6 resultados para Autoimmune diseases, environmental factors, organic solvents, systematic review, meta-analysis.
Background & Aims: Certain subsets of colorectal serrated polyps (SP) have malignant potential. Weperformed a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the association between modifiablelifestyle factors and risk for SPs.
Methods: We conducted a systematic search of Medline, Embase, and Web of Science, forobservational or interventional studies that contained the terms risk or risk factor, and serrated orhyperplastic, and polyps or adenomas, and colorectal (or synonymous terms), published by March2016. Titles and abstracts of identified articles were independently reviewed by at least 2 reviewers.Adjusted relative risks (RR) and 95% CIs were combined using random effects meta-analyses toassess the risk of SP, when possible.
Results: We identified 43 studies of SP risk associated with 7 different lifestyle factors: smoking,alcohol, body fatness, diet, physical activity, medication and/or hormone replacement therapy.When we compared the highest and lowest categories of exposure, factors we found to significantlyincrease risk for SP included tobacco smoking (RR, 2.47; 95% CI, 2.12–2.87), alcohol intake (RR, 1.33;95% CI, 1.17–1.52), body mass index (RR, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.22–1.61), and high intake of fat or meat.Direct associations for smoking and alcohol, but not body fat, tended to be stronger for sessileserrated adenomas/polyps than hyperplastic polyps. In contrast, factors we found to significantlydecrease risks for SP included use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (RR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.65–0.92) or aspirin (RR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.67–0.99), as well as high intake of folate, calcium, or fiber. Nosignificant associations were detected between SP risk and physical activity or hormone replacementtherapy.
Conclusions: Several lifestyle factors, most notably smoking and alcohol, are associated with SP risk.These findings enhance our understanding of mechanisms of SP development and indicate that riskof serrated pathway colorectal neoplasms could be reduced with lifestyle changes.
BACKGROUND: Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programmes offering secondary prevention for cardiovascular disease (CVD) advise healthy lifestyle behaviours, with the behaviour change techniques (BCTs) of goals and planning, feedback and monitoring, and social support recommended. More information is needed about BCT use in home-based CR to support these programmes in practice.
AIM: To identify and describe the use of BCTs in home-based CR programmes.
DESIGN AND SETTING: Randomised controlled trials of home-based CR between 2005 and 2015 were identified by searching MEDLINE(®), Embase, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and Cochrane Database.
METHOD: Reviewers independently screened titles and abstracts for eligibility. Relevant data, including BCTs, were extracted from included studies. A meta-analysis studied risk factor change in home-based and comparator programmes.
RESULTS: From 2448 studies identified, 11 of good methodological quality (10 on post-myocardial infarction, one on heart failure, 1907 patients) were included. These reported the use of 20 different BCTs. Social support (unspecified) was used in all studies and goal setting (behaviour) in 10. Of the 11 studies, 10 reported effectiveness in reducing CVD risk factors, but one study showed no improvement compared to usual care. This study differed from effective programmes in that it didn't include BCTs that had instructions on how to perform the behaviour and monitoring, or a credible source.
CONCLUSION: Social support and goal setting were frequently used BCTs in home-based CR programmes, with the BCTs related to monitoring, instruction on how to perform the behaviour, and credible source being included in effective programmes. Further robust trials are needed to determine the relative value of different BCTs within CR programmes.
To determine HPV and HPV vaccine awareness, knowledge and acceptance in male adolescents worldwide.
A mixed methods systematic review was conducted. In accordance with PRISMA guidelines, relevant literature was identified through an electronic database search using specified keywords from inception to September 2015. Non-interventional studies presented in English that assessed HPV knowledge and provided data on male adolescents were included. If available, data on HPV and HPV vaccine perceptions, attitudes and/or HPV vaccine acceptance were also extracted. All studies were critically appraised to provide an indication of methodological quality. Results were compiled using a convergent synthesis.
22 papers were included. The majority of studies were cross-sectional and conducted in the US and Europe. Across continents, regardless of a country’s HPV vaccination programme status, boys’ knowledge of HPV and/or HPV vaccination was generally low to moderate and significantly lower than female knowledge or awareness. There was a disagreement in the association of knowledge and vaccine acceptance, with higher knowledge not always being predictive of acceptance.
Comparison and synthesis of research concerning HPV knowledge and attitudes was made difficult due to the lack of universal definition of vaccine acceptance, and no universally accepted tool for its measurement or for the measurement of HPV knowledge. It is imperative that future research utilises consistent measures of HPV knowledge and attitudes to facilitate interpretation and comparison across studies internationally. Prospective longitudinal studies would be more informative providing data on factors that influenced the move from vaccine intention to uptake.