13 resultados para SELECTIVE DETECTION

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Nanocrystalline TiO2 deposited on conducting glass plates is shown to be an excellent material for preconcentration of silver and mercury, via photochemical reaction, prior to their detection by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). During the first stage of growth in the photoreduction of silver or mercury, 3D nuclei are formed on the TiO2 film. As the deposition proceeds micrometer size agglomerates grow on the surface. The conical morphology of the silver nuclei grown on a (110) rutile single crystal in the initial stages of growth suggests that there is a preferential deposition of silver at the centre of the growing nuclei. When the nuclei size reach a critical value (ca. 400 nm diameter, 40 nm height) the morphology changes to a globular shape without any preferential site for deposition on the surface of the silver nucleus. It was observed that micromolar concentrations of silver or mercury can be detected by anodic stripping voltammetry and relatively large amounts of these metals (micrometer scale nuclei) can be loaded on the nanocrystalline TiO2 film surface. The latter opens the possibility of analytical applications of nanocrystalline TiO2 electrodes for the selective detection of silver or mercury via photochemical anodic stripping voltammetry.


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Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) causes Johne's disease in cattle and other ruminants and has been implicated as a possible cause of Crohn's disease in humans. The organism gains access to raw milk directly through excretion into the milk within the udder and indirectly through faecal contamination during milking. MAP has been shown to survive commercial pasteurization in naturally infected milk, even at the extended holding time of 25 s. Pasteurized milk must therefore be considered a vehicle of transmission of MAP to humans. isolation methods for MAP from milk are problematical, chiefly because of the absence of a suitable selective medium. This makes food surveillance programs and research on this topic difficult. The MAP problem can be addressed in two main ways: by devising a milk-processing strategy that ensures the death of the organism: and/or strategies at farm level to prevent access of the organism into raw milk. Much of the research to date has been devoted to determining ifa problem exists and, if so, the extent of the problem. Little has been directed at possible solutions. Given the current state of information on this topic and the potential consequences for the dairy industry research is urgently needed so that a better understanding of the risks and the efficacy of possible processing solutions can be determined.


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This paper compares the complexity of the sphere decoder (SD) and a previously proposed detection scheme, denoted here as block SD (BSD), when they are applied to the detection of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in frequency-selective channels. The complexity of both algorithms depends on their preprocessing and tree search stages. Although the BSD was proposed as a means of greatly reducing the complexity of the preprocessing stage of the SD, no study was done on how the complexity of the tree search stage could be affected by that reduced preprocessing stage. This paper shows, both analytically and through simulation, that the reduction in preprocessing complexity provided by the BSD has the side effect of increasing the complexity of its tree search stage compared to that of the SD, independent of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In addition, this paper shows how sorting the columns of the frequency-selective channel matrix in the SD does not reduce the complexity of the tree search stage, contrary to what occurs in frequency-flat channels.


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Aims/hypothesis: Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus are more susceptible than healthy individuals to exercise-induced oxidative stress and vascular endothelial dysfunction, which has important implications for the progression of disease. Thus, in the present study, we designed a randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to test the original hypothesis that oral prophylaxis with vitamin C attenuates rest and exercise-induced free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Methods: All data were collected from hospitalised diabetic patients. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic detection of spin-trapped a-phenyl-tert-butylnitrone (PBN) adducts was combined with the use of supporting markers of lipid peroxidation and non-enzymatic antioxidants to assess exercise-induced oxidative stress in male patients with type 1 diabetes (HbA1c 7.9±1%, n=12) and healthy controls (HbA1c 4.6±0.5%, n=14). Following participant randomisation using numbers in a sealed envelope, venous blood samples were obtained at rest, after a maximal exercise challenge and before and 2 h after oral ingestion of 1 g ascorbate or placebo. Participants and lead investigators were blinded to the administration of either placebo or ascorbate treatments. Primary outcome was the difference in changes in free radicals following ascorbate ingestion. Resuts: Six diabetic patients and seven healthy control participants were randomised to each of the placebo and ascorbate groups. Diabetic patients (n=12) exhibited an elevated concentration of PBN adducts (p<0.05 vs healthy, n=14), which were confirmed as secondary, lipid-derived oxygen-centred alkoxyl (RO•) radicals (a nitrogen=1.37 mT and aßhydrogen=0.18 mT). Lipid hydroperoxides were also selectively elevated and associated with a depression of retinol and lycopene (p<0.05 vs healthy). Vitamin C supplementation increased plasma vitamin C concentration to a similar degree in both groups (p<0.05 vs pre-supplementation) and attenuated the exercise-induced oxidative stress response (p<0.05 vs healthy). There were no selective treatment differences between groups in the primary outcome variable. Conclusions/ interpretation: These findings are the first to suggest that oral vitamin C supplementation provides an effective prophylaxis against exercise-induced free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in human diabetic blood.


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Yeasts and filamentous fungi are beginning to emerge as significant microbial pathogens in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), particularly in relation to allergic-type responses, as seen in patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), Aspergillus bronchitis and in invasive fungal disease in lung transplant patients. Four fungal media were compared in this study, including Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) and Medium B, with and without the addition of selective antibiotics, where antibiotic-supplemented media were designated with (+). These media were compared for their ability to suppress contaminating, mainly Gram-ve pathogens, in CF sputa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia complex [BCC] organisms) and to enhance the growth of fungi present in CF sputum. Medium B consisted of glucose (16.7 g/l), agar (20 g/l), yeast extract (30 g/l) and peptone (6.8 g/l) at pH 6.3 and both SDA(+) and Medium B+ were supplemented with cotrimethoxazole, 128 mg/l; chloramphenicol, 50 mg/l; ceftazidime, 32 mg/l; colistin, 24 mg/l). Employment of SDA(+) or Medium B+ allowed an increase in specificity in the detection of yeasts and moulds, by 42.8% and 39.3%, respectively, over SDA when used solely. SDA(+) had a greater ability than Medium B+ to suppress bacterial growth from predominantly Gram-ve co-colonisers. This is a significant benefit when attempting to detect and isolate fungi from the sputum of CF patients, as it largely suppressed any bacterial growth, with the exception of the BCC organisms, thus allowing for an increased opportunity to detect target fungal organisms in sputum and represented a significant improvement over the commercial medium (SDA), which is currently used. Overall, both novel selective media were superior in their ability to suppress bacteria in comparison with the commercially available SDA medium, which is routinely employed in most clinical microbiology diagnostic laboratories presently. Alternatively, Medium B+ had a great ability to grow fungi than SDA(+) and when employed together, the specificity of combined use was 82%, with a sensitivity for yeasts, filamentous fungi, and combined overall fungi of 96.0%, 92.3% and 96.0%, respectively. Overall, when employing one fungal selective medium for the routine detection of yeasts and filamentous fungi in the sputum of CF patients, we would recommend employment of Medium B+. However, we would recommend the combined employment of SDA(+) and Medium B+, in order to synergistically isolate and detect the greatest number of fungi present in CF sputa. (C) 2008 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Optical techniques toward the realization of sensitive and selective biosensing platforms have received considerable attention in recent times. Techniques based on interferometry, surface plasmon resonance, and waveguides have all proved popular, while spectroscopy in particular offers much potential. Raman spectroscopy is an information-rich technique in which the vibrational frequencies reveal much about the structure of a compound, but it is a weak process and offers poor sensitivity. In response to this problem, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) has received much attention, due to significant increases in sensitivity instigated by bringing the sample into contact with an enhancing substrate. Here we discuss a facile and rapid technique for the detection of pterins using SERS-active colloidal silver suspensions. Pterins are a family of biological compounds that are employed in nature in color pigmentation and as facilitators in metabolic pathways. In this work, small volumes of xanthopterin, isoxanthopterin, and 7,8-dihydrobiopterin have been examined while adsorbed to silver colloids. Limits of detection have been examined for both xanthopterin and isoxanthopterin using a 10-s exposure to a 12 mW 532 nm laser, which, while showing a trade-off between scan time and signal intensity, still provides the opportunity for the investigation of simultaneous detection of both pterins in solution. (C) 2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.3600658]


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The selective hydrogenation of acetylene from ethylene rich streams was conducted at high pressure and in the presence of CO over two 1 wt% loaded Pd/TiO2 catalysts with differing dispersions. Although, the more poorly dispersed sample did not result in high acetylene conversion only a small proportion of the total available ethylene was hydrogenated to ethane. The more highly dispersed sample was able to remove acetylene to a level below the detection limit but this was at the expense of significant proportion (ca. 30%) of the available ethylene. Modification of the catalysts by exposure to triphenyl phosphine or diphenyl sulfide and subsequent reduction at 393 K led to improved performance with increased conversion of acetylene and decreased propensity to hydrogenate ethylene resulting in an overall net gain in ethylene. The higher dispersed sample which had been ligand modified provided the best results overall and in particular for the diphenyl sulfide treated sample which was able to completely eliminate acetylene and still obtain a net gain in ethylene. The differences observed are thought to be due to the creation of appropriate active ensembles of Pd atoms which are able to accommodate acetylene but have limited ability to adsorb ethylene. Sub-surface hydrogen formation was suppressed, but not eliminated, by exposure to modifier.


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The change in the Pt electronic structure following the adsorption of an a,ß-unsaturated aldehyde and ketone was followed by in situ HERFD-XANES in the liquid phase. The resulting shift in the Pt Fermi energy is in good agreement with the molecule adsorption energy trends calculated by DFT and provides insight into the reaction selectivity.


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Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease featuring a chronic cycle of inflammation and infection in the airways of sufferers. Mutations lead to altered ion transport, which in turn causes dehydrated airways and reduced mucociliary clearance which predisposes the patient to infection, resulting in a severe immune response and tissue destruction (1). Airway dehydration is primarily caused by the hyperabsorption of sodium by the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) (2). ENaC is activated by the action of a number of predominantly trypsin-like Channel Activating Proteases (CAPs) including prostasin, matriptase and furin (3). Additional proteases known to activate ENaC include human airway trypsin (3), plasmin, neutrophil elastase and chymotrypsin (4).

Activity profiling is a valuable technique which involves the use of small inhibitory molecules called Activity-Based Probes (ABPs) which can be used to covalently label the active site of proteases and provide a range of information regarding its structure, catalytic mechanism, location and function within biological systems. The development of novel ABPs for CAPs, would enhance understanding of the role of these proteases in CF airways disease and in particular their role in ENaC activation and airway dehydration. This project investigates the application of a range of novel broad-spectrum ABPs targeting the various subclasses of serine proteases, to include those proteases involved in ENaC activation. Additionally, the application of more selective ABPs in detecting specific serine proteases is investigated.

Compounds were synthesised by Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS) using a standard Fmoc/tBu strategy. Kinetic evaluation of synthesised ABPs against various serine proteases was determined by fluorogenic steady-state enzyme assays. Furthermore, application of ABPs and confirmation of irreversible nature of the compounds was carried out through SDS-PAGE and electroblotting techniques.

Synthesised compounds showed potent irreversible inhibition of serine proteases within their respective targeting class (NAP855 vs Trypsin k3/Ki = 2.60 x 106 M-1 min-1, NFP849 vs Chymotrypsin k3/Ki = 1.28 x 106 M-1 min-1 and NVP800 vs Neutrophil Elastase k3/Ki = 6.41 x 104 M-1 min-1). Furthermore ABPs showed little to no cross-reactivity between classes and so display selectivity between classes. The irreversible nature of compounds was further demonstrated through labelling of proteases, followed by separation and detection via SDS-PAGE and electroblotting techniques. Targeted labelling of active proteases only, was demonstrated by failure of ABPs to detect previously inactivated proteases. Extension of the substrate recognition site within probes resulted in an increased potency and selectivity in the detection of the target proteases. Successful detection of neutrophil elastase from CF sputum samples by NVP800, demonstrated the application of compounds within biological samples and their potential use in identifying further proteases involved in ENaC activation and airway dehydration in CF patients.


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Neutrophil elastase (NE), a biomarker of infection and inflammation, correlates with the severity of several respiratory diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, it’s detection and quantification in biological samples is confounded by a lack of reliable and robust methodologies. Standard assays using chromogenic or fluorogenic substrates are not specific when added to complex clinical samples containing multiple proteolytic and hydrolytic enzymes which have the ability to hydrolyse the substrate, thereby resulting in an over-estimation of the target protease. Furthermore, ELISA systems measure total protease levels which can be a mixture of latent, active and protease-inhibitor complexes. Therefore, we have developed a novel immunoassay (ProteaseTag™ Active NE Immunoassay) which is selective and specific for the capture of active NE in sputum and Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) in patients with COPD. The objective of this study was to clinically validate ProteaseTag™ Active NE Ultra Immunoassay for the detection of NE in sputum from COPD patients. 20 matched sputum sol samples were collected from 10 COPD patients (M=6, F=4; 73 ± 6 years) during stable and exacerbation phases. Samples were assayed for NE activity utilising both ProteaseTag™ Active NE Ultra Immunoassay and a fluorogenic substrate-based kinetic activity assay. Both assays detected elevated levels of NE in the majority of patients (n=7) during an exacerbation (mean=217.2 μg/ml ±296.6) compared to their stable phase (mean=92.37 μg/ml ±259.8). However, statistical analysis did not show this difference to be significant (p=0.07, ProteaseTag™ Active NE Ultra Immunoassay; p=0.06 kinetic assay), most likely due to the low study number. A highly significant correlation was found between the 2 assay types (p≤0.0001, r=0.996). NE as a primary efficacy endpoint in clinical trials or as a marker of inflammation within the clinic has been hampered by the lack of a robust and simple to use assay. ProteaseTag™ Active NE Immunoassay specifically measures only active NE in clinical samples, is quick and easy to use (< 3 hours) and has no dependency on a kinetic readout. ProteaseTag™ technology is currently being transferred to a lateral flow device for use at Point of Care.


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We propose a new selective multi-carrier index keying in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems that opportunistically modulate both a small subset of sub-carriers and their indices. Particularly, we investigate the performance enhancement in two cases of error propagation sensitive and compromised deviceto-device (D2D) communications. For the performance evaluation, we focus on analyzing the error propagation probability (EPP) introducing the exact and upper bound expressions on the detection error probability, in the presence of both imperfect and perfect detection of active multi-carrier indices. The average EPP results in closedform are generalized for various fading distribution using the moment generating function, and our numerical results clearly show that the proposed approach is desirable for reliable and energy-efficient D2D applications.


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The cobas® (Roche) portfolio of companion diagnostics in oncology currently has three assays CE-marked for in vitro diagnostics. Two of these (EGFR and BRAF) are also US FDA-approved. These assays detect clinically relevant mutations that are correlated with response (BRAF, EGFR) or lack of response (KRAS) to targeted therapies such as selective mutant BRAF inhibitors in malignant melanoma, tyrosine kinases inhibitor in non-small cell lung cancer and anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies in colorectal cancer, respectively. All these assays are run on a single platform using DNA extracted from a single 5 µm section of a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue block. The assays provide an ‘end-to-end’ solution from extraction of DNA to automated analysis and report on the cobas z 480. The cobas tests have shown robust and reproducible performance, with high sensitivity and specificity and low limit of detection, making them suitable as companion diagnostics for clinical use.