4 resultados para Computer Vision for Robotics and Automation
This paper is an overview of the development and application of Computer Vision for the Structural Health
Monitoring (SHM) of Bridges. A brief explanation of SHM is provided, followed by a breakdown of the stages of computer
vision techniques separated into laboratory and field trials. Qualitative evaluations and comparison of these methods have been
provided along with the proposal of guidelines for new vision-based SHM systems.
Much of the bridge stock on major transport links in North America and Europe was constructed in the 1950s and 1960s and has since deteriorated or is carrying loads far in excess of the original design loads. Structural Health Monitoring Systems (SHM) can provide valuable information on the bridge capacity but the application of such systems is currently limited by access and bridge type. This paper investigates the use of computer vision systems for SHM. A series of field tests have been carried out to test the accuracy of displacement measurements using contactless methods. A video image of each test was processed using a modified version of the optical flow tracking method to track displacement. These results have been validated with an established measurement method using linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs). The results obtained from the algorithm provided an accurate comparison with the validation measurements. The calculated displacements agree within 2% of the verified LVDT measurements, a number of post processing methods were then applied to attempt to reduce this error.
Much of the bridge stock on major transport links in North America and Europe was constructed in the 1950’s and 1960’s and has since deteriorated or is carrying loads far in excess of the original design loads. Structural Health Monitoring Systems (SHM) can provide valuable information on the bridge capacity but the application of such systems is currently limited by access and system cost. This paper investigates the development of a low cost portable SHM system using commercially available cameras and computer vision techniques. A series of laboratory tests have been carried out to test the accuracy of displacement measurements using contactless methods. The results from each of the tests have been validated with established measurement methods, such as linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs). A video image of each test was processed using two different digital image correlation programs. The results obtained from the digital image correlation methods provided an accurate comparison with the validation measurements. The calculated displacements agree within 4% of the verified measurements LVDT measurements in most cases confirming the suitability full camera based SHM systems
This theoretical paper attempts to define some of the key components and challenges required to create embodied conversational agents that can be genuinely interesting conversational partners. Wittgenstein's argument concerning talking lions emphasizes the importance of having a shared common ground as a basis for conversational interactions. Virtual bats suggests that-for some people at least-it is important that there be a feeling of authenticity concerning a subjectively experiencing entity that can convey what it is like to be that entity. Electric sheep reminds us of the importance of empathy in human conversational interaction and that we should provide a full communicative repertoire of both verbal and non-verbal components if we are to create genuinely engaging interactions. Also we may be making the task more difficult rather than easy if we leave out non-verbal aspects of communication. Finally, analogical peacocks highlights the importance of between minds alignment and establishes a longer term goal of being interesting, creative, and humorous if an embodied conversational agent is to be truly an engaging conversational partner. Some potential directions and solutions to addressing these issues are suggested.