48 resultados para Wave Impact

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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Wave impacts on an oscillating wave surge converter are examined using experimental and numerical methods. The mechanics of the impact event are identified experimentally with the use of images recorded with a high-speed camera. It is shown that it is the device that impacts the wave rather than a breaking wave impacting the device. Numerical simulations using two different approaches are used to further understand the issue. Good agreement is shown between numerical simulations and experimental measurements at 25th scale.


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Wave impacts on an Oscillating Wave Surge Converter are examined using experimental and numerical methods. The mechanics of the impact event are identified experimentally with the use of images recorded with a high speed camera. It is shown that it is the device which impacts the wave rather than a breaking wave impacting the device. Numerical simulations using two different approaches are used to further understand the issue. Good agreement is shown between numerical simulations and experimental measurements at 25th scale.


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The triple differential cross sections for ionization of atomic hydrogen by electron impact are analysed in the case of coplanar, asymmetric geometry within the framework of second- order distorted wave theory. Detailed calculations are performed without making any approximations (other than numerical) in the evaluation of the second-order amplitude. The present results are compared with experimental measurements and other theoretical calculations for incident energies of 250, 150 and 54.4 eV. It is found that the second-order calculations represent a marked improvement over the results obtained from first-order theories for impact energies of 150 eV and higher. The close agreement between the present second-order plane wave calculation and those of Byron et al calculated using the closure approximation at an incident energy of 250 eV implies that the closure approximation is valid for this energy. The large difference between the present second-order distorted wave calculations and experiment at an incident energy of 54.4 eV suggests that higher order effects are important for incident energies less than 100 eV.


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Electron-impact ionization cross sections for diatomic molecules are calculated in a configuration-average distorted-wave method. Core bound orbitals for the molecular ion are calculated using a single-configuration self-consistent-field method based on a linear combination of Slater-type orbitals. The core bound orbitals are then transformed onto a two-dimensional (r,θ) numerical lattice from which a Hartree potential with local exchange is constructed. The single-particle Schrödinger equation is then solved for the valence bound orbital and continuum distorted-wave orbitals with S-matrix boundary conditions. Total cross section results for H2 and N2 are compared with those from semiempirical calculations and experimental measurements.


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For wave energy to become commercially viable, it is predicted that wave energy converters (WECs) will need to be installed in large wave farms. This will required an extensive environmental impact study. Assessments of impacts of these sites requires prior numerical modelling however the available tools have not been fully validated.
This project investigates the area surrounding an array of five scaled WEC models using experimental techniques. It then assesses the suitability of numerical tools to be validated with this experimental data. Validated numerical tools could then be used to predict parameters relating to the models such as reflection and transmission coefficients.
The physical aspect of this project was conducted in the Portaferry wave basin owned by Queen’s University Belfast. The device studied was a bottom hinged oscillating wave surge converter (OWSC) which penetrates the surface (similar to the Oyster device). The models were tested at 40th scale.


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R-matrix with time-dependence theory is applied to electron-impact ionisation processes for He in the S-wave model. Cross sections for electron-impact excitation, ionisation and ionisation with excitation for impact energies between 25 and 225 eV are in excellent agreement with benchmark cross sections. Ultra-fast dynamics induced by a scattering event is observed through time-dependent signatures associated with autoionisation from doubly excited states. Further insight into dynamics can be obtained through examination of the spin components of the time-dependent wavefunction.


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A systematic study of the triple differential cross section for the electron impact ionization of magnesium is presented. Complete sets of theoretical results using both the first Born and the distorted wave Bom approximation are given for a range of asymmetric kinematical regimes. How the physical significance of the different approximations enter the character of the cross sections will be explicitly demonstrated. Comparison is made with experiments of the Maryland group and suggestions are made for new experiments.


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The electron impact ionization of highly charged ions is investigated. Using a relativistic distorted wave Born approximation, we explore the possible effects that should be observable in a high-energy electron impact ionization (e, 2e) coincidence experiment involving multi-charged ions. We present calculations of triple-differential cross sections. We will focus on relativistic and distortion effects and consider geometries where these may be easily observed.


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We study the ionization of helium (fie) in collision with antiprotons (p) in the energy range from 10 keV to 1000 keV. We adopt a semiclassical single center close coupling approach in which the wave function for the electron is expanded in a B-spline basis centered on the nucleus of the He atom, The calculations are performed using two different models: the independent particle (IP) model and the one-electron (OE) approximation. The interaction between the active electron and the rest of the atom, i.e. passive electron and nucleus, is represented by a model potential. The results obtained are compared with experimental data as well as with existing theoretical calculations. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of the phosphorus-like ion Cl III are presented for all fine- structure transitions among the levels arising from the lowest 23 LS states. The collisional cross sections are computed in the multichannel close-coupling R-matrix approximation, where sophisticated configuration-interaction wave functions are used to represent the target states. The 23 LS states are formed from the basis configurations 3s(2)3p(3). 3s3p(4). 3s(2)3p(2)3d, and 3s(2)3p(2)4s, and correspond to 49 fine- structure levels, leading to a total possible 1176 fine- structure transitions. The effective collision strengths. obtained by averaging the electron collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities. are tabulated in this paper for all 1176 transitions and for electron temperatures in the ranges T(K) = 7500-25.000 and log T(K) = 4.4-5.3. The former range encompasses the temperatures of particular importance for application to gaseous nebulae. while the latter range is more applicable to the study of solar and laboratory-type plasmas. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of the nitrogen-like ion Si VIII are presented over the wide range of electron temperatures log T(K) = 4.0-6.5. All 231 fine- structure transitions among the 22 fine-structure levels arising from the lowest 11 LS target states (2s(2)2p(3), 2s2p(4), 2p(5), and 2s(2)2p(2)3s) are considered in the tabulation. The collision strengths are evaluated in a multi- channel R-matrix approach, and the corresponding effective collision strengths are obtained by averaging these over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities. Comparisons are made with recent distorted-wave results at high incident electron energies. Differences of up to 20% are found, particularly for some allowed transitions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Recent results for proton-argon total ionization cross sections [Kirchner Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1658 (1997)] show large disagreement between theory and experiment for energies below 80 keV. To address this problem we have employed a recently developed theoretical method with a more pragmatic approach to the charge screening both in the initial and final channels. The target is considered as a one-electron atom and the interactions between this active electron and remaining target electrons are treated by a model potential including both short- and long-range effects. In the final channel the usual product of two continuum distorted wave functions each associated with a distinct electron-nucleus interaction is used. New results in the present calculation show good agreement in total cross sections for the energy range 10-300 keV with the measurement of Rudd [Rev. Mod. Phys. 57, 965 (1985)].


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A FORTRAN 90 program is presented which calculates the total cross sections, and the electron energy spectra of the singly and doubly differential cross sections for the single target ionization of neutral atoms ranging from hydrogen up to and including argon. The code is applicable for the case of both high and low Z projectile impact in fast ion-atom collisions. The theoretical models provided for the program user are based on two quantum mechanical approximations which have proved to be very successful in the study of ionization in ion-atom collisions. These are the continuum-distorted-wave (CDW) and continuum-distorted-wave eikonal-initial-state (CDW-EIS) approximations. The codes presented here extend previously published. codes for single ionization of. target hydrogen [Crothers and McCartney, Comput. Phys. Commun. 72 (1992) 288], target helium [Nesbitt, O'Rourke and Crothers, Comput. Phys. Commun. 114 (1998) 385] and target atoms ranging from lithium to neon [O'Rourke, McSherry and Crothers, Comput. Phys. Commun. 131 (2000) 129]. Cross sections for all of these target atoms may be obtained as limiting cases from the present code. Title of program: ARGON Catalogue identifier: ADSE Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/cpc/summaries/ADSE Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: none Computer for which the program is designed and others on which it is operable: Computers: Four by 200 MHz Pro Pentium Linux server, DEC Alpha 21164; Four by 400 MHz Pentium 2 Xeon 450 Linux server, IBM SP2 and SUN Enterprise 3500 Installations: Queen's University, Belfast Operating systems under which the program has been tested: Red-hat Linux 5.2, Digital UNIX Version 4.0d, AIX, Solaris SunOS 5.7 Compilers: PGI workstations, DEC CAMPUS Programming language used: FORTRAN 90 with MPI directives No. of bits in a word: 64, except on Linux servers 32 Number of processors used: any number Has the code been vectorized or parallelized? Parallelized using MPI No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 32 189 Distribution format: tar gzip file Keywords: Single ionization, cross sections, continuum-distorted-wave model, continuum- distorted-wave eikonal-initial-state model, target atoms, wave treatment Nature of physical problem: The code calculates total, and differential cross sections for the single ionization of target atoms ranging from hydrogen up to and including argon by both light and heavy ion impact. Method of solution: ARGON allows the user to calculate the cross sections using either the CDW or CDW-EIS [J. Phys. B 16 (1983) 3229] models within the wave treatment. Restrictions on the complexity of the program: Both the CDW and CDW-EIS models are two-state perturbative approximations. Typical running time: Times vary according to input data and number of processors. For one processor the test input data for double differential cross sections (40 points) took less than one second, whereas the test input for total cross sections (20 points) took 32 minutes. Unusual features of the program: none (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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A simple plane wave solution of the Schrodinger-Helmholtz equation is a quantum eigenfunction obeying both energy and linear momentum correspondence principles. Inclusion of the outgoing wave with scattering amplitude f asymptotic development of the plane wave, we show that there is a problem with angular momentum when we consider forward scattering at the point of closest approach and at large impact parameter given semiclassically by (l + 1/2)/k where l is the azimuthal quantum number and may be large (J. Leech et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88. 257901 (2002)). The problem is resolved via non- uniform, non-standard analysis involving the Heaviside step function, unifying classical, semiclassical and quantum mechanics, and the treatment is extended to the case of pure Coulomb scattering.