97 resultados para Time correlation function

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The structure and dynamics of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate is studied by molecular dynamics simulations. We find long-range spatial correlations between the ions and a three-dimensional local structure that reflects the asymmetry of the cations. The main contribution to the configurational energy comes from the electrostatic interactions which leads to charge-ordering effects. Radial screening and threedimensional distribution of charge are also analyzed. The motion of a single ion is studied via velocity and reorientational correlation functions. It is found that ions "rattle" in a long-lived cage, while the orientational structure relaxes on a time scale longer than 200 ps. As in a supercooled liquid, the mean square displacements reveal a subdiffusive dynamics. In addition, the presence of dynamic heterogeneities can be detected by analyzing the non-Gaussian behavior of the van Hove correlation function and the spatial arrangement of the most mobile ions. The short-time collective dynamics is also studied through the electric current time correlation function.


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The inertia-corrected Debye model of rotational Brownian motion of polar molecules was generalized by Coffey et al. [Phys. Rev. E, 65, 32 102 (2002)] to describe fractional dynamics and anomalous rotational diffusion. The linear- response theory of the normalized complex susceptibility was given in terms of a Laplace transform and as a function of frequency. The angular-velocity correlation function was parametrized via fractal Mittag-Leffler functions. Here we apply the latter method and complex-contour integral- representation methods to determine the original time-dependent amplitude as an inverse Laplace transform using both analytical and numerical approaches, as appropriate. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A semi-phenomenological model describing wideband dielectric and far-infrared spectra of liquid water was proposed recently by the same authors [J. Mol. Struct. 606 (2002) 9], where a small dipole-moment component changing harmonically with time determines a weak absorption band (termed here the R-band) centred at the wavenumber v similar to 200 cm(-1). In the present work, a rough molecular theory of the R-band based on the concept of elastic interactions is given. Stretching and bending of hydrogen bonds cause restricted rotation (RR) of a polar water molecule in terms of a dimer comprising the H- bonded molecules. Analytical expression for the RR frequency nu(str) is derived as a function of the RR amplitude, geometrical parameters and force constants. The density g(nu(str)) of frequency distribution is shown to be centred in the R-band. The spectrum of the dipolar auto-correlation function calculated for this structural-dynamical model is found. A composite model comprising two intermolecular potentials is proposed, which yields for water a good description of the experimental wideband (from 0 to 1000 cm(- 1)) spectra of complex permittivity and of absorption coefficient. The presented interpretation of these spectra is based on a concept that water presents a two-component solution, with components differing by the types of molecular rotation. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a zoonotic arbovirosis for which the primary hosts are domestic livestock (cattle, sheep and goats). RVF was first described in South Africa in 1950-1951. Mechanisms for short and long distance transmission have been hypothesised, but there is little supporting evidence. Here we describe RVF occurrence and spatial distribution in South Africa in 2008-11, and investigate the presence of a contagious process in order to generate hypotheses on the different mechanisms of transmission. Methodology/Principal Findings: A total of 658 cases were extracted from World Animal Health Information Database. Descriptive statistics, epidemic curves and maps were produced. The space-time K-function was used to test for evidence of space-time interaction. Five RVF outbreak waves (one in 2008, two in 2009, one in 2010 and one in 2011) of varying duration, location and size were reported. About 70% of cases (n = 471) occurred in 2010, when the epidemic was almost country-wide. No strong evidence of space-time interaction was found for 2008 or the second wave in 2009. In the first wave of 2009, a significant space-time interaction was detected for up to one month and over 40 km. In 2010 and 2011 a significant intense, short and localised space-time interaction (up to 3 days and 15 km) was detected, followed by one of lower intensity (up to 2 weeks and 35 to 90 km). Conclusions/Significance: The description of the spatiotemporal patterns of RVF in South Africa between 2008 and 2011 supports the hypothesis that during an epidemic, disease spread may be supported by factors other than active vector dispersal. Limitations of under-reporting and space-time K-function properties are discussed. Further spatial analyses and data are required to explain factors and mechanisms driving RVF spread. © 2012 Métras et al.


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A simple molecular analytical theory of dielectric relaxation in strongly polar fluids is considered in terms of a semi- phenomenological approach. Theoretical spectra epsilon(v), a(v) of complex permittivity and absorption coefficient are fully determined by a form of intermolecular potential well, in which a dipole reorients. In a recent publication by VI. Gaiduk, O.F. Nielsen, and T.S. Perova [J. Molliq 95 (1002) 1-25] the wideband spectra of liquid H2O and D2O were described in terms of a composite model comprising the rectangular and the cosine squared potential wells. Much better results are achieved in this work, where the rectangular well is replaced by a well with a rounded bottom termed the hat-curved well. The spectrum of the auto-correlation function (ACF) is calculated for such a potential. The proposed theory of a composite model, comprising hat-curved and parabolic wells, is applied for liquid water. This model is capable for describing the Debye relaxation region, the second relaxation region in the submillimeter wavelength range, and the far infra-red (FIR) e(v), a(v) spectra, where an intense librational band and an additional weak band are placed, respectively, near 700 cm(-1) and 200 cm(-1). The latter band reflects the features of so-called specific (viz. directly related to H-bonds) interactions and the former band reflects the features of unspecific interactions. The physical mechanisms connected with these types of interactions are discussed in terms of two relevant types of water structure (types of molecular rotation). The proposed theory is also applied to a non-associated liquid in terms of one hat-curved potential well. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A force field model of the Keating type supplemented by rules to break, form, and interchange bonds is applied to investigate thermodynamic and structural properties of the amorphous SiO2 surface. A simulated quench from the liquid phase has been carried out for a silica sample made of 3888 silicon and 7776 oxygen atoms arranged on a slab similar to 40 angstrom thick, periodically repeated along two directions. The quench results into an amorphous sample, exposing two parallel square surfaces of similar to 42 nm(2) area each. Thermal averages computed during the quench allow us to determine the surface thermodynamic properties as a function of temperature. The surface tension turns out to be gamma=310 +/- 20 erg/cm(2) at room temperature and gamma=270 +/- 30 at T=2000 K, in fair agreement with available experimental estimates. The entropy contribution Ts-s to the surface tension is relatively low at all temperatures, representing at most similar to 20% of the surface energy. Almost without exceptions, Si atoms are fourfold coordinated and oxygen atoms are twofold coordinated. Twofold and threefold rings appear only at low concentration and are preferentially found in proximity of the surface. Above the glass temperature T-g=1660 +/- 50 K, the mobility of surface atoms is, as expected, slightly higher than that of bulk atoms. The computation of the height-height correlation function shows that the silica surface is rough in the equilibrium and undercooled liquid phase, becoming smooth below the glass temperature T-g.


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Ultracold polar molecules, in highly anisotropic traps and interacting via a repulsive dipolar potential, may form one-dimensional chains at high densities. According to classical theory, at low temperatures there exists a critical value of the density at which a second-order phase transition from a linear to a zigzag chain occurs. We study the effect of thermal and quantum fluctuations on these self-organized structures using classical and quantum Monte Carlo methods, by means of which we evaluate the pair correlation function and the static structure factor. Depending on the parameters, these functions exhibit properties typical of a crystalline or of a liquid system. We compare the thermal and the quantum results, identifying analogies and differences. Finally, we discuss experimental parameter regimes where the effects of quantum fluctuations on the linear-zigzag transition can be observed.


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We show that the statistical properties of a Coulomb crystal can be measured by means of a standard interferometric procedure performed on the spin of one ion in the chain. The ion spin, constituted by two internal levels of the ion, couples to the crystal modes via spatial displacement induced by photon absorption. The loss of contrast in the interferometric signal allows one to measure the autocorrelation function of the crystal observables. Close to the critical point, where the chain undergoes a second-order phase transition to a zigzag structure, the signal gives the behavior of the correlation function at the critical point.


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The emerging field of quantum thermodynamics is contributing important results and insights into archetypal many-body problems, including quantum phase transitions. Still, the question whether out-of-equilibrium quantities, such as fluctuations of work, exhibit critical scaling after a sudden quench in a closed system has remained elusive. Here, we take a novel approach to the problem by studying a quench across an impurity quantum critical point. By performing density matrix renormalization group computations on the two-impurity Kondo model, we are able to establish that the irreversible work produced in a quench exhibits finite-size scaling at quantum criticality. This scaling faithfully predicts the equilibrium critical exponents for the crossover length and the order parameter of the model, and, moreover, implies a new exponent for the rescaled irreversible work. By connecting the irreversible work to the two-impurity spin correlation function, our findings can be tested experimentally.


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In gastric cancer (GC), the main subtypes (diffuse and intestinal types) differ in pathological characteristics, with diffuse GC exhibiting early disseminative and invasive behaviour. A distinctive feature of diffuse GC is loss of intercellular adhesion. Although widely attributed to mutations in the CDH1 gene encoding E-cadherin, a significant percentage of diffuse GC do not harbor CDH1 mutations. We found that the expression of the actin-modulating cytoskeletal protein, gelsolin, is significantly higher in diffuse-type compared to intestinal-type GCs, using immunohistochemical and microarray analysis. Furthermore, in GCs with wild-type CDH1, gelsolin expression correlated inversely with CDH1 gene expression. Downregulating gelsolin using siRNA in GC cells enhanced intercellular adhesion and E-cadherin expression, and reduced invasive capacity. Interestingly, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) induced increased gelsolin expression, and gelsolin was essential for HGF-medicated cell scattering and E-cadherin transcriptional repression through Snail, Twist and Zeb2. The HGF-dependent effect on E-cadherin was found to be mediated by interactions between gelsolin and PI3K-Akt signaling. This study reveals for the first time a function of gelsolin in the HGF/cMet oncogenic pathway, which leads to E-cadherin repression and cell scattering in gastric cancer. Our study highlights gelsolin as an important pro-disseminative factor contributing to the aggressive phenotype of diffuse GC.


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It is shown how the fractional probability density diffusion equation for the diffusion limit of one-dimensional continuous time random walks may be derived from a generalized Markovian Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. The non-Markovian behaviour is incorporated into the Markovian Chapman-Kolmogorov equation by postulating a Levy like distribution of waiting times as a kernel. The Chapman-Kolmogorov equation so generalised then takes on the form of a convolution integral. The dependence on the initial conditions typical of a non-Markovian process is treated by adding a time dependent term involving the survival probability to the convolution integral. In the diffusion limit these two assumptions about the past history of the process are sufficient to reproduce anomalous diffusion and relaxation behaviour of the Cole-Cole type. The Green function in the diffusion limit is calculated using the fact that the characteristic function is the Mittag-Leffler function. Fourier inversion of the characteristic function yields the Green function in terms of a Wright function. The moments of the distribution function are evaluated from the Mittag-Leffler function using the properties of characteristic functions and a relation between the powers of the second moment and higher order even moments is derived. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The greatest relaxation time for an assembly of three- dimensional rigid rotators in an axially symmetric bistable potential is obtained exactly in terms of continued fractions as a sum of the zero frequency decay functions (averages of the Legendre polynomials) of the system. This is accomplished by studying the entire time evolution of the Green function (transition probability) by expanding the time dependent distribution as a Fourier series and proceeding to the zero frequency limit of the Laplace transform of that distribution. The procedure is entirely analogous to the calculation of the characteristic time of the probability evolution (the integral of the configuration space probability density function with respect to the position co-ordinate) for a particle undergoing translational diffusion in a potential; a concept originally used by Malakhov and Pankratov (Physica A 229 (1996) 109). This procedure allowed them to obtain exact solutions of the Kramers one-dimensional translational escape rate problem for piecewise parabolic potentials. The solution was accomplished by posing the problem in terms of the appropriate Sturm-Liouville equation which could be solved in terms of the parabolic cylinder functions. The method (as applied to rotational problems and posed in terms of recurrence relations for the decay functions, i.e., the Brinkman approach c.f. Blomberg, Physica A 86 (1977) 49, as opposed to the Sturm-Liouville one) demonstrates clearly that the greatest relaxation time unlike the integral relaxation time which is governed by a single decay function (albeit coupled to all the others in non-linear fashion via the underlying recurrence relation) is governed by a sum of decay functions. The method is easily generalized to multidimensional state spaces by matrix continued fraction methods allowing one to treat non-axially symmetric potentials, where the distribution function is governed by two state variables. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The future convergence of voice, video and data applications on the Internet requires that next generation technology provides bandwidth and delay guarantees. Current technology trends are moving towards scalable aggregate-based systems where applications are grouped together and guarantees are provided at the aggregate level only. This solution alone is not enough for interactive video applications with sub-second delay bounds. This paper introduces a novel packet marking scheme that controls the end-to-end delay of an individual flow as it traverses a network enabled to supply aggregate- granularity Quality of Service (QoS). IPv6 Hop-by-Hop extension header fields are used to track the packet delay encountered at each network node and autonomous decisions are made on the best queuing strategy to employ. The results of network simulations are presented and it is shown that when the proposed mechanism is employed the requested delay bound is met with a 20% reduction in resource reservation and no packet loss in the network.


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The many-electron-correlated scattering (MECS) approach to quantum electronic transport was investigated in the linear-response regime [I. Bâldea and H. Köppel, Phys. Rev. B 78, 115315 (2008). The authors suggest, based on numerical calculations, that the manner in which the method imposes boundary conditions is unable to reproduce the well-known phenomena of conductance quantization. We introduce an analytical model and demonstrate that conductance quantization is correctly obtained using open system boundary conditions within the MECS approach.