46 resultados para physical parameters

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We present new optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry and spectroscopy of the Type IIP supernova (SN), SN 2004et. In combination with already published data, this provides one of the most complete studies of optical and NIR data for any Type IIP SN from just after explosion to +500 d. The contribution of the NIR flux to the bolometric light curve is estimated to increase from 15 per cent at explosion to around 50 per cent at the end of the plateau and then declines to 40 per cent at 300 d. SN 2004et is one of the most luminous IIP SNe which has been well studied and characterized, and with a luminosity of log L = 42.3 erg s-1 and a 56Ni mass of 0.06 +/- 0.04 M-circle dot, it is two times brighter than SN 1999em. We provide parametrized bolometric corrections as a function of time since explosion for SN 2004et and three other IIP SNe that have extensive optical and NIR data. These can be used as templates for future events in optical and NIR surveys without full wavelength coverage. We compare the physical parameters of SN 2004et with those of other well-studied IIP SNe and find that the kinetic energies span a range of 1050-1051 erg. We compare the ejected masses calculated from hydrodynamic models with the progenitor masses and limits derived from pre-discovery images. Some of the ejected mass estimates are significantly higher than the progenitor mass estimates, with SN 2004et showing perhaps the most serious mass discrepancy. With the current models, it appears difficult to reconcile 100 d plateau lengths and high expansion velocities with the low ejected masses of 5-6 M-circle dot implied from 7-8 M-circle dot progenitors. The nebular phase is studied using very late-time Hubble Space Telescope photometry, along with optical and NIR spectroscopy. The light curve shows a clear flattening at 600 d in the optical and the NIR, which is likely due to the ejecta impacting on circumstellar material. We further show that the [O i] 6300, 6364 A line strengths in the nebular spectra of four Type IIP SNe imply ejected oxygen masses of 0.5-1.5 M-circle dot.


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We analyse the intensity oscillations observed in the gradual phase of a white-light flare on the RS CV n binary II Peg. Fast Fourier Transform power spectra and Wavelet analysis reveal a period of 220 s. The reliability of the oscillation is tested using several criteria. Oscillating coronal loop models are used to derive physical parameters such as temperature, electron density and magnetic field strength associated with the coronal loop. The derived parameters are consistent with the near-simultaneous X-ray observations of the flare. There is no evidence for oscillations in the quiescent state of the binary.


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We have developed new models of the chemistry of deuterium for investigating fractionation in interstellar molecular clouds. We have incorporated the latest information on reactions which affect deuteration, extended previous models to include S-D bonds for the first time and included the gasphase chemistry of some doubly-deuterated species. We present models for a wide range of physical parameters, including density, temperature, elemental abundances, and the freeze out of molecules on to dust grains. We discuss the detailed fractionation of particular species and show how fractionation can be used to probe the history of interstellar matter. The freeze out of molecules onto dust leads to significant enhancement in fractionation ratios and, in particular, to large fractionation in doubly-deuterated species.


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We present ISO-SWS spectra of the O-rich Mira variable R Gas, showing CO2 in absorption and emission, and H2O in absorption. The CO2 absorption feature is the 01(1)0 - 00(0)0 ro-vibrationaI band at 14.97 mu m. The emission features are the 10(0)0-01(1)0 and 11(1)0 - 02(2)0 re-vibrational transitions at 13.87 and 13.48 mu m respectively. The water absorption spectrum shows the nu(1) and nu(3) re-vibrational bands in the 2.75 - 3 mu m region. Using LTE models, we derive physical parameters for the features. We find the CO2 emission temperature to be similar to 1100 K. We discuss the nature of the CO2 feature at 15 mu m and show that it can be modeled as an emission/absorption band by deviating front thermal equilibrium for the population of the 01(1)0 vibrational level. The H2O absorption spectrum is shown to arise from gas at different temperatures, but can be fit reasonably well with two components at T = 950 K and T = 250 K. The CO2 emission and hut H2O absorption temperatures an similar, suggesting chat these features probe the same region of the inner envelope. We discuss the inner envelope chemistry using molecular equilibrium calculations and recent modeling work by Duari et al. (1999), and find our observations consistent with the results.


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The motion of a clarinet reed that is clamped to a mouthpiece and supported by a lip is simulated in the time-domain using finite difference methods. The reed is modelled as a bar with non-uniform cross section, and is described using a one-dimensional, fourth-order partial differential equation. The interactions with the mouthpiece Jay and the player's lip are taken into account by incorporating conditional contact forces in the bar equation. The model is completed by clamped-free boundary conditions for the reed. An implicit finite difference method is used for discretising the system, and values for the physical parameters are chosen both from laboratory measurements and by accurate tuning of the numerical simulations. The accuracy of the numerical system is assessed through analysis of frequency warping effects and of resonance estimation. Finally, the mechanical properties of the system are studied by analysing its response to external driving forces. In particular, the effects of reed curling are investigated.


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One of the attractive features of sound synthesis by physical modeling is the potential to build acoustic-sounding digital instruments that offer more flexibility and different options in its design and control than their real-life counterparts. In order to develop such virtual-acoustic instruments, the models they are based on need to be fully parametric, i.e., all coefficients employed in the model are functions of physical parameters that are controlled either online or at the (offline) design stage. In this letter we show how propagation losses can be parametrically incorporated in digital waveguide string models with the use of zero-phase FIR filters. Starting from the simplest possible design in the form of a three-tap FIR filter, a higher-order FIR strategy is presented and discussed within the perspective of string sound synthesis with digital waveguide models.


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The formation of chemically etched fibre tips for use in optical scanning probe microscopy is addressed. For tips formed at a cleaved fibre end in the bulk of a buffered HF acid solution the morphological features (tip height, cone angle) are found to depend strongly on the temperature and etchant composition. The tip formation process is analysed and explained in terms of a simple model in which the only pertinent physical parameters are the fibre core diameter and etch rates of the fibre core and cladding. The etch rates are determined in separate experiments as a function of temperature (in the range 24-50 degreesC) for etchant solutions of de ionised water: 50% HF acid: 40% NH4F in the volume ratio 1 : 1 : X for X=2, 4 and 6, and used in the model to yield a correct description of the experimental tip cone angles. The model is successfully extended to the intriguing case of negative tip formation which initiates in a normal, positive tip structure. By contrast, tip formation in the meniscus region of a bare fibre/etchant/organic solvent system is found to be independent of etchant composition and temperature. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Nonlinear self-modulation of dust acoustic waves is studied in the presence of non-thermal (non-Maxwellian) ion and electron populations. By employing a multiple scale technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation (NLSE) is derived for the wave amplitude. The influence of non-thermality, in addition to obliqueness (between the propagation and modulation directions), on the conditions for modulational instability to occur is discussed. Different types of localized solutions (envelope excitations) which may possibly occur are discussed, and the dependence of their characteristics oil physical parameters is traced. The ion deviation from a Maxwellian distribution comes out to be more important than the electron analogous deviation alone. Both yield a de-stabilizing effect oil (the amplitude of) DAWs propagating in a dusty plasma with negative dust grains, and thus favour the formation of bright- (rather than dark-) type envelope structures, (solitons) in the plasma. A similar tendency towards amplitude de-stabilization is found for the ease of the presence of positively charged dust in the plasma.


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A study is presented of the nonlinear self-modulation of low-frequency electrostatic (dust acoustic) waves propagating in a dusty plasma, in the presence of a superthermal ion (and Maxwellian electron) background. A kappa-type superthermal distribution is assumed for the ion component, accounting for an arbitrary deviation from Maxwellian equilibrium, parametrized via a real parameter kappa. The ordinary Maxwellian-background case is recovered for kappa ->infinity. By employing a multiple scales technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation (NLSE) is derived for the electric potential wave amplitude. Both dispersion and nonlinearity coefficients of the NLSE are explicit functions of the carrier wavenumber and of relevant physical parameters (background species density and temperature, as well as nonthermality, via kappa). The influence of plasma background superthermality on the growth rate of the modulational instability is discussed. The superthermal feature appears to control the occurrence of modulational instability, since the instability window is strongly modified. Localized wavepackets in the form of either bright-or dark-type envelope solitons, modeling envelope pulses or electric potential holes (voids), respectively, may occur. A parametric investigation indicates that the structural characteristics of these envelope excitations (width, amplitude) are affected by superthermality, as well as by relevant plasma parameters (dust concentration, ion temperature).


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The nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic waves is considered in a magnetized plasma, composed of kappa distributed electrons and an inertial ion fluid. The fluid-dynamical system of equations governing the dynamics of ion-acoustic waves is reduced to a pseudoenergy-balance equation. The properties of arbitrary amplitude, obliquely propagating ion-acoustic solitary waves are thus investigated via a mechanical-motion analog (Sagdeev potential) approach. The presence of excess superthermal electrons is shown to influence the nature of magnetized ion-acoustic solitons. The influence on the soliton characteristics of relevant physical parameters such as obliqueness (the angle between soliton propagation direction and magnetic field), the electron deviation from a Maxwellian ("superthermality") and the soliton speed is investigated.


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SuWt 2 is a planetary nebula (PN) consisting of a bright ionized thin ring seen nearly edge-on, with much fainter bipolar lobes extending perpendicularly to the ring. It has a bright (12th magnitude) central star, too cool to ionize the PN, which we discovered in the early 1990s to be an eclipsing binary. Although it was anticipated that there would also be an optically faint, hot, ionizing star in the system, a spectrum from the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) did not reveal a UV source. We present extensive ground-based photometry and spectroscopy of the central binary collected over the ensuing two decades, resulting in the determination that the orbital period of the eclipsing pair is 4.9 days, and that it consists of two nearly identical A1 V stars, each of mass ~2.7 M sun. The physical parameters of the A stars, combined with evolutionary tracks, show that both are in the short-lived "blue-hook" evolutionary phase that occurs between the main sequence and the Hertzsprung gap, and that the age of the system is about 520 Myr. One puzzle is that the stars' rotational velocities are different from each other, and considerably slower than synchronous with the orbital period. It is possible that the center-of-mass velocity of the eclipsing pair is varying with time, suggesting that there is an unseen third orbiting body in the system. We propose a scenario in which the system began as a hierarchical triple, consisting of a ~2.9 M sun star orbiting the close pair of A stars. Upon reaching the asymptotic giant branch stage, the primary engulfed the pair into a common envelope, leading to a rapid contraction of the orbit and catastrophic ejection of the envelope into the orbital plane. In this picture, the exposed core of the initial primary is now a white dwarf of ~0.7 M sun, orbiting the eclipsing pair, which has already cooled below the detectability possible by IUE at our derived distance of 2.3 kpc and a reddening of E(B - V) = 0.40. The SuWt 2 system may be destined to perish as a Type Ia supernova.


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Deformation localisation is the main reason for material failure in cold forging of titanium alloys and is thus closely related to the production yield of cold forging. In the study of the influence of process parameters on dynamic compression, considering material constitutive behaviour, physical parameters and process parameters, a numerical dynamic compression model for titanium alloys has been constructed. By adjusting the process parameters, the severity of strain localisation and stress state in the localised zone can be controlled thus enhancing the compression performance of titanium alloys.


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We describe a detailed depth-and time-dependent model of the molecular cloud associated with the ultracompact H II region G 34.3+0.15. Previous work on observations of NH3 and CS indicates that the molecular cloud has three distinct physical components:- an ultracompact hot core, a compact hot core and an extended halo. We have used the physical parameters derived from these observations as input to our detailed chemical kinetic modelling. The results of the model calculations are discussed with reference to the different chemistries occuring in each component and are compared with abundances derived from our recent spectral line survey of G 34.3+0.15 (Paper I).


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The choice of radix is crucial for multi-valued logic synthesis. Practical examples, however, reveal that it is not always possible to find the optimal radix when taking into consideration actual physical parameters of multi-valued operations. In other words, each radix has its advantages and disadvantages. Our proposal is to synthesise logic in different radices, so it may benefit from their combination. The theory presented in this paper is based on Reed-Muller expansions over Galois field arithmetic. The work aims to firstly estimate the potential of the new approach and to secondly analyse its impact on circuit parameters down to the level of physical gates. The presented theory has been applied to real-life examples focusing on cryptographic circuits where Galois Fields find frequent application. The benchmark results show the approach creates a new dimension for the trade-off between circuit parameters and provides information on how the implemented functions are related to different radices.


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Background: This follow-up study aims to determine the physical parameters which govern the differential radiosensitization capacity of two tumor cell lines and one immortalized normal cell line to 1.9 nm gold nanoparticles. In addition to comparing the uptake potential, localization, and cytotoxicity of 1.9 nm gold nanoparticles, the current study also draws on comparisons between nanoparticle size and total nanoparticle uptake based on previously published data.

Methods: We quantified gold nanoparticle uptake using atomic emission spectroscopy and imaged intracellular localization by transmission electron microscopy. Cell growth delay and clonogenic assays were used to determine cytotoxicity and radiosensitization potential, respectively. Mechanistic data were obtained by Western blot, flow cytometry, and assays for reactive oxygen species.

Results: Gold nanoparticle uptake was preferentially observed in tumor cells, resulting in an increased expression of cleaved caspase proteins and an accumulation of cells in sub G1 phase. Despite this, gold nanoparticle cytotoxicity remained low, with immortalized normal cells exhibiting an LD50 concentration approximately 14 times higher than tumor cells. The surviving fraction for gold nanoparticle-treated cells at 3 Gy compared with that of untreated control cells indicated a strong dependence on cell type in respect to radiosensitization potential.

Conclusion: Gold nanoparticles were most avidly endocytosed and localized within cytoplasmic vesicles during the first 6 hours of exposure. The lack of significant cytotoxicity in the absence of radiation, and the generation of gold nanoparticle-induced reactive oxygen species provide a potential mechanism for previously reported radiosensitization at megavoltage energies.