50 resultados para Sensory Thresholds

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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BACKGROUND: Sensory neuropeptides have been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of a number of respiratory diseases including asthma and chronic non-productive cough.

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the action of sensory neuropeptides on airway mast cells obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL).

METHODS: BAL was performed on 23 nonasthmatic patients with cough (NAC), 11 patients with cough variant asthma (CVA) and 10 nonatopic controls. Washed lavage cells were stimulated (20 min, 37 degrees C) with calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), neurokinin A (NKA) and substance P (25 and 50 micromol/L).

RESULTS: The neuropeptides tested induced histamine release in all groups studied. Only CGRP (50 micromol/L) induced significantly more histamine release from both NAC and CVA patients compared with control subjects (P = 0.038 and 0.045, respectively).

CONCLUSION: Regardless of aetiology, mast cells from patients with chronic cough appear to have an increased responsiveness to CGRP compared with controls. The results of the present study suggest that the role of CGRP in chronic cough should be further investigated.


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We examine hypotheses for the neural basis of the profile of visual cognition in young children with Williams syndrome (WS). These are: (a) that it is a consequence of anomalies in sensory visual processing; (b) that it is a deficit of the dorsal relative to the ventral cortical stream; (c) that it reflects deficit of frontal function, in particular of fronto-parietal interaction; (d) that it is related to impaired function in the right hemisphere relative to the left. The tests reported here are particularly relevant to (b) and (c). They form part of a more extensive programme of investigating visual, visuospatial, and cognitive function in large group of children with WS children, aged 8 months to 15 years. To compare performance across tests, avoiding floor and ceiling effects, we have measured performance in children with WS in terms of the ‘age equivalence’ for typically developing children. In this paper the relation between dorsal and ventral function was tested by motion and form coherence thresholds respectively. We confirm the presence of a subgroup of children with WS who perform particularly poorly on the motion (dorsal) task. However, such performance is also characteristic of normally developingchildren up to 5 years: thus the WS performance may reflect an overall persisting immaturity of visuospatial processing which is particularly evident in the dorsal stream. Looking at the performance on the global coherence tasks of the entire WS group, we find that there is also a subgroup who have both high form and motion coherence thresholds, relative to the performance of children of the same chronological age and verbal age on the BPVS, suggesting a more general global processing deficit. Frontal function was tested by a counterpointing task, ability to retrieve a ball from a ‘detour box’, and the Stroop-like ‘day-night’ task, all of which require inhibition of a familiar response. When considered in relation to overall development as indexed by vocabulary, the day-night task shows little specific impairment, the detour box shows a significant delay relative to controls, and the counterpointing task shows a marked and persistent deficit in many children. We conclude that frontal control processes show most impairment in WS when they are associated with spatially directed responses, reflecting a deficit of fronto-parietal processing. However, children with WS may successfully reduce the effect of this impairment by verbally mediated strategies. On all these tasks we find a range of difficulties across individual children and a small subset of WS who show very good performance, equivalent to chronological age norms of typically developing children. Neurobiological models of visuo-spatial cognition in children with WS p.4 Overall, we conclude that children with WS have specific processing difficulties with tasks involving frontoparietal circuits within the spatial domain. However, some children with WS can achieve similar performance to typically developing children on some tasks involving the dorsal stream, although the strategies and processing may be different in the two groups.


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Cross-border (North/South) co-operation between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland was an indelible feature of the form of governance provided by the Belfast Good Friday Agreement (1998). Previous efforts to establish North/South co-operation had all foundered but the establishment and initial operation of the Agreement's cross-border institutions proved to be uncontroversial. However, during its implementation, other areas of the Agreement gave Ulster unionists more pressing cause for concern. These areas of concern included the release of paramilitary prisoners, police reform, the 'decommissioning' of Irish Republican Army (IRA) weaponry, and the unionist perception that the 'Britishness of Northern Ireland' was being actively eroded. These concerns served to emphasise and strengthen political and cultural borders between communities at a regional and local level within Northern Ireland. They also threatened the pro-Agreement unionists' contestation of unionist ideological orthodoxy, a contestation that was undertaken in an attempt to adapt the Ulster unionist identity to the shifting thresholds of the state.


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We analyse H + D-2 reactive angular scattering using the S- matrix elements obtained by Aoiz et al. and Althorpe et al. Enhancement of small angle scattering in the v' = 3


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A semiclassical complex angular momentum theory, used to analyze atom-diatom reactive angular distributions, is applied to several well-known potential (one-particle) problems. Examples include resonance scattering, rainbow scattering, and the Eckart threshold model. Pade reconstruction of the corresponding matrix elements from the values at physical (integral) angular momenta and properties of the Pade approximants are discussed in detail.


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The potential of Raman spectroscopy for the determination of meat quality attributes has been investigated using data from a set of 52 cooked beef samples, which were rated by trained taste panels. The Raman spectra, shear force and cooking loss were measured and PLS used to correlate the attributes with the Raman data. Good correlations and standard errors of prediction were found when the Raman data were used to predict the panels' rating of acceptability of texture (R-2 = 0.71, Residual Mean Standard Error of Prediction (RMSEP)% of the mean (mu) = 15%), degree of tenderness (R-2 = 0.65, RMSEP% of mu = 18%), degree of juiciness (R-2 = 0.62, RMSEP% of mu = 16%), and overall acceptability (R-2 = 0.67, RMSEP% of mu = 11%). In contrast, the mechanically determined shear force was poorly correlated with tenderness (R-2 = 0.15). Tentative interpretation of the plots of the regression coefficients suggests that the alpha-helix to beta-sheet ratio of the proteins and the hydrophobicity of the myofibrillar environment are important factors contributing to the shear force, tenderness, texture and overall acceptability of the beef. In summary, this work demonstrates that Raman spectroscopy can be used to predict consumer-perceived beef quality. In part, this overall success is due to the fact that the Raman method predicts texture and tenderness, which are the predominant factors in determining overall acceptability in the Western world. Nonetheless, it is clear that Raman spectroscopy has considerable potential as a method for non-destructive and rapid determination of beef quality parameters.


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There can be wide variation in the level of oral/aural language ability that prelingually hearing-impaired children develop after cochlear implantation. Automatic perceptual processing mechanisms have come under increasing scrutiny in attempts to explain this variation. Using mismatch negativity methods, this study explored associations between auditory sensory memory mechanisms and verbal working memory function in children with cochlear implants and a group of hearing controls of similar age. Whilst clear relationships were observed in the hearing children between mismatch activation and working memory measures, this association appeared to be disrupted in the implant children. These findings would fit with the proposal that early auditory deprivation and a degraded auditory signal can cause changes in the processes underpinning the development of oral/aural language skills in prelingually hearing-impaired children with cochlear implants and thus alter their developmental trajectory


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A Holocene palaeoecological sequence from Villaverde, south-central Spain, is presented. The pollen stratigraphy is used to infer past vegetation changes within a catchment area that represents the boundary between semi-arid, plateau and mountain vegetation. From c. 9700–7530 cal. yr BP, Pinus is dominant, probably as a result of a combination of a relatively dry climate and natural fire disturbance. From c. 7530–5900 cal. yr BP, moderate invasion by Quercus appears to be a migrational response following increased moisture and temperature, but in part shaped by competitive adjustments. From c. 5900–5000 cal. yr BP, the pine forests are replaced by deciduous-Quercus forests with an important contribution from Corylus, Betula, Fraxinus and Alnus. Mediterranean-type forests spread from c. 5000 to 1920 cal. yr BP coincident with expansions of Artemisia, Juniperus and other xerophytes. From c. 1920–1160 cal. yr BP, Pinus becomes dominant after a disturbance- mediated invasion of the oak forests. Human impact upon the regional landscape was negligible during the Neolithic, and limited in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Local deforestation and the expansion of agro-pastoral activities occur after c. 1600 cal. yr BP.


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The effect of flavor amplification on sensory-specfic satiety was investigated. Nineteen young adults (mean age = 25 years) and 19 elderly adults (mean age = 72 years) rated the sensory properties of six foods, and were then asked to consume normal-flavored or flavor-amplified strawberry yogurt until comfortably full. The participants then re-rated the sensory properties of the six foods. There were no cl differences in the amount of yogurt consumed in either age group. Moreover flavor-fortifying the yogurt had no effect on the amount consumed in either age group. The consumption of both yogurts caused a reduction in rated pleasantness of the yogurt among young adults, but no change in the rated pleasantness of the uneaten foods. However, the elderly did not show a decrease in the rated pleasantness of any of the foods contained in the taste trays This study indicates that sensations of sensory-specific satiety were significantly reduced in the elderly, and these sensations were not induced by the addition of strawberry flavor to the yogurt.


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Hi-fi mapping: Multiplexing fluorescent sensors that simultaneously target proton concentration and polarity move to micellar nanospaces, self-regulate their positions, and report their pKa values and wavelengths, which are controlled by their local environments. Such sensory functions enable maps of proton gradients near micellar membranes to be drawn.