247 resultados para Plasmon excitation

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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Surface plasmon enhancement of laser ablation of thin Al films is examined with a view to its application in metal film patterning and nano-structuring. Al films, deposited on silica prisms, are first characterized by attenuated total reflection using a broadband UV source and appropriate interference filter. The films are subsequently subjected to excimer laser radiation of wavelength 248 nm under conditions both of direct incidence from the air side of the film, and of surface plasmon excitation in which light is incident through the prism at greater than critical angle. For a given level of ablation damage in a particular film the fluence required using the surface plasmon technique is 3-5 times less than that needed when direct incidence is used. This is roughly in line with the energy absorbed in the film. From a practical standpoint it is clear that ablation of metal films can be achieved with much lower fluences than has hitherto been possible, thus reducing the requirements on laser output and relaxing the power handling constraints on any input optical elements.


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Arrays of gold nanotubes with polypyrrole cores were grown on glass substrates by electrodeposition into thin film porous alumina templates. Measurements of optical transmission revealed strong extinction peaks related to plasmonic resonances, which were sensitive to the polarization state and angle of incidence. On prolonging the electrodeposition of gold, the polypyrrole core became fully encapsulated and this had a dramatic effect on the optical properties of the arrays, which was rationalized by finite element simulation of the local field intensities resulting from plasmon excitation.


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The surface roughness of nominally smooth and of randomly roughened thin silver films is characterized using scanning tunneling microscopy and the metal grain size is assessed using transmission electron microscopy. On each type of substrate used, glass or CaF2-roughened glass, the silver films are deposited either very slowly (approximately 0.15 nm s-1) or quite quickly (approximately 2.0 nm s-1). Only silver films deposited on CaF2-roughened glass yield measurable surface-enhanced Raman signals for benzoic acid; the enhancement is brought about by surface field amplification due to the excitation of delocalized surface-plasmon polaritons. However, the surface-enhanced Raman signals obtained from the slow-deposited silver films are significantly better (by about a factor of 3) than those obtained from the fast-deposited silver films on a given CaF2-roughened substrate. The explanation of this observation does not lie with different surface roughness; both types of film yield closely similar data on the scanning tunneling microscope. Rather, it is suggested that the relatively small grain size of the fast-deposited silver films leads to increased elastic scattering of surface-plasmon polaritons at the grain boundaries, with a consequent increase of internal damping. This results in a reduction of the scattered Raman signal.


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We provide the quantum-mechanical description of the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on metal surfaces by single photons. An attenuated-reflection setup is described for the quantum excitation process in which we find remarkably efficient photon-to-surface plasmon wave-packet transfer. Using a fully quantized treatment of the fields, we introduce the Hamiltonian for their interaction and study the quantum statistics during transfer with and without losses in the metal.


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The excitation of surface plasmon-polariton (SPP) waveguide modes in subwavelength dielectric ridges deposited on a thin gold film has been characterized and optimized at telecommunication wavelengths. The experimental data on the electromagnetic mode structure obtained using scanning near-field optical microscopy have been directly compared to full vectorial three-dimensional finite element method simulations. Two excitation geometries have been investigated where SPPs are excited outside or inside the dielectric tapered region adjoint to the waveguide. The dependence of the efficiency of the SPP guided mode excitation on the taper opening angle has been measured and modeled. Single-mode guiding and strong lateral mode confinement of dielectric-loaded SPP waveguide modes have been characterized with the near-field measurements and compared to the effective-index method model.


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The overall quantum efficiency in surface plasmon (SP) enhanced Schottky barrier photodetectors is examined by considering both the external and internal yield. The external yield is considered through calculations of absorption and transmission of light in a configuration that allows reflectance minimization due to SP excitation. Following a Monte Carlo method, a procedure is presented to estimate the internal yield while taking into account the effect of elastic and inelastic scattering processes on excited carriers subsequent to photon absorption. The relative importance of internal photoemission and band-to-band contributions to the internal yield is highlighted along with the variation of the yield as a function of wavelength, metal thickness and other salient parameters of the detector. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A prism coupling arrangement is used to excite surface plasmons at the surface of a thin silver aim and a photon scanning tunnelling microscope is used to detect the evanescent field above the silver surface. Excitation of the silver/ air mode of interest is performed at lambda(1) = 632 . 8 nm using a tightly focused beam, while the control of the tip is effected by exciting a counter-propagating surface plasmon field at a different wavelength. lambda(2) = 543 . 5 nm, using an unfocused beam covering a macroscopic area. Propagation of the red surface plasmon is evidenced by an exponential tail extending away from the launch site, but this feature is abruptly truncated if the surface plasmon encounters the edge of the silver film - there is no specularly reflected 'beam'. Importantly, the radiative decay of the surface mode at the film edge is observable only at larger tip-sample separations, emphasizing the importance of accessing the mesoscopic regime.


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Surface modification of thin aluminium films is both produced and characterised by exciting surface plasmon polaritons in an attenuated total reflection geometry: silica prism/aluminium/aluminium oxide system. The modification is performed, under ambient conditions, by exposure to a low fluence (


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Thin, oxidised Al films grown an one face of fused silica prisms are exposed. tinder ambient conditions, to single shots from an excimer laser operating at wavelength 248 nm. Preliminary characterisation of the films using attenuated total reflection yields optical and thickness data for the Al and Al oxide layers; this step facilitates the subsequent, accurate tuning of the excimer laser pulse to the: surface plasmon resonance at the Al/(oxide)/air interface and the calculation of the fluence actually absorbed by the thin film system. Ablation damage is characterised using scanning electron, and atomic force microscopy. When the laser pulse is incident, through the prism on the sample at less than critical angle, the damage features are molten in nature with small islands of sub-micrometer dimension much in evidence, a mechanism of film melt-through and subsegment blow-off due to the build up of vapour pressure at the substrate/film interface is appropriate. By contrast, when the optical input is surface plasmon mediated, predominately mechanical damage results with the film fragmenting into large flakes of dimensions on the order of 10 mu m. It is suggested that the ability of surface plasmons to transport energy leads to enhanced, preferential absorption of energy at defect sites causing stress throughout the film which exceeds the ultimate tensile stress for the film: this in turn leads to film break-up before melting can onset. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The spectroscopic capability of the photon scanning tunneling microscope is exploited to study directly the launch and propagation of surface plasmons on thin silver films. Two input beams, of different wavelength, are incident through the prism in a prism-Ag film-air-fibre tip system. Both excite surface plasmons at the Ag-air interface and light of both wavelengths is coupled into the fibre probe via the respective surface plasmon evanescent fields. One laser beam is used for instrument control. The second, or probe beam is tightly focused on the sample, within the area of the unfocused or control beam, giving a well-defined and symmetrical, confined surface plasmon launch site. However, the image at the probe wavelength is highly asymmetrical in section with an exponential tail extending beyond one side of the launch site. This demonstrates in a very direct fashion;the propagation of surface plasmons; a propagation length of similar to 11.7 mu m is measured at a probe wavelength of 543.5 nm. On rough Ag films the excitation of localised scattering centres is also observed in addition to the launch of delocalised surface plasmons.


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The well known advantages of using surface plasmons, in particular the high sensitivity to surface adsorbates, are nearly always compromised in practice by the use of monochromatic excitation and the consequent lack of proper spectroscopic information. This limitation arises from the angle/wavelength selective nature of the surface plasmon resonance. The work described here uses an elegant broadband excitation/decay scheme in a substrate(silica)-grating profiled photoresist-Ag film geometry. Laser radiation of wavelength 488 nm, incident through the silica substrate, excites by near-field coupling a broad band of surface plasmons at the photoresist-Ag interface within the spectral range of the photoresist fluorescence. With a judicious choice of grating period this mode can cross-couple to the mode supported at the Ag-air interface. This latter mode can, in turn, couple out to light by virtue of the same grating profile. The spectral distribution of the light emitted due to this three-step process has been studied as a function of the angle of emission and depth of the grating profiled surface for each polarization. It is found that the optimum emission efficiency occurs with a groove depth in the region of 65 nm. This is considerably greater than the optimum depth of 40 nm required for surface plasmon-photon coupling at a Ag-air interface or, in other words, for the last step of the process in isolation.


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The surface plasmon polariton mediated photoresponse from Al-GaAs diodes is examined in a prism-air gap-diode configuration as a function of both the wavelength of the incident light and thickness of the Al electrode. The experimental data shows a pronounced dip in reflectance as a function of internal angle of incidence in the prism, due to the excitation of the surface plasmon polariton at the Al-air interface, and a corresponding peak in device photosignal. Careful modelling of reflectance and quantum efficiency data shows that the bulk of the signal is generated by light which is re-radiated from this surface mode into the semiconductor substrate where it is absorbed by the creation of electron-hole pairs in the depletion region. This holds for all the wavelengths used here (all are shorter than the GaAs absorption edge) and across the thickness range of the Al electrodes (20-50 nm). Quantum efficiencies in the range 0.5-22% and enhancement factors of typically 7.5 were recorded in this investigation.


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The radiative decay of surface plasmon polaritons has been investigated in an attempt to characterize the surface roughness of Ag films prepared under different conditions. The polaritons were excited by the method of attenuated total reflection of light. The films were deposited on the face of a 60-degrees BK-7 glass prism at a rate that was deliberately fixed in two different ranges (centred on 0.1 and 10 nm s-1) and in some cases a CaF2 underlayer was used to roughen the film surfaces. The intensity of the scattered light emitted from the opposite face of the films was measured as a function of direction for each using the same sensitivity scale and was correlated with the preparation of the film. It was found that on nominally smooth substrates fast-deposited thinner films give out more light and are deduced to have greater short wavelength (300-600 nm) roughness amplitude. There is also evidence for long wavelenth (7 mum) periodic roughness due to the prism substrate itself. On CaF2 roughened surfaces the light output from the films is further increased and the peak intensity is backward directed with respect to the exciting laser beam direction. Here roughness on a lateral scale of 350 nm is responsible. Also, elastic scattering of surface plasmon polaritons at grain boundaries reduces the light output from fast deposited, small grain, films on CaF2 roughened surfaces. Overall, a consistent picture of roughness induced radiative polariton decay emerges for all cases studied.


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Using a prism-air gap-sample (Otto) configuration we have optically excited surface plasmon polaritons at the Ag-air interface of passive Al-Al oxide-Ag tunnel junction structures at wavelength 632.8 nm. It is found that the internal damping of this excitation is more than a factor of 2 greater for samples with a very thin (approximately 15 nm) Ag electrode than for samples with a thicker (approximately 40 nm) Ag electrode. This observation is explained by the fact that the fields of the surface plasmon polariton penetrate more substantially into the lossy Al base electrode when the Ag top electrode is very thin.