21 resultados para frequency dependence

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The objective of this work is an evaluation of quantitative measurements of piezoresponse force microscopy for nanoscale characterization of ferroelectric films. To this end, we investigate how the piezoresponse phase difference Delta Phi between c domains depends on the frequency omega of the applied ac field much lower than the cantilever first resonance frequency. The main specimen under study was a 102 nm thick film of Pb(Zr(0.2)Ti(0.8))O(3). For the sake of comparison, a 100 nm thick PbTiO(3) film was also used. From our measurements, we conclude a frequency dependent behavior Delta Phi similar to omega(-1), which can only be partially explained by the presence of adsorbates on the surface. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a numerical and theoretical study of intense-field single-electron ionization of helium at 390 nm and 780 nm. Accurate ionization rates (over an intensity range of (0.175-34) X10^14 W/ cm^2 at 390 nm, and (0.275 - 14.4) X 10^14 W /cm^2 at 780 nm) are obtained from full-dimensionality integrations of the time-dependent helium-laser Schroedinger equation. We show that the power law of lowest order perturbation theory, modified with a ponderomotive-shifted ionization potential, is capable of modelling the ionization rates over an intensity range that extends up to two orders of magnitude higher than that applicable to perturbation theory alone. Writing the modified perturbation theory in terms of scaled wavelength and intensity variables, we obtain to first approximation a single ionization law for both the 390 nm and 780 nm cases. To model the data in the high intensity limit as well as in the low, a new function is introduced for the rate. This function has, in part, a resemblance to that derived from tunnelling theory but, importantly, retains the correct frequency-dependence and scaling behaviour derived from the perturbative-like models at lower intensities. Comparison with the predictions of classical ADK tunnelling theory confirms that ADK performs poorly in the frequency and intensity domain treated here.


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Thin film Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) capacitors of thickness similar to75 nm to similar to1200 nm, with Au top electrodes and SrRuO 3 (SRO) or (La, Sr)CoO3 (LSCO) bottom electrodes were fabricated using Pulsed Laser Deposition. Implementing the "series capacitor model," bulk and interfacial capacitance properties were extracted as a function of temperature and frequency. 'Bulk' properties demonstrated typical ceramic behaviour, displaying little frequency dependence and a permittivity and loss peak at 250 K and 150 K respectively. The interfacial component was found to be relatively temperature and frequency independent for the LSCO/BST capacitors, but for the SRO/BST configuration the interfacial capacitance demonstrated moderate frequency and little temperature dependence below T similar to 300 K but a relatively strong frequency and temperature dependence above T similar to3 00 K. This was attributed to the thermal activation of a space charge component combined with a thermally independent background. The activation energy for the space charge was found to be E-A similar to 0.6 eV suggesting de-trapping of electrons from shallow level traps associated with a thin interfacial layer of oxygen vacancies, parallel to the electrodes.


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We have conducted a broad survey of switching behavior in thin films of a range of ferroelectric materials, including some materials that are not typically considered for FeRAM applications, and are hence less studied. The materials studied include: strontium bismuth tantalate (SBT), barium strontium titanate (BST), lead zicronate titanate (PZT), and potassium nitrate (KNO3). Switching in ferroelectric thin films is typically considered to occur by domain nucleation and growth. We discuss two models of frequency dependence of coercive field, the Ishisbashi-Orihara theory where the limiting step is domain growth and the model of Du and Chen where the limiting step is nucleation. While both models fit the data fairly well the temperature dependence of our results on PZT and BST suggest that the nucleation model of Du and Chen is more appropriate for the experimental results that we have obtained.


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We report on chevrons (herringbonelike patterns) observed in homeotropically aligned liquid crystals with high electric conductivity. We focus our attention on two types of chevrons observed in the conduction regime. The threshold voltage and the characteristic double periodicity of chevrons (i.e., the short wavelength lambda(1) of the striated rolls and the long wavelength lambda(2) Of the chevron bands) have been measured as functions of the applied electric frequency f. With the aid of a crossed polarizer set, we have, in addition, determined the director field which shows a periodic in-plane rotation for our chevrons (with a wavelength lambda(2)) We arrived at the types of chevrons after qualitatively different bifurcation sequences with increasing voltage. The frequency dependence of lambda(2) also shows a qualitatively different behavior with respect to the two types of chevrons. The experimental results are discussed in terms of recent theoretical investigations.


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We review some recent developments in many body perturbation theory (MBPT) calculations that have enabled the study of interfaces and defects. Starting from the theoretical basis of MBPT, Hedin's equations are presented, leading to the CW and CWI' approximations. We introduce the perturbative approach, that is the one most commonly used for obtaining quasiparticle (QP) energies. The practical strategy presented for dealing with the frequency dependence of the self energy operator is based on either plasmon-pole models (PPM) or the contour deformation technique, with the latter being more accurate. We also discuss the extrapolar method for reducing the number of unoccupied states which need to be included explicity in the calculations. The use of the PAW method in the framework of MBPT is also described. Finally, results which have been obtained using, MBPT for band offsets a interfaces and for defects presented, with companies on the main difficulties and cancels.

Schematic representation of the QP corrections (marked with ) to the band edges (E and E-v) and a defect level (F) for a Si/SiO2 interface (Si and O atoms are represented in blue and red, respectively, in the ball and stick model) with an oxygen vacancy leading to a Si-Si bond (the Si atoms involved in this bond are colored light blue).


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The role of long-range strain interactions on domain wall dynamics is explored through macroscopic and local measurements of nonlinear behavior in mechanically clamped and released polycrystalline lead zirconate-titanate (PZT) films. Released films show a dramatic change in the global dielectric nonlinearity and its frequency dependence as a function of mechanical clamping. Furthermore, we observe a transition from strong clustering of the nonlinear response for the clamped case to almost uniform nonlinearity for the released film. This behavior is ascribed to increased mobility of domain walls. These results suggest the dominant role of collective strain interactions mediated by the local and global mechanical boundary conditions on the domain wall dynamics. The work presented in this Letter demonstrates that measurements on clamped films may considerably underestimate the piezoelectric coefficients and coupling constants of released structures used in microelectromechanical systems, energy harvesting systems, and microrobots.


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The magnetic anisotropies of a patterned, exchange biased Fe50Mn50/Ni80Fe20 system are studied using ferromagnetic resonance, supplemented by Brillouin light scattering experiments and Kerr magnetometry. The exchange biased bi-layer is partially etched into an antidot geometry so that the system approximates a Ni80 Fe20 layer in contact with antidot structured Fe50 Mn50 . Brillouin light scattering measurements of the spin wave frequency dependence on the wave vector reveal a magnonic band gap as expected for a periodic modulation of the magnetic properties. Analysis of the ferromagnetic resonance spectra reveals 8-fold and 4-fold contributions to the magnetic anisotropy. Additionally, the antidot patterning decreases the magnitude of the exchange bias and modifies strongly its angular dependence. Softening of all resonance modes is most pronounced for the applied magnetic field aligned within 10◦ of the antidot axis, in the direction of the bias. Given the degree to which one can tailor the ground state, the resulting asymmetry at low frequencies could make this an interesting candidate for applications such as selective/directional microwave filtering and multi-state magnetic logic.


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The ionization dynamics of H2 + exposed to high-intensity, high-frequency, ultrashort laser pulses is investigated with two theoretical approaches. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation is solved by a direct numerical method, and a simple two-center interference-diffraction model is studied. The energy and angular distributions of the photoelectron for various internuclear distances and relative orientations between the internuclear axis of the molecule and the polarization of the field are calculated. The main features of the photoelectron spectrum pattern are described well by the interference-diffraction model, and excellent quantitative agreement between the two methods is found. The effect of quantal vibration on the photoelectron spectrum is also calculated. We find that vibrational average produces some broadening of the main features, but that the patterns remain clearly distinguishable.


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Objectives: This study examined: (i) the prevalence of trauma in a bipolar disorder (BD) sample, and (ii) how trauma histories mediated by interpersonal difficulties and alcohol dependence impact on the severity of BD. The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its relationship to outcomes in BD were also examined.

Methods: Sixty participants were recruited from a geographically well-defined mental health service in Northern Ireland. Self-reported trauma histories, PTSD, interpersonal difficulties and alcohol dependence and were examined in relation to illness severity.

Results: A high prevalence of trauma was found. Trauma predicted the frequency of hospital admissions (R-2 = 0.08), quality of life (R-2 = 0.23) and inter-episode depressive symptoms (R-2 = 0.13). Interpersonal difficulties, but not alcohol dependence, appeared to play an important role in mediating these adverse effects. While only 8% of the sample met criteria for active PTSD, this comorbid disorder was associated with BD severity.

Conclusions: This study indicates that awareness of trauma is important in understanding individual differences in bipolar presentations. The theoretical and clinical implications of evidence that trauma is related to more adverse outcomes in BD are discussed. The finding that interpersonal difficulties mediate the relationship between trauma and BD severity is novel. The need for adjunctive evidence-based treatments targeting interpersonal difficulties is considered.


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The electrical conductivities of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquids and of 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquids with different anions were determined in the temperature range between 123 and 393 K on the basis of dielectric measurements in the frequency range from 1 to 10(7) Hz. Most of the ionic liquids form a glass and the conductivity values obey the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation. The glass transition temperatures are increasing with increasing length of the alkyl chain. The fragility is weakly dependent on the alkyl chain length but is highly sensitive to the structure of the anion. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Atomic oxygen formation in a radio-frequency driven micro-atmospheric pressure plasma jet is investigated using both advanced optical diagnostics and numerical simulations of the dynamic plasma chemistry. Laser spectroscopic measurements of absolute densities of ground state atomic oxygen reveal steep gradients at the interface between the plasma core and the effluent region. Spatial profiles resolving the interelectrode gap within the core plasma indicate that volume processes dominate over surface reactions. Details of the production and destruction processes are investigated in numerical simulations benchmarked by phase-resolved optical emission spectroscopy. The main production mechanisms are electron induced and hence most efficient in the vicinity of the plasma boundary sheath, where electrons are energized. The destruction is driven through chemical heavy particle reactions. The resulting spatial profile of atomic oxygen is relatively flat. The power dependence of the atomic oxygen density obtained by the numerical simulation is in very good agreement with the laser spectroscopic measurements.


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The sonochemical oxidation efficiency (eta(ox)) of a commercial titanium alloy ultrasound horn has been measured using potassium iodide as a dosimeter at its main resonance frequency (20 kHz) and two higher resonance frequencies (41 and 62 kHz). Narrow power and frequency ranges have been chosen to minimise secondary effects such as changing bubble stability, and time available for radical diffusion from the bubble to the liquid. The oxidation efficiency, eta(ox), is proportional to the frequency and to the power transmitted to the liquid (275 mL) in the applied power range (1-6 W) under argon. Luminol radical visualisation measurements show that the radical generation rate increases and a redistribution of radical producing zones is achieved at increasing frequency. Argon, helium, air, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide have been used as saturation gases in potassium iodide oxidation experiments. The highest eta(ox) has been observed at 5 W under air at 62 kHz. The presence of carbon dioxide in air gives enhanced nucleation at 41 and 62 kHz and has a strong influence on eta(ox). This is supported by the luminol images, the measured dependence of eta(ox). on input power, and bubble images recorded under carbon dioxide. The results give insight into the interplay between saturation gas and frequency, nucleation, and their effect on eta(ox). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A time-resolved Langmuir probe technique is used to measure the dependence of the electron density, electron temperature, plasma potential and electron energy distribution function (EEDF) on the phase of the driving voltage in a RF driven parallel plate discharge. The measurements were made in a low-frequency (100-500 kHz), symmetrically driven, radio frequency discharge operating in H-2, D-2 and Ar at gas pressures of a few hundred millitorr. The EEDFs could not be represented by a single Maxwellian distribution and resembled the time averaged EEDFs reported in 13.56 MHz discharges. The measured parameters showed structure in their spatial and temporal dependence, generally consistent with a simple oscillating sheath model. Electron temperatures of less than 0.1 eV were measured during the phase of the RF cycle when both electrodes are negative with respect to the plasma.


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Two- and three-photon detachment rates have been obtained for F- using several expansions in the R-matrix Floquet approach. These rates are compared with other theoretical and experimental results. The use of Hartree-Fock wavefunctions for the ground state of F with addition of continuum electrons does not lead to agreement with experiment for two- and three-photon detachment. By adding correlation terms, agreement with experiment and other theoretical results is improved considerably, demonstrating the importance of electron correlation effects. However, convergence with respect to the wavefunction expansion cannot be established, we also study the intensity dependence of multiphoton detachment rates for F- at the Nd-YAG frequency. Due to the ponderomotive shift the three-photon detachment channel closes at an intensity of 8.5 x 10(11) W cm(-2) and the influence of this channel closure on the multiphoton detachment peaks is illustrated by determining the heights of the excess-photon peaks obtained using a Gaussian laser pulse.