82 resultados para splice variants

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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The Ov/Br septin gene, which is also a fusion partner of MLL in acute myeloid leukaemia, is a member of a family of novel GTP binding proteins that have been implicated in cytokinesis and exocytosis. In this study, we describe the genomic and transcriptional organization of this gene, detailing seventeen exons distributed over 240 kb of sequence. Extensive database analyses identified orthologous rodent cDNAs that corresponded to new, unidentified 5' splice variants of the Ov/Br septin gene, increasing the total number of such variants to six. We report that splicing events, occurring at non-canonical sites within the body of the 3' terminal exon, remove either 1801 bp or 1849 bp of non-coding sequence and facilitate access to a secondary open reading frame of 44 amino acids maintained near the end of the 3' UTR. These events constitute a novel coding arrangement and represent the first report of such a design being implemented by a eukaryotic gene. The various Ov/Br proteins either differ minimally at their amino and carboxy termini or are equivalent to truncated versions of larger isoforms. Northern analysis with an Ov/Br septin 3' UTR probe reveals three transcripts of 4.4, 4 and 3 kb, the latter being restricted to a sub-set of the tissues tested. Investigation of the identified Ov/Br septin isoforms by RT-PCR confirms a complex transcriptional pattern, with several isoforms showing tissue-specific distribution. To date, none of the other human septins have demonstrated such transcriptional complexity.


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The septin family of genes has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes including cytokinesis, membrane transport and fusion, exocytosis, and apoptosis. One member of the septin family maps to chromosome 17q25.3, a region commonly deleted in sporadic ovarian and breast tumours, and has also been identified as a fusion partner of MLL in acute myeloid leukaemias. The present study demonstrates that the pattern of expression of multiple splice variants of this septin gene is altered in ovarian tumours and cell lines. In particular, expression of the zeta transcript is detectable in the majority of tumours and cell lines, but not in a range of non-malignant adult and fetal tissues. Zeta expression is accompanied by loss of the ubiquitous beta transcript. Somatic mutations of the gene were not detected in ovarian tumours, but it was demonstrated that beta expression in tumour cell lines can be reactivated by 5-azacytidine treatment, suggesting a role for methylation in the control of expression of this gene. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A common feature of the mammalian septin gene family is complex genomic architecture with multiple alternate splice variants. Septin 9 has 18 distinct transcripts encoding 15 polypeptides, with two transcripts (SEPT9_v4 and v4*) encoding the same polypeptide. We have previously reported that the ratio of these distinct transcripts is altered in neoplasia, with the v4 transcript being the usual form in normal cells but v4* becoming predominant in tumours. This led us to ask what the functional differences between these two transcripts might be. The 5'-UTRs of v4 and v4* have distinct 5' ends encoded by exons 1 beta (v4) and 1 zeta and 2 (v4*) and a common 3' region and initiating ATG encoded within exon 3. Here we show that the two mRNAs are translated with different efficiencies and that cellular stress can alter this. A putative internal ribosome entry site can be identified in the common region of the v4 and v4* 5'-UTRs and translation is modulated by an upstream open-reading frame in the unique region of the v4 5'-UTR. Germline mutations in hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy (HNA) map to the region which is common to the two UTRs. These mutations dramatically enhance the translational efficiency of the v4 5'-UTR, leading to elevated SEPT9_v4 protein under hypoxic conditions. Our data provide a mechanistic insight into how the HNA mutations can alter the fine control of SEPT9_v4 protein and its regulation under physiologically relevant conditions and are consistent with the episodic and stress-induced nature of the clinical features of HNA.


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Previous peptidomic analyses of the defensive skin secretion from the North American pickerel frog, Rana palustris, have established the presence of canonical bradykinin and multiple bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs). As a consequence of the multiplicity of peptides identified and their diverse primary structures, it was speculated that they must represent the products of expression of multiple genes. Here, we present unequivocal evidence that the majority of BRPs (11/13) identified in skin secretion by the peptidomic approach can be generated by differential site-specific protease cleavage from a single common precursor of 321 amino acid residues, named skin kininogen 1, whose primary structure was deduced from cloned skin secretion-derived cDNA. The organization of skin kininogen 1 consists of a hydrophobic signal peptide followed by eight non-identical domains each encoding a single copy of either canonical bradykinin or a BRP. Two additional splice variants, encoding precursors of 233 (skin kininogen 2) or 189 amino acid residues (skin kininogen 3), were also cloned and were found to lack BRP-encoding domains 5 and 6 or 4, 5 and 6, respectively. Thus, generation of peptidome diversity in amphibian defensive skin secretions can be achieved in part by differential protease cleavage of relatively large and multiple-encoding domain precursors reflecting a high degree of transcriptional economy.


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One important mechanism of membrane ion channels regulation involves their non-functional isoforms generated by alternative splicing. However, knowledge of such isoforms for the members of transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily of ion channels remains quite limited. This study focuses on TRPM member, TRPM8, which functions as a cold receptor in sensory neurons, but is also expressed in tissues not exposed to ambient temperatures, as well as in cancer tissues. We report the cloning from prostate cancer cells of new short-splice variants of TRPM8, termed short TRPM8a (sM8a) and short TRPM8ß (sM8ß). Our results show that both variants are in a closed configuration with the C-terminal tail of the full-size TRPM8 chan-nel, resulting in stabilization of its closed state and thus reducing both its cold sensitivity and its activity. Our findings, therefore, uncover a new mode of the regulation of TRPM8 channel by its splice variants.


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The p53 family of transcription factors is made up of p53, p63 and p73, which share significant structural homology. In particular, transcriptional complexity and the expression of multiple protein isoforms are an emergent trait of all family members. p63 is the evolutionarily eldest member of the p53 family and the various isoforms have critical roles in the development of stratifying epithelia. Recent results have uncovered additional splice variants, adding to the complexity of the transcriptional architecture of p63. These observations and the emerging extensive interplay between p63 and p53 in development, proliferation and differentiation underline the importance of considering all isoforms and family members in studies of the function of p53 family members.


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Versican is a hyaluronan-binding, extracellular chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan produced by several tumor types, including malignant melanoma, which exists as four different splice variants. The short V3 isoform contains the G1 and G3 terminal domains of versican that may potentially interact directly or indirectly with the hyaluronan receptor CD44 and the EGFR, respectively. We have previously described that overexpression of V3 in MeWo human melanoma cells markedly reduces tumor cell growth in vitro and in vivo. In this study we have investigated the signaling mechanism of V3 by silencing the expression of CD44 in control and V3-expressing melanoma cells. Suppression of CD44 had the same effects on cell proliferation and cell migration than those provoked by V3 expression, suggesting that V3 acts through a CD44-mediated mechanism. Furthermore, CD44-dependent hyaluronan internalization was blocked by V3 expression and CD44 silencing, leading to an accumulation of this glycosaminoglycan in the pericellular matrix and to changes in cell migration on hyaluronan. Furthermore, ERK1/2 and p38 activation after EGF treatment were decreased in V3-expressing cells suggesting that V3 may also interact with the EGFR through its G3 domain. The existence of a EGFR/ErbB2 receptor complex able to interact with CD44 was identified in MeWo melanoma cells. V3 overexpression resulted in a reduced interaction between EGFR/ErbB2 and CD44 in response to EGF treatment. Our results indicate that the V3 isoform of versican interferes with CD44 and the CD44-EGFR/ErbB2 interaction, altering the signaling pathways, such as ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK, that regulate cell proliferation and migration.


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Purpose: To investigate how potentially functional genetic variants are coinherited on each of four common complement factor H (CFH) and CFH-related gene haplotypes and to measure expression of these genes in eye and liver tissues.

Methods: We sequenced the CFH region in four individuals (one homozygote for each of four common CFH region haplotypes) to identify all genetic variants. We studied associations between the haplotypes and AMD phenotypes in 2157 cases and 1150 controls. We examined RNA-seq profiles in macular and peripheral retina and retinal pigment epithelium/choroid/sclera (RCS) from eight eye donors and three liver samples.

Results: The haplotypic coinheritance of potentially functional variants (including missense variants, novel splice sites, and the CFHR3–CFHR1 deletion) was described for the four common haplotypes. Expression of the short and long CFH transcripts differed markedly between the retina and liver. We found no expression of any of the five CFH-related genes in the retina or RCS, in contrast to the liver, which is the main source of the circulating proteins.

Conclusions: We identified all genetic variants on common CFH region haplotypes and described their coinheritance. Understanding their functional effects will be key to developing and stratifying AMD therapies. The small scale of our expression study prevented us from investigating the relationships between CFH region haplotypes and their expression, and it will take time and collaboration to develop epidemiologic-scale studies. However, the striking difference between systemic and ocular expression of complement regulators shown in this study suggests important implications for the development of intraocular and systemic treatments.


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Background: It is unclear why some patients develop a chronic nonproductive cough. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inactivates tussive peptides in the airways such as bradykinin and tachykinins. An insertion/deletion polymorphism in the ACE gene accounts for variation in ACE levels, and patients with the II genotype have lowest serum ACE levels compared with ID and DD genotypes. We hypothesized that the II genotype would be associated with increased risk of developing a chronic cough.

Materials and methods: We recruited 47 patients (33 women), referred for evaluation of cough (median cough duration, 24 months; range, 2 to 240 months). Cough patients were evaluated using a comprehensive diagnostic protocol, and cough reflex sensitivity was measured using a capsaicin inhalation challenge. ACE genotyping was performed on DNA samples from patients using the polymerase chain reaction followed by agarose gel electrophoresis. ACE genotypes in patients with chronic cough were compared with those in 199 healthy control subjects. Serum ACE levels were determined using a colorimetric assay.

Results: Genotype frequencies for the ACE gene were similar between patients and control subjects. There was no correlation between capsaicin sensitivity and ACE genotypes or serum ACE levels.

Conclusion: Susceptibility to develop chronic cough is not associated with ACE genotype.


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The G894T endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) polymorphism results in a Glu to Asp substitution at position 298. This position is located externally on the protein and as the regulation of eNOS is dependent on its subcellular localization and interaction with modulatory proteins, we aimed to address whether the substitution of Asp at 298 had any effect on these mechanisms. Initially, we developed a novel method to accurately determine molar quantities of each variant by expressing them as green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins and using recombinant adenoviruses to facilitate transient infection of human microvascular endothelial cells. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting of eNOS298Asp revealed a 135-kDa proteolytic fragment which was not present with eNOS298Glu. This proteolysis was prevented by using LDS buffer confirming that this differential cleavage is an artefact of sample preparation and unlikely to occur intracellularly. Nitric oxide was measured following stimulation with calcium ionophore or oestrogen in the presence of varying sepiapterin concentrations. GFP fluorescence was used to quantify the amount of fusion protein and calculate intracellular specific activity. There was no significant difference in intracellular specific activity between Glu298 and Asp298 eNOS in response to calcium ionophore or oestrogen. Tetrahydrobiopterin supplementation increased eNOS activity of both variants in an identical manner. The presence of the GFP also facilitated the visualization of the variants by confocal microscopy and demonstrated that both localized to the plasma membrane and the Golgi. These findings demonstrate that the Asp substitution at 298 does not have a major effect in modulating eNOS activity in vivo.


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Genetic variation of the alpha-synuclein gene (SNCA) is known to cause familial parkinsonism, however the role of SNCA variants in sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD) remains elusive. The present study identifies an association of common SNCA polymorphisms with disease susceptibility in a series of Irish PD patients. There is evidence for association with alternate regions, of protection and risk which may act independently/synergistically, within the promoter region (Rep1; OR: 0.59, 95% CI: 0.37-0.84) and the 3'UTR of the gene (rs356165; OR: 1.67, 95% CI: 1.08-2.58). Given previous reports of association a collaborative effort is required which may exploit global linkage disequilibrium patterns for SNCA and standardise polymorphic markers used in each population. It is now crucial to identify the susceptibility allele and elucidate its functionality which may generate a therapeutic target for PD.