233 resultados para BEB electron impact ionization cross section
We have measured electron impact ionization cross-sections of hydrogen-like iron and hydrogen-like molybdenum with an electron beam ion trap. The measurements were performed in the electron energy range between 13.5 and 40 keV for hydrogen-like iron and between 50 and 80 keV for hydrogen-like molybdenum. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We report on a nonperturbative R-matrix with PseudoStates (RMPS) calculation for the electron-impact ionization cross section of the ground state of Al2+. We include both the direct ionization of the 3s and 2p subshells and the indirect ionization from the 2p subshell. This calculation, thus, includes extra decay channels for the indirect-ionization process not included in previous RMPS calculations. This lowers the total-ionization cross section, resulting in closer agreement with the most recent experimental measurements. This calculation also shows better agreement with the position and height of the resonant-excitation double autoionization features seen in the experiment.
Electron-impact ionization of diatomic molecules using a configuration-average distorted-wave method
Electron-impact ionization cross sections for diatomic molecules are calculated in a configuration-average distorted-wave method. Core bound orbitals for the molecular ion are calculated using a single-configuration self-consistent-field method based on a linear combination of Slater-type orbitals. The core bound orbitals are then transformed onto a two-dimensional (r,θ) numerical lattice from which a Hartree potential with local exchange is constructed. The single-particle Schrödinger equation is then solved for the valence bound orbital and continuum distorted-wave orbitals with S-matrix boundary conditions. Total cross section results for H2 and N2 are compared with those from semiempirical calculations and experimental measurements.
Time-dependent close-coupling (TDCC), R-matrix-with-pseudostates (RMPS), and time-independent distorted-wave (TIDW) methods are used to calculate electron-impact ionization cross sections for the carbon atom. The TDCC and RMPS results for the 1s22s22p2 ground configuration are in reasonable agreement with the available experimental measurements, while the TIDW results are 30% higher. Ionization of the 1s22s2p3 excited configuration is performed using the TDCC, RMPS, and TIDW methods. Ionization of the 1s22s22p3l (l=0–2) excited configurations is performed using the TDCC and TIDW methods. The ionization cross sections for the excited configurations are much larger than for the ground state. For example, the peak cross section for the 1s22s22p3p excited configuration is an order of magnitude larger than the peak cross section for the 1s22s22p2 ground configuration. The TDCC results are again found to be substantially lower than the TIDW results. The ionization cross-section results will permit the generation of more accurate, generalized collisional-radiative ionization coefficients needed for modeling moderately dense carbon plasmas.
Electron-impact ionization cross sections for argon are calculated using both non-perturbative R-matrix with pseudo-states (RMPS) and perturbative distorted-wave methods. At twice the ionization potential, the 3p(61)S ground-term cross section from a distorted-wave calculation is found to be a factor of 4 above crossed-beams experimental measurements, while with the inclusion of term-dependent continuum effects in the distorted-wave method, the perturbative cross section still remains almost a factor of 2 above experiment. In the case of ionization from the metastable 3p(5)4s(3)P term, the distorted-wave ionization cross section is also higher than the experimental cross section. On the other hand, the ground-term cross section determined from a nonperturbative RMPS calculation that includes 27 LS spectroscopic terms and another 282 LS pseudo-state terms to represent the high Rydberg states, and the target continuum is found to be in excellent agreement with experimental measurements, while the RMPS result is below the experimental cross section for ionization from the metastable term. We conclude that both continuum term dependence and interchannel coupling effects, which are included in the RMPS method, are important for ionization from the ground term, and interchannel coupling is also significant for ionization from the metastable term
New absolute cross sections for dissociative electron attachment to HCCCN (cyanoacetylene or propiolonitrile) in the range of 0-10 eV electron energy are presented here, which have been determined from a new analysis of previously reported data (Graupner et al 2006 New J. Phys. 8 117). The highest cross sections are observed for the formation of CN- at 5.3 eV and CCCN- at 5.1 eV; approximately 0.06 Å2 and 0.05 Å2 respectively. As part of the re-analysis, it was necessary to determine absolute cross sections for electron-impact ionization of HCCCN with the binary-encounter Bethe method. These electron-impact ionization absolute cross sections for HCCCN are also presented here; the maximum value was found to be ∼6.6 Å2 at ∼80 eV.
The electron impact ionization cross sections of hydrogen-like molybdenum ions were measured with an electron beam ion trap at the electron energies of 49.4, 64.4 and 79.6 keV The results are 2.82(22) x 10(-23), 3.13(29) x 10(-23) and 3.23(51) x 10(-23) cm(2), respectively. These results are compared with the experimental results measured previously. The agreement with the results obtained with, scaling formulae is also discussed.
Electron-impact ionization cross sections have been determined for hydrogen like iron ions at selected electron energies between 1.45 and 4.3 times the threshold energy. The cross sections were obtained by measuring the equilibrium ionization balance in an electron beam ion trap. This ionization balance is obtained from x-ray measurements of radiative recombination into the K-shell of hydrogen-like and bare iron ions. The measured cross sections are compared with distorted-wave calculations and several semiempirical formulations.
Perturbative distorted-wave and non-perturbative close-coupling methods are used to calculate electron-impact ionization cross sections for the ground state of the neutral Al atom. Configuration-average distorted-wave calculations are made for both direct ionization and excitation-autoionization contributions. The total perturbative results are found to be almost a factor of 2 higher than experiment over a wide energy range. On the other hand, the R-matrix with pseudo-states results for total ionization are found to be in good agreement with experiment. Comparison of time-dependent close-coupling calculations for the direct ionization with the R-matrix with pseudo-state calculations for total ionization reveals that both the direct ionization and excitation-autoionization contributions are strongly affected by correlation effects.
Electron-impact ionization cross sections for the 1s2s 1S and 1s2s 3S metastable states of Li+ are calculated using both perturbative distorted-wave and non-perturbative close-coupling methods. Term-resolved distorted-wave calculations are found to be approximately 15% above term-resolved R-matrix with pseudostates calculations. On the other hand, configuration-average time-dependent close-coupling calculations are found to be in excellent agreement with the configuration-average R-matrix with pseudostates calculations. The non-perturbative R-matrix and close-coupling calculations provide a benchmark for experimental studies of electron-impact ionization of metastable states along the He isoelectronic sequence.
Electron-impact ionization cross sections are calculated for the ground and metastable states of B+. Com- parisons between perturbative distorted-wave and nonperturbative close-coupling calculations find reductions in the direct ionization cross sections due to long-range electron correlation effects of approximately 10% for the ground state and approximately 15% for the metastable state. Previous crossed-beams experiments, with a metastable to ground ratio of between 50% and 90%, are found to be in reasonable agreement with metastable state close-coupling results. New crossed-beams experiments, with a metastable to ground ratio of only 9%, are found to be in reasonable agreement with ground state close-coupling results. Combined with previous work on neutral B and B2+, the nonperturbative close-coupling calculations provide accurate ionization cross sections for the study of edge plasmas in controlled fusion research.
Electron-impact ionization cross sections are calculated for the ground and metastable states of C+. Com- parisons between perturbative distorted-wave and nonperturbative time-dependent close-coupling calculations find reductions in the peak direct ionization cross sections due to electron coupling effects of approximately 5% for ground state C+ and approximately 15% for metastable state C+. Fairly small excitation-autoionization contributions are found for ground state C+, while larger excitation-autoionization contributions are found for metastable state C+. Comparisons between perturbative distorted-wave and nonperturbative R-matrix with pseudostates calculations find reductions in the peak total ionization cross sections due to electron coupling effects of approximately 15–20 % for ground state C+ and approximately 25–35 % for metastable state C+. Finally, comparisons between theory and experiment find that present and previous C+ crossed-beam measure- ments are in excellent agreement with ground state nonperturbative R-matrix with pseudostates calculations for total ionization cross sections. Combined with previous non-perturbative calculations for C, C2+, and C3+, accurate ionization cross sections and rate coefficients are now available for the ground and metastable states of all carbon ion stages.
A systematic study of the triple differential cross section for the electron impact ionization of magnesium is presented. Complete sets of theoretical results using both the first Born and the distorted wave Bom approximation are given for a range of asymmetric kinematical regimes. How the physical significance of the different approximations enter the character of the cross sections will be explicitly demonstrated. Comparison is made with experiments of the Maryland group and suggestions are made for new experiments.