46 resultados para Relations of production

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This article examines the relationship between scale of production, optimal choice of technique and costs for three engineering industries: nuts and bolts, iron founding and machine tools. In all three industries costs of production fell as the scale of output increased. This was associated with switches of technique and the spread of fixed costs over a larger number of units. The capital-output ratio fell and labour productivity increased with increases in scale while, in most cases, the capital-labour ratio increased. The implications of these findings are briefly discussed.


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Three isolates each, of nine different Trametes and five other wood inhabiting basidiomycetes, were collected from the indigenous forests of Zimbabwe, and the impact of temperature (20-60 degrees C), osmotic and matric potential (-0.5 to - 8.0 MPa), and their interactions on in vitro growth compared. Generally, there was no significant difference between growth of isolates of the same species in relation to temperature. Temperature relationships of the species studied correlated well with their geographic distributions. Species occurring in hot, dry regions tolerated a wide temperature range, with some showing unusually high thermotolerance (55 degrees, T. socotrana, T. cingulata and T. cervina). There were significant intra-strain differences for individual species in relation to solute potential on glycerol-modified media. Generally, growth of ail species was better on glycerol- and KCl-modified osmotic media than on a metrically-modified medium (PEG 8000) at 25, 30 and 37 degrees. The limits for growth on the osmotic media were significantly wider than matric medium, being - 4.5 to - 5.0 and - 2.5 to - 4.5 MPa, respectively. An Irpex sp. grew at lower water potentials than all other species, with good growth at - 7.0 MPa. This study suggests that the capacity of these fungi for effective growth over a range of temperatures, osmotic and matric potentials contributes to their rapid wood decay capacities in tropical climates.


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Actinobacteria perform essential functions within soils, and are dependent on available water to do so. We determined the water-activity (aw) limits for cell division of Streptomyces albidoflavus, Streptomyces rectiviolaceus, Micromonospora grisea and Micromonospora (JCM 3050) over a range of temperatures, using culture media supplemented with a biologically permissive solute (glycerol). Each species grew optimally at 0.998 aw (control; no added glycerol) and growth rates were near-optimal in the range 0.971–0.974 (1 M glycerol) at permissive temperatures. Each was capable of cell division at 0.916–0.924 aw (2 M glycerol), but only S. albidoflavus grew at 0.895 or 0.897 aw (3 M glycerol, at 30 and 37°C respectively). For S. albidoflavus, however, no growth occurred on media at ≤ 0.870 (4 M glycerol) during the 40-day assessment period, regardless of temperature, and a theoretical limit of 0.877 aw was derived by extrapolation of growth curves. This level of solute tolerance is high for non-halophilic bacteria, but is consistent with reported limits for the growth and metabolic activities of soil microbes. The limit, within the range 0.895–0.870 aw, is very much inferior to those for obligately halophilic bacteria and extremely halophilic or xerophilic fungi, and is inconsistent with earlier reports of cell division at 0.500 aw. These findings are discussed in relation to planetary protection policy for space exploration and the microbiology of arid soils.


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The effects of temperature (5-50°C), water availability (0.998-0.88 water activity, aw), and aw × temperature interactions (15-45°C) on growth of three entomogenous fungi, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, and Paecilomyces farinosus, were evaluated on a Sabouraud dextrose-based medium modified with the ionic solute KCl, the non-ionic solute glycerol, and an inert solute, polyethylene glycol (PEG) 600. The temperature ranges for growth of B. bassiana, M. anisopliae, and P. farinosus were 5-30, 5-40, and 5-30°C, and optimum growth temperatures were 25, 30, and 20°C, respectively. All three species grew over a similar aw range (0.90-0.998) at optimum temperatures for growth. However, there were significant interspecies variations in growth rates on media modified with each of the three aw-modifying solutes. Growth aw optima ranged between 0.99 and 0.97 on KCl-, glycerol-, and PEG 600-modified media for M. anisopliae and P. farinosus. B. bassiana grew optimally at 0.998 aw, regardless of aw. Comprehensive two-dimensional profiles of aw × temperature relations for growth of these three species were constructed for the first time. The results are discussed in relation to the environmental limits that determine efficacy of entomogenous fungi as biocontrol agents in nature. © 1999 Academic Press.


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Water activity, temperature and pH are determinants for biotic activity of cellular systems, biosphere function and, indeed, for all life processes. This study was carried out at high concentrations of glycerol, which concurrently reduces water activity and acts as a stress protectant, to characterize the biophysical capabilities of the most extremely xerophilic organisms known. These were the fungal xerophiles: Xeromyces bisporus (FRR 0025), Aspergillus penicillioides (JH06THJ) and Eurotium halophilicum (FRR 2471). High-glycerol spores were produced and germination was determined using 38 media in the 0.995–0.637 water activity range, 33 media in the 2.80–9.80 pH range and 10 incubation temperatures, from 2 to 50°C. Water activity was modified by supplementing media with glycerol+sucrose, glycerol+NaCl and glycerol+NaCl+sucrose which are known to be biologically permissive for X. bisporus, A. penicillioides and E. halophilicum respectively. The windows and rates for spore germination were quantified for water activity, pH and temperature; symmetry/asymmetry of the germination profiles were then determined in relation to supra- and sub-optimal conditions; and pH- and temperature optima for extreme xerophilicity were quantified. The windows for spore germination were ~1 to 0.637 water activity, pH 2.80–9.80 and > 10 and < 44°C, depending on strain. Germination profiles in relation to water activity and temperature were asymmetrical because conditions known to entropically disorder cellular macromolecules, i.e. supra-optimal water activity and high temperatures, were severely inhibitory. Implications of these processes were considered in relation to the in-situ ecology of extreme conditions and environments; the study also raises a number of unanswered questions which suggest the need for new lines of experimentation.


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We are discussing certain combinatorial and counting problems related to quadratic algebras. First we give examples which confirm the Anick conjecture on the minimal Hilbert series for algebras given by $n$ generators and $\frac {n(n-1)}{2}$ relations for $n \leq 7$. Then we investigate combinatorial structure of colored graph associated to relations of RIT algebra. Precise descriptions of graphs (maps) corresponding to algebras with maximal Hilbert series are given in certain cases. As a consequence it turns out, for example, that RIT algebra may have a maximal Hilbert series only if components of the graph associated to each color are pairwise 2-isomorphic.


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The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of Holstein-Friesian (HF) and Norwegian (N) dairy cattle genotypes on lameness parameters in dairy cattle within different production systems over the first 2 lactations. Following calving, HF (n = 39) and N (n = 45) heifers were allocated to 1 of 3 systems of production (high level of concentrate, low level of concentrate, and grass-based). High-and low-concentrate animals were continuously housed indoors on a rotational system so that they spent similar amounts of time on slatted and solid concrete floors. Animals on the grass treatment grazed from spring to autumn in both years of the study, so that most animals on this treatment grazed from around peak to late lactation. Claw health was recorded in both hind claws of each animal at 4 observation periods during each lactation as follows: 1) -8 to 70 d postcalving, 2) 71 to 150 d postcalving, 3) 151 to 225 d postcalving, and 4) 226 to 364 d postcalving. Sole lesions, heel erosion, axial wall deviation, sole length of the right lateral hind claw (claw length), right heel width, and right lateral hind heel height were recorded as well as the presence of digital dermatitis. The N cows had lower (better) white line and total lesion scores than HF cows. Cows on the high-and low-concentrate treatments had better sole and total lesion scores than cows on the grass treatment. The HF cows had better locomotion scores than N cows. Breed and production system differences were observed with respect to claw conformation, including claw length, heel width, and heel height. Digital dermatitis was associated with worse sole lesion scores and interacted with production system to influence white line lesion scores and maximum heel erosion scores. This study shows that genetic, environmental, and infectious factors are associated with hoof pathologies in dairy cows.


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We report the results of a study based on revealed and stated preference data on choice of Prosecco wines in retail stores close to the origin of production in Northern Italy. Emphasis is placed on ability to reconcile the utility structure of stated preference data with that underlying revealed preference data. We extend the analysis to cover nonattendance of key attributes, such as price and certification of origin, while controlling for the large range of brand effects.


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Acid whey has become a major concern especially in dairy industry manufacturing Greek yoghurt. Proper disposal of acid whey is essential as it not only increases the BOD of water but also increases the acidity when disposed of in landfill, rendering soil barren and unsuitable for cultivation. Effluent (acid-whey) treatment increases the cost of production. The vast quantities of acid whey that are produced by the dairy industry make the treatment and safe disposal of effluent very difficult. Hence an economical way to handle this problem is very important. Biogenic glycine betaine and trehalose have many applications in food and confectionery industry, medicine, bioprocess industry, agriculture, genetic engineering, and animal feeds (etc.), hence their production is of industrial importance. Here we used the extreme, obligate halophile Actinopolyspora halophila (MTCC 263) for fermentative production of glycine betaine and trehalose from acid whey. Maximum yields were obtained by implementation of a sequential media optimization process, identification and addition of rate-limiting enzyme cofactors via a bioinformatics approach, and manipulation of nitrogen substrate supply. The implications of using glycine as a precursor were also investigated. The core factors that affected production were identified and then optimized using orthogonal array design followed by response surface methodology. The maximum production achieved after complete optimization was 9.07 ± 0.25 g/L and 2.49 ± 0.14 g/L for glycine betaine and trehalose, respectively.


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The influence of manufacturing tolerance on direct operating cost (DOC) is extrapolated from an engine nacelle to be representative of an entire aircraft body. Initial manufacturing tolerance data was obtained from the shop floor at Bombardier Aerospace Shorts, Belfast while the corresponding costs were calculated according to various recurring elements such as basic labour and overtime labour, rework, concessions, and redeployment; along with the non-recurrent costs due to tooling and machinery, etc. The relation of tolerance to cost was modelled statistically so that the cost impact of tolerance change could be ascertained. It was shown that a relatively small relaxation in the assembly and fabrication tolerances of the wetted surfaces resulted in reduced costs of production that lowered aircraft DOC, as the incurred drag penalty was predicted and taken into account during the optimisation process.


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Before the emergence of coordination of production by firms, manufacturers and merchants traded in markets with asymmetric information. Evidence suggests that the practical knowledge thus gained by these agents was well in advance of contemporary political economists and anticipates twentieth-century developments in the economics of information. Charles Babbage, who regarded merchants and manufacturers as the chief sources of reliable economic data, drew on this knowledge as revealed in the evidence of manufacturers and merchants presented to House of Commons select committees to make an important pioneering contribution to the theory of production and exchange with information asymmetries.