13 resultados para Terraces

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This paper presents a first approach to using a sediment budget methodology for paired terrace staircase sediments in SW England. Although a budget approach has become firmly established in Holocene fluvial studies, it has not been used in Pleistocene sequences due to the problems of temporal resolution, catchment changes and downstream loss from the system. However, this paper uses a budget approach in a paired non-glaciated basin, primarily as a method of interrogating the terrace record concerning the degree of reworking and new sediment input required to produce the reconstructed terrace sequences. In order to apply a budget approach a number of assumptions have to be made and these are justified in the paper. The results suggest that the Exe system can most parsimoniously be explained principally by the reworking of a Middle Pleistocene floodplain system with relatively little input of new resistant clasts required and a cascade-type model in geomorphological terms. Whilst this maybe partially a result of the specific geology of the catchment, it is likely to be representative of many Pleistocene terrace systems in NW Europe due to their litho-tectonic similarities. This cascade-type model of terrace formation has archaeological implications and sets the context for the Palaeolithic terrace record in the UK. Future work will involve the testing of this and similar budget models using a combination of landscape modelling and chronometric dating. ?? 2009 The Geologists' Association.


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The focused ion beam microscope has been used to cut parallel-sided {100}-oriented thin lamellae of single crystal barium titanate with controlled thicknesses, ranging from 530 nm to 70 nm. Scanning transmission electron microscopy has been used to examine domain configurations. In all cases, stripe domains were observed with {011}-type domain walls in perovskite unit-cell axes, suggesting 90 degrees domains with polarization in the plane of the lamellae. The domain widths were found to vary as the square root of the lamellar thickness, consistent with Kittel's law, and its later development by Mitsui and Furuichi and by Roytburd. An investigation into the manner in which domain period adapts to thickness gradient was undertaken on both wedge-shaped lamellae and lamellae with discrete terraces. It was found that when the thickness gradient was perpendicular to the domain walls, a continuous change in domain periodicity occurred, but if the thickness gradient was parallel to the domain walls, periodicity changes were accommodated through discrete domain bifurcation. Data were then compared with other work in literature, on both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic systems, from which conclusions on the widespread applicability of Kittel's law in ferroics were made.


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Classification of the active surface sites of platinum catalysts responsible for low temperature N2O decomposition, in terms of steps, kinks and terraces, has been achieved by controlled addition of bismuth to as-received platinum/graphite catalysts.


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To help the building of new low-carbon housing, recent years have seen the widespread demolition of Victorian housing in UK cities. In this regard, Belfast is no different from its counterparts on the British mainland, where Compulsory Purchase Orders force people to sell and vacate their terraced homes to make way for newly constructed 'sustainable' housing. The global economic downturn has temporarily slowed down this process leaving many Belfast terraces now blocked up awaiting future demolition. This stay of execution is an unlikely but welcome opportunity to review and assess the true value to owner, streetscape and city of this important and common house-type. Important questions need to be asked. Should sound Victorian terraces be demolished? What is the genuine cost of demolition and replacement in terms of community and environment? With reference to case studies in a Belfast context, the argument will be made that new is not necessarily better, that the existing Victorian terrace is an important and valuable resource and one that, with intelligent intervention, offers a genuinely sustainable alternative to new-build housing.


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This paper presents the ?rst systematic chronostratigraphic study of the river terraces of the Exe catchment in South West England and a new conceptual model for terrace formation in unglaciated basins with applicability to terrace staircase sequences elsewhere. The Exe catchment lay beyond the maximum extent of Pleistocene ice sheets and the drainage pattern evolved from the Tertiary to the Middle Pleistocene, by which time the major valley systems were in place and downcutting began to create a staircase of strath terraces. The higher terraces (8-6) typically exhibit altitudinal overlap or appear to be draped over the landscape, whilst the middle terraces show greater altitudinal separation and the lowest terraces are of a cut and ?ll form. The terrace deposits investigated in this study were deposited in cold phases of the glacial-interglacial Milankovitch climatic cycles with the lowest four being deposited in the Devensian Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 4-2. A new cascade process-response model is proposed of basin terrace evolution in the Exe valley, which emphasises the role of lateral erosion in the creation of strath terraces and the reworking of inherited resistant lithological components down through the staircase. The resultant emergent valley topography and the reworking of artefacts along with gravel clasts, have important implications for the dating of hominin presence and the local landscapes they inhabited. Whilst the terrace chronology suggested here is still not as detailed as that for the Thames or the Solent System it does indicate a Middle Palaeolithic hominin presence in the region, probably prior to the late Wolstonian Complex or MIS 6. This supports existing data from cave sites in South West England.


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The initial growth mechanism of epitaxial BaTiO3 films is studied by combined application of atomic force microscopy, cross sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Epitaxial BaTiO3 thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on vicinal Nb-doped SrTiO3 (SrTiO3:Nb) (001) substrates with well-defined terraces. X-ray diffraction and cross sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy investigations revealed well-defined epitaxial films and a sharp interface between BaTiO3 films and SrTiO3:Nb substrates. The layer-then-island (Stranski-Krastanov mode) growth mechanism observed by analyzing the morphology of a sequence of films with increasing amount of deposited material has been confirmed by microstructure investigations. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The growth mechanism of epitaxial BaTiO3 films on vicinal Nb-doped SrTiO3 (srTiO(3):Nb) (001) substrate surfaces was studied in terms of surface morphology, crystalline orientation, microstructure, and film/substrate interface. Well-oriented BaTiO3 thin films were grown on SrTiO3 substrates with well-defined terraces by pulsed laser deposition. The regularly terraced TiO2-terminated surfaces of vicinal SrTiO3:Nb (001) substrates were prepared by a definite chemical and thermal treatment. Under our conditions, BaTiO3 seems to grow with a layer-then-island (Stranski-Krastanov) growth mechanism. In order to investigate the orientation and crystallinity of the BaTiO3 films, x-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission election microscopy were performed. Ferroelectricity of the BaTiO3 films was proved by electrical measurements performed on Pt/BaTiO3/SrTiO3:Nb heterostructures.


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The energetics of the low-temperature adsorption and decomposition of nitrous oxide, N(2)O, on flat and stepped platinum surfaces were calculated using density-functional theory (DFT). The results show that the preferred adsorption site for N(2)O is an atop site, bound upright via the terminal nitrogen. The molecule is only weakly chemisorbed to the platinum surface. The decomposition barriers on flat (I 11) surfaces and stepped (211) surfaces are similar. While the barrier for N(2)O dissociation is relatively small, the surface rapidly becomes poisoned by adsorbed oxygen. These findings are supported by experimental results of pulsed N(2)O decomposition with 5% Pt/SiO(2) and bismuth-modified Pt/C catalysts. At low temperature, decomposition occurs but self-poisoning by O((ads)) prevents further decomposition. At higher temperatures some desorption Of O(2) is observed, allowing continued catalytic activity. The study with bismuth-modified Pt/C catalysts showed that, although the activation barriers calculated for both terraces and steps were similar, the actual rate was different for the two surfaces. Steps were found experimentally to be more active than terraces and this is attributed to differences in the preexponential term. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Greenland ice core data show that the last glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere was characterized by relatively short and rapid warming-cooling cycles. While the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the following Late Glacial are well documented in the Eastern Alps, continuous and well dated records of the time period preceding the LGM are only known from stalagmites. Although most of the sediment that filled the Alpine valleys prior to the LGM was eroded, thick successions have been locally preserved as terraces along the flanks of large longitudinal valleys. The Inn valley in Tyrol (Austria) offers the most striking examples of Pleistocene terraces in the Eastern Alps. A large number of drill cores provides the opportunity to study these sediments for the first time in great detail. Our study focuses on the river terrace of Unterangerberg near Wörgl, where LGM gravel and till were deposited on top of (glacio)lacustrine sediments. The cores comprise mostly silty material, ranging from organic-rich to organic-poor and dropstone-rich beds. A diamictic layer classified as basal till is present at the bottom of the lake sediments. Radiocarbon ages of plant macro remains from the lake sequences indicate deposition between ~40 and >50 cal. ka BP. Luminescence ages obtained from fine-grain polymineral (4-11 μm) samples suggest an age of the lake deposits between ~40 to 60 ka and are consistent with the radiocarbon dates. Sedimentological analyses indicate that sedimentation in these palaeolakes was driven by local processes, but also by climatically induced changes in nearby glacier activity. These observations strongly hint towards a significant ice advance in the Eastern Alps during the early last glacial and subsequent mild interstadial conditions, supporting a local coniferous forest vegetation.


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Prominent theories of plant defence have predicted that plants growing on nutrient-poor soils produce more phenolic defence compounds than those on richer soils. Only recently has the Protein Competition Model (PCM) of phenolic allocation suggested that N and P limitation could have different effects because the nutrients are involved in different cellular metabolic processes. 2. We extend the prediction of the PCM and hypothesize that N will have a greater influence on the production of phenolic defensive compounds than P availability, because N limitation reduces protein production and thus competition for phenylalanine, a precursor of many phenolic compounds. In contrast, P acts as a recyclable cofactor in these reactions, allowing protein and hence phenolic production to continue under low P conditions. 3. We test this hypothesis by comparing the foliar concentrations of phenolic compounds in (i) phenotypes of 21 species growing on P-rich alluvial terraces and P-depleted marine terraces in southern New Zealand, and (ii) 87 species growing under similar climates on comparatively P-rich soils in New Zealand vs. P-depleted soils in Tasmania. 4. Foliar P concentrations of plants from the marine terraces were about half those of plants from alluvial soils, and much lower in Tasmania than in New Zealand. However, foliar concentrations of N and phenolic compounds were similar across sites in both comparisons, supporting the hypothesis that N availability is a more important determinant of plant investment in phenolic defensive compounds than P availability. We found no indication that reduced soil P levels influenced plant concentrations of phenolic compounds. There was wide variation in the foliar N and P concentrations among species, and those with low foliar nutrient concentrations produced more phenolics (including condensed tannins). 5. Our study is the first trait comparison extending beyond standard leaf economics to include secondary metabolites related to defence in forest plants, and emphasizes that N and P have different influences on the production of phenolic defence compounds. © 2009 British Ecological Society.


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In Britain, the majority of Lower and Middle Paleolithic archaeological finds come from river terrace deposits. The impressive “staircase” terrace sequences of southeast England, and research facilitated by aggregate extraction have provided a considerable body of knowledge about the terrace chronology and associated archaeology in that area. Such research has been essential in considering rates of uplift, climatic cycles, archaeological chronologies, and the landscapes in which hominins lived. It has also promoted the view that southeast England was a major hominin route into Britain. By contrast, the terrace deposits of the southwest have been little studied. The Palaeolithic Rivers of South West Britain (PRoSWEB) project employed a range of geoarchaeological methodologies to address similar questions at different scales, focusing on the rivers Exe, Axe, Otter, and the paleo-Doniford, all of which were located south of the maximum Pleistocene glacial limit (marine oxygen isotope stage [MIS] 4–2). Preliminary analysis of the fieldwork results suggests that although the evolution of these catchments is complex, most conform to a standard staircase-type model, with the exception of the Axe, and, to a lesser extent, the paleo-Doniford, which are anomalous. Although the terrace deposits are less extensive than in southeast Britain, differentiation between terraces does exist, and new dates show that some of these terraces are of great antiquity (MIS 10+). The project also reexamined the distribution of artifacts in the region and confirms the distributional bias to the river valleys, and particularly the rivers draining southward to the paleo–Channel River system. This distribution is consistent with a model of periodic occupation of the British peninsula along and up the major river valleys from the paleo–Channel River corridor. These data have a direct impact on our understanding of the paleolandscapes of the southwest region, and therefore our interpretations of the Paleolithic occupation of the edge of the continental landmass.


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The fieldwork survey group of the Ulster Archaeological Society carried out a second season of field surveys at four sites in 2007. These were a rath at Lisnabreeny, Co Down; the Yew Terraces at Castle Ward, Co Down; Yellow Jack’s cairn on Divis Mountain, Co Antrim; and stone circles and stone rows at Davagh Lower, Co Tyrone