6 resultados para BIOMASS COMPOSITION
Assessing the effects of invading species on native community structure is often confounded by environmental factors and weakened by lack of replicated, long-term pre- and post-invasion monitoring. Here, we uncouple the community effects of a freshwater amphipod invader from environmental differences. In Irish rivers, the introduced Gammarus pulex replaces the native Gammarus duebeni celticus. However, the River Lissan in Northern Ireland is dissected by a weir that has slowed the upstream invasion by G. pulex. This allowed us in 2000 to sample three contiguous 150-m reaches that were (1) G. pulex dominated; (2) mixed Gammarus spp.; and (3) G. duebeni celticus only. In 2003, we resampled these reaches and one additional of mixed Gammarus species and one with only G. duebeni celticus further upstream. In temperature, conductivity, and pH, there were statistically significant but no biologically relevant differences among the five reaches of 2003, and between the three reaches surveyed in both years. Although there was evidence of recovery in macroinvertebrate diversity and richness in invaded reaches between years, continued upstream invasion was associated with sustained reductions in these community metrics as compared to un-invaded sites. Community ordination indicated (1) different associations of community composition attributed to the distribution, abundance, and biomass of the invader; and (2) increasing similarity of invaded communities over time. The impact mechanisms of G. pulex on macroinvertebrate community composition may include predation and competition. The consequences of the observed community changes for ecosystem functioning require further investigation.
Degradation experiments of benzoate by Pseudomonas putida resulted in enzymatic carbon isotope fractionations. However, isotopic temperature effects between experiments at 20 and 30 °C were minor. Averages of the last three values of the CO2 isotopic composition (δ13CCO2(g)) were more negative than the initial benzoate δ13C value (−26.2‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belenite (VPDB)) by 3.8, 3.4 and 3.2‰ at 20, 25 and 30 °C, respectively. Although the maximum isotopic temperature difference found was only 0.6‰, more extreme temperature variations may cause larger isotope effects. In order to understand the isotope effects on the total inorganic carbon (TIC), a better measure is to calculate the proportions of the inorganic carbon species (CO2(g), CO2(aq) and HCO3−) and to determine their cumulative δ13CTIC. In all three experiments δ13CTIC was more positive than the initial isotopic composition of the benzoate at a pH of 7. This suggests an uptake of 12C in the biomass in order to match the carbon balance of these closed system experiments.
Fishing alters community size structure by selectively removing larger individual fish and by changing the relative abundance of different-sized species. To assess the relative importance of individual-and species-level effects, two indices of fish community structure were compared, the relative abundance of large fish individuals (large fish indicator, LFI) and the relative abundance of large fish species (large species indicator, LSI). The two indices were strongly correlated for empirical data from the Celtic Sea and for data from simulated model communities, suggesting that much of the variability in the LFI is caused by shifts in the relative abundance of species (LSI). This correlation is explained by the observation that most of the biomass of a given species is spread over few length classes, a range spanning the factor 2 of individual length, such that most species contributed predominantly to either the small or the large component of the LFI. The results suggest that the effects of size-selective fishing in the Celtic Sea are mediated mainly through changes in community composition.
The effect of superficial air velocity on lovastatin production by Aspergillus terreus PL10 using wheat bran and wheat straw was investigated in a 7 l and a 1200 l packed bed reactor. Mass transfer and reaction limitations on bioconversion in the 1200 l reactor was studied based on a central composite design of experiments constructed using the superficial air velocity and solid substrate composition as variables and lovastatin production as response.
The surface response prediction showed a maximum lovastatin production of 1.86 mg g-1 dry substrate on day 5 of the bioconversion process when the reactor was operated using 0.19 vvm airflow rate (23.37 cm min-1 superficial air velocity) and 54% substrate composition (wC). Lovastatin production did not increase significantly with superficial air velocity in the 7 l reactor. Variation in temperature and exit CO2 composition was recorded, and the Damköhler number was calculated for lovastatin production at these two scales. The results showed that in larger reactors mass transfer limitation controlled bioconversion while in smaller reactors bioconversion was controlled by reaction rate limitations. In addition, mass transfer limitations in larger reactors reduced the rate of metabolic heat removal, resulting in hot spots within the substrate bed.
Response of soil microbial biomass to 1,2-dichlorobenzene addition in the presence of plant residues
The impact of 1,2-dichlorobenzene on soil microbial biomass in the presence and absence of fresh plant residues (roots) was investigated by assaying total vital bacterial counts, vital fungel hyphal length, total culturable bacterial counts, and culturable fluorescent pseudomonads. Diversity of the fluorescent pseudomonads was investigated using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) characterization in conjunction with metabolic profiling of the sampled culturable community (Biolog). Mineralization of [14C]1,2- dichlorobenzene was also assayed. Addition of fresh roots stimulated 1,2- dichlorobenzene mineralization by over 100%, with nearly 20% of the label mineralized in root-amended treatments by the termination of the experiment. Presence of roots also buffered any impacts of 1,2-dichlorobenzene on microbial numbers. In the absence of roots, 1,2-dichlorobenzene greatly stimulated total culturable bacteria and culturable pseudomonads in a concentration-dependent manner. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, up to concentrations of 50 μg/g soil dry weight had little or no deleterious effects on microbial counts. The phenotypic diversity of the fluorescent pseudomonad population was unaffected by the treatments, even though fluorescent pseudomonad numbers were greatly stimulated by both roots and 1,2-dichlorobenzene. The presence of roots had no detectable impact on the bacterial community composition. No phenotypic shifts in the natural population were required to benefit from the presence of roots and 1,2-dichlorobenzene. The metabolic capacity of the culturable bacterial community was altered in the presence of roots but not in the presence of 1,2-dichlorobenzene. It is argued that the increased microbial biomass and shifts in metabolic capacity of the microbial biomass are responsible for enhanced degradation of 1,2-dichlorobenzene in the presence of decaying plant roots.