34 resultados para Surface concentration

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The surface modification of a mechanochemically prepared Ag/Al O catalyst compared with catalysts prepared by standard wet impregnated methods has been probed using two-dimensional T -T NMR correlations, HO temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and DRIFTS. The catalysts were examined for the selective catalytic reduction of NO using n-octane in the presence and absence of H. Higher activities were observed for the ball milled catalysts irrespective of whether H was added. This higher activity is thought to be related to the increased affinity of the catalyst surface towards the hydrocarbon relative to water, following mechanochemical preparation, resulting in higher concentrations of the hydrocarbon and lower concentrations of water at the surface. DRIFTS experiments demonstrated that surface isocyanate was formed significantly quicker and had a higher surface concentration in the case of the ball milled catalyst which has been correlated with the stronger interaction of the n-octane with the surface. This increased interaction may also be the cause of the reduced activation barrier measured for this catalyst compared with the wet impregnated system. The decreased interaction of water with the surface on ball milling is thought to reduce the effect of site blocking whilst still providing a sufficiently high surface concentration of water to enable effective hydrolysis of the isocyanate to form ammonia and, thereafter, N. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Fully quantitative analyses of DRIFTS data are required when the surface concentrations and the specific rate constants of reaction (or desorption) of adsorbates are needed to validate microkinetic models. The relationship between the surface coverage of adsorbates and various functions derived from the signal collected by DRIFTS is discussed here. The Kubelka-Munk and pseudoabsorbance (noted here as absorbance, for the sake of brevity) transformations were considered, since those are the most commonly used functions when data collected by DRIFTS are reported. Theoretical calculations and experimental evidence based on the study of CO adsorption on Pt/SiO2 and formate species adsorbed on Pt/CeO2 showed that the absorbance (i.e., ) log 1/R������¢, with R������¢ ) relative reflectance) is the most appropriate, yet imperfect, function to give a linear representation of the adsorbate surface concentration in the examples treated here, for which the relative reflectance R������¢ is typically > 60%. When the adsorbates lead to a strong signal absorption (e.g., R������¢ < 60%), the Kubelka-Munk function is actually more appropriate. The absorbance allows a simple correction of baseline drifts, which often occur during time-resolved data collection over catalytic materials. Baseline corrections are markedly more complex in the case of the other mathematical transforms, including the function proposed by Matyshak and Krylov (Catal. Today 1995, 25, 1-87), which has been proposed as an appropriate representation of surface concentrations in DRIFTS spectroscopy.


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The nature of the surface species formed at the surface of 2 wt.% Pt/CeO2 catalyst during the forward water-gas-shift (WGS, CO + H2O -> CO2 + H-2) and the reverse reaction (RWGS) were essentially identical. More, the surface concentration of formate, carbonate and carbonyl species was similar in each case. The presence of well-resolved IR bands allowed an unequivocal relative quantitative analysis of each species, avoiding the use of the carboxylate stretching region (1600-1200 cm(-1)). However, the quantitative analysis in the case of an isotopic study was complicated due to the overlapping of the various isotope bands, yet this problem could be overcome by integrating the high-wavenumber part of the bands. The reactivity of the surface species formed under RWGS conditions was followed under two different gaseous streams. Firstly, the reactivity of these intermediates were followed under an inert gas (i.e., At), in which case carbonates were essentially stable and less reactive than formates. Secondly, the reactivity of the same surface species was followed when switching to the corresponding C-13-labelled feed (i.e., (CO2)-C-13 + H-2), in which case carbonates were exchanged significantly faster than formates. While carbonates species have been reported as reaction intermediate under reaction conditions, the increased stability or surface poisoning by these carbonates in the absence of reaction mixture was highlighted. Ultimately, this work re-emphasises the need to use steady-state conditions if the true operando reactivity of the adsorbates and structure of the solid are to be determined. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper discusses a number of checks that should be carried out to ensure that the kinetic and spectroscopic measurements made using a DRIFTS cell are meaningful. The observations reported here demonstrate how an appropriately modified commercial DRIFTS cell can provide pertinent kinetic information about both gaseous products and the related surface intermediates. The oxidation of CO with 02 was used as a test to assess the catalyst bed bypass by the reaction mixture. Full CO conversion was obtained after the light-off temperature in the case of the modified cell, contrary to the case of the original cell, for which 80% of the reaction mixture bypassed the catalyst bed. The water-gas shift reaction over a Pt/CeO2 catalyst was used as a model reaction to further characterize the behavior of the cell under reaction conditions. The catalyst bed was shown not to be a dead-zone and was purged in essentially the same time as that needed to purge the cell. The reaction chamber globally operated in a quasi plug-flow mode and the gas composition in the thin catalyst bed appears to be homogeneous when operated under differential conditions. The production of the gas-phase reaction product CO2 could be simultaneously followed both by mass spectrometry and DRIFTS, both techniques leading to identical results. Various IR bands integration methods were discussed to allow a precise and accurate determination of the surface concentration of adsorbates during isotopic exchange. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The kinetics of oxidation of water to oxygen by MnO4-, mediated by thermally activated ruthenium dioxide hydrate, has been studied. The rate of catalysis is 0.8 order with respect to the surface concentration of MnO4- (which in turn appears to fit a Langmuir adsorption isotherm) and proportional to the catalyst concentration, but is independent of the concentration of manganese(II) ions. The catalysed reaction appears to have an activation energy of 50 +/- 1 kJ mol-1. These observed kinetics are readily rationalised using an electrochemical model in which the catalyst particles act as microelectrodes providing a medium for electron transfer between the highly irreversible oxidation of water to O2 and the highly irreversible reduction of MnO4- to Mn2+.


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CO and C3H6 oxidation have been carried out in the absence and presence of water over a Pd/Al2O3catalyst. It is clear that water promotes CO and, as a consequence, C3H6oxidation takes place at muchlower temperatures compared with the dry feed. The significant increase in the catalyst’s activity withrespect to CO oxidation is not simply associated with changes in surface concentration as a result ofcompetitive adsorption effects. Utilising18O2as the reactant allows the pathways whereby the oxidationdue to gaseous dioxygen and where the water activates the CO and C3H6to be distinguished. In thepresence of water, the predominant pathway is via water activation with C16O2and C16O18O being themajor species formed and oxidation with dioxygen plays a secondary role. The importance of wateractivation is further supported by the significant decrease in its effect when using D2O versus H2O.


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Mechanochemical preparation of Ag/Al2O3 catalysts used for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx using hydrocarbons has been shown to substantially increase the activity of the catalyst in comparison with Ag/Al2O3 prepared by wet impregnation. The effect of using different ball-milling experimental parameters on both the structure of the material as well as the catalyst activity has been investigated and the optimum conditions established. A phase transition from γ- to α-alumina was observed milling at high speeds which was found to result in lower catalyst activities. At lower milling speeds both fracturing and agglomeration of the alumina support can be observed depending on the grinding time. However, due to ball-milling, a general enhancement in the NOx reduction activity was observed for all catalysts compared with the conventionally prepared catalysts irrespective of the reductant used. Transient DRIFTS-MS experiments were performed to investigate the effect of H2 in the absence and presence of water on the SCR reaction over catalysts prepared by both ball milling and wet impregnation. In-situ DRIFTS-MS analysis revealed significant differences in both gas phase and surface species. Most notably, isocyanate species were formed significantly more quickly and at higher surface concentration in the case of the mechanochemically prepared catalyst.


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A simple derivatization methodology is shown to extend the application of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to the detection of trace concentration of contaminants in liquid form. Normally in SERS the target analyte species is already present in the molecular form in which it is to be detected and is extracted from solution to occupy sites of enhanced electromagnetic field on the substrate by means of chemisorption or drop-casting and subsequent evaporation of the solvent. However, these methods are very ineffective for the detection of low concentrations of contaminant in liquid form because the target (ionic) species (a) exhibits extremely low occupancy of enhancing surface sites in the bulk liquid environment and (b) coevaporates with the solvent. In this study, the target analyte species (acid) is detected via its solid derivative (salt) offering very significant enhancement of the SERS signal because of preferential deposition of the salt at the enhancing surface but without loss of chemical discrimination. The detection of nitric acid and sulfuric acid is demonstrated down to 100 ppb via reaction with ammonium hydroxide to produce the corresponding ammonium salt. This yields an improvement of ∼4 orders of magnitude in the low-concentration detection limit compared with liquid phase detection.


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This work investigates the polyanion initiated gelation process in fabricating chitosan-TPP (tripolyphosphate) nanoparticles in the size range of 100-250 nm intended to be used as carriers for the delivery of gene or protein macromolecules. It demonstrates that ionic gelation of cationic chitosan molecules offers a flexible and easily controllable process for systematically and predictably manipulating particle size and surface charge which are important properties in determining gene transfection efficacy if the nanoparticles are used as non-viral vectors for gene delivery, or as delivery carriers for protein molecules. Variations in chitosan molecular weight, chitosan concentration, chitosan to TPP weight ratio and solution pH value were examined systematically for their effects on nanoparticle size, intensity of surface charge, and tendency of particle aggregation so as to enable speedy fabrication of chitosan nanoparticles with predetermined properties. The chitosan-TPP nanoparticles exhibited a high positive surface charge across a wide pH range, and the isoelectric point (IEP) of the nanoparticles was found to be at pH 9.0. Detailed imaging analysis of the particle morphology revealed that the nanoparticles possess typical shapes of polyhedrons (e.g., pentagon and hexagon), indicating a similar crystallisation mechanism during the particle formation and growth process. This study demonstrates that systematic design and modulation of the surface charge and particle size of chitosan-TPP nanoparticles can be readily achieved with the right control of critical processing parameters, especially the chitosan to TPP weight ratio. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ultraviolet(UV) radiation at four wavelengths (305, 320, 340 and 380 nm) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were measured from May 1994 to October 1999 using Biospherical UV radiometers. A surface reference sensor located on the roof of the Marine Station at Helgoland recorded values every 5 min, and an equivalent profiling underwater sensor was used for measurements in the sea at approximately monthly intervals. The ratio of 305-nm radiation to PAR varied seasonally, with a 14-fold increase from winter to summer. A much weaker seasonal trend (ca. 1.5-fold) was apparent in the ratio of 320-nm radiation to PAR, but there was no seasonal trend in the ratios of 340- or 380-nm radiation to PAR. The year-to-year variations in 305-nm radiation were also much greater relative to PAR than for the other UV wavelengths, but there was no evidence of a change in the 305 nm:PAR ratio over the study period. The ratios of both 305- and 320-nm radiation to PAR increased from dawn to midday, but those of 340- and 380-nm radiation were almost constant through the day, except shortly before sunrise and after sunset when the proportions of 340- and 380-nm radiation increased. Underwater measurements of PAR and UV suggest that the 1% depth for 305-nm radiation was little more than 1 m, but this estimate is valid only for summer and autumn because, in other seasons, few reliable readings for 305-nm radiation could be obtained underwater, and no attenuation coefficient could be calculated. The 1% depths recorded for the other UV wavelengths in the middle 6 months of the year were 2.0 m for 320 nm, 2.6 m for 340 nm and 4.6 m for 380 nm, compared with 12 m for PAR, but the attenuation of all wavebands increased sharply in October and remained higher until March. An analysis of the influence of sun angle, total column ozone concentration, the proportion of skylight, and cloud cover on the ratio of UV wavelengths to PAR in surface irradiance demonstrated that solar angle has a greater influence than ozone concentration on the irradiance at 305 nm, and that the typical occurrence of ozone


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Dipicolinic acid (DPA) is an excellent marker compound for bacterial spores, including those of Bacillus anthracis ( anthrax). Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) potentially has the sensitivity and discrimination needed for trace DPA analysis, but mixing DPA solutions with citrate-reduced silver colloid only yielded measurable SERS spectra at much higher (> 80 ppm) concentrations than would be desirable for anthrax detection. Aggregation of the colloid with halide salts eliminated even these small DPA bands but aggregation with Na2SO4(aq) resulted in a remarkable increase in the DPA signals. With sulfate aggregation even 1 ppm solutions gave detectable signals with 10 s accumulation times, which is in the sensitivity range required. Addition of CNS- as an internal standard allowed quantitative DPA analysis, plotting the intensity of the strong DPA 1010 cm(-1) band (normalised to the ca. 2120 cm(-1) CNS- band) against DPA concentration gave a linear calibration (R-2 = 0.986) over the range 0 - 50 ppm DPA. The inclusion of thiocyanate also allows false negatives due to accidental deactivation of the enhancing medium to be detected.


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Rapid, quantitative SERS analysis of nicotine at ppm/ppb levels has been carried out using stable and inexpensive polymer-encapsulated Ag nanoparticles (gel-colls). The strongest nicotine band (1030 cm(-1)) was measured against d(5)-pyridine internal standard (974 cm(-1)) which was introduced during preparation of the stock gel-colls. Calibration plots of I-nic/I-pyr against the concentration of nicotine were non-linear but plotting I-nic/I-pyr against [nicotine](x) (x = 0.6-0.75, depending on the exact experimental conditions) gave linear calibrations over the range (0.1-10 ppm) with R-2 typically ca. 0.998. The RMS prediction error was found to be 0.10 ppm when the gel-colls were used for quantitative determination of unknown nicotine samples in 1-5 ppm level. The main advantages of the method are that the gel-colls constitute a highly stable and reproducible SERS medium that allows high throughput (50 sample h(-1)) measurements.


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The reduction of forest floor ground cover and litter layers by prescribed fires may alter the morphology (field and micro) and physical properties of surface horizons. This study determined long-term (35 yr) changes in surface horizon bulk density, organic matter concentration and content, and morphology in response to periodic (5 yr) and annual (1 yr) prescribed fires. Soils were fine-silty, siliceous, thermic Glossic Fragiuldults, supporting mixed oak vegetation in middle Tennessee. Upper mineral soils (0- to 2-cm and 0- to 7.6-cm depths) were sampled and detailed field descriptions made. Periodic and control plots had a thin layer of Oi, Oe, and Oa horizons 5 yr after the 1993 burn, whereas on annual burn plots a 1- to 2-cm charred layer was present. Significant reductions in organic matter concentration and mean thickness of the A horizon were found from burning (A horizons thicknesses were 6.4, 4.6, and 2.9 cm in control, periodic, and annual plots, respectively). Periodic burns did not significantly alter the organic matter and bulk density of the upper 7.6 cm of mineral soil; however, annual burns did result in significantly higher bulk densities (1.01, 1.07, and 1.29 Mg m-3 in control, periodic, and annual plots, respectively) and lower organic matter concentrations and contents. Microscopic investigations confirmed that compaction was increased from annual burning. Thin sections also revealed that the granular structure of the A horizons in control and periodic plots resulted from bioterbation of macro and mesofauna, fungi, and roots. Long-term annual burning greatly affected surface soil properties, whereas periodic burning on a 5-yr cycle had only limited effects.


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The dynamics of adsorption and oxidation of CO on Ru(0001) electrode in sulfuric acid solution have been studied using in situ FTIR spectroscopy under potential control and at open circuit, the latter at 20 and 55 degrees C. The in situ IR data show clearly that the bisulfate anion adsorbs on the Ru(0001) surface over the potential range from -200 mV to 350 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl) at 20 degrees C in the absence and presence of adsorbed CO; however, increasing the temperature to 55 degrees C and/ or increasing the concentration of dissolved O-2 reduces the bisulfate adsorption. The formation of surface (hydro-) oxide at higher potentials replaces the bisulfate adsorbates. Both linear (COL) and three-fold hollow bonded CO (COH) adsorbates were produced following CO adsorption at Ru(0001) in H2SO4, as was observed in our previous studies in HClO4. However, the amount of adsorbed CO observed in H2SO4 was ca. 10% less than that in HClO4; in addition, the COL and COH frequencies were higher in H2SO4, and the onset potential for COads oxidation 25 mV lower. These new results are interpreted in terms of a model in which the adsorbed bisulfate weakens the CO adlayer, allowing the active Ru oxide layer to form at lower potentials. Significantly different results were observed at open circuit in H2SO4 compared both to the data under potential control and to our earlier data in HClO4, and these observations were rationalized in terms of the adsorbed HSO4- anions (pre-adsorbed at -200 mV) inhibiting the oxidation of the surface at open circuit (after stepping from the initial potential of -200 mV), as the latter was no longer driven by the imposed electrochemical potential but via chemical oxidation by trace dissolved O-2. Results from experiments at open circuit at 55 degrees C and using oxygen-saturated H2SO4 supported this model. The difference in Ru surface chemistry between imposed electrochemical control and chemical control has potential implications with respect to fuel cell electrocatalysis.