125 resultados para interplanetary dust particles

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A dusty plasma crystalline configuration consisting of charged dust grains of alternating charge sign (.../+/-/+/-/+/...) and mass is considered. Both charge and mass of each dust species are taken to be constant. Considering the equations of longitudinal motion, a dispersion relation for linear longitudinal vibrations is derived from first principles and then analyzed. Two harmonic modes are obtained, namely, an acoustic mode and an inverse-dispersive optic-like one. The nonlinear aspects of acoustic longitudinal dust grain motion are addressed via a generalized Boussinesq (and, alternatively, a generalized Korteweg-de Vries) description. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the occupational hazards within the tanning industry caused by contaminated dust. A qualitative assessment of the risk of human exposure to dust was made throughout a commercial Kenyan tannery. Using this information, high-risk points in the processing line were identified and dust sampling regimes developed. An optical set-up using microscopy and digital imaging techniques was used to determine dust particle numbers and size distributions. The results showed that chemical handling was the most hazardous (12 mg m(-3)). A Monte Carlo method was used to estimate the concentration of the dust in the air throughout the tannery during an 8 h working day. This showed that the high-risk area of the tannery was associated with mean concentrations of dust greater than the UK Statutory Instrument 2002 No. 2677. stipulated limits (exceeding 10 mg m(-3) (Inhalable dust limits) and 4 mg m(-3) (Respirable dust limits). This therefore has implications in terms of provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) to the tannery workers for the mitigation of occupational risk.


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Detailed models for the density and temperature profiles of gas and dust in protoplanetary disks are constructed by taking into account X-ray and UV irradiation from a central T Tauri star, as well as dust size growth and settling toward the disk midplane. The spatial and size distributions of dust grains are numerically computed by solving the coagulation equation for settling dust particles, with the result that the mass and total surface area of dust grains per unit volume of the gas in the disks are very small, except at the midplane. The H2 level populations and line emission are calculated using the derived physical structure of the disks. X-ray irradiation is the dominant heating source of the gas in the inner disk and in the surface layer, while the UV heating dominates otherwise. If the central star has strong X-ray and weak UV radiation, the H2 level populations are controlled by X-ray pumping, and the X-rayinduced transition lines could be observable. If the UV irradiation is strong, the level populations are controlled by thermal collisions or UV pumping, depending on the dust properties. As the dust particles evolve in the disks, the gas temperature at the disk surface drops because the grain photoelectric heating becomes less efficient. This makes the level populations change from LTE to non-LTE distributions, which results in changes to the line ratios. Our results suggest that dust evolution in protoplanetary disks could be observable through the H2 line ratios. The emission lines are strong from disks irradiated by strong UV and X-rays and possessing small dust grains; such disks will be good targets in which to observe H2 emission.


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Theoretical and numerical studies are presented of the nonlinear amplitude modulation of dust-acoustic (DA) waves propagating in an unmagnetized three component, weakly-coupled, fully ionized plasma consisting of electrons, positive ions and charged dust particles, considering perturbations oblique to the carrier wave propagation direction. The stability analysis, based on a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation (NLSE), shows that the wave may become unstable; the stability criteria depend on the angle theta between the modulation and propagation directions. Explicit expressions for the instability rate and threshold have been obtained in terms of the dispersion laws of the system. The possibility and conditions for the existence of different types of localized excitations have also been discussed.


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We discuss the effect of the attractive force associated with overlapping Debye spheres on the dispersion properties of the longitudinal and transverse dust lattice waves in strongly coupled dust crystals. The dust grain attraction is shown to contribute to a destabilization of the longitudinal dust lattice oscillations. The (optic-like) transverse mode dispersion law is shown to change. due to the Debye sphere dressing effect, from the known inverse-dispersive ("backward wave") form into a normal dispersive law (i.e. the group velocity changes sign). The stability of one-dimensionless bi-layers, consisting of (alternating) negatively and positively charged dust particles, is also discussed. The range of parameter values (mainly in terms of the lattice parameter kappa) where the above predictions are valid, are presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dust ion acoustic solitons in an unmagnetized dusty plasma comprising cold dust particles, adiabatic fluid ions, and electrons satisfying a kappa distribution are investigated using both small amplitude and arbitrary amplitude techniques. Their existence domain is discussed in the parameter space of Mach number M and electron density fraction f over a wide range of values of kappa. For all kappa > 3/2, including the Maxwellian distribution, negative dust supports solitons of both polarities over a range in f. In that region of parameter space solitary structures of finite amplitude can be obtained even at the lowest Mach number, the acoustic speed, for all kappa. These cannot be found from small amplitude theories. This surprising behavior is investigated, and it is shown that f(c), the value of f at which the KdV coefficient A vanishes, plays a critical role. In the presence of positive dust, only positive potential solitons are found. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3400229]


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The linear and nonlinear properties of low-frequency electrostatic excitations of charged dust particles (or defects) in a dense collisionless, unmagnetized Thomas-Fermi plasma are investigated. A fully ionized three-component model plasma consisting of electrons, ions, and negatively charged massive dust grains is considered. Electrons and ions are assumed to be in a degenerate quantum state, obeying the Thomas-Fermi density distribution, whereas the inertial dust component is described by a set of classical fluid equations. Considering large-amplitude stationary profile travelling-waves in a moving reference frame, the fluid evolution equations are reduced to a pseudo-energy-balance equation, involving a Sagdeev-type potential function. The analysis describes the dynamics of supersonic dust-acoustic solitary waves in Thomas-Fermi plasmas, and provides exact predictions for their dynamical characteristics, whose dependence on relevant parameters (namely, the ion-to-electron Fermi temperature ratio, and the dust concentration) is investigated. An alternative route is also adopted, by assuming weakly varying small-amplitude disturbances off equilibrium, and then adopting a multiscale perturbation technique to derive a Korteweg–de Vries equation for the electrostatic potential, and finally solving in terms for electric potential pulses (electrostatic solitons). A critical comparison between the two methods reveals that they agree exactly in the small-amplitude, weakly superacoustic limit. The dust concentration (Havnes) parameter h = Zd0nd0/ne0 affects the propagation characteristics by modifying the phase speed, as well as the electron/ion Fermi temperatures. Our results aim at elucidating the characteristics of electrostatic excitations in dust-contaminated dense plasmas, e.g., in metallic electronic devices, and also arguably in supernova environments, where charged dust defects may occur in the quantum plasma regime.


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Dust-acoustic waves are investigated in a three-component plasma consisting of strongly coupled dust particles and Maxwellian electrons and ions. A fluid model approach is used, with the effects of strong coupling being accounted for by an effective electrostatic "pressure" which is a function of the dust number density and the electrostatic potential. Both linear and weakly nonlinear cases are considered by derivation and analysis of the linear dispersion relation and the Korteweg-de Vries equation, respectively. In contrast to previous studies using this model, this paper presents the results arising from an expansion of the dynamical form of the electrostatic pressure, accounting for the variations in its value in the vicinity of the wave. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.066404


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The modulational instability of dust-acoustic waves is investigated, relying on a recently proposed model for strong electrostatic interactions between the highly charged dust particles. The resulting effect on the occurrence (threshold, growth rate) of modulational instability is investigated. Our results can in principle be tested experimentally.


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Electrostatic dust-acoustic shock waves are investigated in a viscous, complex plasma consisting of dust particles, electrons, and ions. The system is modelled using the generalized hydrodynamic equations, with strong coupling between the dust particles being accounted for by employing the effective electrostatic temperature approach. Using a reductive perturbation method, it is demonstrated that this model predicts the existence of weakly nonlinear dust-acoustic shock waves, arising as solutions to Burgers's equation, in which the nonlinear forces are balanced by dissipative forces, in this case, associated with viscosity. The evolution and stability of dust-acoustic shocks is investigated via a series of numerical simulations, which confirms our analytical predictions on the shock characteristics.


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This paper reports an experimental investigation of converting waste medium density fibreboard (MDF) sawdust into chars and activated carbon using chemical activation and thermal carbonisation processes. The MDF sawdust generated during the production of architectural mouldings was characterised and found to have unique properties in terms of fine particle size and high particle density. It also has a high content of urea formaldehyde resin used as a binder in the manufacturing of MDF board. Direct thermal carbonisation and chemical activation of the sawdust by metal impregnation and acid (phosphoric acid) treatment prior to pyrolysis treatment were carried out. The surface morphology of the raw dust, its chars and activated carbon were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Adsorptive properties and total pore volume of the materials were also analysed using the BET nitrogen adsorption method. Liquid adsorption of a reactive dye (Levafix Brilliant red E-4BA) by the derived sawdust carbon was investigated in batch isothermal adsorption process and the results compared to adsorption on to a commercial activated carbon (Filtrasorb F400). The MDF sawdust carbon exhibited in general a very low adsorption capacity towards the reactive dye, and physical characterisation of the carbon revealed that the conventional chemical activation and thermal carbonisation process were ineffective in developing a microporous structure in the dust particles. The small size of the powdery dust, the high particle density, and the presence of the urea formaldehyde resin all contributed to the difficulty of developing a proper porous structure during the thermal and chemical activation process. Finally, activation of the dust material in a consolidated form (cylindrical pellet) only achieved very limited improvement in the dye adsorption capacity. This original study, reporting some unexpected outcomes, may serve as a stepping-stone for future investigations of recycle and reuse of the waste MDF sawdust which is becoming an increasing environmental and cost liability. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A theoretical study is presented of the nonlinear amplitude modulation of waves propagating in unmagnetized plasmas contaminated by charged dust particles. Distinct well-known dusty plasma modes are explicitly considered, namely, the dust-acoustic wave, the dust-ion acoustic wave, and transverse dust-lattice waves. Using a multiple-scale technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation is derived, describing the evolution of the wave amplitude. A stability analysis reveals the possibility for modulational instability to occur, possibly leading to the formation of different types of envelope-localized excitations (solitary waves), under conditions which depend on the wave dispersion laws and intrinsic dusty plasma parameters.


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The growth of dust grains in the inner regions of late-type stars is shrouded in mystery due to the difficulty of understanding the growth of heterogeneous particles from simple atoms and molecules and the lack of observational data. This article reviews the molecular processes important in circumstellar envelopes and discusses how ALMA might be used to probe the dust formation zone either directly or indirectly.