80 resultados para Quantum information theory

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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We study non-Markovian decoherence phenomena by employing projection-operator formalism when a quantum system (a quantum bit or a register of quantum bits) is coupled to a reservoir. By projecting out the degree of freedom of the reservoir, we derive a non-Markovian master equation for the system, which is reduced to a Lindblad master equation in Markovian limit, and obtain the operator sum representation for the time evolution. It is found that the system is decohered slower in the non- Markovian reservoir than the Markovian because the quantum information of the system is memorized in the non-Markovian reservoir. We discuss the potential importance of non-Markovian reservoirs for quantum-information processing.


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The analytic advantages of central concepts from linguistics and information theory, and the analogies demonstrated between them, for understanding patterns of retrieval from full-text indexes to documents are developed. The interaction between the syntagm and the paradigm in computational operations on written language in indexing, searching, and retrieval is used to account for transformations of the signified or meaning between documents and their representation and between queries and documents retrieved. Characteristics of the message, and messages for selection for written language, are brought to explain the relative frequency of occurrence of words and multiple word sequences in documents. The examples given in the companion article are revisited and a fuller example introduced. The signified of the sequence stood for, the term classically used in the definitions of the sign, as something standing for something else, can itself change rapidly according to its syntagm. A greater than ordinary discourse understanding of patterns in retrieval is obtained.


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An analogy is established between the syntagm and paradigm from Saussurean linguistics and the message and messages for selection from the information theory initiated by Claude Shannon. The analogy is pursued both as an end itself and for its analytic value in understanding patterns of retrieval from full text systems. The multivalency of individual words when isolated from their syntagm is contrasted with the relative stability of meaning of multi-word sequences, when searching ordinary written discourse. The syntagm is understood as the linear sequence of oral and written language. Saussureâ??s understanding of the word, as a unit which compels recognition by the mind, is endorsed, although not regarded as final. The lesser multivalency of multi-word sequences is understood as the greater determination of signification by the extended syntagm. The paradigm is primarily understood as the network of associations a word acquires when considered apart from the syntagm. The restriction of information theory to expression or signals, and its focus on the combinatorial aspects of the message, is sustained. The message in the model of communication in information theory can include sequences of written language. Shannonâ??s understanding of the written word, as a cohesive group of letters, with strong internal statistical influences, is added to the Saussurean conception. Sequences of more than one word are regarded as weakly correlated concatenations of cohesive units.


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This paper provides algorithms that use an information-theoretic analysis to learn Bayesian network structures from data. Based on our three-phase learning framework, we develop efficient algorithms that can effectively learn Bayesian networks, requiring only polynomial numbers of conditional independence (CI) tests in typical cases. We provide precise conditions that specify when these algorithms are guaranteed to be correct as well as empirical evidence (from real world applications and simulation tests) that demonstrates that these systems work efficiently and reliably in practice.


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An entangled two-mode coherent state is studied within the framework of 2 x 2-dimensional Hilbert space. An entanglement concentration scheme based on joint Bell-state measurements is worked out. When the entangled coherent state is embedded in vacuum environment, its entanglement is degraded but not totally lost. It is found that the larger the initial coherent amplitude, the faster entanglement decreases. We investigate a scheme to teleport a coherent superposition state while considering a mixed quantum channel. We find that the decohered entangled coherent state may be useless for quantum teleportation as it gives the optimal fidelity of teleportation less than the classical limit 2/3.


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A key element in the architecture of a quantum-information processing network is a reliable physical interface between fields and qubits. We study a process of entanglement transfer engineering, where two remote qubits respectively interact with an entangled two-mode continuous-variable (CV) field. We quantify the entanglement induced in the qubit state at the expenses of the loss of entanglement in the CV system. We discuss the range of mixed entangled states which can be obtained with this setup. Furthermore, we suggest a protocol to determine the residual entangling power of the light fields inferring, thus, the entanglement left in the field modes which, after the interaction, are no longer in a Gaussian state. Two different setups are proposed: a cavity-QED system and an interface between superconducting qubits and field modes. We address in detail the practical difficulties inherent in these two proposals, showing that the latter is promising in many aspects.


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We provide an analysis of basic quantum-information processing protocols under the effect of intrinsic nonidealities in cluster states. These nonidealities are based on the introduction of randomness in the entangling steps that create the cluster state and are motivated by the unavoidable imperfections faced in creating entanglement using condensed-matter systems. Aided by the use of an alternative and very efficient method to construct cluster-state configurations, which relies on the concatenation of fundamental cluster structures, we address quantum-state transfer and various fundamental gate simulations through noisy cluster states. We find that a winning strategy to limit the effects of noise is the management of small clusters processed via just a few measurements. Our study also reinforces recent ideas related to the optical implementation of a one-way quantum computer.


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The information encoded in a quantum system is generally spoiled by the influences of its environment, leading to a transition from pure to mixed states. Reducing the mixedness of a state is a fundamental step in the quest for a feasible implementation of quantum technologies. Here we show that it is impossible to transfer part of such mixedness to a trash system without losing some of the initial information. Such loss is lower-bounded by a value determined by the properties of the initial state to purify. We discuss this interesting phenomenon and its consequences for general quantum information theory, linking it to the information theoretical primitive embodied by the quantum state-merging protocol and to the behaviour of general quantum correlations.


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These notes originated out of a set of lectures in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information given by one of us (MGAP) at the University of Napoli and the University of Milano. A quite broad set of issues are covered, ranging from elementary concepts to current research topics, and from fundamental concepts to applications. A special emphasis has been given to the phase space analysis of quantum dynamics and to the role of Gaussian states in continuous variable quantum information.


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Quantum annealing is a promising tool for solving optimization problems, similar in some ways to the traditional ( classical) simulated annealing of Kirkpatrick et al. Simulated annealing takes advantage of thermal fluctuations in order to explore the optimization landscape of the problem at hand, whereas quantum annealing employs quantum fluctuations. Intriguingly, quantum annealing has been proved to be more effective than its classical counterpart in many applications. We illustrate the theory and the practical implementation of both classical and quantum annealing - highlighting the crucial differences between these two methods - by means of results recently obtained in experiments, in simple toy-models, and more challenging combinatorial optimization problems ( namely, Random Ising model and Travelling Salesman Problem). The techniques used to implement quantum and classical annealing are either deterministic evolutions, for the simplest models, or Monte Carlo approaches, for harder optimization tasks. We discuss the pro and cons of these approaches and their possible connections to the landscape of the problem addressed.