; whilst transfection of FKBPL-targeted siRNAs led to an increase in these markers and in tumoursphere forming potential, highlighting the endogenous role of FKBPL in stem cell signalling. The clinical relevance of this was confirmed using a publically available microarray data set (GSE7390), where, high FKBPL and low Nanog expression were independently associated with improved overall survival in breast cancer patients (log rank test p=0.03; hazard ratio=3.01). Additionally, when AD-01 was combined with other agents, we observed additive activity with the Notch inhibitor, DAPT and AD-01 was also able to abrogate a chemo- and radiotherapy induced enrichment in CSCs. Importantly, using gold standard in vivo limiting dilution assays we demonstrated a delay in tumour initiation and reoccurrence in AD-01 treated xenografts. In summary, FKBPL-based peptides appear to have dual anti-angiogenic and anti-CSC activity which will be advantageous as this agent enters clinical trial.
It is generally acknowledged that a functional understanding of a biological system can only be obtained by an understanding of the collective of molecular interactions in form of biological networks. Protein networks are one particular network type of special importance, because proteins form the functional base units of every biological cell. On a mesoscopic level of protein networks, modules are of significant importance because these building blocks may be the next elementary functional level above individual proteins allowing to gain insight into fundamental organizational principles of biological cells.
In this paper, we provide a comparative analysis of five popular and four novel module detection algorithms. We study these module prediction methods for simulated benchmark networks as well as 10 biological protein interaction networks (PINs). A particular focus of our analysis is placed on the biological meaning of the predicted modules by utilizing the Gene Ontology (GO) database as gold standard for the definition of biological processes. Furthermore, we investigate the robustness of the results by perturbing the PINs simulating in this way our incomplete knowledge of protein networks.
Overall, our study reveals that there is a large heterogeneity among the different module prediction algorithms if one zooms-in the biological level of biological processes in the form of GO terms and all methods are severely affected by a slight perturbation of the networks. However, we also find pathways that are enriched in multiple modules, which could provide important information about the hierarchical organization of the system