32 resultados para Two-nucleon spectra

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Theoretical emission-line ratios involving Fe xi transitions in the 257-407 A wavelength range are derived using fully relativistic calculations of radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross-sections. These are subsequently compared with both long wavelength channel Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) spectra from the Hinode satellite (covering 245-291 A) and first-order observations (similar to 235-449 A) obtained by the Solar Extreme-ultraviolet Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS). The 266.39, 266.60 and 276.36 A lines of Fe xi are detected in two EIS spectra, confirming earlier identifications of these features, and 276.36 A is found to provide an electron density (N-e) diagnostic when ratioed against the 257.55 A transition. Agreement between theory and observation is found to be generally good for the SERTS data sets, with discrepancies normally being due to known line blends, while the 257.55 A feature is detected for the first time in SERTS spectra. The most useful Fe xi electron density diagnostic is found to be the 308.54/352.67 intensity ratio, which varies by a factor of 8.4 between N-e = 108 and 1011 cm-3, while showing little temperature sensitivity. However, the 349.04/352.67 ratio potentially provides a superior diagnostic, as it involves lines which are closer in wavelength, and varies by a factor of 14.7 between N-e = 108 and 1011 cm-3. Unfortunately, the 349.04 A line is relatively weak, and also blended with the second-order Fe x 174.52 A feature, unless the first-order instrument response is enhanced.


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The SERS spectra of adenine recorded under a broad range of pH values and concentrations using both silver and gold colloids provided evidence for the existence of several distinct species. At high concentration (0.5-10 ppm), the spectra recorded between pH 1 and 11 showed only two distinct spectra, rather than the three forms that would be expected for a compound with two pK(a) values of 4.2 and 9.8. The spectra at neutral and alkaline pH were identical and assigned to the deprotonated form of adenine on the basis of DFT calculations, isotope shifts, and comparison with the normal Raman spectra of neutral and deprotonated adenine. The spectra at acidic pH were different, consistent with adenine protonation. Neutral adenine was not detected at any pH studied. At low adenine concentration (


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An analysis of high-resolution VLT/UVES spectra of two B-type main sequence stars, NGC 346-11 and AV 304, in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), has been undertaken, using the non-LTE tlusty model atmospheres to derive the stellar parameters and chemical compositions of each star. The chemical compositions of the two stars are in reasonable agreement. Moreover, our stellar analysis agrees well with earlier analyses of H II regions. The results derived here should be representative of the current base-line chemical composition of the SMC interstellar medium as derived from B-type stars.


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Integrated "ICT chromophore-receptor" systems show ion-induced shifts in their electronic absorption spectra. The wavelength of observation can be used to reversibly configure the system to any of the four logic operations permissible with a single input (YES, NOT, PASS 1, PASS 0), under conditions of ion input and transmittance output. We demonstrate these with dyes integrated into Tsien's calcium receptor, 1-2. Applying multiple ion inputs to 1-2 also allows us to perform two- or three-input OR or NOR operations. The weak fluorescence output of 1 also shows YES or NOT logic depending on how it is configured by excitation and emission wavelengths. Integrated "receptor(1)-ICT chromophore-receptor(2)" systems 3-5 selectively target two ions into the receptor terminals. The ion-induced transmittance output of 3-5 can also be configured via wavelength to illustrate several logic types including, most importantly, XOR. The opposite effects of the two ions on the energy of the chromophore excited state is responsible for this behaviour. INHIBIT and REVERSE IMPLICATION are two of the other logic types seen here. Integration of XOR logic with a preceding OR operation can be arranged by using three ion inputs. The fluorescence output of these systems can be configured via wavelength to display INHIBIT or NOR logic under two-input conditions. The superposition or multiplicity of logic gate configurations is an unusual consequence of the ability to simultaneously observe multiple wavelengths.


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Theoretical electron-density-sensitive emission line ratios involving 2s(2)2p(2)-2s2p(3) transitions in Si IX between 223 and 350 Angstrom are presented. A comparison of these with an extensive dataset of solar-active-region, quiet-Sun, subflare and off-limb observations, obtained during rocket flights by the Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment. This provides support for the accuracy of the line- ratio diagnostics, and hence the atomic data on which they are based. In particular, the density-sensitive intensity ratio I (258.10 Angstrom)/ I (349.87 Angstrom) offers an especially promising diagnostic for studies of coronal plasmas, as it involves two reasonably strong emission lines and varies by more than an order of magnitude over the useful density range of 10(9)-10(11) cm(-3). The 2s(2)2p(2) S-1(0) - 2s2p(3) P-1(1) transition at 259.77 Angstrom is very marginally identified for the first time in the SERTS database, although it has previously been detected in solar flare observations.


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The removal of false coincidences from measurements of coincidences between two photoelectrons and one or two ions formed in molecular double photoionization is described. False coincidences arise by several mechanisms; experimental procedures and mathematical formulae required to remove all the different false coincidence contributions are described. Sample spectra taken of the double photoionization of carbon dioxide are presented to illustrate the method of false coincidence subtraction.


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A semi-phenomenological model describing wideband dielectric and far-infrared spectra of liquid water was proposed recently by the same authors [J. Mol. Struct. 606 (2002) 9], where a small dipole-moment component changing harmonically with time determines a weak absorption band (termed here the R-band) centred at the wavenumber v similar to 200 cm(-1). In the present work, a rough molecular theory of the R-band based on the concept of elastic interactions is given. Stretching and bending of hydrogen bonds cause restricted rotation (RR) of a polar water molecule in terms of a dimer comprising the H- bonded molecules. Analytical expression for the RR frequency nu(str) is derived as a function of the RR amplitude, geometrical parameters and force constants. The density g(nu(str)) of frequency distribution is shown to be centred in the R-band. The spectrum of the dipolar auto-correlation function calculated for this structural-dynamical model is found. A composite model comprising two intermolecular potentials is proposed, which yields for water a good description of the experimental wideband (from 0 to 1000 cm(- 1)) spectra of complex permittivity and of absorption coefficient. The presented interpretation of these spectra is based on a concept that water presents a two-component solution, with components differing by the types of molecular rotation. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A semi-phenomenological molecular model is presented, which is capable of describing with the use of analytical formulae, the wideband dielectric(1) and far-infrared spectra of ordinary and heavy water. In the model the vector of a dipole moment is presented as a sum of two components. The absolute value of the first one is constant; the second one changes harmonically with time. The key aspect of this work is consideration of FIR spectra due to the second component. In the context of the modified hybrid model presented in the work, reorientation of the dipoles in the rectangular potential well is considered, as a result of which the librational (near 700 cm (-1)) and translational (near 200 cm (-1)) absorption bands and the microwave Debye relaxation spectrum arise. It is shown that the time-dependent part of a dipole moment contributes most to the translational band, the relevant mechanism is taken to be stretching vibration of the H-bonded molecules. Previous linear-response molecular models were unsuccessful in describing this band (in heavy water) in terms of the complex dielectric permittivity. The spatial and time scales characteristic of water are estimated. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wideband far infrared (FIR) spectra of complex permittivity e(p) of ice are calculated in terms of a simple analytical theory based on the method of dipolar autocorrelation functions. The molecular model represents a revision of the model recently presented for liquid water in Adv. Chem. Phys. 127 (2003) 65. A composite two-fractional model is proposed. The model is characterised by three phenomenological potential wells corresponding to the three FIR bands observed in ice. The first fraction comprises dipoles reorienting in a rather narrow and deep hat-like well; these dipoles generate the librational band centred at the frequency approximate to 880 cm(-1). The second fraction comprises elastically interacting particles; they generate two nearby bands placed around frequency 200 cm(-1). For description of one of these bands the harmonic oscillator (HO) model is used, in which translational oscillations of two charged molecules along the H-bond are considered. The other band is produced by the H-bond stretch, which governs hindered rotation of a rigid dipole. Such a motion and its dielectric response are described in terms of a new cut parabolic (CP) model applicable for any vibration amplitude. The composite hat-HO-CP model results in a smooth epsilon(nu) ice spectrum, which does not resemble the noise-like spectra of ice met in the known literature. The proposed theory satisfactorily agrees with the experimental ice spectrum measured at - 7 degrees C. The calculated longitudinal optic-transverse optic (LO-TO) splitting occurring at approximate to 250 cm(-1) qualitatively agrees with the measured data. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple molecular analytical theory of dielectric relaxation in strongly polar fluids is considered in terms of a semi- phenomenological approach. Theoretical spectra epsilon(v), a(v) of complex permittivity and absorption coefficient are fully determined by a form of intermolecular potential well, in which a dipole reorients. In a recent publication by VI. Gaiduk, O.F. Nielsen, and T.S. Perova [J. Molliq 95 (1002) 1-25] the wideband spectra of liquid H2O and D2O were described in terms of a composite model comprising the rectangular and the cosine squared potential wells. Much better results are achieved in this work, where the rectangular well is replaced by a well with a rounded bottom termed the hat-curved well. The spectrum of the auto-correlation function (ACF) is calculated for such a potential. The proposed theory of a composite model, comprising hat-curved and parabolic wells, is applied for liquid water. This model is capable for describing the Debye relaxation region, the second relaxation region in the submillimeter wavelength range, and the far infra-red (FIR) e(v), a(v) spectra, where an intense librational band and an additional weak band are placed, respectively, near 700 cm(-1) and 200 cm(-1). The latter band reflects the features of so-called specific (viz. directly related to H-bonds) interactions and the former band reflects the features of unspecific interactions. The physical mechanisms connected with these types of interactions are discussed in terms of two relevant types of water structure (types of molecular rotation). The proposed theory is also applied to a non-associated liquid in terms of one hat-curved potential well. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A nonlinear equation of motion is found for the dimer comprising two charged H2O molecules. The THz dielectric response to nonharmonic vibration of a nonrigid dipole, forming the hydrogen bond (HB), is found in the direction transverse to this bond. An explicit expression is derived for the autocorrelator that governs the spectrum generated by transverse vibration (TV) of such a dipole. This expression is obtained by analytical solution of the truncated set of recurrence equations. The far infrared (FIR) spectra of ice at the temperature - 7 degrees C are calculated. The wideband, in the wavenumber (frequency) v range 0... 100.0 cm(-1), spectra are obtained for liquid water at room temperature and for supercooled water at -5.6 degrees C. All spectra are represented in terms of the complex permittivity epsilon(v) and the absorption coefficient alpha(v). The obtained analytical formula for epsilon comprises the term epsilon(perpendicular to) pertinent to the studied TV mechanism with three additional terms Delta epsilon(q), Delta epsilon(mu), and epsilon(or) arising, respectively, from: elastic harmonic vibration of charged molecules along the H-bond; elastic reorientation of HB permanent dipoles; and rather free libration of permanent dipoles in 'defects' of water/ice structure. The suggested TV-dielectric relaxation mechanism allows us: (a) to remove the THz 'deficit' of loss epsilon" inherent in previous theoretical studies; (b) to explain the THz loss and absorption spectra in supercooled (SC) water; and (c) to describe, in agreement with the experiment, the low- and high-frequency tails of the two bands of ice H2O located in the range 10...300 cm(-1). Specific THz dielectric properties of SC water are ascribed to association of water molecules, revealed in our study by transverse vibration of HB charged molecules. (C) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Density functional calculations, using B3LPY/6-31G(d) methods, have been used to investigate the conformations and vibrational (Raman) spectra of a series of long-chain, saturated fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) with the formula CH2nO2 (n = 5-21) and two series of unsaturated FAMEs. The calculations showed that the lowest energy conformer within the saturated FAMEs is the simple (all-trans) structure and, in general, it was possible to reproduce experimental data using calculations on only the all-trans conformer. The only exception was C6H12O2, where a second low-lying conformer had to be included in order to correctly simulate the experimental Raman spectrum. The objective of the work was to provide theoretical justification for the methods that are commonly used to determine the properties of the fats and oils, such as chain length and degree of unsaturation, from experimental Raman data. Here it is shown that the calculations reproduce the trends and calibration curves that are found experimentally and also allow the reasons for the failure of what would appear to be rational measurements to be understood. This work shows that although the assumption that each FAME can simply be treated as a collection of functional groups can be justified in some cases, many of the vibrational modes are complex motions of large sections of the molecules and thus would not be expected to show simple linear trends with changes in structure, such as increasing chain length and/or unsaturation. Simple linear trends obtained from experimental data may thus arise from cancellation of opposing effects, rather than reflecting an underlying simplicity.


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Incoherent Thomson scattering (ITS) provides a nonintrusive diagnostic for the determination of one-dimensional (1D) electron velocity distribution in plasmas. When the ITS spectrum is Gaussian its interpretation as a three-dimensional (3D) Maxwellian velocity distribution is straightforward. For more complex ITS line shapes derivation of the corresponding 3D velocity distribution and electron energy probability distribution function is more difficult. This article reviews current techniques and proposes an approach to making the transformation between a 1D velocity distribution and the corresponding 3D energy distribution. Previous approaches have either transformed the ITS spectra directly from a 1D distribution to a 3D or fitted two Gaussians assuming a Maxwellian or bi-Maxwellian distribution. Here, the measured ITS spectrum transformed into a 1D velocity distribution and the probability of finding a particle with speed within 0 and given value v is calculated. The differentiation of this probability function is shown to be the normalized electron velocity distribution function. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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We describe an experimental system designed for single-shot photoelectron spectroscopy on free atoms and molecules at the Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH at DESY). The combination of the extreme ultra-violet (EUV) Free Electron Laser and a temporally synchronized optical fs laser (Ti:Sapphire) enables a variety of two-color pump-probe experiments. The spectral, temporal and spatial characteristics of both the EUV FEL and the optical laser pulses, the experimental procedure to control their overlap as well as the performance of an electron spectrometer used to obtain single-shot photoelectron spectra are discussed. As an illustration of the capabilities of this set-up, some results on two-photon two-color ionization of rare gases are presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.