14 resultados para ROTATIONAL ANALYSIS

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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High resolution echelle spectroscopy is presented for thirteen stars lying in the direction of the Galactic centre which, on the basis of photographic photometry and low dispersion spectroscopy, have been classified as early-B-type. Eight of these stars have large rotational velocities which preclude a detailed analysis. The five stars with moderate to low projected rotational velocities have been analysed using model atmosphere techniques to determine atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions. Two of these stars appear to be evolved blue horizontal branch objects on the basis of their chemical compositions and small projected rotational velocity. The evolutionary status of a third is ambiguous but it is probably a post-asymptotic-giant branch star. The remaining two objects are probably young massive stars and show enhanced abundances of N, C, Mg and Si, consistent with their formation in the inner part of the Galactic disk. However their O abundances are normal, confirming results found previously for other early- type stars, which would imply a flat abundance gradient for this element in the inner region of our Galaxy.


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An analysis is presented of VLT-FLAMES spectroscopy for three Galactic clusters, NGC3293, NGC4755 and NGC6611. Non-LTE model atmosphere calculations have been used to estimate effective temperatures (from either the helium spectrum or the silicon ionization equilibrium) and gravities (from the hydrogen spectrum). Projected rotational velocities have been deduced from the helium spectrum (for fast and moderate rotators) or the metal line spectrum (for slow rotators). The origin of the low gravity estimates for apparently near main sequence objects is discussed and is related to the stellar rotational velocity. The atmospheric parameters have been used to estimate cluster distances (which are generally in good agreement with previous determinations) and these have been used to estimate stellar luminosities and evolutionary masses. The observed Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams are compared with theoretical predictions and some discrepancies including differences in the main sequence luminosities are discussed. Cluster ages have been deduced and evidence for non-coeval star formation is found for all three of the clusters. Projected rotational velocities for targets in the older clusters, NGC3293 and NGC4755, have been found to be systematically larger than those for the field, confirming recent results in other similar age clusters. The distribution of projected rotational velocities are consistent with a Gaussian distribution of intrinsic rotational velocities. For the relatively unevolved targets in the older clusters, NGC3293 and NGC4755, the peak of the velocity distribution would be 250 km s(-1) with a full-width-half-maximum of approximately 180 km s(-1). For NGC6611, the sample size is relatively small but implies a lower mean rotational velocity. This may be evidence for the spin-down effect due to angular momentum loss through stellar winds, although our results are consistent with those found for very young high mass stars. For all three clusters we deduce present day mass functions with Gamma-values in the range of -1.5 to -1.8, which are similar to other young stellar clusters in the Milky Way.


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We report on time-dependent population distributions of excited rotational states of hydrogen in a capacitively coupled RF discharge. The common model to obtain the gas temperature from the rotational distribution is not applicable at all times during the discharge cycle due to the time dependence of the EEDF. The apparent temperature within a cycle assumes values between 350 K and 450 K for the discharge parameters of this experiment. We discuss the optimum time window within the discharge cycle that yields the best approximation to the actual temperature. Erroneous results can be obtained, in principle, with time-integrated measurements; we find, however, that in the present case the systematic error amounts to only approximately 20 K. This is due to the fact that the dominant contribution to the average intensity arises during that time window for which the assumptions underlying the analysis are best fulfilled. A similar analysis can be performed for N+2 rotational bands with a small amount of nitrogen added to the discharge gas. These populations do not exhibit the time variations found in the case of H2.


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Gas temperature is of major importance in plasma based surface treatment, since the surface processes are strongly temperature sensitive. The spatial distribution of reactive species responsible for surface modification is also influenced by the gas temperature. Industrial applications of RF plasma reactors require a high degree of homogeneity of the plasma in contact with the substrate. Reliable measurements of spatially resolved gas temperatures are, therefore, of great importance. The gas temperature can be obtained, e.g. by optical emission spectroscopy (OES). Common methods of OES to obtain gas temperatures from analysis of rotational distributions in excited states do not include the population dynamics influenced by cascading processes from higher electronic states. A model was developed to evaluate this effect on the apparent rotational temperature that is observed. Phase resolved OES confirmed the validity of this model. It was found that cascading leads to higher apparent temperatures, but the deviation (similar or equal to 25 K) is relatively small and can be ignored in most cases. This analysis is applied to investigate axially and radially resolved temperature profiles in an inductively coupled hydrogen RF discharge.


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Purpose: In this study the Octavius detector 729 ionization chamber (IC) array with the Octavius 4D phantom was characterized for flattening filter (FF) and flattening filter free (FFF) static and rotational beams. The device was assessed for verification with FF and FFF RapidArc treatment plans.

Methods: The response of the detectors to field size, dose linearity, and dose rate were assessed for 6 MV FF beams and also 6 and 10 MV FFF beams. Dosimetric and mechanical accuracy of the detector array within the Octavius 4D rotational phantom was evaluated against measurements made using semiflex and pinpoint ionization chambers, and radiochromic film. Verification FF and FFF RapidArc plans were assessed using a gamma function with 3%/3 mm tolerances and 2%/2 mm tolerances and further analysis of these plans was undertaken using film and a second detector array with higher spatial resolution.

Results: A warm-up dose of >6 Gy was required for detector stability. Dose-rate measurements were stable across a range from 0.26 to 15 Gy/min and dose response was linear, although the device overestimated small doses compared with pinpoint ionization chamber measurements. Output factors agreed with ionization chamber measurements to within 0.6% for square fields of side between 3 and 25 cm and within 1.2% for 2 x 2 cm(2) fields. The Octavius 4D phantom was found to be consistent with measurements made with radiochromic film, where the gantry angle was found to be within 0.4. of that expected during rotational deliveries. RapidArc FF and FFF beams were found to have an accuracy of >97.9% and >90% of pixels passing 3%/3 mm and 2%/2 mm, respectively. Detector spatial resolution was observed to be a factor in determining the accurate delivery of each plan, particularly at steep dose gradients. This was confirmed using data from a second detector array with higher spatial resolution and with radiochromic film.

Conclusions: The Octavius 4D phantom with associated Octavius detector 729 ionization chamber array is a dosimetrically and mechanically stable device for pretreatment verification of FF and FFF RapidArc treatments. Further improvements may be possible through use of a detector array with higher spatial resolution (detector size and/or detector spacing). (C) 2013 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.


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The temperature at which densification ends for a range of blends comprising a metallocene catalysed medium density polyethylene (PE) in two different physical forms (powder and micropellets) were investigated using a novel data acquisition system (TP Picture®), developed by Total Petrochemicals [1]. The various blends were subsequently rotomoulded and test specimens prepared for mechanical analysis to establish the relationship between densification rate and bubble size / distribution on the part properties. The micropellets exhibited more rapid bubble removal times than powder.


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Context. Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is the target of the European Space Agency Rosetta spacecraft rendez-vous mission. Detailed physical characteristation of the comet before arrival is important for mission planning as well as providing a test bed for ground-based observing and data-analysis methods. Aims: To conduct a long-term observational programme to characterize the physical properties of the nucleus of the comet, via ground-based optical photometry, and to combine our new data with all available nucleus data from the literature. Methods: We applied aperture photometry techniques on our imaging data and combined the extracted rotational lightcurves with data from the literature. Optical lightcurve inversion techniques were applied to constrain the spin state of the nucleus and its broad shape. We performed a detailed surface thermal analysis with the shape model and optical photometry by incorporating both into the new Advanced Thermophysical Model (ATPM), along with all available Spitzer 8-24 μm thermal-IR flux measurements from the literature. Results: A convex triangular-facet shape model was determined with axial ratios b/a = 1.239 and c/a = 0.819. These values can vary by as much as 7% in each axis and still result in a statistically significant fit to the observational data. Our best spin state solution has Psid = 12.76137 ± 0.00006 h, and a rotational pole orientated at Ecliptic coordinates λ = 78°(±10°), β = + 58°(±10°). The nucleus phase darkening behaviour was measured and best characterized using the IAU HG system. Best fit parameters are: G = 0.11 ± 0.12 and HR(1,1,0) = 15.31 ± 0.07. Our shape model combined with the ATPM can satisfactorily reconcile all optical and thermal-IR data, with the fit to the Spitzer 24 μm data taken in February 2004 being exceptionally good. We derive a range of mutually-consistent physical parameters for each thermal-IR data set, including effective radius, geometric albedo, surface thermal inertia and roughness fraction. Conclusions: The overall nucleus dimensions are well constrained and strongly imply a broad nucleus shape more akin to comet 9P/Tempel 1, rather than the highly elongated or "bi-lobed" nuclei seen for comets 103P/Hartley 2 or 8P/Tuttle. The derived low thermal inertia of


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We are conducting an ESO Large Program that includes optical photometry, thermal-IR observations, and optical-NIR spectroscopy of selected NEAs. Among the principal goals of the program are shape and spin-state modeling, and searching for YORP-induced changes in rotation periods. One of our targets is asteroid (1917) Cuyo, a near-Earth asteroid from the Amor group. We carried out an extensive observing campaign on Cuyo between April 2010 and April 2013, operating primarily at the ESO 3.6m NTT for optical photometry, and the 8.2m VLT at Paranal for thermal-IR imaging. Further optical observations were acquired at the ESO 2.2m telescope, the Palomar 200" Hale telescope (California), JPL’s Table Mountain Observatory (California) and the Faulkes Telescope South (Australia). We obtained optical imaging data for rotational lightcurves throughout this period, as the asteroid passed through a wide range of observational geometries, conducive to producing a good shape model and spin state solution. The preliminary shape and spin state model indicates a nearly spherical shape and a rotation pole at ecliptic longitude λ = 53° ± 20° and latitude β = -37° ± 10° (1-sigma error bars are approximate). The sidereal rotation period was measured to be 2.6899522 ± (3 × 10^-7) hours. Linkage with earlier lightcurve data shows possible evidence of a small change in rotation rate during the period 1989-2013. We applied the NEATM thermal model (Harris A., Icarus 131, 291, 1998) to our VLT thermal-IR measurements (8-19.6 μm), obtained in September and December 2011. The derived effective diameter ranges from 3.4 to 4.2 km, and the geometric albedo is 0.16 (+0.07, -0.04). Using the shape model and thermal fluxes we will perform a detailed thermophysical analysis using the new Advanced Thermophysical Model (Rozitis, B. & Green, S.F., MNRAS 415, 2042, 2011; Rozitis, B. & Green, S.F., MNRAS 423, 367, 2012). This work was performed in part at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory under a contract with NASA.


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Natural fibers can be used in rotational molding process to obtain parts with improved mechanical properties. Different approaches have been followed in order to produce formulations containing banana or abaca fiber at 5% weight, in two- and three-layer constructions. Chemically treated abaca fiber has also been studied, causing some problems in processability. Fibers used have been characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), optical microscopy, and single-fiber mechanical tests. Rotomolded parts have been tested for tensile, flexural, and impact properties, demonstrating that important increases in elastic modulus are achieved with these fibers, although impact properties are reduced. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The article is focused on analysis of global efficiency of new mold for rotational molding of plastic parts, being directly heated by thermal fluid. The overall efficiency is based on several items such as reduction of cycle time, better uniformity of heating-cooling and low energy consumption. The new tool takes advantage of additive fabrication and electroforming for making the optimal manifold and cavity shell of the mold. Experimental test of a prototype mold was carried out on an experimental rotational molding machine, developed for this purpose, measuring wall temperature, and internal air temperature, with and without plastic material inside. Results were compared with conventional mold heated into an oven and to theoretical simulations done by Computational Fluid Dynamic software (CFD). The analysis represents considerable improvement of cycle time related to conventional methods (heated by oven) and better thermal uniformity to conventional procedures by direct heating of oil with external channels. In addition to thermal analysis an energetic efficiency study was done. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 52:1998-2005, 2012. © 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers Copyright © 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers.


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The particle size, shape and distribution of a range of rotational moulding polyethylenes (PEs) ground to powder was investigated using a novel visual data acquisition and analysis system (TP Picture®), developed by Total Petrochemicals. Differences in the individual particle shape factors of the powder samples were observed and correlations with the grinding conditions were determined. When heated, the bubble dissolution behaviour of the same powders was investigated and the shape factor correlated with densification rate, bubble size and bubble distribution.


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The melting and densification behaviour of a range of Polyethylenes (PEs) produced from 2 different catalysts, Ziegler-Natta and Metallocene types, were investigated using a novel visual data acquisition and analysis system (TP Picture®), developed by Total Petrochemicals Research Feluy [1]. Differences in the dissolution behaviour of the bubbles were observed and correlations with the material density, densification rate, bubble size / distribution and MFI were determined.


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Rotational moulding is a method to produce hollow plastic articles. Heating is normally carried out by placing the mould into a hot air oven where the plastic material in the mould is heated. The most common cooling media are water and forced air. Due to the inefficient nature of conventional hot air ovens most of the energy supplied by the oven does not go to heat the plastic and as a consequence the procedure has very long cycle times. Direct oil heating is an effective alternative in order to achieve better energy efficiency and cycle times. This research work has combined this technology with new innovative design of mould, applying the advantages of electroforming and rapid prototyping. Complex cavity geometries are manufactured by electroforming from a rapid prototyping mandrel. The approach involves conformal heating and cooling channels , where the oil flows into a parallel channel to the electroformed cavity (nickel or copper). Because of this the mould enables high temperature uniformity with direct heating and cooling of the electroformed shell, Uniform heating and cooling is important not only for good quality parts but also for good uniform wall thickness distribution in the rotationally moulded part. The experimental work with the manufactured prototype mould has enabled analysis of the thermal uniformity in the cavity, under different temperatures. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.