13 resultados para One-nucleon spectra

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Integrated "ICT chromophore-receptor" systems show ion-induced shifts in their electronic absorption spectra. The wavelength of observation can be used to reversibly configure the system to any of the four logic operations permissible with a single input (YES, NOT, PASS 1, PASS 0), under conditions of ion input and transmittance output. We demonstrate these with dyes integrated into Tsien's calcium receptor, 1-2. Applying multiple ion inputs to 1-2 also allows us to perform two- or three-input OR or NOR operations. The weak fluorescence output of 1 also shows YES or NOT logic depending on how it is configured by excitation and emission wavelengths. Integrated "receptor(1)-ICT chromophore-receptor(2)" systems 3-5 selectively target two ions into the receptor terminals. The ion-induced transmittance output of 3-5 can also be configured via wavelength to illustrate several logic types including, most importantly, XOR. The opposite effects of the two ions on the energy of the chromophore excited state is responsible for this behaviour. INHIBIT and REVERSE IMPLICATION are two of the other logic types seen here. Integration of XOR logic with a preceding OR operation can be arranged by using three ion inputs. The fluorescence output of these systems can be configured via wavelength to display INHIBIT or NOR logic under two-input conditions. The superposition or multiplicity of logic gate configurations is an unusual consequence of the ability to simultaneously observe multiple wavelengths.


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A semi-phenomenological molecular model is presented, which is capable of describing with the use of analytical formulae, the wideband dielectric(1) and far-infrared spectra of ordinary and heavy water. In the model the vector of a dipole moment is presented as a sum of two components. The absolute value of the first one is constant; the second one changes harmonically with time. The key aspect of this work is consideration of FIR spectra due to the second component. In the context of the modified hybrid model presented in the work, reorientation of the dipoles in the rectangular potential well is considered, as a result of which the librational (near 700 cm (-1)) and translational (near 200 cm (-1)) absorption bands and the microwave Debye relaxation spectrum arise. It is shown that the time-dependent part of a dipole moment contributes most to the translational band, the relevant mechanism is taken to be stretching vibration of the H-bonded molecules. Previous linear-response molecular models were unsuccessful in describing this band (in heavy water) in terms of the complex dielectric permittivity. The spatial and time scales characteristic of water are estimated. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wideband far infrared (FIR) spectra of complex permittivity e(p) of ice are calculated in terms of a simple analytical theory based on the method of dipolar autocorrelation functions. The molecular model represents a revision of the model recently presented for liquid water in Adv. Chem. Phys. 127 (2003) 65. A composite two-fractional model is proposed. The model is characterised by three phenomenological potential wells corresponding to the three FIR bands observed in ice. The first fraction comprises dipoles reorienting in a rather narrow and deep hat-like well; these dipoles generate the librational band centred at the frequency approximate to 880 cm(-1). The second fraction comprises elastically interacting particles; they generate two nearby bands placed around frequency 200 cm(-1). For description of one of these bands the harmonic oscillator (HO) model is used, in which translational oscillations of two charged molecules along the H-bond are considered. The other band is produced by the H-bond stretch, which governs hindered rotation of a rigid dipole. Such a motion and its dielectric response are described in terms of a new cut parabolic (CP) model applicable for any vibration amplitude. The composite hat-HO-CP model results in a smooth epsilon(nu) ice spectrum, which does not resemble the noise-like spectra of ice met in the known literature. The proposed theory satisfactorily agrees with the experimental ice spectrum measured at - 7 degrees C. The calculated longitudinal optic-transverse optic (LO-TO) splitting occurring at approximate to 250 cm(-1) qualitatively agrees with the measured data. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple molecular analytical theory of dielectric relaxation in strongly polar fluids is considered in terms of a semi- phenomenological approach. Theoretical spectra epsilon(v), a(v) of complex permittivity and absorption coefficient are fully determined by a form of intermolecular potential well, in which a dipole reorients. In a recent publication by VI. Gaiduk, O.F. Nielsen, and T.S. Perova [J. Molliq 95 (1002) 1-25] the wideband spectra of liquid H2O and D2O were described in terms of a composite model comprising the rectangular and the cosine squared potential wells. Much better results are achieved in this work, where the rectangular well is replaced by a well with a rounded bottom termed the hat-curved well. The spectrum of the auto-correlation function (ACF) is calculated for such a potential. The proposed theory of a composite model, comprising hat-curved and parabolic wells, is applied for liquid water. This model is capable for describing the Debye relaxation region, the second relaxation region in the submillimeter wavelength range, and the far infra-red (FIR) e(v), a(v) spectra, where an intense librational band and an additional weak band are placed, respectively, near 700 cm(-1) and 200 cm(-1). The latter band reflects the features of so-called specific (viz. directly related to H-bonds) interactions and the former band reflects the features of unspecific interactions. The physical mechanisms connected with these types of interactions are discussed in terms of two relevant types of water structure (types of molecular rotation). The proposed theory is also applied to a non-associated liquid in terms of one hat-curved potential well. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Translational energy spectroscopy (TES) has been used to study state-selective one-electron capture by H and He-like ions of C, N and O in both H and H-2 within the range 250-900 eV amu(- 1). The main collision mechanisms leading to state-selective electron capture have been identified, their relative importance assessed and compared, where possible, with theoretical predictions and with any previous measurements based on photon emission spectroscopy. For one-electron capture in H-2, the relative importance of contributions from non- dissociative and dissociative capture as well as from two- electron capture into autoionizing states is found to be strikingly different for the cases considered. Our TES measurements in atomic hydrogen provide an important extension of previous measurements to energies below 1000 eV amu(-1) and show that, as the impact energy decreases, electron capture becomes more selective until only a single n product channel is significant. These product main channels are well described by reaction windows calculated using a Landau-Zener approach. However, the same approach applied to the more complex energy- change spectra observed in H-2 is found to be less successful.


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The proton energy spectrum from photodissociation of the hydrogen molecular ion by short intense pulses of infrared light is calculated. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation is discretized and integrated. For few-cycle pulses one can resolve vibrational structure, arising from the experimental preparation of the molecular ion. We calculate the corresponding energy spectrum and analyse the dependence on the pulse time delay, pulse length and intensity of the laser for ? ~ 790 nm. We conclude that the proton spectrum is a sensitive probe of both the vibrational populations and phases, and allows us to distinguish between adiabatic and nonadiabatic dissociation. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the proton spectrum from H2+ is a practical means of calibrating the pulse. Our results are compared with recent measurements of the proton spectrum for 65 fs pulses using a Ti:Sapphire laser (? ~ 790 nm) including molecular orientation and focal-volume averaging. Integrating over the laser focal volume, for the intensity I ~ 3 × 1015 W cm-2, we find our results are in excellent agreement with these experiments.


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We have determined the absolute configurations of conformationally flexible cis-dihydrodiol metabolites (cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadienes), bearing different substituents (e.g., Br, F, CF3, CN, Me) in 3- and 5-positions, by the method of confrontation of experimental and calculated electronic CD spectra and optical rotations. Convergent results were obtained by both methods in eight out of ten cases. For the difficult cases, where either conformer population and/or chiroptical properties (calculated rotational strengths of the long-wavelength Cotton effect or optical rotations) of contributing conformers remain inconclusive, the absolute configuration could still be correctly assigned based on one of the biased properties (either ECD or optical rotation). This approach appears well-suited for a broad spectrum of conformationally flexible chiral molecules.


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Incoherent Thomson scattering (ITS) provides a nonintrusive diagnostic for the determination of one-dimensional (1D) electron velocity distribution in plasmas. When the ITS spectrum is Gaussian its interpretation as a three-dimensional (3D) Maxwellian velocity distribution is straightforward. For more complex ITS line shapes derivation of the corresponding 3D velocity distribution and electron energy probability distribution function is more difficult. This article reviews current techniques and proposes an approach to making the transformation between a 1D velocity distribution and the corresponding 3D energy distribution. Previous approaches have either transformed the ITS spectra directly from a 1D distribution to a 3D or fitted two Gaussians assuming a Maxwellian or bi-Maxwellian distribution. Here, the measured ITS spectrum transformed into a 1D velocity distribution and the probability of finding a particle with speed within 0 and given value v is calculated. The differentiation of this probability function is shown to be the normalized electron velocity distribution function. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The plasma produced during laser ablation deposition of thin film YBCO has been studied by optical emission spectroscopy. There is evidence of increased YO band emission in the range 590-625 nm as the ambient oxygen gas pressure confining the plume is increased in the range 30-200 m Torr. Temporal profiles show that close to the target the plume is insensitive to ambient oxygen pressure. It is deduced that the optical emission here is excited by electron impact excitation. Further away from the target there is evidence that two distinct processes are at work. One is again electron excitation; the emission from this process decreases with distance because the expanding plume cools and collisions become less frequent in the expanding gas. The second is driven by oxidation of atomic species expelled at high speeds from the target. The main region of this activity is in the plume sheath where a shock front ensures heating of ambient O2 and reaction of monatomic plasma species to form oxide in an exothermic reaction. Spatial mapping of the emission demonstrates clearly how increasing oxygen gas pressure confines the plasma and enhances the emission intensity from the molecular YO species ejected from the target in a smaller region close to the target. Ba+ is observed as a dominant species only very close to (within 1 mm of) the target. Absorption spectra have been taken in an attempt to examine ground state and cool species in the plume. They reveal the quite surprising result that YO persists in the chamber for periods up to 1 msec. This suggests an explanation for the recent report of off-axis laser deposition in terms of simple condensation. Previously, quasi-ballistic transfer of material from target to substrate has been considered the only significant process.


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Fabricated one-dimensional (1D) materials often have abundant structural defects. Experimental observation and numerical calculation indicate that the broken translation symmetry due to structural defects may play a more important role than the quantum confinement effect in the Raman features of optical phonons in polar semiconductor quantum wires such as SiC nanorods, (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) features that were found in Spitzer Space Telescope spectra of carbon-rich post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The paper consists of two parts. The first part describes our Spitzer spectral observing programme of 24 stars including post-AGB candidates. The latter half of this paper presents the analysis of PAH features in 20 carbon-rich post-AGB stars in the LMC, assembled from the Spitzer archive as well as from our own programme.We found that five post-AGB stars showed a broad feature with a peak at 7.7 μm, that had not been classified before. Further, the 10-13 μm PAH spectra were classified into four classes, one of which has three broad peaks at 11.3, 12.3 and 13.3 μm rather than two distinct sharp peaks at 11.3 and 12.7 μm, as commonly found in HII regions. Our studies suggest that PAHs are gradually processed while the central stars evolve from post-AGB phase to planetary nebulae, changing their composition before PAHs are incorporated into the interstellar medium. Although some metallicity dependence of PAH spectra exists, the evolutionary state of an object is more significant than its metallicity in determining the spectral characteristics of PAHs for LMC and Galactic post-AGB stars. © 2014 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.


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We present a large data set of high-cadence dMe flare light curves obtained with custom continuum filters on the triple-beam, high-speed camera system ULTRACAM. The measurements provide constraints for models of the near-ultraviolet (NUV) and optical continuum spectral evolution on timescales of ≈1 s. We provide a robust interpretation of the flare emission in the ULTRACAM filters using simultaneously obtained low-resolution spectra during two moderate-sized flares in the dM4.5e star YZ CMi. By avoiding the spectral complexity within the broadband Johnson filters, the ULTRACAM filters are shown to characterize bona fide continuum emission in the NUV, blue, and red wavelength regimes. The NUV/blue flux ratio in flares is equivalent to a Balmer jump ratio, and the blue/red flux ratio provides an estimate for the color temperature of the optical continuum emission. We present a new “color-color” relationship for these continuum flux ratios at the peaks of the flares. Using the RADYN and RH codes, we interpret the ULTRACAM filter emission using the dominant emission processes from a radiative-hydrodynamic flare model with a high nonthermal electron beam flux, which explains a hot, T ≈ 104 K, color temperature at blue-to-red optical wavelengths and a small Balmer jump ratio as observed in moderate-sized and large flares alike. We also discuss the high time resolution, high signal-to-noise continuum color variations observed in YZ CMi during a giant flare, which increased the NUV flux from this star by over a factor of 100. Based on observations obtained with the Apache Point Observatory 3.5 m telescope, which is owned and operated by the Astrophysical Research Consortium, based on observations made with the William Herschel Telescope operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofsica de Canarias, and observations, and based on observations made with the ESO Telescopes at the La Silla Paranal Observatory under programme ID 085.D-0501(A).


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In this paper, Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.4Nb0.1O6-δ (SFMNb)-xSm0.2Ce0.8O2-δ (SDC) (x = 0, 20, 30, 40, 50 wt%) composite cathode materials were synthesized by a one-pot combustion method to improve the electrochemical performance of SFMNb cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs). The fabrication of composite cathodes by adding SDC to SFMNb is conducive to providing extended electrochemical reaction zones for oxygen reduction reactions (ORR). X-ray diffraction (XRD) demonstrates that SFMNb is chemically compatible with SDC electrolytes at temperature up to 1100 °C. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) indicates that the SFMNb-SDC composite cathodes have a porous network nanostructure as well as the single phase SFMNb. The conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient of the composite cathodes decrease with the increased content of SDC, while the electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) exhibits that SFMNb-40SDC composite cathode has optimal electrochemical performance with low polarization resistance (Rp) on the La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3 electrolyte. The Rp of the SFMNb-40SDC composite cathode is about 0.047 Ω cm2 at 800 °C in air. A single cell with SFMNb-40SDC cathode also displays favorable discharge performance, whose maximum power density is 1.22 W cm-2 at 800 °C. All results indicate that SFMNb-40SDC composite material is a promising cathode candidate for IT-SOFCs.