96 resultados para spin symmetry

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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The triple-differential cross section for ionization of a heavy atom is shown to depend on the spin of the incident electron even if this is polarized entirely parallel or antiparallel to its direction of propagation, the atom is unpolarized, and the spins of the ejected electrons are not resolved. Quantitative predictions for the spin asymmetry are presented in a relativistic distorted-wave Born approximation. Simple physical models are introduced to understand both these results and further symmetry properties involving the reversal of a spatial momentum component also.


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The Wigner transition in a jellium model of cylindrical nanowires has been investigated by density-functional computations using the local spin-density approximation. A wide range of background densities rho(b) has been explored from the nearly ideal metallic regime (r(s)=[3/4 pi rho(b)](1/3)=1) to the high correlation limit (r(s)=100). Computations have been performed using an unconstrained plane wave expansion for the Kohn-Sham orbitals and a large simulation cell with up to 480 electrons. The electron and spin distributions retain the cylindrical symmetry of the Hamiltonian at high density, while electron localization and spin polarization arise nearly simultaneously in low-density wires (r(s)similar to 30). At sufficiently low density (r(s)>= 40), the ground-state electron distribution is the superposition of well defined and nearly disjoint droplets, whose charge and spin densities integrate almost exactly to one electron and 1/2 mu(B), respectively. Droplets are arranged on radial shells and define a distorted lattice whose structure is intermediate between bcc and fcc. Dislocations and grain boundaries are apparent in the droplets' configuration found by our simulations. Our computations aim at modeling the behavior of experimental low-carried density systems made of lightly doped semiconductor nanostructures or conducting polymers.


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The Heisenberg model for spin-1 bosons in one dimension presents many different quantum phases, including the famous topological Haldane phase. Here we study the robustness of such phases in front of a SU(2) symmetry-breaking field as well as the emergence of unique phases. Previous studies have analyzed the effect of such uniaxial anisotropy in some restricted relevant points of the phase diagram. Here we extend those studies and present the complete phase diagram of the spin-1 chain with uniaxial anisotropy. To this aim, we employ the density-matrix renormalization group together with analytical approaches. The complete phase diagram can be realized using ultracold spinor gases in the Mott insulator regime under a quadratic Zeeman effect.


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We consider the non-equilibrium dynamics of a simple system consisting of interacting spin-1/2 particles subjected to a collective damping. The model is close to situations that can be engineered in hybrid electro/opto-mechanical settings. Making use of large-deviation theory, we find a Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry in the dynamics of the system as well as evidence for the coexistence of two dynamical phases with different activity levels. We show that additional damping processes smooth out this behavior. Our analytical results are backed up by Monte Carlo simulations that reveal the nature of the trajectories contributing to the different dynamical phases.


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Quantum and global discord in a spin-1 Heisenberg chain subject to single-ion anisotropy (uniaxial field) are studied using exact diagonalisation and the density matrix renormalisation group (DMRG). We find that these measures of quantum non-classicality are able to detect the quantum phase transitions confining the symmetry protected Haldane phase and show critical scaling with universal exponents. Moreover, in the case of thermal states, we find that quantum discord can increase with increasing temperature.


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High-fidelity quantum computation and quantum state transfer are possible in short spin chains. We exploit a system based on a dispersive qubit-boson interaction to mimic XY coupling. In this model, the usually assumed nearest-neighbor coupling is no longer valid: all the qubits are mutually coupled. We analyze the performances of our model for quantum state transfer showing how preengineered coupling rates allow for nearly optimal state transfer. We address a setup of superconducting qubits coupled to a microstrip cavity in which our analysis may be applied.


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Molecules bonded between two metal contacts form the simplest possible molecular devices. Coupled by the molecule, the left and right contact-based states form symmetric and antisymmetric pairs near the Fermi level. We relate the size of the resulting energy splitting DeltaE to the symmetry and degree of delocalization of the coupling molecular orbital. Qualitative trends in molecular conductances are then estimated from the variations in DeltaE. We examine benzenedithiol and other molecules of interest in transport. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Since the discovery of carbon nanotubes, it has been speculated that these materials should behave like nanoscale wires with unusual electronic properties and exceptional strength. Recently, 'ropes' of close-packed single-wall nanotubes have been synthesized in high yield. The tubes in these ropes are mainly of the (10,10) type3, which is predicted to be metallic. Experiments on individual nanotubes and ropes indicate that these systems indeed have transport properties that qualify them to be viewed as nanoscale quantum wires at low temperature. It has been expected that the close-packing of individual nanotubes into ropes does not change their electronic properties significantly. Here, however, we present first-principles calculations which show that a broken symmetry of the (10,10) tube caused by interactions between tubes in a rope induces a pseudogap of about 0.1 eV at the Fermi level. This pseudogap strongly modifies many of the fundamental electronic properties: we predict a semimetal-like temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity and a finite gap in the infrared absorption spectrum. The existence of both electron and hole charge carriers will lead to qualitatively different thermopower and Hall-effect behaviours from those expected for a normal metal.


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We investigate the influence of tube-tube interactions in ropes of (10,10) carbon nanotubes, and find that these effects induce a pseudogap in the density of state (DOS) of the rope of width 0.1 eV at the Fermi level. In an isolated (n,n) carbon nanotube there are two bands that cross in a linear fashion at the Fermi level, making the nanotube metallic with a DOS that is constant in a 1.5 eV wide window around the Fermi energy. The presence of the neighbouring tubes causes these two bands to repel, opening up a band gap that can be as large as 0.3 eV. The small dispersion in the plane perpendicular to the rope smears out this gap for a rope with a large cross-sectional area, and we see a pseudogap at the Fermi energy in the DOS where the DOS falls to one third of its value for the isolated tube. This phenomenon should affect many properties of the behavior of ropes of (n,n) nanotubes, which should display a more semimetallic character than expected in transport and doping experiments, with the existence of both hole and electron carriers leading to qualitatively different thermopower and Hall-effect behaviors from those expected for a normal metal. Band repulsion like this can be expected to occur for any tube perturbed by a sufficiently strong interaction, for example, from contact with a surface or with other tubes.


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A method for investigating the dynamics of atomic magnetic moments in current-carrying magnetic point contacts under bias is presented. This combines the nonequilibrium Green's function (NEGF) method for evaluating the current and the charge density with a description of the dynamics of the magnetization in terms of quasistatic thermally activated transitions between stationary configurations. This method is then implemented in a tight-binding (TB) model with parameters chosen to simulate the main features of the electronic structures of magnetic transition metals. We investigate the domain wall (DW) migration in magnetic monoatomic chains sandwiched between magnetic leads, and for realistic parameters find that collinear arrangement of the magnetic moments of the chain is always favorable. Several stationary magnetic configurations are identified, corresponding to a different number of Bloch walls in the chain and to a different current. The relative stability of these configurations depends on the geometrical details of the junction and on the bias; however, we predict transitions between different configurations with activation barriers of the order of a few tens of meV. Since different magnetic configurations are associated with different resistances, this suggests an intrinsic random telegraph noise at microwave frequencies in the I-V curves of magnetic atomic point contacts at room temperature. Finally, we investigate whether or not current-induced torques are conservative.


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We investigate the interplay between magnetic and structural dynamics in ferromagnetic atomic point contacts. In particular, we look at the effect of the atomic relaxation on the energy barrier for magnetic domain wall migration and, reversely, at the effect of the magnetic state on the mechanical forces and structural relaxation. We observe changes of the barrier height due to the atomic relaxation up to 200%, suggesting a very strong coupling between the structural and the magnetic degrees of freedom. The reverse interplay is weak; i.e., the magnetic state has little effect on the structural relaxation at equilibrium or under nonequilibrium, current-carrying conditions.