9 resultados para Rhesus

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BACKGROUND: Vaginal ring devices are being developed to provide sustained release of HIV microbicides. To date, only limited pharmacokinetic data is available from animal or human studies. Here we report the effect of Depo-Provera (DP) pre- treatment, commonly used to thin the vaginal epithelium in challenge experiments, on the pharmacokinetic profile of CMPD167 (a small molecule CCR5 co-receptor antagonist) in rhesus macaques following vaginal ring administration.

METHODS: A single 400mg CMPD167 silicone elastomer vaginal ring was inserted into each of twelve female rhesus macaques. Six macaques were treated with (DP) 30 days before ring placement; the other six macaques were untreated. Blood, vaginal fluid and vaginal biopsies were collected prior to and at various times during 28 days of ring placement and assayed for CMPD167 levels by HPLC. Rings were assayed for residual CMPD167 at the end of the study and the calculated amount of CMPD167 released in vivo compared with in vitro release data.

RESULTS: Vaginal fluid, plasma and tissue levels of CMPD167 were detectable throughout ring placement. Significant differences were observed in mean daily vaginal fluid levels between the DP-treated (16–56 mcg/mL) and untreated groups (48–181 mcg/mL). Plasma CMPD167 levels were significantly higher peaking at 4 ng/mL and maintaining levels of 1–2 nM throughout the 14 days of testing in animals pre-treated with DP compared to non DP-treated macaques (<1 ng/mL maintained). Tissue levels were varied between 2–10 g/mL CMPD167 with no significant difference between the DP-treated and untreated macaques.

CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates that clinically relevant, and possibly protective doses of CMPD167 are released in the vaginal vault of rhesus macaques from vaginal rings through 28 days duration. DP is known to induce vaginal epithelial thinning and lower vaginal fluid levels, which accounts for the increased plasma levels of CMPD167. In contrast, macaques not treated with DP had minimal absorption into plasma compartments and significantly higher levels of CMPD167 in the vagina, similar to those previously shown to be protective against vaginal challenge.


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Antiretroviral entry inhibitors are now being considered as vaginally administered microbicide candidates for prevention of sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus. Previous studies testing the entry inhibitors maraviroc and CMPD167 in aqueous gel formulations showed efficacy in the macaque challenge model, although protection was highly dependent on the time period between initial gel application and subsequent challenge. In this paper, we describe the sustained release of the entry inhibitors maraviroc and CMPD167 from matrix-type silicone elastomer vaginal rings both in vitro and in vivo. Both inhibitors were released continuously over 28 days from rings in vitro, at rates of 100-2500 µg/day. In 28-day pharmacokinetic studies in rhesus macaques, the compounds were measured in the vaginal fluid and vaginal tissue; steady state fluid concentrations were ~106 fold greater than IC50 values for SHIV-162P3 inhibition in macaque lymphocytes in vitro. Plasma concentrations for both compounds were very low. Pretreatment of macaques with Depo-Provera® (DP), as commonly used in macaque challenge studies, was shown to significantly modify the bio-distribution of the inhibitors, but not the overall amount released. Vaginal fluid and tissue concentrations were significantly decreased while plasma levels increased with DP pretreatment. These observations have implications for designing macaque challenge experiments, and also for ring performance during the human female menstrual cycle. Copyright © 2012, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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Objectives: To investigate the pharmacokinetics (PK) of maraviroc, a CCR5-targeted HIV-1 entry inhibitor, in rhesus macaques following vaginal administration of various maraviroc-loaded aqueous hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) gels, and to correlate the PK data with efficacy in a single high-dose vaginal SHIV-162P3 challenge model.

Methods: Maraviroc concentrations in vaginal fluid (Weck-Cel® sponge), vaginal tissue (punch biopsy) and plasma were assessed over 72 h following single dose vaginal application of various maraviroc-loaded HEC gels. The range of maraviroc gel concentrations was sufficiently broad (0.003 – 3.3% w/w) such that test gels included both fully solubilised and predominantly dispersed formulations. The efficacy of the HEC gels against a single high dose vaginal SHIV-162P3 challenge was also measured, and correlated with the PK concentrations.

Results: Maraviroc concentrations in vaginal fluid (range 104 – 107 ng/mL), vaginal tissue (100-1200 ng/g) and plasma (< 102 ng/mL) were highly dependent on maraviroc gel loading, irrespective of the form of the maraviroc component within the gel (solubilised vs. dispersed). Fluid and plasma concentrations were generally highest 0.5 or 2 h after gel application, before declining steadily out to 72 h. Maraviroc concentrations in the various biological compartments correlated strongly with the extent of protection against vaginal SHIV-162P3 challenge. Complete protection was achieved with a 3.3% w/w maraviroc gel.

Conclusions: A high degree of correlation between PK and efficacy was observed. Based on the data obtained with the 3.3% w/w maraviroc gel, maintenance of vaginal fluid and tissue levels in the order of 107 ng/mL and 103 ng/g, respectively, are required for complete protection with this compound.


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Objectives: This study measured and compared the pharmacokinetics of CMPD167, a small molecule antiretro- viral CCR5 inhibitor with potential as an HIV microbicide, following vaginal, rectal and oral administration in rhe- sus macaques.
Methods: A vaginal hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) gel, a rectal HEC gel, a silicone elastomer matrix-type vaginal ring and an oral solution, each containing CMPD167, were prepared and administered to rhesus macaques pretreated with Depo-Provera. CMPD167 concentrations in vaginal fluid, vaginal tissue (ring only), rectal fluid and blood plasma were quantified by HPLC–mass spectrometry.
Results: CMPD167 concentrations measured in rectal fluid, vaginal fluid and blood plasma were highly depend- ent on both the route of administration and the formulation type. Although rectal and vaginal fluid concentra- tions were highest when CMPD167 was administered locally (via either gel or ring), lower concentrations of the drug were also measured in these compartments following administration at the remote mucosal site or orally. CMPD167 levels in the vaginal and rectal fluid following oral administration were relatively low compared with local administration.
Conclusions: The study provides clear evidence for vaginal – rectal and rectal – vaginal drug transfer pathways and suggests that oral pre-exposure prophylaxis with CMPD167 may be less efficacious at preventing sexual trans- mission of HIV-1 than topically applied products.


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Background There is considerable interest in developing coitally indepen- dent, sustained release formulations for long-term administration of HIV microbicides. Vaginal ring devices are at the forefront of this formulation strategy. Methods Non-medicated silicone elastomer vaginal rings were prepared having a range of appropriate dimensions for testing vaginal ?t in pig- tailed and Chinese rhesus macaques. Cervicovaginal proin?ammatory markers were evaluated. Compression testing was performed to compare the relative ?exibility of various macaque and commercial human rings. Results All rings remained in place during the study period and no tissue irritation or signi?cant induction of cervicovaginal proin?ammatory mark- ers or signs of physical discomfort were observed during the 8-week study period. Conclusions Qualitative evaluation suggests that the 25 · 5-mm ring pro- vided optimal ?t in both macaque species. Based on the results presented here, low-consistency silicone elastomers do not cause irritation in maca-


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Aqueous semi-solid polymeric gels, such as those based on hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) and polyacrylic acid (e.g. Carbopol®), have a long history of use in vaginal drug delivery. However, despite their ubiquity, they often provide sub-optimal clinical performance, due to poor mucosal retention and limited solubility for poorly water-soluble actives. These issues are particularly pertinent for vaginal HIV microbicides, since many lead candidates are poorly water-soluble and where a major goal is the development of a coitally independent, once daily gel product. In this study, we report the use of a non-aqueous silicone elastomer gel for vaginal delivery of the HIV-1 entry inhibitor maraviroc. In vitro rheological, syringeability and retention studies demonstrated enhanced performance for silicone gels compared with a conventional aqueous HEC gel, while testing of the gels in the slug model confirmed a lack of mucosal irritancy. Pharmacokinetic studies following single dose vaginal administration of a maraviroc silicone gel in rhesus macaques showed higher and sustained MVC levels in vaginal fluid, vaginal tissue and plasma compared with a HEC gel containing the same maraviroc loading. The results demonstrate that non-aqueous silicone gels have potential as a formulation platform for coitally independent vaginal HIV microbicides.


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Background: Small molecule inhibitors of the zinc finger domain (ZFI) in the nucleocapsid protein (NCp7) of HIV-1 are potent inhibitors of HIV and SIV
replication and may have utility as topical products to prevent infection. Furthermore, intravaginal rings (IVRs) were developed as coitally-independent,
sustained release devices which could be used for administration of HIV microbicides. The aims of these studies were to demonstrate that IVRs sized for
macaques are practical and compatible with the current generation of thioester-based NCp7 inhibitors.

Methods: Non-medicated silicone elastomer vaginal rings of various sizes thought to be applicable for macaques were prepared and tested for vaginal fit in Pigtailed and Chinese Rhesus macaques. Macaques were monitored for 8 weeks for mucosal disruption by colposcopy and proinflammatory cytokine markers in cervical vaginal lavages (CVL) using Luminex bead-based technology. Three different ZFIs (compounds 52, 89 and 122, each derived from an N-substituted S-acyl-2-mercaptobenzamide thioester scaffold) were loaded at 50 mg into an optimal matrix-type ring design. In vitro continuous release studies were then conducted over 28 days and analyzed by HPLC. Rate of release was determined by linear regression analysis.

Results: Qualitative evaluation at the time of ring insertion suggested that the 25 mm ring provided optimal fit in both macaque species. All rings remained in
place during the study period (2 to 4 weeks), and the animals did not attempt to remove the rings. No tissue irritation was observed, and no signs of physical
discomfort were noted. Also, no significant induction of cervicovaginal proinflammatory markers was observed during the 8-week period during and following ring insertion. One Pigtailed macaque showed elevated IL-8 levels in the CVL during the period when the ring was in place; however, these levels were comparable to those observed in two control macaques. In vitro release of the ZFIs peaked at day 1 and then continually declined to near steady-state rates between 20-30 mcg/day. The percent release after 14 days was 2.9, 2.0 and 0.9 for ZFI 89, 52 and 122, respectively.

Conclusions: IVRs of 25mm diameter, determined to be the optimal size for macaques, were well tolerated and did not induce inflammation. Release of all ZFI compounds followed t 0.5 kinetics. These findings suggest that efficacy testing in primate models is warranted to fully evaluate the potential to prevent


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We produced choroidal neovascularization in the rhesus monkey by diminishing the blood supply to the inner retina and producing defects in Bruch's membrane by photocoagulation. The neovascular fronds which developed either infiltrated the subretinal space or proliferated through necrotic and gliotic retina into the vitreous cavity. Sequential electron microscopic sections of neovascular fronds in the subretinal space demonstrated that the advancing capillary sprouts were composed of primitive endothelial tubes surrounded by pericytes and enmeshed in a loose basement-membrane-like substance. More mature capillaris and displayed endothelial fenestrations and endothelial-pericyte membranous contacts. Large neovascular fronds developed major feeding vessels that closely resembled normal small choroidal arteries and veins. Retinal pigment epithelial cells in various guises were in constant association with proliferating neovascular networks.


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We induced choroidal neovascularization in the rhesus monkey by impoverishing the blood supply to the inner retina and producing defects in Bruch's membrane by photocoagulation. Fourteen of 46 eyes undergoing photocoagulation developed neovascular fronds which were identified and categorized by histopathologic examination and fluorescein angiography. All new vessels gained access to the retina through defects in Bruch's membrane at the site of photocoagulation marks. In eight eyes the new vessels remained localized to the immediate vicinity of photocoagulation marks. In four eyes neovascular fronds infiltrated the subretinal space for distances up to 6 disk diameters from the point of entry into the retina. In the two eyes choroidovitreal neovascular complexes developed but rapidly regressed shortly after gaining the vitreous cavity. Fluorescein angiography demonstrated that all neovascular fronds were grossly incompetent to dye but that formed feeding channels had some degree of integrity. Light microscopic studies showed the proliferating networks to be composed of capillaries with well-formed basement membranes and more mature vessels with the basic structure of choroidal arteries and veins.