25 resultados para breakthrough

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1. The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera L. is globally endangered and is threatened by commercial exploitation, pollution and habitat loss throughout its range. Captive breeding would be a valuable tool in enhancing the status of M. margaritifera in the UK. 2. We have developed a semi-natural system for successfully infecting juvenile brown trout with glochidial M. margaritifera, and culturing juvenile mussels in experimental tanks where glochidial M. margaritifera can excyst from fish gills and settle into sediment. 3. Infected fish had less than 1% mortality. Levels of infection varied among fish. Two yearly cohorts of juvenile M. margaritifera were identified from samples of sediment taken from each experimental tank. Individuals range in size from 1.4 mm (2000 cohort) to >3 mm in length (1999 cohort). 4. The number of juvenile M. margaritifera present in the two experimental tanks are estimated to be between 3600 (tank A) and 0 (tank B) for the putative 1999 cohort and between 6000 (tank A) and 13 000 (tank B) for the putative 2000 cohort. 5. This pioneering method for large-scale cultivation of juvenile M. margaritifera is intermediate between the release of infected fish into rivers and the intensive cultivation systems developed in continental Europe and the USA for other species of unionid. This is the first time that large numbers of M. margaritifera have been cultured and represents a significant breakthrough in the conservation of this globally endangered Red Data List species. The method is straightforward and is most cost-effective when undertaken alongside established hatchery processes.


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Synthetic resins are shown to be effective in removing uranium from contaminated groundwater. Batch and field column tests showed that strong-base anion-exchange resins were more effective in removing uranium from both near-neutral-pH (6.5)- and high-pH (8)-low-nitrate-containing groundwaters, than metal-chelating resins, which removed more uranium from acidic-pH (5)-high-nitrate-containing groundwater from the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) Y-12 S-3 Ponds area in Tennessee, USA. Dowex 1-X8 and Purolite A-520E anion-exchange resins removed more uranium from high-pH (8)-low-nitrate-containing synthetic groundwater in batch tests than metal-chelating resins. The Dowex™ 21K anion-exchange resin achieved a cumulative loading capacity of 49.8 mg g-1 before breakthrough in a field column test using near-neutral-pH (6.5)-low-nitrate-containing groundwater. However, in an acidic-pH (5)-high-nitrate-containing groundwater, metal-chelating resins Diphonix and Chelex-100 removed more uranium than anion-exchange resins. In 15 mL of acidic-pH (5)-high-nitrate-containing groundwater spiked with 20 mg L-1 uranium, the uranium concentrations ranged from 0.95 mg L-1 at 1-h equilibrium to 0.08 mg L-1 at 24-h equilibrium for Diphonix and 0.17 mg L-1 at 1-h equilibrium to 0.03 mg L-1 at 24-h equilibrium for Chelex-100. Chelex-100 removed more uranium in the first 10 min in the 100 mL of acidic-(pH 5)-high-nitrate-containing groundwater (~5 mg L-1 uranium); however, after 10 min, Diphonix equaled or out-performed Chelex-100. This study presents an improved understanding of the selectivity and sorption kenetics of a range of ion-exchange resins that remove uranium from both low- and high-nitrate-containing groundwaters with varying pHs..


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Peat has been widely used as a low cost adsorbent to remove a variety of materials including organic compounds and heavy metals from water. Various functional groups in lignin allow such compounds to bind on active sites of peat. The adsorption of Cu2+ and Ni2+ from aqueous solutions on Irish peat moss was studied both as a pure ion and from their binary mixtures under both equilibrium and dynamic conditions in the concentration range of 5–100 mg/L. The pH of the solutions containing either Cu2+ or Ni2+ was varied over a range of 2–8. The adsorption of Cu2+ and Ni+2 on peat was found to be pH dependent. The adsorption data could be fitted to a two-site Langmuir adsorption isotherm and the maximum adsorption capacity of peat was determined to be 17.6 mg/g for Cu2+ and 14.5 mg/g for Ni2+ at 298 K when the initial concentration for both Cu2+ and Ni2+ was 100 mg/L, and the pH of the solution was 4.0 and 4.5, respectively. Column studies were conducted to generate breakthrough data for both pure component and binary mixtures of copper and nickel. Desorption experiments showed that 2 mM EDTA solution could be used to remove all of the adsorbed copper and nickel from the bed.


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Abstract: Adsorption behaviour of reactive dyes in fixed-bed adsorber was evaluated in this work. The characteristics of mass transfer zone (MTZ), where adsorption in column occurs, were affected by carbon bed depth and influent dye concentration. The working lifetime (t(x)) of MTZ, the height of mass transfer zone (HMTZ), the rate of mass transfer zone (RMTZ), and the column capacity at exhaustion (q(column)) were estimated for the removal of remazol reactive yellow and remazol reactive black by carbon adsorber. The results showed that column capacity calculated at 90% of column exhaustion was lower than carbon capacity obtained from equilibrium studies. This indicated that the capacity of activated carbon was not fully utilized in the fixed-bed adsorber. The bed-depth service time model (BDST) was applied for analysis of reactive yellow adsorption in the column. The adsorption capacity of reactive yellow calculated at 50% breakthrough point (No) was found to be 0.1 kg kg(-1) and this value is equivalent to about 14% of the available carbon capacity. The results of this study indicated the applicability of fixed-bed adsorber for removing remazol reactive yellow from solution. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article describes an approach for quantifying microsphere deposition onto iron-oxide-coated sand under the influence of adsorbed Suwannee River Humic Acid (SRHA). The experimental technique involved a triple pulse injection of model latex microspheres (microspheres) in pulses of (1) microspheres, followed by (2) SRHA, and then (3) microspheres, into a column filled with iron-coated quartz sand as a water-saturated porous medium. A random sequential adsorption model (RSA) simulated the gradual rise in the first (microsphere) breakthrough curve (BTC). Using the same model calibration parameters a dramatic increase in concentration at the start of the second particle BTC, generated after SRHA injection, could be simulated by matching microsphere concentrations to extrapolated RSA output. RSA results and microsphere/SRHA recoveries showed that 1 mg of SRHA could block 5.90 plus or minus 0.14 x 10^9 microsphere deposition sites. This figure was consistent between experiments injecting different SRHA masses, despite contrasting microsphere deposition/release regimes generating the second microsphere BTC.


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Attenuation processes controlling virus fate and transport in the vadose zone of karstified systems can strongly influence groundwater quality. This research compares the breakthrough of two bacteriophage tracers (H40/1 and T7), with contrasting properties, at subsurface monitoring points following application onto an overlying composite sequence of thin organic soil and weathered limestone (epikarst). Short pulse multi-tracer test results revealed that T7 (Source concentration, Co=1.8x106pfu/mL) and H40/1(Co=5.9x106pfu/mL) could reach sampling points 10m below ground less than 30 minutes after tracer application. Contrasting deposition rates, determined from simulated tracer responses, reflected the potential of the ground to differentially attenuate viruses. Prolonged application of both T7 (Co=2.3x104pfu/mL) and H40/1 (Co=1.3x105pfu/mL) over a five hour period during a subsequent test, in which ionic strength levels observed at monitoring points rose consistently, corresponded to a rapid rise in T7 levels, followed by a gradual decline before the end of tracer injection; this reflected reaction-limited deposition in the system. T7’s response contrasted with that of H40/1, whose concentration remained constant over a three hour period before declining dramatically prior to the end of tracer injection. Subsequent application of lower ionic strength tracer-free flush water generated a rapid rise in H40/1 levels and a more gradual release of T7. Results highlight the benefits of employing prolonged injection multi-tracer tests for identifying processes not apparent from conventional short pulse tests. Study findings demonstrate that despite rapid transport rates, the epikarst is capable of physicochemical filtration of viruses and their remobilization, depending on virus type and hydrochemical conditions.


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Natural Bulgarian clinoptilolite from the south-eastern Rhodopes mountain was modified through treatment with hydrochloric acid with various normality, both single and repeatedly, as well as through a charring of a preliminary obtained NH4-form. The parameters concerning the uptake of the ion-exchangeable cations (Ca2+, Na+ and K+), as well as the uptake of aluminium from the natural material were calculated on the basis of the chemical contents. The highest extent of cations removal was attained in the case of the treatment with NH4Cl solution, while the highest aluminium deficiency was established in the samples treated by hydrochloric acid solutions with increasing concentration. Sulfur dioxide adsorption on the obtained decationised and dealuminised samples was studied according to the frontal-dynamic method. The parameters of the breakthrough curves, namely breakthrough time, saturation time and some of the statistical moments of the curve distribution, were determined. The dynamic adsorption capacities were also specified. Comparing the momentum values it was established that as a result of the natural zeolite treatment with NH4Cl and with low concentrated acid, the diffusion resistance decreases because of the dominant exchange of the presenting exchangeable cations in the samples with the smaller size protons and because of enlargement of the pores opening. Intensified dealuminisation was observed when more concentrated acid solutions are used. The capacity is enhanced, probably due to an increase in the total pore volume.


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A clinical trial using human embryonic stem cell (hESC) therapy for an inherited retinal degenerative disease is about to commence. The Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) trial will treat patients with Stargardt's macular dystrophy using transplanted retinal pigment epithelium derived from hESCs. Currently, no effective treatment is available for Stargardt's disease so a stem cell-based therapy that can slow progression of this blinding condition could represent a significant breakthrough. While there are some hurdles to clear, the ACT trial is a fine example of translational research that could eventually pave the way for a range of stem cell therapies for the retina and other tissues.


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Particulate colloids often occur together with proteins in sewage-impacted water. Using Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) as a surrogate for protein in sewage, column experiments investigating the capacity of iron-oxide coated sands to remove latex microspheres from water revealed that microsphere attenuation mechanisms depended on antecedent BSA coverage. Dual pulse experiment (DPE) results suggested that where all BSA was adsorbed, subsequent multiple pore volume microsphere breakthrough curves reflected progressively reduced colloid deposition rates with increasing adsorbed BSA content. Modelling colloid responses suggested adsorption of 1 µg BSA generated the same response as blockage by between 7.1x108 and 2.3x109 deposited microspheres. By contrast, microsphere responses in DPEs where BSA coverage of the deposition sites approached/ reached saturation revealed the coated sand maintained a finite capacity to attenuate microspheres, even when incapable of further BSA adsorption. Subsequent microsphere breakthrough curves demonstrated the matrix’s colloid attenuation capacity progressively increased with continued microsphere deposition. Experimental findings suggested BSA adsorption on the sand surface approaching/ reaching saturation generated attractive deposition sites for colloids, which became progressively more attractive with further colloid deposition (filter ripening). Results demonstrate that adsorption of a single type of protein may either enhance or inhibit colloid mobility in saturated porous media.


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Comparative tracer testing may be used to evaluate the vulnerability of groundwater to specific contaminants by comparing reactive tracer response to that of a simultaneously injected non-reactive “conservative” substance. Conversely, knowledge of tracer reaction with specific materials permits information about subsurface heterogeneity to be inferred. A series of tests completed in the vadose zone overlying a limestone aquifer employed a cocktail of particles along with reactive and non-reactive solute tracers to investigate transport rates between the ground surface and monitoring points approximately 10 m below ground. Short pulse tests revealed both solutes and particulate contaminants could travel at rates of over 10 m/h. Comparison of particle (microorganisms) and non-reactive solute tracer breakthrough revealed that particle tracers experience pore exclusion resulting in higher peak relative concentrations which arrive earlier than those of the solute. Prolonged tracer injection during subsequent experiments confirmed the response observed and illustrated that over 40 % of flow paths between injection and monitoring points were inaccessible to particles, but could allow solutes to pass through them. Similarly, the difference in response between various reactive tracers demonstrated tracers reached monitoring points via multiple flow paths and suggests geochemical heterogeneity plays an important role in influencing tracer behaviour. The results of this investigation highlight the complexity of water flow through the epikarst and the vulnerability of groundwater in karst aquifers to contamination when soil cover is thin to absent.


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The advantage of using an available and abundant residual biomass, such as lignin, as a raw material for activated carbons is that it provides additional economical interest to the technical studies. In the current investigation, a more complete understanding of adsorption of Cr(VI) from aqueous systems onto H PO -acid activated lignin has been achieved via microcolumns, which were operated under various process conditions. The practice of using microcolumn is appropriate for defining the adsorption parameters and for screening a large number of potential adsorbents. The effects of solution pH (2-8), initial metal ion concentration (0.483-1.981 mmol·L ), flow rate (1.0-3.1 cm ·min ), ionic strength (0.01-0.30 mmol·L ) and adsorbent mass (0.11-0.465 g) on Cr(VI) adsorption were studied by assessing the microcolumn breakthrough curve. The microcolumn data were fitted by the Thomas model, the modified Dose model and the BDST model. As expected, the adsorption capacity increased with initial Cr(VI) concentration. High linear flow rates, pH values and ionic strength led to early breakthrough of Cr(VI). The model constants obtained in this study can be used for the design of pilot scale adsorption process. © 2012 Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (CIESC) and Chemical Industry Press (CIP).


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Proteins and humic acids are common constituents of waste water. Latex colloids (colloids) acted as surrogates for microorganisms in multiple pulse dynamic column experiments (MPEs) that permitted colloid mobility to be quantified before and after the injection of either BSA (a protein), or Suwannee River humic acid (SRHA).
At low OM coverage colloid breakthrough curves demonstrated both BSA and SRHA reduced colloid deposition rates, but did not affect colloid irreversible deposition mechanisms. By contrast, high levels of SRHA surface coverage not only further reduced the matrix’s ability to attenuate colloids, but also resulted in reversible adsorption of a significant fraction of colloids deposited. Modelling of colloid responses using random sequential adsorption modelling suggested that 1 microgram of SRHA had the same effect as the deposition of 5.90±0.14 x109 colloids; the model suggested that adsorption of the same mass of BSA was equivalent to the deposition of between 7.1x108 and 2.3x109 colloids.
Colloid responses in MPEs where BSA coverage of colloid deposition sites approached saturation demonstrated the sand matrix remained capable of adsorbing colloids. However, in contrast to responses observed in MPEs at low surface coverage, continued colloid injection showed that the sand’s attenuation capacity increased with time, i.e. colloid concentrations declined as more were deposited (filter ripening).
Importance: Study results highlight the contrasting responses that may arise due to the interactions between colloids and OM in porous media. Results not only underscore that colloids can interact differently with various forms of deposited OM, but also that a single type of OM may generate dramatically different responses depending on the degree of surface coverage. The MPE method provides a means of quantifying the influence of OM on microorganism mobility in porous media such as filter beds, which may be used for either drinking water treatment or waste water treatment. In the wider environment study findings have potential to allow more confident predictions of the mobility of sewage derived pathogens discharging to groundwater.


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In-situ passive gradient comparative artificial tracer testing, undertaken using solutes (Uranine and Iodide), Bacteria (E.coli and P.putida) and bacteriophage (H40/1), permitted comparison of the mobility of different sized microorganisms relative to solutes in the sand and gravel aquifer underlying Dornach, Germany.
Tracer breakthrough curves reveal that even though uranine initially arrived at observation wells at the same time as microbiological tracers, maximum relative concentrations were sometimes less than those of microbiological tracers, while solute breakthrough curves proved more disperse.
Monitoring uranine breakthrough with depth suggested tracers arrived in observation wells in discrete 0.5m-1m thick intervals, over the aquifer’s 12m saturated thickness. Nearby exposures of aquifer material suggested that the aquifer consisted of sandy gravels enveloping sequences of open framework (OW) gravel up to 1m thick. Detailed examination of OW units revealed that they contained lenses of silty sand up to 1m long x 30cm thick., while granulometric data suggested that the gravel was two to three orders of magnitude more permeable than the enveloping sandy gravel.
Solute and microorganism tracer responses could not be simulated using conventional advective-dispersive equation solutions employing the same velocity and dispersion terms. By contrast solute tracer responses, modelled using a dual porosity approach for fractured media (DP-1D) corresponded well to observed field data. Simulating microorganism responses using the same transport terms, but no dual porosity term, generated good model fits and explained the higher relative concentration of the bacteria, compared to the non-reactive solute, even with first order removal to account for lower RR. Geologically, model results indicate that the silty units within open framework gravels are accessible to solute tracers, but not to microorganisms.
Results highlight the benefits of geological observations developing appropriate conceptual models of solute and micro organism transport and in developing suitable numerical approaches to quantifying microorganism mobility at scales appropriate for the development of groundwater supply (wellhead) protection zones.


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An immunoaffinity chromatographic (IAC) method for the selective extraction and concentration of 13 organophosphorus pesticides (OPs, including coumaphos, parathion, phoxim, quinalphos, dichlofenthion, triazophos, azinphos-ethyl, phosalone, isochlorthion, parathion-methyl, cyanophos, disulfoton, and phorate) prior to analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) was developed. The IAC column was prepared by covalently immobilizing a monoclonal antibody with broad specificity for OPs on CNBr-activated Sephrose 4B. The column capacity ranged from 884 to 2641 ng/mL of gel. The optimum elution solvent was 0.01 M phosphate-buffered saline containing 80% methanol. The breakthrough volume of the IAC column was found to be 400 mL. Recoveries of OPs from spiked environmental samples by IAC cleanup and HPLC-MS/MS analysis ranged from 60.2 to 107.1%, with a relative standard deviation below 11.1%. The limit of quantitation for 13 OPs ranged from 0.01 to 0.13 ng/mL (ng/g). The application of IAC cleanup coupled to HPLC-MS/MS in real environmental samples demonstrated the potential of this method for the determination of OP residues in environmental samples at trace levels.