41 resultados para Quantum mechanical model

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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Few-cycle laser pulses are used to "pump and probe" image the vibrational wavepacket dynamics of a HD+ molecular ion. The quantum dephasing and revival structure of the wavepacket are mapped experimentally with time-resolved photodissociation imaging. The motion of the molecule is simulated using a quantum-mechanical model predicting the observed structure. The coherence of the wavepacket is controlled by varying the duration of the intense laser pulses. By means of a Fourier transform analysis both the periodicity and relative population of the vibrational states of the excited molecular ion have been characterized.


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Based on photoluminescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy results, a new light emitting model for porous silicon (multiple source quantum well model) is proposed.


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We present a simple quantum mechanical model to describe Coulomb explosion of H-2(+) and D-2(+) by short, intense infrared laser pulses. The model is based on the length gauge version of the molecular strong-field approximation and is valid when the process of dissociation prior to ionization is negligible. The results are compared with recent experimental data for the proton kinetic energy spectrum [Th. Ergler , Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 093001 (2005); D. S. Murphy , J. Phys. B 40, S359 (2007)]. Using a Franck-Condon distribution over initial vibrational states, the theory reproduces the overall shape of the spectrum with only a small overestimation of slow protons. The agreement between theory and experiment can be made perfect by using a non-Frank-Condon initial distribution characteristic for H-2(+) (D-2(+)) targets produced by strong-field ionization of H-2 (D-2). For comparison, we also present results obtained by two different tunneling models for this process.


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As is now well established, a first order expansion of the Hohenberg-Kohn total energy density functional about a trial input density, namely, the Harris-Foulkes functional, can be used to rationalize a non self consistent tight binding model. If the expansion is taken to second order then the energy and electron density matrix need to be calculated self consistently and from this functional one can derive a charge self consistent tight binding theory. In this paper we have used this to describe a polarizable ion tight binding model which has the benefit of treating charge transfer in point multipoles. This admits a ready description of ionic polarizability and crystal field splitting. It is necessary in constructing such a model to find a number of parameters that mimic their more exact counterparts in the density functional theory. We describe in detail how this is done using a combination of intuition, exact analytical fitting, and a genetic optimization algorithm. Having obtained model parameters we show that this constitutes a transferable scheme that can be applied rather universally to small and medium sized organic molecules. We have shown that the model gives a good account of static structural and dynamic vibrational properties of a library of molecules, and finally we demonstrate the model's capability by showing a real time simulation of an enolization reaction in aqueous solution. In two subsequent papers, we show that the model is a great deal more general in that it will describe solvents and solid substrates and that therefore we have created a self consistent quantum mechanical scheme that may be applied to simulations in heterogeneous catalysis.


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The dynamics of linear and nonlinear ionic-scale electrostatic excitations propagating in a magnetized relativistic quantum plasma is studied. A quantum-hydrodynamic model is adopted and degenerate statistics for the electrons is taken into account. The dispersion properties of linear ion acoustic waves are examined in detail. A modified characteristic charge screening length and "sound speed" are introduced, for relativistic quantum plasmas. By employing the reductive perturbation technique, a Zakharov-Kuznetzov-type equation is derived. Using the small-k expansion method, the stability profile of weakly nonlinear slightly supersonic electrostatic pulses is also discussed. The effect of electron degeneracy on the basic characteristics of electrostatic excitations is investigated. The entire analysis is valid in a three-dimensional as well as in two-dimensional geometry. A brief discussion of possible applications in laboratory and space plasmas is included.


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The scaled photoexcitation spectrum of the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields has been obtained by means of accurate quantum mechanical calculation using a new algorithm. Closed orbits in the corresponding classical system have also been obtained, using a new, efficient and practical searching procedure. Two new classes of closed orbit have been identified. Fourier transforming each photoexcitation quantum spectrum to yield a plot against scaled action has allowed direct comparison between peaks in such plots and the scaled action values of closed orbits, Excellent agreement has been found with all peaks assigned.


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A FORTRAN 90 program is presented which calculates the total cross sections, and the electron energy spectra of the singly and doubly differential cross sections for the single target ionization of neutral atoms ranging from hydrogen up to and including argon. The code is applicable for the case of both high and low Z projectile impact in fast ion-atom collisions. The theoretical models provided for the program user are based on two quantum mechanical approximations which have proved to be very successful in the study of ionization in ion-atom collisions. These are the continuum-distorted-wave (CDW) and continuum-distorted-wave eikonal-initial-state (CDW-EIS) approximations. The codes presented here extend previously published. codes for single ionization of. target hydrogen [Crothers and McCartney, Comput. Phys. Commun. 72 (1992) 288], target helium [Nesbitt, O'Rourke and Crothers, Comput. Phys. Commun. 114 (1998) 385] and target atoms ranging from lithium to neon [O'Rourke, McSherry and Crothers, Comput. Phys. Commun. 131 (2000) 129]. Cross sections for all of these target atoms may be obtained as limiting cases from the present code. Title of program: ARGON Catalogue identifier: ADSE Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/cpc/summaries/ADSE Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: none Computer for which the program is designed and others on which it is operable: Computers: Four by 200 MHz Pro Pentium Linux server, DEC Alpha 21164; Four by 400 MHz Pentium 2 Xeon 450 Linux server, IBM SP2 and SUN Enterprise 3500 Installations: Queen's University, Belfast Operating systems under which the program has been tested: Red-hat Linux 5.2, Digital UNIX Version 4.0d, AIX, Solaris SunOS 5.7 Compilers: PGI workstations, DEC CAMPUS Programming language used: FORTRAN 90 with MPI directives No. of bits in a word: 64, except on Linux servers 32 Number of processors used: any number Has the code been vectorized or parallelized? Parallelized using MPI No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 32 189 Distribution format: tar gzip file Keywords: Single ionization, cross sections, continuum-distorted-wave model, continuum- distorted-wave eikonal-initial-state model, target atoms, wave treatment Nature of physical problem: The code calculates total, and differential cross sections for the single ionization of target atoms ranging from hydrogen up to and including argon by both light and heavy ion impact. Method of solution: ARGON allows the user to calculate the cross sections using either the CDW or CDW-EIS [J. Phys. B 16 (1983) 3229] models within the wave treatment. Restrictions on the complexity of the program: Both the CDW and CDW-EIS models are two-state perturbative approximations. Typical running time: Times vary according to input data and number of processors. For one processor the test input data for double differential cross sections (40 points) took less than one second, whereas the test input for total cross sections (20 points) took 32 minutes. Unusual features of the program: none (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The glass transition in a quantum Lennard-Jones mixture is investigated by constant-volume path-integral simulations. Particles are assumed to be distinguishable, and the strength of quantum effects is varied by changing h from zero (the classical case) to one (corresponding to a highly quantum-mechanical regime). Quantum delocalization and zero point energy drastically reduce the sensitivity of structural and thermodynamic properties to the glass transition. Nevertheless, the glass transition temperature T-g can be determined by analyzing the phase space mobility of path-integral centroids. At constant volume, the T-g of the simulated model increases monotonically with increasing h. Low temperature tunneling centers are identified, and the quantum versus thermal character of each center is analyzed. The relation between these centers and soft quasilocalized harmonic vibrations is investigated. Periodic minimizations of the potential energy with respect to the positions of the particles are performed to determine the inherent structure of classical and quantum glassy samples. The geometries corresponding to these energy minima are found to be qualitatively similar in all cases. Systematic comparisons for ordered and disordered structures, harmonic and anharmonic dynamics, classical and quantum systems show that disorder, anharmonicity, and quantum effects are closely interlinked.


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As semiconductor electronic devices scale to the nanometer range and quantum structures (molecules, fullerenes, quantum dots, nanotubes) are investigated for use in information processing and storage, it, becomes useful to explore the limits imposed by quantum mechanics on classical computing. To formulate the problem of a quantum mechanical description of classical computing, electronic device and logic gates are described as quantum sub-systems with inputs treated as boundary conditions, outputs expressed.is operator expectation values, and transfer characteristics and logic operations expressed through the sub-system Hamiltonian. with constraints appropriate to the boundary conditions. This approach, naturally, leads to a description of the subsystem.,, in terms of density matrices. Application of the maximum entropy principle subject to the boundary conditions (inputs) allows for the determination of the density matrix (logic operation), and for calculation of expectation values of operators over a finite region (outputs). The method allows for in analysis of the static properties of quantum sub-systems.


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We present calculations of the time delay between single and double ionization of helium, obtained from full-dimensionality numerical integrations of the helium-laser Schroedinger equation. The notion of a quantum mechanical time delay is defined in terms of the interval between correlated bursts of single and double ionization. Calculations are performed at 390 and 780 nm in laser intensities that range from 2 X 10^14 to 14 X 10^14 W /cm^2. We find results consistent with the rescattering model of double ionization but supporting its classical interpretation only at 780 nm.


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The vibrational wavepacket revival of a basic quantum system is demonstrated experimentally. Using few-cycle laser pulse technology, pump and probe imaging of the vibrational motion of D+2 molecules is conducted, and together with a quantum-mechanical simulation of the excited wavepacket motion, the vibrational revival phenomenon has been characterised. The simulation shows good correlation with the temporal motion and structural features obtained from the data, relaying fundamental information on this diatomic system.


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An application of the tight binding approximation is presented for the description of electronic structure and interatomic force in magnetic iron, both pure and containing hydrogen impurities. We assess the simple canonical d-band description in comparison to a non orthogonal model including s and d bands. The transferability of our models is tested against known properties including the segregation energies of hydrogen to vacancies and to surfaces of iron. In many cases agreement is remarkably good, opening up the way to quantum mechanical atomistic simulation of the effects of hydrogen on mechanical properties.


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The evolution of the intensity of a relativistic laser beam propagating through a dense quantum plasma is investigated, by considering different plasma regimes. A cold quantum fluid plasma and then a thermal quantum description(s) is (are) adopted, in comparison with the classical case of reference. Considering a Gaussian beam cross-section, we investigate both the longitudinal compression and lateral/longitudinal localization of the intensity of a finite-radius electromagnetic pulse. By employing a quantum plasma fluid model in combination with Maxwell's equations, we rely on earlier results on the quantum dielectric response, to model beam-plasma interaction. We present an extensive parametric investigation of the dependence of the longitudinal pulse compression mechanism on the electron density in cold quantum plasmas, and also study the role of the Fermi temperature in thermal quantum plasmas. Our numerical results show pulse localization through a series of successive compression cycles, as the pulse propagates through the plasma. A pulse of 100 fs propagating through cold quantum plasma is compressed to a temporal size of approximate to 1.35 attosecond and a spatial size of approximate to 1.08 10(-3) cm. Incorporating Fermi pressure via a thermal quantum plasma model is shown to enhance localization effects. A 100 fs pulse propagating through quantum plasma with a Fermi temperature of 350 K is compressed to a temporal size of approximate to 0.6 attosecond and a spatial size of approximate to 2.4 10(-3) cm. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent landmark experiments have demonstrated how quantum mechanical impurities can be created within strongly correlated quantum gases and used to probe the coherence properties of these systems. Here we present a theoretical model to simulate such an output coupler for a Tonks- Girardeau gas that shows excellent agreement with the experimental results for atom transport and output coupling. The solid theoretical basis our model provides allows us to explore non-equilibrium transport phenomena in ultra-cold quantum gases and leads us to predict a regime of atom blockade, where the impurity component becomes localised in the parent cloud despite the presence of gravity. We show that this provides a stable mixed-species quantum gas in the strongly correlated limit.


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We study the statistics of the work done, the fluctuation relations and the irreversible entropy production in a quantum many-body system subject to the sudden quench of a control parameter. By treating the quench as a thermodynamic transformation we show that the emergence of irreversibility in the nonequilibrium dynamics of closed many-body quantum systems can be accurately characterized. We demonstrate our ideas by considering a transverse quantum Ising model that is taken out of equilibrium by the instantaneous switching of the transverse field.