31 resultados para critical state

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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Data from a series of controlled suction triaxial tests on samples of compacted speswhite kaolin were used in the development of an elasto–plastic critical state framework for unsaturated soil. The framework is defined in terms of four state variables: mean net stress, deviator stress, suction and specific volume. Included within the proposed framework are an isotropic normal compression hyperline, a critical state hyperline and a state boundary hypersurface. For states that lie inside the state boundary hypersurface the soil behaviour is assumed to be elastic, with movement over the state boundary hypersurface corresponding to expansion of a yield surface in stress space. The pattern of swelling and collapse observed during wetting, the elastic–plastic compression behaviour during isotropic loading and the increase of shear strength with suction were all related to the shape of the yield surface and the hardening law defined by the form of the state boundary. By assuming that constant–suction cross–sections of the yield surface were elliptical it was possible to predict test paths for different types of triaxial shear test that showed good agreement with observed behaviour. The development of shear strain was also predicted with reasonable success, by assuming an associated flow rule.


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Over the last 40 years considerable progress has been made in understanding the complex behaviour of unsaturated soils. Research using constitutive modelling has extended the critical state framework and the concept of yielding in saturated soils to encompass unsaturated soils experiencing suction. However, validation testing of the framework for unsaturated soils has shown disagreement with the basic propositions. The main reason for this disparity is the anisotropic properties of the soil specimens tested as a result of preparation using one-dimensional compaction. The paper describes the detailed testing carried out to justify this statement. As part of the work presented, samples of unsaturated kaolin were prepared using isotropic compression. The suctions in these samples were reduced to predefined values by wetting under low isotropic loading. The pore size distributions, the pressure–volume relationships and yielding under subsequent isotropic loading are compared with tests on samples prepared by statically compressing kaolin into a one-dimensional compaction mould. The anisotropically compressed samples had initial water contents and specific volumes similar to those of the isotropically prepared samples and were also tested under reducing suctions; they exhibited distinctly different behaviour when tested under similar conditions. The results obtained from the isotropically prepared and tested samples have shown, probably for the first time, the existence of a unique normal compression surface that is not dependent on the initial conditions of the samples. The shape of the loading–collapse (LC) yield locus is shown to be different from the generally accepted form.


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Validation of a framework for unsaturated soil behaviour has frequently resulted in disagreement with basic propositions. A primary reason for this disparity is considered to be attributable to the anisotropic properties of the soil specimens tested as a result of preparation using one-dimensional compaction. As part of the work presented, comparison is made between tests on samples of unsaturated kaolin prepared at identical specific volumes and specific water volumes using isotropic compression and one-dimensional compression. The suctions in the samples were reduced to predefined values by wetting under low isotropic loading in a triaxial cell. The samples were then taken through various stress paths to failure, defined as the critical state strength, while the suctions were held constant. Stress path tests were also performed on samples without reducing the suction to predefined values. In the latter, constant water mass tests, the suctions were allowed to vary and were measured using a psychrometer. The results of the tests at critical state are compared with the propositions of Wheeler and Sivakumar. The shear strengths of samples with isotropic previous history are shown to be significantly greater than those of samples with one-dimensional stress history when plotted against the mean net stress. The normal compression lines, critical state lines and yield characteristics are also shown to be significantly influenced by the previous stress history and are shown to be different for isotropically and one-dimensionally prepared samples.


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The influence of compaction pressure, compaction water content and type of compaction (static or dynamic) on subsequent soil behaviour was investigated by conducting controlled-suction triaxial tests on samples of unsaturated compacted speswhite kaolin. Compaction pressure influences initial state, by determining the initial position of the yield surface, thus affecting, among other things, the shape of stress–strain curves during shearing. Compaction pressure also influences, to a limited degree, the positions of the normal compression lines for different values of suction, but it has no effect on critical state relationships. The effect of compaction pressure can probably be modelled solely in terms of initial state if an anisotropic elastoplastic model incorporating rotational hardening is employed, whereas the parameters defining the slopes and intercepts of the normal compression lines for different values of suction require adjustment with variation of compaction pressure if a conventional isotropic hardening elastoplastic model is employed. Compaction water content influences the initial suction, but also has a substantial influence on normal compression lines and a noticeable effect on the volumetric behaviour at critical states. It is likely that soil samples compacted at different water contents will have to be modelled as different materials, irrespective of whether an isotropic or anisotropic hardening elastoplastic model is employed. A change from static to dynamic compaction has no significant effect on subsequent behaviour.


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This paper investigates the pull-out behaviour (particularly the bearing resistance) of a steel grid reinforcement embedded in silty sand using laboratory tests and numerical analyses. It is demonstrated that the various common analytical equations for calculating the bearing component of pull-out resistance give a wide range of calculated values, up to about 200% disparity. The disparity will increase further if the issue of whether to use the peak or critical state friction angle is brought in. Furthermore, these equations suggest that the bearing resistance factor, N, is only a function of soil friction angle which is not consistent with some design guidelines. In this investigation, a series of large scale laboratory pull-out tests under different test pressures were conducted. The test results unambiguously confirmed that the N factor is a function of test pressure. A modified equation for calculating N is also proposed. To have more in-depth understanding of the pull-out behaviour, the tests were modelled numerically. The input parameters for the numerical analysis were obtained from laboratory triaxial tests. The analysis results were compared with the experimental results. Good agreement between experimental and numerical results was achieved if the strain-softening behaviour from peak strength to critical state condition was captured by the soil model used. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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n 1953, noting a remarkable consistency between the agents causing mutations and those associated with cancer, Carl Nordling, a Finnish-born architect, proposed that cancer results from an accumulation of genetic mutations. It is now generally accepted that inherited mutations and environmental carcinogens can lead to the development of premalignant clones. After further mutations, one cell reaches a critical state which confers a survival or growth advantage over normal cells. Such cells have the ability to initiate a malignant tumour. They share many of the features of normal stem cells, including the capacity for self-renewal and differentiation, and are widely termed cancer stem cells (CSCs). Although CSCs have been well characterized in hematological malignancies, their existence in some other tissues has been questioned. Here, we review recent work in which stem cells and stem cell-like cells have been used to investigate the pathogenesis of cancer and potential anticancer treatment strategies, in the context of both hematological and somatic tissue disease.


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Coastal and estuarine landforms provide a physical template that not only accommodates diverse ecosystem functions and human activities, but also mediates flood and erosion risks that are expected to increase with climate change. In this paper, we explore some of the issues associated with the conceptualisation and modelling of coastal morphological change at time and space scales relevant to managers and policy makers. Firstly, we revisit the question of how to define the most appropriate scales at which to seek quantitative predictions of landform change within an age defined by human interference with natural sediment systems and by the prospect of significant changes in climate and ocean forcing. Secondly, we consider the theoretical bases and conceptual frameworks for determining which processes are most important at a given scale of interest and the related problem of how to translate this understanding into models that are computationally feasible, retain a sound physical basis and demonstrate useful predictive skill. In particular, we explore the limitations of a primary scale approach and the extent to which these can be resolved with reference to the concept of the coastal tract and application of systems theory. Thirdly, we consider the importance of different styles of landform change and the need to resolve not only incremental evolution of morphology but also changes in the qualitative dynamics of a system and/or its gross morphological configuration. The extreme complexity and spatially distributed nature of landform systems means that quantitative prediction of future changes must necessarily be approached through mechanistic modelling of some form or another. Geomorphology has increasingly embraced so-called ‘reduced complexity’ models as a means of moving from an essentially reductionist focus on the mechanics of sediment transport towards a more synthesist view of landform evolution. However, there is little consensus on exactly what constitutes a reduced complexity model and the term itself is both misleading and, arguably, unhelpful. Accordingly, we synthesise a set of requirements for what might be termed ‘appropriate complexity modelling’ of quantitative coastal morphological change at scales commensurate with contemporary management and policy-making requirements: 1) The system being studied must be bounded with reference to the time and space scales at which behaviours of interest emerge and/or scientific or management problems arise; 2) model complexity and comprehensiveness must be appropriate to the problem at hand; 3) modellers should seek a priori insights into what kind of behaviours are likely to be evident at the scale of interest and the extent to which the behavioural validity of a model may be constrained by its underlying assumptions and its comprehensiveness; 4) informed by qualitative insights into likely dynamic behaviour, models should then be formulated with a view to resolving critical state changes; and 5) meso-scale modelling of coastal morphological change should reflect critically on the role of modelling and its relation to the observable world.


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The 1993 Treaty on European Union finally closed a legal vacuum in
EU law, by giving the Court the power to impose financial penalties to
enforce compliance with its judgments. Today, this power is found
within Article 260(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union. Drawing upon case law, this article examines the
role that the Court’s enforcement powers have played in relation to
EU environmental law. It argues that EU law has yet to make full use
of their potential. The article commences with the Commission and
questions whether it has sufficient resources to carry out its functions
under Article 260(2). The article also examines the ongoing problem of
Member State delay in complying with Court judgments and the
weight given to environmental considerations in the Court’s decision
making on financial penalties. The article concludes by examining the
implications of the Lisbon Treaty.


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This article is concerned with resituating the state at the centre of the analytical stage and, concomitantly, with drawing attention to the dangers of losing sight of the state as a locus of power. It seeks to uncover the relationship between two related lines of critical inquiry: Marxist and Foucauldian theories of the state; and the attempts by three postwar American novelist (Ken Kesey, William Burroughs and E.L. Doctorow) to determine the nature and extent of this power and to consider under what conditions political struggle might be possible. It argues that such a move is needed because recent critical analysis has been too preoccupied by corporeal micropolitics and global macropolitics, and that the postwar American novel can help us in this move because it is centrally concerned with the repressive potentiality of the US state. It maintains that the resuscitation of Marxist state theories in early 1970s and a debate between Poulantzas and Foucault is intriguingly foreshadowed and even critiqued by these novels. Consequently, it concludes that these novels constitute an unrecognized pre-history of what would become one of the key intellectual debates of the late twentieth century: an engagement between Marxist and post-structuralist conceptions of the power and resistance.


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The work presented here is aimed at determining the potential and limitations of Raman spectroscopy for fat analysis by carrying out a systematic investigation of C-4-C-24 FAME. These provide a simple, well-characterized set of compounds in which the effect of making incremental changes can be studied over a wide range of chain lengths and degrees of unsaturation. The effect of temperature on the spectra was investigated over much larger ranges than would normally be encountered in real analytical measurements. It was found that for liquid FAME the best internal standard band was the carbonyl stretching vibration nu(C = O), whose position is affected by changes in sample chain length and physical state; in the samples studied here, it was found to lie between 1729 and 1748 cm(-1). Further, molar unsaturation could be correlated with the ratio of the nu(C = O) to either nu(C = C) or delta(H-C = ) with R-2 > 0.995. Chain length was correlated with the delta(CH2)(tw)/nu(C = O) ratio, (where "tw" indicates twisting) but separate plots for odd- and even-numbered carbon chains were necessary to obtain R-2 > 0.99 for liquid samples. Combining the odd- ani even-numbered carbon chain data in a single plot reduced the correlation to R-2 = 0.94-0.96, depending on the band ratios used. For molal unsaturation the band ratio that correlated linearly with unsaturation (R-2 > 0.99) was nu(C = C)/delta(CH2)(SC) (where "sc" indicates scissoring). Other band ratios show much more complex behavior with changes in chemical and physical structure. This complex behavior results from the fact that the bands do not arise from simple vibrations of small, discrete regions of the molecules but are due to complex motions of large sections of the FAME so that making incremental changes in structure does not necessarily lead to simple incremental changes in spectra.


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The capability of intense ultrashort laser pulses to initiate, control and image vibrational wavepacket dynamics in the deuterium molecular ion has been simulated with a view to inform and direct future femtosecond pump-control-probe experiments. The intense-field coherent control of the vibrational superposition has been studied as a function of pulse intensity and delay time, to provide an indication of key constraints for experimental studies. For selected cases of the control mechanism, probing of the subsequent vibrational wavepacket dynamics has been simulated via the photodissociation (PD) channel. Such PD probing is shown to elucidate the modified wavepacket dynamics where the position of the quantum revival is sensitive to the control process. Through Fourier transform analysis the PD yield is also shown to provide a characterisation of the vibrational distribution. It has been shown that a simple 'critical R cut-off' approximation can be used to reproduce the effect of a probe pulse interaction, providing a convenient and efficient alternative to intensive computer simulations of the PD mechanism in the deuterium molecular ion.