22 resultados para spin reorientation transitions

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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The feasibility of laser cooling AlH and AlF is investigated using ab initio quantum chemistry. All the electronic states corresponding to the ground and lowest two excited states of the Al atom are calculated using multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) and the large AV6Z basis set for AlH. The smaller AVQZ basis set is used to calculate the valence electronic states of AlF. Theoretical Franck-Condon factors are determined for the A(1)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transitions in both radicals and found to agree with the highly diagonal factors found experimentally, suggesting computational chemistry is an effective method for screening suitable laser cooling candidates. AlH does not appear to have a transition quite as diagonal as that in SrF (which has been laser cooled) but the A(1)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transition transition of AlF is a strong candidate for cooling with just a single laser, though the cooling frequency is deep in the UV. Furthermore, the a (3)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transitions are also strongly diagonal and in AlF is a practical method for obtaining very low final temperatures around 3 mu K.


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A method for investigating the dynamics of atomic magnetic moments in current-carrying magnetic point contacts under bias is presented. This combines the nonequilibrium Green's function (NEGF) method for evaluating the current and the charge density with a description of the dynamics of the magnetization in terms of quasistatic thermally activated transitions between stationary configurations. This method is then implemented in a tight-binding (TB) model with parameters chosen to simulate the main features of the electronic structures of magnetic transition metals. We investigate the domain wall (DW) migration in magnetic monoatomic chains sandwiched between magnetic leads, and for realistic parameters find that collinear arrangement of the magnetic moments of the chain is always favorable. Several stationary magnetic configurations are identified, corresponding to a different number of Bloch walls in the chain and to a different current. The relative stability of these configurations depends on the geometrical details of the junction and on the bias; however, we predict transitions between different configurations with activation barriers of the order of a few tens of meV. Since different magnetic configurations are associated with different resistances, this suggests an intrinsic random telegraph noise at microwave frequencies in the I-V curves of magnetic atomic point contacts at room temperature. Finally, we investigate whether or not current-induced torques are conservative.


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An idealized jellium model of conducting nanowires with a geometric constriction is investigated by density functional theory (DFT) in the local spin density (LSD) approximation. The results reveal a fascinating variety of spin and charge patterns arising in wires of sufficiently low (r(s) >= 15) average electron density, pinned at the indentation by an apparent attractive interaction with the constriction. The spin-resolved frequency-dependent conductivity shows a marked asymmetry in the two spin channels, reflecting the spontaneous spin polarization around the wire neck. The relevance of the computational results is discussed in relation to the so-called 0.7 anomaly found by experiments in the low-frequency conductivity of nanowires at near-breaking conditions (see 2008 J. Phys.: Condens Matter 20, special issue on the 0.7 anomaly). Although our mean-field approach cannot account for the intrinsic many-body effects underlying the 0.7 anomaly, it still provides a diagnostic tool to predict impending transitions in the electronic structure.


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The entanglement spectrum describing quantum correlations in many-body systems has been recently recognized as a key tool to characterize different quantum phases, including topological ones. Here we derive its analytically scaling properties in the vicinity of some integrable quantum phase transitions and extend our studies also to nonintegrable quantum phase transitions in one-dimensional spin models numerically. Our analysis shows that, in all studied cases, the scaling of the difference between the two largest nondegenerate Schmidt eigenvalues yields with good accuracy critical points and mass scaling exponents.


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The different quantum phases appearing in strongly correlated systems as well as their transitions are closely related to the entanglement shared between their constituents. In 1D systems, it is well established that the entanglement spectrum is linked to the symmetries that protect the different quantum phases. This relation extends even further at the phase transitions where a direct link associates the entanglement spectrum to the conformal field theory describing the former. For 2D systems much less is known. The lattice geometry becomes a crucial aspect to consider when studying entanglement and phase transitions. Here, we analyze the entanglement properties of triangular spin lattice models by also considering concepts borrowed from quantum information theory such as geometric entanglement.


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We study the spin-1 model on a triangular lattice in the presence of a uniaxial anisotropy field using a cluster mean-field (CMF) approach. The interplay among antiferromagnetic exchange, lattice geometry, and anisotropy forces Gutzwiller mean-field approaches to fail in a certain region of the phase diagram. There, the CMF method yields two supersolid phases compatible with those present in the spin-1/2 XXZ model onto which the spin-1 system maps. Between these two supersolid phases, the three-sublattice order is broken and the results of the CMF approach depend heavily on the geometry and size of the cluster. We discuss the possible presence of a spin liquid in this region.


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We numerically analyse the behavior of the full distribution of collective observables in quantum spin chains. While most of previous studies of quantum critical phenomena are limited to the first moments, here we demonstrate how quantum fluctuations at criticality lead to highly non-Gaussian distributions. Interestingly, we show that the distributions for different system sizes collapse on thesame curve after scaling for a wide range of transitions: first and second order quantum transitions and transitions of the Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless type. We propose and analyse the feasibility of an experimental reconstruction of the distribution using light–matter interfaces for atoms in optical lattices or in optical resonators.


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The eigenphase formulation of Blatt and Biedenharn is applied to fine-structure transitions in *P atoms colliding with ‘S perturbers. Consideration is given to the limit of weak spin-orbit interaction. If the eigenphases are equal to the phaseshifts for elastic scattering by the molecular potentials then the expression for the total cross section reduces to the expression derived in the elastic approximation. However, a numerical comparison for the Li(2p ’P) + He(’S) system shows that the elastic molecular phaseshifts are not good approximations to the eigenphases. Hence the elastic approximation cannot be reliable.


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