7 resultados para Children of same-sex couples
Commercial forms of sex such as prostitution/sex work, strip clubs and even sex shops have been the subject of much political debate and policy regulation over the last decade or so in the UK and Ireland. These myriad forms of commercial sex and land usage have managed to survive and even thrive in the face of public outcry and regulation. Despite being part of the UK we suggest that Northern Ireland has steered its own regulatory course, whereby the consumption of commercial sexual spaces and services have been the subject of intense moral and legal oversight in ways that are not apparent in other UK regions. Nevertheless, in spite of this we also argue that the context of Northern Ireland may provide some lessons for the ways that religious values and moral reasoning can influence debates on commercial sex elsewhere.
Influence of Heterogamy by Religion on Risk of Marital Dissolution: A Cohort Study of 20,000 Couples
Heterogamous marriages, in which partners have dissimilar attributes (e.g. by socio-economic status or ethnicity), are often at elevated risk of dissolution. We investigated the influences of heterogamy by religion and area of residence on risk of marital dissolution in Northern Ireland, a country with a history of conflict and residential segregation along Catholic–Protestant lines. We expected Catholic–Protestant marriages to have elevated risks of dissolution, especially in areas with high concentrations of a single religious group where opposition to intermarriage was expected to be high. We estimated risks of marital dissolution from 2001 to 2011 for 19,791 couples drawn from the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (a record linkage study), adjusting for a range of compositional and contextual factors using multilevel logistic regression. Dissolution risk decreased with increasing age and higher socio-economic status. Catholic–Protestant marriages were rare (5.9 % of the sample) and were at increased risk of dissolution relative to homogamous marriages. We found no association between local population composition and dissolution risk for Catholic–Protestant couples, indicating that partner and household characteristics may have a greater influence on dissolution risk than the wider community.
Testing the psychometric properties of Kidscreen-27 with Irish children of low socio-economic status
Kidscreen-27 was developed as part of a cross-cultural European Union-funded project to standardise the measurement of children’s health-related quality of life. Yet, research has reported mixed evidence for the hypothesised 5-factor model, and no confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) has been conducted on the instrument with children of low socio-economic status (SES) across Ireland (Northern and Republic).
The data for this study were collected as part of a clustered randomised controlled trial. A total of 663 (347 male, 315 female) 8–9-year-old children (M = 8.74, SD = .50) of low SES took part. A 5- and modified 7-factor CFA models were specified using the maximum likelihood estimation. A nested Chi-square difference test was conducted to compare the fit of the models. Internal consistency and floor and ceiling effects were also examined.
CFA found that the hypothesised 5-factor model was an unacceptable fit. However, the modified 7-factor model was supported. A nested Chi-square difference test confirmed that the fit of the 7-factor model was significantly better than that of the 5-factor model. Internal consistency was unacceptable for just one scale. Ceiling effects were present in all but one of the factors.
Future research should apply the 7-factor model with children of low socio-economic status. Such efforts would help monitor the health status of the population.
Temper outbursts are prevalent in individuals with PWS and are often triggered by unexpected changes to routines or plans. However, such outbursts are also common in individuals with several other neurodevelopmental disorders, including those with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We compared the profile of temper outbursts in children with PWS to that in children with ASD. We examined whether differences in the temper outburst profile predicted differences in the outcomes of two caregiver led intervention strategies aiming to reduce change triggered outbursts.
Methods and results
Thirteen 7-15 year olds with PWS – taking part in a larger study involving 60 children evidencing temper outbursts following changes – were individually matched for age to children with ASD (mean ages: 10.70; 10.76 yrs). Caregivers participated in a structured/semi-structured interview on children's outbursts; completed a web-based outburst diary over a 6 month baseline; and are currently using either a change signalling intervention to reliably warn children of forthcoming changes; or a planning ahead intervention to reduce children's exposure to unexpected changes.
As reported at interview, on average, children with PWS showed more frequent temper outbursts than those with ASD (closer to daily vs. weekly). For seven children with PWS and six with ASD, 60% or more of their temper outbursts were reported to be triggered by changes. Whilst outbursts had similar durations when triggered by changes or by other events in children with PWS; change triggered outbursts in children with ASD were generally shorter. The most commonly reported outburst components in children with PWS included indicators of heightened emotional arousal but this was not the case for children with ASD. Data on behavioural change associated with each of the intervention strategies will be discussed.
Change triggered temper outbursts can be a problem for children PWS and ASD, however subtle differences appear to exist in the profile of these outbursts. Some of these differences may be relevant for the expected efficacy of different behavioural intervention strategies that target outbursts.
Temper outbursts (tantrums) were compared in children with PWS or autism spectrum disorder before and during use of one of two helping strategies. Helping strategies were led by caregivers and aimed to reduce outbursts that follow changes to routines or plans by making such changes more predictable, or by reducing the quantity of changes. Characteristics of outbursts may be important to help us predict which helping strategies may be most effective.
This paper is based on a qualitative study of male street-based prostitution. It suggests that the street-based sector is more varied, with sellers adopting a wider range of working practices, than is commonly acknowledged in the literature on male prostitution. Drawing on data from Manchester, England I identify a number of ‘life patterns’ among male street sellers that reflect varied working practices based on issues around rational decision-making and the sex worker’s relationship to place and environment. The discussion has implications for urban policies around street-based sex work but also for a more general understanding of male sex work in international and comparative perspective.