45 resultados para aquatic macrophytes exotic invasive aquatic weed

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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Introduction of the invasive Asian cyprinid fish Pseudorasbora parva into a 0.3 ha pond in England with a fish assemblage that included Cyprinus carpio, Rutilus rutilus and Scardinius erythrophthalmus resulted in their establishment of a numerically dominant population in only 2 years; density estimates exceeded 60 ind. m(-2) and they comprised > 99% of fish present. Stable isotope analysis (SIA) revealed significant trophic overlap between P. parva, R. rutilus and C. carpio, a shift associated with significantly depressed somatic growth in R. rutilus. Despite these changes, fish community composition remained similar between the ponds. Comparison with SIA values collected from an adjacent pond free of P. parva revealed a simplified food web in P. parva presence, but with an apparent trophic position shift for several fishes, including S. erythrophthalmus which appeared to assimilate energy at a higher trophic level, probably through P. parva consumption. The marked isotopic shifts shown in all taxa in the P. parva invaded pond (C-13-enriched, N-15 depleted) were indicative of a shift to a cyanobacteria-dominated phytoplankton community. These findings provide an increased understanding of the ecological consequences of the ongoing P. parva invasion of European freshwater ecosystems.


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Understanding how invasive species spread is of particular concern in the current era of globalisation and rapid environmental change. The occurrence of super-diffusive movements within the context of Lévy flights has been discussed with respect to particle physics, human movements, microzooplankton, disease spread in global epidemiology and animal foraging behaviour. Super-diffusive movements provide a theoretical explanation for the rapid spread of organisms and disease, but their applicability to empirical data on the historic spread of organisms has rarely been tested. This study focuses on the role of long-distance dispersal in the invasion dynamics of aquatic invasive species across three contrasting areas and spatial scales: open ocean (north-east Atlantic), enclosed sea (Mediterranean) and an island environment (Ireland). Study species included five freshwater plant species, Azolla filiculoides, Elodea canadensis, Lagarosiphon major, Elodea nuttallii and Lemna minuta; and ten species of marine algae, Asparagopsis armata, Antithamnionella elegans, Antithamnionella ternifolia, Codium fragile, Colpomenia peregrina, Caulerpa taxifolia, Dasysiphonia sp., Sargassum muticum, Undaria pinnatifida and Womersleyella setacea. A simulation model is constructed to show the validity of using historical data to reconstruct dispersal kernels. Lévy movement patterns similar to those previously observed in humans and wild animals are evident in the re-constructed dispersal pattern of invasive aquatic species. Such patterns may be widespread among invasive species and could be exacerbated by further development of trade networks, human travel and environmental change. These findings have implications for our ability to predict and manage future invasions, and improve our understanding of the potential for spread of organisms including infectious diseases, plant pests and genetically modified organisms.


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Invasive alien aquatic species, including marine and freshwater macroinvertebrates, have become increasingly important in terms of both environmental and socio-economic impacts. In order to assess their environmental and economic costs, we applied the Generic Impact Scoring System (GISS) and performed a comparison with other taxa of invaders in Europe. Impacts were scored into six environmental and six socio-economic categories, with each category containing five impact levels. Among 49 aquatic macroinvertebrates, the most impacting species were the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis (Milne-Edwards, 1853) and the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771). The highest impacts found per GISS impact category were, separately; on ecosystems, through predation, as competitors, and on animal production. Eleven species have an impact score > 10 (high impact) and seven reach impact level 5 in at least one impact category (EU blacklist candidates), the maximum score that can be given is 60 impact points. Comparisons were drawn between aquatic macroinvertebrates and vertebrate invaders such as fish, mammals and birds, as well as terrestrial arthropods, revealing invasive freshwater macroinvertebrates to be voracious predators of native prey and damaging to native ecosystems compared with other taxa. GISS can be used to compare these taxa and will aid policy making and targeting of invasive species for management by relevant agencies, or to assist in producing species blacklist candidates.


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In November 2014, a new EU Regulation to address Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and protect biodiversity was published. This entered into force across the EU in January 2015. The aim of the Regulation is to ‘prevent the introduction of, control or eradicate alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats or species’. In an effort to provide focus to the Regulation prior to its publishing and to identify the major issues relating to Invasive Alien Species in Europe, the views of invasive species experts from around the world were sought. These were consolidated at an international conference (Freshwater Invasives - Networking for Strategy (FINS)) that was held in Ireland in April 2013. A major outcome from this meeting of experts was the production of the Top 20 IAS issues that relate primarily to freshwater habitats but are also directly relevant to marine and terrestrial ecosystems. This list will support policy makers throughout the EU as preparations are made to implement this important piece of legislation. A further outcome from the conference was the formation of an expert IAS Advisory Group to support EIFAAC in its work on invasive species


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Feeding on micro-algae is shown in the invasive Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus. Compared with controls, males, females and juveniles of this species significantly reduced the concentration in suspension of unicellular micro-algae. Juveniles had higher concentrations of algae in the cardiac gut than adults. The presence of these algae in the mid- and hindgut was also recorded. This feeding behaviour was filmed and the mechanisms involved are described and discussed. We comment on the use of the Functional Feeding Group (FFG) concept to classify feeding in amphipods. The role of being a feeding-generalist in aiding the invasion process is also discussed.


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The invasive North American amphipod Gammarus tigrinus is successfully established in Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland. Gammarus tigrinus is increasingly recognized as having significant predatory impacts on macroinverebrates, contrary to the accepted functional feeding group status of Gammarus species. The native opossum shrimp Mysis relicta overlaps in habitat use with G. tigrinus. However, its interaction with benthic macroinvertebrates is rarely appreciated. Mutual predatory interactions between G. tigrinus and M. relicta were assessed in a series of laboratory experiments. Gammarus tigrinus actively preyed on adult and juvenile M. relicta at a range of spatial scales. Females and recently molted M. relicta were particularly vulnerable to predation. Mysis relicta did not prey on adult G. tigrinus, but rapidly eliminated juvenile G. tigrinus in microcosms. Changes in dissolved 02 saturation did not alter the predatory interaction between these species. Microhabitat use by M. relicta was altered in the presence of G. tigrinus, and the presence of G. tigrinus facilitated fish predation on M. relicta. A balance of mutual predatory pressure between these invasive and native species may explain their coexistence. Both species are likely to be strongly interactive with other macroinvertebrates in both native and invasive ranges.


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Sargassum muticum is an invasive brown macroalga that originates from Japan. In the introduced range, thalli can grow in soft substratum habitats attached to embedded rock fragments and shells, Within Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, S. muticum has rapidly colonised large areas of soft substrata, where dispersal by peripatetic or 'stone-walking' plants is very effective. Sediment cores were collected under and outside canopies of S. muticum in Strangford Lough (S. muticum first recorded there in 1995) and Langstone Harbour, English Channel (S. muticum first found there in 1974) to investigate modification of the infaunal assemblages. At both study sites, community analyses highlighted significant differences between the assemblages under the canopies and those in adjacent unvegetated areas. In Strangford Lough, the invertebrate community under the canopy contained a higher abundance of smaller, opportunistic, r-selected species than outside the canopy. By contrast, the communities under and outside the canopy at Langstone Harbour were similar in species composition, diversity and dominance, but overall faunal abundance was greater under the canopy. Sediment characteristics were not affected by S. muticum canopies, but the infaunal changes may be related to environmental modification; shading, flow suppression and temperature stratification were also investigated. The differences between these 2 sites indicate that localised conditions and/or the duration of colonisation of S. muticum are important in determining the nature of habitat modification.


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Proper application of stable isotopes (e. g., delta N-15 and delta C-13) to food web analysis requires an understanding of all nondietary factors that contribute to isotopic variability. Lipid extraction is often used during stable isotope analysis (SIA), because synthesized lipids have a low delta C-13 and can mask the delta C-13 of a consumer's diet. Recent studies indicate that lipid extraction intended to adjust delta C-13 may also cause shifts in delta N-15, but the magnitude of and reasons for the shift are highly uncertain. We examined a large data set (n = 854) for effects of lipid extraction (using Bligh and dyer's [ 1959] chloroform-methanol solvent mixtures) on the delta N-15 of aquatic consumers. We found no effect of chemically extracting lipids on the delta N-15 of whole zooplankton, unionid mussels, and fish liver samples, and found a small increase in fish muscle delta N-15 of similar to 0.4%. We also detected a negative relationship between the shift in delta N-15 following extraction and the C:N ratio in muscle tissue, suggesting that effects of extraction were greater for tissue with lower lipid content. As long as appropriate techniques such as those from Bligh and dyer (1959) are used, effects of lipid extraction on delta N-15 of aquatic consumers need not be a major consideration in the SIA of food webs.


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1. Assessing the effects on communities of invasive species is often confounded by environmental factors. In Irish rivers, the introduced amphipod Gammarus pulex replaces the native G. duebeni celticus in lowland stretches. The two amphipods are associated with different macroinvertebrate communities, which may in part be the result of natural longitudinal physicochemical change. However, this hinders assessment of any direct community impacts of the invasive as compared with the native species. Here, we report on a fortuitous circumstance that allowed us to uncouple the community effects of Gammarus species from environmental differences.


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A wide range of vectors is currently introducing a plethora of alien marine species into indigenous marine species assemblages. Over the past two decades, molecular studies of non-native seaweeds, including cryptic invaders, have successfully identified the species involved and their sources; we briefly review these studies. As yet, however, little research has been directed towards examining the genetic consequences of seaweed invasions. Here we provide an overview of seaweed invasions from a genetic perspective, focusing on invader species for which the greatest amount of information is available. We review invasion processes, and rationalize evolutionary and genetic consequences for the indigenous and invader species into two main groups: (1) changes in gene-pool composition, in population structure and allele frequencies; and (2) changes in genome organization at the species level through hybridization, and in individual gene expression profiles at the levels of expressed messenger RNA and the proteome (i.e., all proteins synthesized) and thus the phenotype. We draw on studies of better-known aquatic and terrestrial organisms to point the way forward in revealing the genetic consequences of seaweed invasions. We also highlight potential applications of more recent methodological and statistical approaches, such as microarray technology, assignment tests and mixed stock analysis.


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The genus Asparagopsis was studied using 25 Falkenbergia tetrasporophyte strains collected worldwide. Plastid (cp) DNA RFLP revealed three groups of isolates, which differed in their small subunit rRNA gene sequences, temperature responses, and tetrasporophytic morphology (cell sizes). Strains from Australia, Chile, San Diego, and Atlantic and Mediterranean Europe were identifiable as A. armata Harvey, the gametophyte of which has distinctive barbed spines. This species is believed to be endemic to cold-temperate waters of Australia and New Zealand and was introduced into Europe in the 1920s. All isolates showed identical cpDNA RFLPs, consistent with a recent introduction from Australia. Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan, the type and only other recognized species, which lacks spines, is cosmopolitan in warm-temperate to tropical waters. Two clades differed morphologically and ecophysiologically and in the future could be recognized as sibling species or subspecies. A Pacific/Italian clade had 4-8degrees C lower survival minima and included a genetically distinct apomictic isolate from Western Australia that corresponded to the form of A. taxiformis originally described as A. sanfordiana Harvey. The second clade, from the Caribbean and the Canaries, is stenothermal (subtropical to tropical) with some ecotypic variation. The genus Asparagopsis consists of two or possibly three species, but a definitive taxonomic treatment of the two A. taxiformis clades requires study of field-collected gametophytes.


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As biological invasions continue, interactions occur not only between invaders and natives, but increasingly new invaders come into contact with previous invaders. Whilst this can lead to species replacements, co-existence may occur, but we lack knowledge of processes driving such patterns. Since environmental heterogeneity can determine species richness and co-existence, the present study examines habitat use and its mediation of the predatory interaction between invasive aquatic amphipods, the Ponto-Caspian Dikerogammarus villosus and the N. American Gammarus tigrinus. In the Dutch Lake IJsselmeer, we found broad segregation of D. villosus and G. tigrinus by habitat type, the former predominating in the boulder zone and the latter in the soft sediment. However, the two species co-exist in the boulder zone, both on the short and longer terms. We used an experimental simulation of habitat heterogeneity and show that both species utilize crevices, different sized holes in a plastic grid, non-randomly. These amphipods appear to optimise the use of holes with respect to their 'C-shape' body size. When placed together, D. villosus adults preyed on G. tigrinus adults and juveniles, while G. tigrinus adults preyed on D. villosus juveniles. Juveniles were also predators and both species were cannibalistic. However, the impact on G. tigrinus of the superior intraguild predator, D. villosus, was significantly reduced where experimental grids were present as compared to absent. This mitigation of intraguild predation between the two species in complex habitats may explain the co-existence of these two invasive species.


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Cannibalism and intraguild predation (IGP) are common amongst freshwater amphipod crustacean aswsemblages, particularly between individuals of different body size, with IGP of smaller by larger species. The decline of Gammarus tigrinus Populations in mainland Europe has been accompanied by the arrival of the Ponto-Caspian invader Dikerogammarus villosus and previous studies have implicated IGP of G. tigrinus by the larger D. villosus as the principal driving force in this replacement. We examined how factors such as microhabitat and body size may mediate both cannibalism within G. tigrinus populations and IGP by D. villosus and thus contribute to field patterns of coexistence and exclusion. A field Survey of an invaded Dutch fake indicated that G. tigrinus and D. villosus differed in distribution. with D. villosus being the numerically dominant amphipod (80-96 %) on the rocky boulder Substrate of the shoreline and G. tigrinus being the dominant amphipod (100 %) in the crushed shell/sand matrix immediately adjacent to this. Laboratory microcosm experiments indicated that G. tigrinus cannibalism, particularly of smaller by larger size classes, may be common. In addition, although D. villosus predation of all G. tigrinus size classes was extreme, the smallest size classes Suffered the highest predation. Indeed, when exposed to D. villosus, predation of larger G. tigrinus was lowest when smaller G. tigrinus were also present. Increasing microhabitat complexity from a simple bare substrate littered with Dreissena polymorpha zebra mussels to a Crushed shell/sand matrix significantly reduced both cannibalism and IGP. Our Study emphasizes the need to consider both life history stages and habitat template, when considering the impacts of biotic interactions and it also emphasizes that complex, interacting factors may be mediating the range expansion of D. villosus.