12 resultados para poles

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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This chapter offers a wry look at the changing position of Northern Ireland in Europe. From the anomaly of ‘joining Europe’ as part of the UK in 1973 just as ‘The Troubles’ confirmed Northern Ireland as ‘a place apart’, to the twenty first century experience of peace process and the large scale influx of migrant workers from Poland and elsewhere.


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We present a FORTRAN 77 code for evaluation of resonance pole positions and residues of a numerical scattering matrix element in the complex energy (CE) as well as in the complex angular momentum (CAM) planes. Analytical continuation of the S-matrix element is performed by constructing a type-II Pade approximant from given physical values (Bessis et al. (1994) [421: Vrinceanu et al. (2000) [24]; Sokolovski and Msezane (2004) [23]). The algorithm involves iterative 'preconditioning' of the numerical data by extracting its rapidly oscillating potential phase component. The code has the capability of adding non-analytical noise to the numerical data in order to select 'true' physical poles, investigate their stability and evaluate the accuracy of the reconstruction. It has an option of employing multiple-precision (MPFUN) package (Bailey (1993) [451) developed by D.H. Bailey wherever double precision calculations fail due to a large number of input partial waves (energies) involved. The code has been successfully tested on several models, as well as the F + H-2 -> HE + H, F + HD : HE + D, Cl + HCI CIH + Cl and H + D-2 -> HD + D reactions. Some detailed examples are given in the text.


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Vesicle trafficking plays an important role in cell division, establishment of cell polarity, and translation of environmental cues to developmental responses. However, the molecular mechanisms regulating vesicle trafficking remain poorly understood. Here, we report that the evolutionarily conserved caspase-related protease separase (EXTRA SPINDLE POLES [ESP]) is required for the establishment of cell polarity and cytokinesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. At the cellular level, separase colocalizes with microtubules and RabA2a (for RAS GENES FROM RAT BRAINA2a) GTPase-positive structures. Separase facilitates polar targeting of the auxin efflux carrier PIN-FORMED2 (PIN2) to the rootward side of the root cortex cells. Plants with the radially swollen4 (rsw4) allele with compromised separase activity, in addition to mitotic failure, display isotropic cell growth, perturbation of auxin gradient formation, slower gravitropic response in roots, and cytokinetic failure. Measurements of the dynamics of vesicle markers on the cell plate revealed an overall reduction of the delivery rates of KNOLLE and RabA2a GTPase in separase-deficient roots. Furthermore, dissociation of the clathrin light chain, a protein that plays major role in the formation of coated vesicles, was slower in rsw4 than in the control. Our results demonstrate that separase is a key regulator of vesicle trafficking, which is indispensable for cytokinesis and the establishment of cell polarity.


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11 September heralded and provided a pretext for a more aggressive but increasingly contradictory American hegemony. Some of the consequences are contrary to the United States' own interests. Its new doctrine of 'preemptive strike' against other sovereign states encourages similarly belligerent behaviour by other governments, and yet more terrorism by nonstate actors, the very threats which were to be eradicated by a re-asserted US hegemony. This essay focuses on three partly overlapping themes: different strategies towards allies - multilateral and unilateral; different forms of power - civil and military; and different ideologies of globalisation - neoliberal and neo-conservative. It argues that while US policy may oscillate between such poles, it often combines the different elements. The overall strategy of the Bush administration is best characterised as unilateral multilateralism. The main issue for US hegemonists is the ways in which their hegemony might best be exercised, maintained and strengthened vis à vis allies and rivals. But for a safer, more democratic world, the choice does not lie between one faction of US hegemonists and another: we need other alternatives such as cosmopolitan democracy and a genuine internationalist movement which would give it some much-needed substance.


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Both ethnic communities in Cyprus have maintained strong political and cultural ties with Greece and Turkey, respectively, and at some point of their twentieth century history, each has aspired to become part of either the former or the latter. Yet the way this relationship has been imagined has differed across time, space, and class. Both communities have adapted their identities to prevailing ideological waves as well as political opportunities, domestic alliances, and interests. The article evaluates different responses to ethnic nationalism, highlighting important intra-ethnic differentiations within each Cypriot community usually expressed in the positions of political parties, intellectuals, and the press. While the current literature identifies two major poles of identity in the island, "motherland nationalism" and "Cypriotism," the article suggests that the major focus of identity of Cypriots is identification with their respective ethnic communities in the form of Greek Cypriotism or Turkish Cypriotism. In fact, contentious politics in Cyprus from the ENOSIS/TAKSIM struggle to the April 2004 referendum demonstrate the interplay of external constraints and collective self-identification processes leading to the formation of these identities. The article concludes by identifying the implications of identity shifts for deeply divided societies and conflict resolution in general.


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The AINT/ERIC/TACC genes encode novel proteins with a coiled coil domain at their C-terminus. The founding member of this expanding family of genes, transforming acidic coiled coil 1 (TACC1), was isolated from a BAC contig spanning the breast cancer amplicon-1 on 8p11. Transfection of cells in vitro with TACC1 resulted in anchorage-independent growth consistent with a more "neoplastic" phenotype. Database searches employing the human TACC1 sequence revealed other novel genes, TACC2 and TACC3, with substantial sequence homology particularly in the C-terminal regions encoding the coiled coil domains. TACC2, located at 10q26, is similar to anti-zuai-1 (AZU-1), a candidate breast tumour suppressor gene, and ECTACC, an endothelial cell TACC which is upregulated by erythropoietin (Epo). The murine homologue of TACC3, murine erythropoietin-induced cDNA (mERIC-1) was also found to be upregulated by Epo in the Friend virus anaemia (FVA) model by differential display-PCR. Human ERIC-1, located at 4p16.3, has been cloned and encodes an 838-amino acid protein whose N- and C-terminal regions are highly homologous to the shorter 558-amino acid murine protein, mERIC-1. In contrast, the central portions of these proteins differ markedly. The murine protein contains four 24 amino acid imperfect repeats. ARNT interacting protein (AINT), a protein expressed during embryonic development in the mouse, binds through its coiled coil region to the aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator protein (ARNT) and has a central portion that contains seven of the 24 amino acid repeats found in mERIC-1. Thus mERIC-1 and AINT appear to be developmentally regulated alternative transcripts of the gene. Most members of the TACC family discovered so far contain a novel nine amino acid putative phosphorylation site with the pattern [R/K]-X(3)-[E]-X(3)-Y. Genes with sequence homology to the AINT/ERIC/TACC family in other species include maskin in Xenopus, D-TACC in Drosophila and TACC4 in the rabbit. Maskin contains a peptide sequence conserved among eIF-4E binding proteins that is involved in oocyte development. D-TACC cooperates with another conserved microtubule-associated protein Msps to stabilise spindle poles during cell division. The diversity of function already attributed to this protein family, including both transforming and tumour suppressor properties, should ensure that a new and interesting narrative is about to unfold.


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Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) hollow tubes are used in structural applications, such as utility poles and pipelines. Concrete-filled FRP tubes (CFFTs) are also used as piles and bridge piers. Applications such as poles and marine piles are typically governed by cyclic bending. In this paper, the fatigue behavior of glass-FRP filament-wound tubes is studied using coupons cut from the tubes. Several coupon configurations were first examined in 24 tension and five compression monotonic loading tests. Fatigue tests were then conducted on 81 coupons to examine several parameters; namely, loading frequency as well as maximum-to-ultimate (max ult) and minimum-to-maximum (min max) stress ratios, including tension tension and tension compression, to simulate reversed bending. The study demonstrated the sensitivity of test results and failure mode to coupon configuration. The presence of compression loads reduced fatigue life, while increasing load frequency increased fatigue life. Stiffness degradation behavior was also established. To achieve at least one million cycles, it is recommended to limit (max ult) to 0.25. Models were used to simulate stiffness degradation and fatigue life curve of the tube. Fatigue life predictions of large CFFT beams showed good correlation with experimental results. © 2008 ASCE.


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Assessment of marine downscaling of global model simulations to the regional scale is a prerequisite for understanding ocean feedback to the atmosphere in regional climate downscaling. Major difficulties arise from the coarse grid resolution of global models, which cannot provide sufficiently accurate boundary values for the regional model. In this study, we first setup a stretched global model (MPIOM) to focus on the North Sea by shifting poles. Second, a regional model (HAMSOM) was performed with higher resolution, while the open boundary values were provided by the stretched global model. In general, the sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the two experiments are similar. Major SST differences are found in coastal regions (root mean square difference of SST is reaching up to 2°C). The higher sea surface salinity in coastal regions in the global model indicates the general limitation of this global model and its configuration (surface layer thickness is 16 m). By comparison, the advantage of the absence of open lateral boundaries in the global model can be demonstrated, in particular for the transition region between the North Sea and Baltic Sea. On long timescales, the North Atlantic Current (NAC) inflow through the northern boundary correlates well between both model simulations (R~0.9). After downscaling with HAMSOM, the NAC inflow through the northern boundary decreases by ~10%, but the circulation in the Skagerrak is stronger in HAMSOM. The circulation patterns of both models are similar in the northern North Sea. The comparison suggests that the stretched global model system is a suitable tool for long-term free climate model simulations, and the only limitations occur in coastal regions. Regarding the regional studies focusing on the coastal zone, nested regional model can be a helpful alternative.


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Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus are small, vibroid, predatory bacteria that grow within the periplasmic space of a host Gram-negative bacterium. The intermediate-filament (IF)-like protein crescentin is a member of a broad class of IF-like, coiled-coil-repeat-proteins (CCRPs), discovered in Caulobacter crescentus, where it contributes to the vibroid cell shape. The B. bacteriovorus genome has a single ccrp gene encoding a protein with an unusually long, stutter-free, coiled-coil prediction; the inactivation of this did not alter the vibriod cell shape, but caused cell deformations, visualized as chiselled insets or dents, near the cell poles and a general 'creased' appearance, under the negative staining preparation used for electron microscopy, but not in unstained, frozen, hydrated cells. Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus expressing 'teal' fluorescent protein (mTFP), as a C-terminal tag on the wild-type Ccrp protein, did not deform under negative staining, suggesting that the function was not impaired. Localization of fluorescent Ccrp-mTFP showed some bias to the cell poles, independent of the cytoskeleton, as demonstrated by the addition of the MreB-specific inhibitor A22. We suggest that the Ccrp protein in B. bacteriovorus contributes as an underlying scaffold, similar to that described for the CCRP protein FilP in Streptomyces coelicolor, preventing cellular indentation, but not contributing to the vibroid shape of the B. bacteriovorus cells.


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Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid EVs are the way forward for green transportation and for establishing low-carbon economy. This paper presents a split converter-fed four-phase switched reluctance motor (SRM) drive to realize flexible integrated charging functions (dc and ac sources). The machine is featured with a central-tapped winding node, eight stator slots, and six rotor poles (8/6). In the driving mode, the developed topology has the same characteristics as the traditional asymmetric bridge topology but better fault tolerance. The proposed system supports battery energy balance and on-board dc and ac charging. When connecting with an ac power grid, the proposed topology has a merit of the multilevel converter; the charging current control can be achieved by the improved hysteresis control. The energy flow between the two batteries is balanced by the hysteresis control based on their state-of-charge conditions. Simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink and experiments on a 150-W prototype SRM validate the effectiveness of the proposed technologies, which may provide a solution to EV charging issues associated with significant infrastructure requirements.