48 resultados para ubiquitous and transparent clouds

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We present an analysis of high resolution VLT-FLAMES spectra of 61 B-type stars with relatively narrow-lined spectra located in 4 fields centered on the Milky Way clusters; NGC 3293 and NGC 4755 and the Large and Small Magellanic cloud clusters; NGC 2004 and NGC 330. For each object a quantitative analysis was carried out using the non-LTE model atmosphere code TLUSTY; resulting in the determination of their atmospheric parameters and photospheric abundances of the dominant metal species (C, N, O, Mg, Si, Fe). The results are discussed in relation to our earlier work on 3 younger clusters in these galaxies; NGC 6611, N11 and NGC 346 paying particular attention to the nitrogen abundances which are an important probe of the role of rotation in the evolution of stars. This work along with that of the younger clusters provides a consistent dataset of abundances and atmospheric parameters for over 100 B-type stars in the three galaxies. We provide effective temperature scales for B-type dwarfs in all three galaxies and for giants and supergiants in the SMC and LMC. In each galaxy a dependence on luminosity is found between the three classes with the unevolved dwarf objects having significantly higher effective temperatures. A metallicity dependence is present between the SMC and Galactic dwarf objects, and whilst the LMC stars are only slightly cooler than the SMC stars, they are significantly hotter than their Galactic counterparts.


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We compare existing high spectral resolution (R = lambda/Deltalambda similar to 40 000) Ca II Kobservations (lambda(air) = 3933.66 Angstrom) towards 88 mainly B-type stars, and new observations taken using the Intermediate dispersion Spectrograph and Imaging System (ISIS) on the William Herschel Telescope at R similar to 10 000 towards three stars taken from the Palomar-Green Survey, with 21-cm HI emission-line profiles, in order to search for optical absorption towards known intermediate- and high-velocity cloud complexes. Given certain assumptions, limits to the gas phase abundance of Ca II are estimated for the cloud components. We use the data to derive the following distances from the Galactic plane (z). (i) Tentative lower z-height limits of 2800 and 4100 pc towards complex C using lack of absorption in the spectra of HD341617 and PG 0855 + 294, respectively. (ii) A weak lower z-height of 1400 pc towards complex WA-WB using lack of absorption in EC 09470-1433 and a weak lower limit of 2470 pc using lack of absorption in EC 09452-1403. (iii) An upper z- height of 2470 pc towards a southern intermediate- velocity cloud (IVC) with v(LSR) = -55 km s(-1) using PG 2351 + 198. (iv) Detection of a possible IVC in Ca II absorption at v(LSR) = +52 km s(-1) using EC 20104-2944. No associated HI in emission is detected. At this position, normal Galactic rotation predicts velocities of up to similar to+ 25 km s(-1). The detection puts an upper z-height of 1860 pc to the cloud. (v) Tentative HI and Ca II K detections towards an IVC at similar to+70 km s(-1) in the direction of high-velocity cloud (HVC) complex WE, sightline EC 06387-8045, indicating that the IVC may be at a z-height lower than 1770 pc. (vi) Detection of Ca II K absorption in the spectrum of PG 0855 + 294 in the direction of IV20, indicating that this IVC has a z-height smaller than 4100 pc. (vii) A weak lower z-height of 4300 pc towards a small HVC with v(LSR) = +115 km s(-1) at l, b = 200degrees, + 52degrees, using lack of absorption in the Ca II K spectrum of PG 0955 + 291.


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We present Ca II K (lambda(air) = 3933.661 angstrom) interstellar observations towards 20 early-type stars, to place lower distance limits to intermediate- and high-velocity clouds (IHVCs) in their lines of sight. The spectra are also employed to estimate the Ca abundance in the low-velocity gas towards these objects, when combined with Leiden-Dwingeloo 21-cm HI survey data of spatial resolution 0 degrees.5. Nine of the stars, which lie towards IHVC complexes H, K and gp, were observed with the intermediate dispersion spectrograph on the Isaac Newton Telescope at a resolution R = lambda/Delta lambda of 9000 (similar to 33 km s(-1)) and signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) per pixel of 75-140. A further nine objects were observed with the Utrecht Echelle Spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope at R = 40 000 (similar to 7.5 km s(-1)) and S/N per pixel of 10-25. Finally, two objects were observed in both Ca II K and Na I D lines using the 2D COUDE on the McDonald 2.7-m telescope at R = 35 000 (similar to 8.5 km s(-1)). The abundance of Ca II K {log(10)(A) = log(10)[N(Ca II K)]-log(10)[N(HI)]} plotted against HI column density for the objects in the current sample with heights above the Galactic plane (z) exceeding 1000 pc is found to obey the Wakker & Mathis (2000) relation. Also, the reduced column density of Ca II K as function of z is consistent with the larger sample taken from Smoker et al. (2003). Higher S/N observations than those previously taken towards HVC complex H stars HD 13256 and HILT 190 reinforce the assertion that this lies at a distance exceeding 4000 pc. No obvious absorption is detected in observations of ALS 10407 and HD 357657 towards IVC complex gp. The latter star has a spectroscopically estimated distance of similar to 2040 pc, although this was derived assuming the star lies on the main sequence and without any reddening correction being applied. Finally, no Ca II K absorption is detected towards two stars along the line of sight to complex K, namely PG 1610+529 and PG 1710+490. The latter is at a distance of similar to 700 pc, hence placing a lower distance limit to this complex, where previously only an upper distance limit of 6800 pc was available.


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We present Ca it K and Ti it optical spectra of early-type stars taken mainly from the ultraviolet and visual echelle spectrograph (LIVES) Paranal Observatory Project, plus H 1 21-cm spectra, from the Vila-Elisa and Leiden-Dwingeloo Surveys, which are employed to obtain distances to intermediate- and high-velocity clouds (IHVCs). H I emission at a velocity of -117 km s(-1) towards the sightline HD 30677 (l, b = 190 degrees.2, -22 degrees.2) with column density -1.7 x 10(19) cm(-2) has no corresponding Ca Pi K absorption in the LIVES spectrum, which has a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 610 per resolution element. The star has a spectroscopically determined distance of 2.7 kpc, and hence sets this as a firm lower distance limit towards Anti-Centre cloud ACII. Towards another sightline (HD 46185 with 1, b = 222 0, -10 degrees.1), H1 at a velocity of +122 km s(-1) and column density of 1.2 x 10(19) cm(-2) is seen. The corresponding Ca Pi K spectrum has a S/N of 780, although no absorption is observed at the cloud velocity. This similarly places a firm lower distance limit of 2.9 kpc towards this parcel of gas that may be an intermediate-velocity (IV) cloud. The lack of IV Ca it absorption towards HD 196426 (1, b = 45 degrees.8, -23 degrees.3) at a S/N of 500 reinforces a lower distance limit of -700 pc towards this part of complex gp, where the H I column density is 1.1 x 1019 cm(-2) and velocity is +78 km s(-1). Additionally, no IV Cart is seen in absorption in the spectrum of HD 19445, which is strong in H I with a column density of 8 x 10(19) cm(-2) at a velocity of - -42 km s(-1), placing a firm although uninteresting lower distance limit of 39 pc to this part of IV South. Finally, no high-velocity Call K absorption is seen towards HD 115363 (l, b = 306.0,-1.0) at a S/N of 410, placing a lower distance of -3.2 kpc towards the HVC gas at velocity of - +224 km s(-1) and WE column density of 5.2 x 10(19) cm(-2). This gas is in the same region of the sky as complex WE (Wakker 2001), but at higher velocities. The non-detection of Ca it K absorption sets a lower distance of -3.2 kpc towards the HVC, which is unsurprising if this feature is indeed related to the Magellanic System.


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Recent laboratory data on the ion-neutral chemistry of PAH and fullerene ions and molecules have been incorporated into chemical kinetic models of interstellar clouds. The laboratory data show that the-second ionization potentials of many complex molecules are less than the first ionization potential of helium. Thus collisions between He+, generated by cosmic ray ionization, and PAH and fullerene neutrals produce doubly charged cations. I find that these cations, and also protonated neutrals, are abundant in dark clouds. If the recombination of electrons with doubly charged cations, which releases typically 14 eV of energy, is dissociative in nature, then PAH and fullerene species are destroyed m both diffuse and dense clouds on astronomically significant time-scales.


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We present optical spectra of 403 stars and quasi-stellar objects in order to obtain distance limits towards intermediate- and high-velocity clouds (IHVCs), including new Fibre-fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph (FEROS) observations plus archival ELODIE, FEROS, High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (HIRES) and Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) data. The non-detection of Ca II K interstellar (IS) absorption at a velocity of −130 to −60 km s−1 towards HDE 248894 (d ∼ 3 kpc) and HDE 256725 (d ∼ 8 kpc) in data at signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) > 450 provides a new firm lower distance limit of 8 kpc for the anti-centre shell HVC. Similarly, the non-detection of Ca II K IS absorption towards HD 86248 at S/N ∼ 500 places a lower distance limit of 7.6 kpc for Complex EP, unsurprising since this feature is probably related to the Magellanic System. The lack of detection of Na I D at S/N = 35 towards Mrk 595 puts an improved upper limit for the Na I column density of log (NNaD <) 10.95 cm−2 towards this part of the Cohen Stream where Ca II was detected by Wakker et al. Absorption at ∼ −40 km s−1 is detected in Na I D towards the Galactic star PG 0039+049 at S/N = 75, placing a firm upper distance limit of 1 kpc for the intermediate-velocity cloud south (IVS), where a tentative detection had previously been obtained by Centurion et al. Ca ´ II K and Na I D absorption is detected at −53 km s−1 towards HD 93521, which confirms the upper distance limit of 2.4 kpc for part of the IV arch complex obtained using the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) data by Danly. Towards HD 216411 in Complex H a non-detection in Na D towards gas with log(NH I) = 20.69 cm−2 puts a lower distance limit of 6.6 kpc towards this HVC complex. Additionally, Na I D absorption is detected at −43.7 km s−1 in the star HD 218915 at a distance of 5.0 kpc in gas in the same region of the sky as Complex H. Finally, the Na I/Ca II and Ca II/H I ratios of the current sample are found to lie in the range observed for previous studies of IHVCs.


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We employ Ca II K and Na I D interstellar absorption-line spectroscopy of early-type stars in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC, SMC) to investigate the large- and small-scale structure in foreground intermediate- and high-velocity clouds (I/HVCs). Data include FLAMES-GIRAFFE Ca II K observations of 403 stars in four open clusters, plus FEROS or UVES spectra of 156 stars in the LMC and SMC. The FLAMES observations are amongst the most extensive probes to date of Ca II structures on ∼20 arcsec scales in Magellanic I/HVCs. From the FLAMES data within a 0 ∘.∘.∘.5 field of view, the Ca II K equivalent width in the I/HVC components towards three clusters varies by factors of ≥10. There are no detections of molecular gas in absorption at intermediate or high velocities, although molecular absorption is present at LMC and Galactic velocities towards some sightlines. The FEROS/UVES data show Ca II K I/HVC absorption in ∼60 per cent of sightlines. The range in the Ca II/Na I ratio in I/HVCs is from –0.45 to +1.5 dex, similar to previous measurements for I/HVCs. In 10 sightlines we find Ca II/O I ratios in I/HVC gas ranging from 0.2 to 1.5 dex below the solar value, indicating either dust or ionization effects. In nine sightlines I/HVC gas is detected in both H I and Ca II at similar velocities, implying that the two elements form part of the same structure.


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Objective: to determine the incidence of Fas positivity and DNA double stranded breaks (DSB) as indicators of early and late stage apoptosis in ejaculated sperm. Design: Fas positivity was assessed by flow cytometry and DSB by neutral Comet assay Setting: Andrology Laboratory, Royal Maternity Hospita, Belfast Northern Ireland, UK. Patients: 45 infertile men undergoing infertility investigations and 10 fertile men undergoing vasectomies Main Outcome measures: Perecentage Fas positive cells, percentage DNA fragmentation, olive tail moments Results: The apoptotic marker Fas was detected in ejaculated sperm, with a higher incidence of Fas positivity in teratozoospermic and asthenozoospermic than in normozoospermic semen. No Fas positivity was observed in fertile mens’ sperm. DSB were greater in infertile than in fertile mens’ sperm and also greater in sperm in semen than in sperm prepared for assisted conception. There was an inverse relationship between DSB and both sperm concentration and motility. There was no relationship between Fas positivity and DNA damage. Conclusion: Fas was expressed in sperm of infertile men. In contrast, DNA fragmentation was observed in all sperm of fertile and infertile men and correlated with inadequate concentration and motility, which suggests that sperm DSB are ubiquitous and are not solely associated with apoptosis.


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To determine the incidence of Fas positivity and DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) as indicators of early- and late-stage apoptosis in ejaculated sperm.


Fas positivity was assessed by flow cytometry and DSB by the neutral Comet assay.


Andrology Laboratory, Royal Maternity Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.

Patient(s) and intervention(s)

Forty-five infertile men undergoing infertility investigations and 10 fertile men undergoing vasectomies.

Main outcome measure(s)

Percentage Fas-positive cells, percentage DNA fragmentation, olive tail moment.


The apoptotic marker Fas was detected in ejaculated sperm, with a higher incidence of Fas positivity in teratozoospermic and asthenozoospermic than in normozospermic semen. No Fas positivity was observed in fertile mens' sperm. Deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation (DSB) was greater in infertile than in fertile men's sperm and also greater in sperm in semen than in sperm prepared for assisted conception. There was an inverse relationship between DSB and both sperm concentration and motility. There was no relationship between Fas positivity and DNA damage.


Fas was expressed in sperm of infertile men. In contrast, DNA fragmentation was observed in all sperm of fertile and infertile men and correlated with inadequate concentration and motility, which suggests that sperm DSB are ubiquitous and are not solely associated with apoptosis.


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Charge exchange (CE) plays a fundamental role in the collisions of solar- and stellar-wind ions with lunar and planetary exospheres, comets, and circumstellar clouds. Reported herein are absolute cross sections for single, double, triple, and quadruple CE of Feq+ (q = 5-13) ions with H2O at a collision energy of 7q keV. One measured value of the pentuple CE is also given for Fe9+ ions. An electron cyclotron resonance ion source is used to provide currents of the highly charged Fe ions. Absolute data are derived from knowledge of the target gas pressure, target path length, and incident and charge-exchanged ion currents. Experimental cross sections are compared with new results of the n-electron classical trajectory Monte Carlo approximation. The radiative and non-radiative cascades following electron transfers are approximated using scaled hydrogenic transition probabilities and scaled Auger rates. Also given are estimates of cross sections for single capture, and multiple capture followed by autoionization, as derived from the extended overbarrier model. These estimates are based on new theoretical calculations of the vertical ionization potentials of H2O up to H2O10+.


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We consider non-standard totalisation functors for double complexes, involving left or right truncated products. We show how properties of these imply that the algebraic mapping torus of a self map h of a cochain complex of finitely presented modules has trivial negative Novikov cohomology, and has trivial positive Novikov cohomology provided h is a quasi-isomorphism. As an application we obtain a new and transparent proof that a finitely dominated cochain complex over a Laurent polynomial ring has trivial (positive and negative) Novikov cohomology.


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In finite difference time domain simulation of room acoustics, source functions are subject to various constraints. These depend on the way sources are injected into the grid and on the chosen parameters of the numerical scheme being used. This paper addresses the issue of selecting and designing sources for finite difference simulation, by first reviewing associated aims and constraints, and evaluating existing source models against these criteria. The process of exciting a model is generalized by introducing a system of three cascaded filters, respectively, characterizing the driving pulse, the source mechanics, and the injection of the resulting source function into the grid. It is shown that hard, soft, and transparent sources can be seen as special cases within this unified approach. Starting from the mechanics of a small pulsating sphere, a parametric source model is formulated by specifying suitable filters. This physically constrained source model is numerically consistent, does not scatter incoming waves, and is free from zero- and low-frequency artifacts. Simulation results are employed for comparison with existing source formulations in terms of meeting the spectral and temporal requirements on the outward propagating wave.