5 resultados para light flux

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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This work comprises the photoactivity assessment of transparent sol–gel TiO2 coatings of various thickness using two test systems. The initial rates of both photocatalytic reactions, namely the oxidative bleaching of Acid Orange 7 (AO7) and the reductive bleaching of 2,6-dichlorindophenol (DCIP) increase linearly with increasing titania film thickness as well as with increasing absorbed light flux. The latter work revealed quantum yields (QY) of 0.19% and 92% for the AO7 and DCIP test system, respectively. The low QY for the AO7 oxidation is due to the combination of a slow irreversible reduction of oxygen and also for the oxidation of AO7, thus favouring the high efficiency for electron–hole recombination that is typical for aqueous organic pollutants. In contrast, the very high QY for the photocatalysed reduction of DCIP is due to the presence of a vast excess of glycerol which traps the photogenerated holes efficiently and so allow time for the slower reduction of dye to take place. Furthermore, the oxidation of glycerol results in the generation of highly reducing R-hydroxyalkyl radicals that are able to also reduce DCIP. As a consequence of this ‘current doubling’ effect, the observed QY (92%) is much higher than the apparent theoretical value of 50%.


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High-cadence, multiwavelength optical observations of a solar active region (NOAA AR 10969), obtained with the Swedish Solar Telescope, are presented. Difference imaging of white light continuum data reveals a white-light brightening, 2 minutes in duration, linked to a cotemporal and cospatial C2.0 flare event. The flare kernel observed in the white-light images has a diameter of 300 km, thus rendering it below the resolution limit of most space-based telescopes. Continuum emission is present only during the impulsive stage of the flare, with the effects of chromospheric emission subsequently delayed by approximate to 2 minutes. The localized flare emission peaks at 300% above the quiescent flux. This large, yet tightly confined, increase in emission is only resolvable due to the high spatial resolution of the Swedish Solar Telescope. An investigation of the line-of-sight magnetic field derived from simultaneous MDI data shows that the continuum brightening is located very close to a magnetic polarity inversion line. In addition, an Ha flare ribbon is directed along a region of rapid magnetic energy change, with the footpoints of the ribbon remaining cospatial with the observed white-light brightening throughout the duration of the flare. The observed flare parameters are compared with current observations and theoretical models for M- and X-class events and we determine the observed white-light emission is caused by radiative back-warming. We suggest that the creation of white-light emission is a common feature of all solar flares.


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We present the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264, a continuous 30 day multi-wavelength photometric monitoring campaign on more than 1000 young cluster members using 16 telescopes. The unprecedented combination of multi-wavelength, high-precision, high-cadence, and long-duration data opens a new window into the time domain behavior of young stellar objects. Here we provide an overview of the observations, focusing on results from Spitzer and CoRoT. The highlight of this work is detailed analysis of 162 classical T Tauri stars for which we can probe optical and mid-infrared flux variations to 1% amplitudes and sub-hour timescales. We present a morphological variability census and then use metrics of periodicity, stochasticity, and symmetry to statistically separate the light curves into seven distinct classes, which we suggest represent different physical processes and geometric effects. We provide distributions of the characteristic timescales and amplitudes and assess the fractional representation within each class. The largest category (>20%) are optical "dippers" with discrete fading events lasting ~1-5 days. The degree of correlation between the optical and infrared light curves is positive but weak; notably, the independently assigned optical and infrared morphology classes tend to be different for the same object. Assessment of flux variation behavior with respect to (circum)stellar properties reveals correlations of variability parameters with Hα emission and with effective temperature. Overall, our results point to multiple origins of young star variability, including circumstellar obscuration events, hot spots on the star and/or disk, accretion bursts, and rapid structural changes in the inner disk. Based on data from the Spitzer and CoRoT missions. The CoRoT space mission was developed and is operated by the French space agency CNES, with participation of ESA's RSSD and Science Programmes, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, and Spain.


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Highly anisotropic, beam-like neutron emission with peak flux of the order of 10^9 n/sr was obtained from light nuclei reactions in a pitcher–catcher scenario, by employing MeV ions driven by subpetawatt laser. The spatial profile of the neutron beam, fully captured for the first time by employing a CR39 nuclear track detector, shows a FWHMdivergence angle of ~70 deg, with a peak flux nearly an order of magnitude higher than the isotropic component elsewhere. The observed beamed flux of neutrons is highly favourable for a wide range of applications, and indeed for further transport and moderation to thermal energies. A systematic study employing various combinations of pitcher–catcher materials indicates the dominant reactions being d(p, n+p)1Hand d(d,n)3He. Albeit insufficient cross-section data are available for modelling, the observed anisotropy in the neutrons’ spatial and spectral profiles are most likely related to the directionality and high energy of the projectile ions.


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Increase in the Balmer continuum radiation during solar flares was predicted by various authors, but has never been firmly confirmed observationally using ground-based slit spectrographs. Here we describe a new post-focal instrument, the image selector, with which the Balmer continuum flux can be measured from the whole flare area, in analogy to successful detections of flaring dMe stars. The system was developed and put into operation at the horizontal solar telescope HSFA2 of the Ondřejov Observatory. We measure the total flux by a fast spectrometer from a limited but well-defined region on the solar disk. Using a system of diaphragms, the disturbing contribution of a bright solar disk can be eliminated as much as possible. Light curves of the measured flux in the spectral range 350 – 440 nm are processed, together with the Hα images of the flaring area delimited by the appropriate diaphragm. The spectral flux data are flat-fielded, calibrated, and processed to be compared with model predictions. Our analysis of the data proves that the described device is sufficiently sensitive to detect variations in the Balmer continuum during solar flares. Assuming that the Balmer-continuum kernels have at least a similar size as those visible in Hα, we find the flux increase in the Balmer continuum to reach 230 – 550 % of the quiet continuum during the observed X-class flare. We also found temporal changes in the Balmer continuum flux starting well before the onset of the flare in Hα.