20 resultados para Soil interactions

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Manganese (Mn) is an essential nutrient required for plant growth, in particular in the process of photosynthesis. Plant performance is influenced by various environmental stresses including contrasting temperatures, light or nutrient deficiencies. The molecular responses of plants exposed to such stress factors in combination are largely unknown. 

Screening of 108 Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) accessions for reduced photosynthetic performance at chilling temperatures was performed and one accession (Hog) was isolated. Using genetic and molecular approaches, the molecular basis of this particular response to temperature (GxE interaction) was identified. 

Hog showed an induction of a severe leaf chlorosis and impaired growth after transfer to lower temperatures. We demonstrated that this response was dependent on the nutrient content of the soil. Genetic mapping and complementation identified NRAMP1 as the causal gene. Chlorotic phenotype was associated with a histidine to tyrosine (H239Y) substitution in the allele of Hog NRAMP1. This led to lethality when Hog seedlings were directly grown at 4 degrees C. 

Chemical complementation and hydroponic culture experiments showed that Mn deficiency was the major cause of this GxE interaction. For the first time, the NRAMP-specific highly conserved histidine was shown to be crucial for plant performance.


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Chemical pollution of the environment has become a major source of concern. In particular, many studies have investigated the impact of pollution on biota in the environment. Studies on metalliferous contaminated mine spoil wastes have shown that some soil organisms have the capability to become resistant to metal/metalloid toxicity. Earthworms are known to inhabit arsenic-rich metalliferous soils and, due to their intimate contact with the soil, in both the solid and aqueous phases, are likely to accumulate contaminants present in mine spoil. Earthworms that inhabit metalliferous contaminated soils must have developed mechanisms of resistance to the toxins found in these soils. The mechanisms of resistance are not fully understood; they may involve physiological adaptation (acclimation) or be genetic. This review discusses the relationships between earthworms and arsenic-rich mine spoil wastes, looking critically at resistance and possible mechanisms of resistance, in relation to soil edaphic factors and possible trophic transfer routes.


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Ectomycorrhizal fungi and saprotrophic microorganisms coexist and interact in the mycorrhizosphere. We review what is known regarding these interactions and how they may influence processes such as ectomycorrhiza formation, mycelial growth, and the dynamics of carbon movement to and within the rhizosphere. Particular emphasis is placed on the potential importance of interactions in decomposition of soil organic matter and degradation of persistant organic pollutants in soil. While our knowledge is currently fairly limited, it seems likely that interactions have profound effects on mycorrhizosphere processes. More extensive research is warranted to provide novel insights into mycorrhizosphere ecology and to explore the potential for manipulating the ectomycorrhizosphere environment for biotechnological purposes.


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Bioluminescence-based, solid-contact toxicity assays allow test bacterium and toxicant to interact at the solid-solution interface. A lux- marked bacterium, Burkholderia sp. RASC, and 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) were used to characterize these interactions. In the basic bioassay, cells were added to soil slurries containing 2,4-DCP (0-120 μg ml-1). After 15 min, soil was removed by centrifugation, and bioluminescence in the supernatant was determined. Investigation of 2,4-DCP adsorption to soil revealed that sorption was linear and not significantly (p > 0.1) affected by the presence of Burkholderia cells. The numbers of culturable Burkholderia cells in the assay supernatant were 48.2 to 64.8% of the inoculum and independent of the soil weight. The effect of soil on 2,4-DCP toxicity was investigated by comparing soil aqueous extract and contact assays. The percentage bioluminescence for the contact assay was consistently higher than the extract assay at all test concentrations, and counts of viable Burkholderia cells were enhanced by the presence of 2,4-DCP in the contact assay. Expressing results as specific bioluminescence decreased the variability in response and the discrepancy in results between the two protocols. We suggest that solid-contact assays need improvement to ensure defined contact between cells and solid phase, and that the reporting of specific activity should be emphasized.


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Questions: 1. Indicator values, such as those of Ellenberg, for different environmental factors are seen as independent. We tested for the presence of interactions between environmental factors ( soil moisture and reaction) to see if this assumption is simplistic. 2. How close are Ellenberg indicator values (IVs) related to the observed optima of species response curves in an area peripheral to those where they have been previously employed and 3. Can the inclusion of bryophytes add to the utility of IVs?

Location: South Uist, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, UK.

Methods: Two grids (ca. 2000 m x 2000 m) were sampled at 50-m intervals across the transition from machair to upland communities covering an orthogonal gradient of both soil pH ( reaction) and soil moisture content. Percentage cover data for vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens were recorded, along with pH and moisture content of the underlying sand/soil/peat. Reaction optima, derived from species response curves calculated using HOF models, were compared between wet and dry sites, and moisture optima between acidic and basic samples. Optima for the whole data set were compared to Ellenberg IVs to assess their performance in this area, with and without the inclusion of bryophytes.

Results: A number of species showed substantially different pH optima at high and low soil moisture contents (18% of those tested) and different soil moisture optima at high and low pH (49%). For a number of species the IVs were poor predictors of their actual distribution across the sampled area. Bryophytes were poor at explaining local variation in the environmental factors and also their inclusion with vascular plants negatively affected the strength of relationships.

Conclusions: A substantial number of species showed an interaction between soil moisture and reaction in determining their optima on the two respective gradients. It should be borne in mind that IVs such as Ellenberg's may not be independent of one another.


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Agroecological zones within Bangladesh with low levels of arsenic in groundwater and soils produce rice that is high in arsenic with respect to other producing regions of the globe. Little is known about arsenic cycling in these soils and the labile fractions relevant for plant uptake when flooded. Soil porewater dynamics of field soils (n = 39) were recreated under standardized laboratory conditions to investigate the mobility and interplay of arsenic, Fe, Si, C, and other elements, in relation to rice grain element composition, using the dynamic sampling technique diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT). Based on a simple model using only labile DGT measured arsenic and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), concentrations of arsenic in Aman (Monsoon season) rice grain were predicted reliably. DOC was the strongest determinant of arsenic solid-solution phase partitioning, while arsenic release to the soil porewater was shown to be decoupled from that of Fe. This study demonstrates the dual importance of organic matter (OM), in terms of enhancing arsenic release from soils, while reducing bioavailability by sequestering arsenic in solution.


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Mycorrhizal associations, including ericoid, arbuscular and ecto-mycorrhizas, are found colonising highly metal contaminated soils. How do mycorrhizal fungi achieve metal resistance, and does this metal resistance confer enhanced metal resistance to plant symbionts? These are the questions explored in this review by considering the mechanistic basis of mycorrhizal adaptation to metal cations. Recent molecular and physiological studies are discussed. The review reappraises what constitutes metal resistance in the context of mycorrhizal associations and sets out the constitutive and adaptive mechanisms available for mycorrhizas to adapt to contaminated sites. The only direct evidence of mycorrhizal adaptation to metal cation pollutants is the exudation of organic acids to alter pollutant availability in the rhizosphere. This is not to say that other mechanism of adaptation do not exist, but conclusive evidence of adaptive mechanisms of tolerance are lacking. For constitutive mechanisms of resistance, there is much more evidence, and mycorrhizas possess the same constitutive mechanisms for dealing with metal contaminants as other organisms. Rhizosphere chemistry is critical to understanding the interactions of mycorrhizas with polluted soils. Soil pH, mineral weathering, pollutant precipitation with plant excreted organic acids all may have a key role in constitutive and adaptive tolerance of mycorrhizal associations present on contaminated sites. The responses of mycorrhizal fungi to toxic metal cations are diverse. This, linked to the fact that mycorrhizal diversity is normally high, even on highly contaminated sites, suggests that this diversity may have a significant role in colonisation of contaminated sites by mycorrhizas. That is, the environment selects for the fungal community that can best cope with the environment, so having diverse physiological attributes will enable colonisation of a wide range of metal contaminated micro-habitats.


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Soil aggregation is a principal ecosystem process mediated by soil biota. Collembola and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are important groups in the soil, and can interact in various ways. Few studies have examined collembola effects on soil aggregation, while many have quantified AM effects. Here, we asked if collembola have any effect on soil aggregation, and if they alter AM fungi-mediated effects on soil aggregation.

We carried out a factorial greenhouse study, manipulating the presence of both collembola and AM fungi, using two different plant species, Sorghum vulgare and Daucus carota. We measured root length and biomass, AMF (and non-AMF) soil hyphal length, root colonization, and collembolan populations, and quantified water stable soil aggregates (WSA) in four size classes.

Soil exposed to growth of AMF hyphae and collembola individually had higher WSA than control treatments. Moreover, the interaction effects between AMF and collembola were significant, with nonadditive increases in the combined application compared to the single treatments.

Our findings show that collembola can play a crucial role in maintaining ecological sustainability through promoting soil aggregation, and point to the importance of considering organism interactions in understanding formation of soil structure. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Current conceptual models of reciprocal interactions linking soil structure, plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi emphasise positive feedbacks among the components of the system. However, dynamical systems with high dimensionality and several positive feedbacks (i.e. mutualism) are prone to instability. Further, organisms such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are obligate biotrophs of plants and are considered major biological agents in soil aggregate stabilization. With these considerations in mind, we developed dynamical models of soil ecosystems that reflect the main features of current conceptual models and empirical data, especially positive feedbacks and linear interactions among plants, AMF and the component of soil structure dependent on aggregates. We found that systems become increasingly unstable the more positive effects with Type I functional response (i.e., the growth rate of a mutualist is modified by the density of its partner through linear proportionality) are added to the model, to the point that increasing the realism of models by adding linear effects produces the most unstable systems. The present theoretical analysis thus offers a framework for modelling and suggests new directions for experimental studies on the interrelationship between soil structure, plants and AMF. Non-linearity in functional responses, spatial and temporal heterogeneity, and indirect effects can be invoked on a theoretical basis and experimentally tested in laboratory and field experiments in order to account for and buffer the local instability of the simplest of current scenarios. This first model presented here may generate interest in more explicitly representing the role of biota in soil physical structure, a phenomenon that is typically viewed in a more process- and management-focused context. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although soil algae are among the main primary producers in most terrestrial ecosystems of continental Antarctica, there are very few quantitative studies on their relative proportion in the main algal groups and on how their distribution is affected by biotic and abiotic factors. Such knowledge is essential for understanding the functioning of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems. We therefore analyzed biological soil crusts from northern Victoria Land to determine their pH, electrical conductivity (EC) water content (W), total and organic C (TC and TOC) and total N (TN) contents, and the presence and abundance of photosynthetic pigments. In particular, the latter were tested as proxies for biomass and coarse-resolution community structure. Soil samples were collected from five sites with known soil algal communities and the distribution of pigments was shown to reflect differences in the relative proportions of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta in these sites. Multivariate and univariate models strongly indicated that almost all soil variables (EC, W, TOC and TN) were important environmental correlates of pigment distribution. However, a significant amount of variation is independent of these soil variables and may be ascribed to local variability such as changes in microclimate at varying spatial and temporal scales. There are at least five possible sources of local variation: pigment preservation, temporal variations in water availability, temporal and spatial interactions among environmental and biological components, the local-scale patchiness of organism distribution, and biotic interactions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Soil food webs are characterised by complex direct and indirect effects among the organisms. Consumption of microorganisms by soil animals is considered as an important factor that contributes to the stability of communities, though cascading effects within the food web can be difficult to detect. In a greenhouse experiment, an addition of a high number the fungal feeding collembola Folsomia quadrioculata was applied to grassland soil food webs in monocultures of three plant species: Plantago lanceolato (forb), Lotus corniculatus (legume) and Holcus lanatus (grass). The abundance of microorganisms, determined as the abundances of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and the abundances of resident invertebrates, nematodes and collembolans, did not change due to the addition of E quadrioculata. Trophic positions of collembolans were determined by analyses of natural abundances of N-15 stable isotopes. The use of food resources by microorganisms and collembolans was determined by C-13 analysis of microbial PLFAs and solid samples of collembolans. delta C-13 values of the resident collembola Folsomia fimetaria were lower in the presence of E quadrioculata than in the control food webs indicating a use of more depleted C-13 food resources by E fimetaria. The delta N-15 values of E fimetaria did not change at the addition of E quadrioculata thus no change of trophic levels was detected. The switch of E fimetaria to a different food resource could be due to indirect interactions in the food web as the two collembolan species were positioned on different trophic positions, according to different delta N-15 values. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.