49 resultados para Reaction Kinetics

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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The development of self-lubricating silicone elastomeric biomaterials, prepared using the novel crosslinking agent tetra( oleyloxy) silane and having very low coefficients of friction, has recently been reported. In this study, the in vitro release characteristics of lubricious oleyl alcohol produced during the silicone curing reaction have been quantitatively evaluated for a range of tetra( propoxy) silane/tetra(oleyloxy) silane crosslinker compositions using a novel evaporative light scattering detection method in combination with high performance liquid chromatography. The mechanism of oleyl alcohol release was seen to deviate from a simple, matrix-controlled diffusion process and instead obeyed an anomalous transport mechanism. An explanation for the observed release behaviour has been proposed based on competitive reaction kinetics between the tetra( oleyloxy) silane and tetra( propoxy) silane substituents of the silicone crosslinking agents.


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The occurrence of the fuel oxygenate methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in the environment has received considerable scientific attention. The pollutant is frequently found in the groundwater due to leaking of underground storage tanks or pipelines. Concentrations of more than several mg/L MTBE were detected in groundwater at several places in the US and Germany in the last few years. In situ chemical oxidation is a promising treatment method for MTBE-contaminated plumes. This research investigated the reaction kinetics for the oxidation of MTBE by permanganate. Batch tests demonstrated that the oxidation of MTBE by permanganate is second order overall and first order individually with respect to permanganate and MTBE. The second-order rate constant was 1.426 x 10(-6) L/mg/h. The influence of pH on the reaction rate was demonstrated to have no significant effect. However, the rate of MTBE oxidation by potassium permanganate is 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than of other advanced oxidation processes. The slower rates of MTBE oxidation by permanganate limit the applicability of this process for rapid MTBE cleanup strategies. However, permanganate oxidation of MTBE has potential for passive oxidation risk management strategies. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Simple and powerful: The reaction kinetics at surfaces of heterogeneous catalysts is reformulated in terms of the involved chemical potentials. Based on this formulism, an approach of searching for good catalysts is proposed without recourse to extensive calculations of reaction barriers and detailed kinetic analyses. (see picture; R=reactant, I=surface intermediate, P=product, and =standard chemical potential).


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Nitrogen-doped graphene (N-graphene) was reported to exhibit a good activity experimentally as an electrocatalyst of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on the cathode of fuel cells under the condition of electropotential of similar to 0.04 V (vs. NNE) and pH of 14. This material is promising to replace or partially replace the conventionally used Pt. In order to understand the experimental results. ORR catalyzed by N-graphene is studied using density functional theory (DFT) calculations under experimental conditions taking the solvent, surface adsorbates, and coverages into consideration. Two mechanisms, i.e., dissociative and associative mechanisms, over different N-doping configurations are investigated. The results show that N-graphene surface is covered by O with 1/6 monolayer, which is used for reactions in this work. The transition state of each elementary step was identified using four different approaches, which give rise to a similar chemistry. A full energy profile including all the reaction barriers shows that the associative mechanism is more energetically favored than the dissociative one and the removal of O species from the surface is the rate-determining step. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Catalytic oxidation reaction monitoring has been performed for the first time with a trace gas carbon dioxide analyser based on a continuous wave (cw), thermoelectrically cooled (TEC), distributed feedback (DFB) quantum cascade laser (QCL) operating at around 2307 cm-1. The reaction kinetics for carbon monoxide oxidation over a platinum catalyst supported on yttria-stabilised zirconia were followed by the QCL CO2 analyser and showed that it is a powerful new tool for measuring low reaction rates associated with low surface area model catalysts operating at atmospheric pressures. A detection limit was determined of 40 ppb (1 standard deviation) for a 0.1 s average and a residual absorption standard deviation of 1.9×10-4. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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This paper describes a model of a 1.8-litre four-cylinder four-stroke gasoline engine fitted with a close-coupled three-way catalyst (TWC). Designed to meet EURO 3 emissions standards, the engine includes some advanced emission control features in addition to the TWC, namely: variable valve timing (VVT), swirl control plates, and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). Gas flow is treated as one-dimensional (1D) and unsteady in the engine ducting and in the catalyst. Reflection and transmission of pressure waves at the boundaries of the catalyst monolith are modelled. In-cylinder combustion is represented by a two-zone burn model with dissociation and reaction kinetics. A single Wiebe analysis of measured in-cylinder pressure data is used to determine the mass fraction burned as a function of crank angle (CA) at each engine speed. Measured data from steady-state dynamometer tests are presented for operation at wide open throttle (WOT) over a range of engine speeds. These results include CA-resolved traces of pressure at various locations throughout the engine together with cycle-averaged traces of gas composition entering the catalyst as indicated by a fast-response emissions analyser. Simulated engine performance and pressure wave action throughout the engine are well validated by the measured data.


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The application of an aluminum-based microstructured reactor/heat-exchanger for measuring reaction kinetics in the explosive region is presented. Platinum-catalyzed ammonia oxidation was chosen as a test reaction to demonstrate the feasibility of the method. The reaction kinetics was investigated in a wide range of conditions [NH3 partial pressure: 0.03-0.20 atm, O-2 partial pressure: 0.10-0.88atm; reactant flow 2000-3000 cm(3) min(-1) (STP); temperature 240-360degreesC] over a supported Pt/Al2O3 catalyst (mass of Al2O3 layer in the reactor, 1.95 mg; Pt/Al molar ratio, 0.71; Pt dispersion, 20%). The maximum temperature non-uniformity in the microstructured reactor was ca. 5degreesC, even at conditions corresponding to an adiabatic temperature rise of 1400degreesC. Based on the data obtained, a previous kinetic model for ammonia oxidation was extended. The modified 13-step model describes the data in a considerably wider range of conditions including those with high ammonia loadings and high reaction temperatures. The results indicate the large potential of microstructured devices as reliable tools for kinetic research of highly exothermic reactions.


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Indicator inks, previously shown to be capable of rapidly assessing photocatalytic activity via a novel photo-reductive mechanism, were simply applied via an aerosol spray onto commercially available pieces of Activ (TM) self-cleaning glass. Ink layers could be applied with high evenness of spread, with as little deviation as 5% upon UV-visible spectroscopic assessment of 25 equally distributed positions over a 10 cm x 10 cm glass cut. The inks were comprised of either a resazurin (Rz) or dichloroindophenol (DCIP) redox dye with a glycerol sacrificial electron donor in an aqueous hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) polymer media. The photo-reduction reaction under UVA light of a single spot was monitored by UV-vis spectroscopy and digital images attained from a flat-bed scanner in tandem for both inks. The photo-reduction of Rz ink underwent a two-step kinetic process, whereby the blue redox dye was initially reduced to a pink intermediate resorufin (Rf) and subsequently reduced to a bleached form of the dye. In contrast, a simple one-step kinetic process was observed for the reduction of the light blue redox dye DCIP to its bleached intermediates. Changes in red-green-blue colour extracted from digital images of the inks were inversely proportional to the changes seen at corresponding wavelengths via UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and wholly indicative of the reaction kinetics. The photocatalytic activity areas of cuts of Activ (TM) glass, 10 cm x 10 cm in size, were assessed using both Rz and DCIP indicator inks evenly sprayed over the films: firstly using UVA lamp light to activate the underlying Activ (TM) film (1.75 mW cm(-2)) and secondly under solar conditions (2.06 +/- 0.14 mW cm(-2)). The photo-reduction reactions were monitored solely by flat-bed digital scanning. Red-green-blue values of a generated 14 x 14 grid (196 positions) that covered the entire area of each film image were extracted using a Custom-built program entitled RGB Extractor(C). A homogenous degradation over the 196 positions analysed for both Rz (Red colour deviation = 19% UVA, 8% Solar: Green colour deviation = 17% UVA, 12% Solar) and DCIP (Red colour deviation = 22% UVA, 16% Solar) inks was seen in both UVA and solar experiments, demonstrating the consistency of the self-cleaning titania layer on Activ (TM). The method presented provides a good solution for the high-throughput photocatalytic screening of a number of homogenous photocatalytically active materials simultaneously or numerous positions on a single film; both useful in assessing the homogeneity of a film or determining the best combination of reaction components to produce the optimum performance photocatalytic film. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An intelligent ink, previously shown to be capable of rapidly assessing photocatalytic activity, was simply applied via a felt-pen onto a commercially available piece of Activ (TM) self-cleaning glass. The ink, comprising of redox dye resazurin and the sacrificial electron donor glycerol within an aqueous hydroxy ethyl cellulose (HEC) polymer media, was photocatalytically degraded in a two-step process. The key initial stage was the photo-reductive conversion of resazurin to resorufin, whereby a colour change from blue to pink occurred. The latter stage was the subsequent photo-reduction of the resorufin, where a slower change from pink to colourless was seen. Red and green components of red-green-blue colour extracted from flat-bed scanner digital images of resazurin ink coated photocatalytic films at intervals during the photocatalysis reaction were inversely proportional to the changes seen via UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and indicative of reaction kinetics. A 3 x 3 grid of intelligent ink was drawn onto a piece of Activ (TM) and a glass blank. The photocatalysis reaction was monitored solely by flat-bed digital scanning. Red-green-blue values of respective positions on the grid were extracted using a custom-built program entitled RGB Extractor (c). The program was capable of extracting a number of 5 x 5 pixel averages of red-green-blue components simultaneously. Allocation of merely three coordinates allowed for the automatic generation of a grid, with scroll-bars controlling the number of positions to be extracted on the grid formed. No significant change in red and green components for any position on the glass blank was observed; however, the Activ (TM) film displayed a homogenous photo-reduction of the dye, reaching maxima in red and minima in green components in 23 +/- 3 and 14 +/- 2 min, respectively. A compositionally graded N-doped titania film synthesised in house via a combinatorial APCVD reaction was also photocatalytically tested by this method where 247 positions on a 13 x 19 grid were simultaneously analysed. The dramatic variation in photocatalysis observed was rapidly quantified for all positions (2-3 hours) allowing for correlations to be made between thicknesses and N : Ti% compositions attained from Swanepoel and WDX analysis, respectively. N incorporation within this system was found to be detrimental to film activity for the photocatalysis reaction of intelligent ink under 365 nm light.


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Recent track structure modelling studies indicate that radiation induced damage to DNA consists of a spectrum of different lesions of varying complexity. There is considerable evidence to suggest that, in repair-proficient systems, it is only the small proportion of more complex forms that is responsible for most of the biological effect. The complex lesions induced consist initially of clustered radical sites and a knowledge of their special chemistry is important in modelling how they react to form the more stable products that are processed by the repair systems. However, much of the current understanding of the chemical stage of radiation has developed from single-radical systems and there is a need to translate this to the more complex reactions that are likely to occur at the important multiple radical sites. With low LET radiation, DNA dsb may derive either from single-radical attack that damages both strands by a transfer mechanism, or from pairs of radical sites induced in close proximity, with one or more radical on each strand. With high LET radiation, modelling studies indicate that there is an increased probability of dsb arising from sites with more than two radical centres, leading to a greater frequency of more complex types of break. The spectrum of these lesions depends on the overall outcome of consecutive physical and chemical processes. The initial pattern of radical damage is determined by the energy depositions on and around the DNA, according to the type of radiation. This pattern is then modified by scavengers that inhibit the formation of radicals on the DNA, and by agents that either chemically repair (e.g. thiols) or fix (e.g. oxygen) a large fraction of these radicals. The reaction kinetics associated with clustered radical sites will differ from those of single sites: (1) because of the opportunities for interactions between the radicals themselves; and (2) because certain endpoints, e.g. a dsb, may require a combination of the products of two or more radicals. Fast response techniques using pulsed low and high LET irradiation have been established to measure the reactions of radical sites on pBR322 plasmid DNA with oxygen and thiols with a view to obtaining information about cluster size. This paper describes experimental approaches to explore the role of the chemical stage of the radiation effect in relation to lesion complexity.


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In liquid-phase reaction systems, the role of the solvent is often limited to the simple requirement of dissolving and/or diluting substrates. However, the correct choice, either pure or mixed, can significantly influence both reaction rate and selectivity. For multi-phase heterogeneously catalysed reactions observed variations may be due to changes in mass transfer rates, reaction mechanism, reaction kinetics, adsorption properties and combinations thereof. The liquid-phase hydrogenation of 2-butanone to 2-butanol over a Ru/SiO catalyst, for example, shows such complex rate behaviour when varying water/isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solvent ratios. In this paper, we outline a strategy which combines measured rate data with physical property measurements and molecular simulation in order to gain a more fundamental understanding of mixed solvent effects for this heterogeneously catalysed reaction. By combining these techniques, the observed complex behaviour of rate against water fraction is shown to be a combination of both mass transfer and chemical effects. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Conventional water purification and disinfection generally involve potentially hazardous substances, some of which known to be carcinogenic in nature. Titanium dioxide photocatalytic processes provide an effective route to destroy hazardous organic contaminants. This present work explores the possibility of the removal of organic pollutants (phenol) by the application of TiO2 based photocatalysts. The production of series of metal ions doped or undoped TiO2 were carried out via a sol–gel method and a wet impregnation method. Undoped TiO2 and Cu doped TiO2 showed considerable phenol degradation. The efficiency of photocatalytic reaction largely depends on the photocatalysts and the methods of preparation the photocatalysts. The doping of Fe, Mn, and humic acid at 1.0 M% via sol–gel methods were detrimental for phenol degradation. The inhibitory effect of initial phenol concentration on initial phenol degradation rate reveals that photocatalytic decomposition of phenol follows pseudo zero order reaction kinetics. A concentration of > 1 g/L TiO2 and Cu doped TiO2 is required for the effective degradation of 50 mg/L of phenol at neutral pH. The rise in OH- at a higher pH values provides more hydroxyl radicals which are beneficial of phenol degradation. However, the competition among phenoxide ion, Cl- and OH- for the limited number of reactive sites on TiO2 will be a negative influence in the generation of hydroxyl radical. The dependence of phenol degradation rate on the light intensity was observed, which also implies that direct sunlight can be a substitute for the UV lamps and that photocatalytic treatment of organic pollutants using this technique shows some promise.


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Activation of methane with a halogen followed by the metathesis of methyl halide is a novel route from methane to higher hydrocarbons or oxygenates. Thermodynamic analysis revealed that bromine is the most suitable halogen for this goal. Analysis of the published data on the reaction kinetics in a CSTR enabled us to judge on the effects of temperature, reactor residence time and the feed concentrations of bromine and methane to the conversion of methane and the selectivity towards mono or dibromomethane. The analysis indicated that high dibromomethane selectivity is attainable (over 90%) accompanied by high methane conversions. The metathesis of dibromomethane can provide an alternative route to the conversion of methane (natural gas) economically with smaller installations than the current syn-gas route. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The efficiency of fuel cells and metal-air batteries is significantly limited by the activation of oxygen reduction and evolution reactions. Despite the well-recognized role of oxygen reaction kinetics on the viability of energy technologies, the governing mechanisms remain elusive and until now have been addressable only by macroscopic studies. This lack of nanoscale understanding precludes optimization of material architecture. Here, we report direct measurements of oxygen reduction/evolution reactions and oxygen vacancy diffusion on oxygen-ion conductive solid surfaces with sub-10 nm resolution. In electrochemical strain microscopy, the biased scanning probe microscopy tip acts as a moving, electrocatalytically active probe exploring local electrochemical activity. The probe concentrates an electric field in a nanometre-scale volume of material, and bias-induced, picometre-level surface displacements provide information on local electrochemical processes. Systematic mapping of oxygen activity on bare and platinum-functionalized yttria-stabilized zirconia surfaces is demonstrated. This approach allows direct visualization of the oxygen reduction/evolution reaction activation process at the triple-phase boundary, and can be extended to a broad spectrum of oxygen-conductive and electrocatalytic materials.