55 resultados para Northern Rivers Region

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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A DNA typing procedure, based on a two stage polymerase chain reaction-sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe (PCR-SSOP) typing strategy, has been developed and applied to DNA from 1000 healthy individuals from the Northern Ireland region. The two-stage procedure involves human leukocyte antigen (HLA-C) identification through the use of a medium resolution PCR-SSOP system, followed by four secondary group specific PCR-SSOP systems, to enable allele resolution. The PCR-SSOP systems were designed for the identification of HLA-Cw alleles with possible discrimination within exons 2 and 3 of the HLA-C gene, i.e., HLA-Cw*01-Cw*16. PCR-SSP tests were designed for the resolution of HLA-Cw*17 and -Cw*18 alleles. The systems can also be used independently of each other if selective allele resolution is required. HLA-Cw allele frequencies occuring within the Northern Ireland population have been compiled, along with estimations of HLA-B/Cw haplotype frequencies. (C) American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 2002. Published by Elsevier Science Inc.


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This article investigates the concept of regionalism in the EU and its relationship to changing conceptions of the nation-statehood in Ireland and Britain. More specifically, it examines how the notion of regionalism has developed in official discourse during states' adaptation to both internal challenges and the process of European integration. I explore this question through an analysis of the British and Irish state elites approaches to the Northern Ireland conflict and their perceptions of European regionalism in this context. In identifying the differences and, indeed, similarities between these states' approaches to European and regional dynamics, I develop new perspective on post-Agreement Northern Ireland and the concept of multilevel governance.


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Background Sunburn and sun bed use increase risk of malignant melanoma, the incidence of which continues to rise.


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Copper levels of nearly 500 mg l(-1) were measured in aqueous extracts of soil and sediment samples from the lowlands of Antofagasta. Arsenic levels of up to 183 mg l(-1) were found in river sediments, and 27.5 mg l(-1) arsenic was found at the location of a dam where potable water is extracted. This indicates that the arsenic contamination of water supplies reported recently for the pre-Andes may be a widespread problem throughout the region. Copper contamination from smelting activities also provides cause for concern as elevated levels were found in aqueous extracts of soil up to 20 km away from a smelter. This study went beyond traditional chemical analysis by assessing the potential benefits of using microbial biosensors as an alternative to determination of chemical speciation, to provide an environmentally relevant interpretation of soil/sediment residue levels. This approach is simple to use and enables a rapid, low cost assessment of pollutant bioavailability. It may, therefore, be of use for further investigations in the region and beyond.


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The European lobster is distributed throughout the south and western regions of the Norwegian coast. A previous lobster allozyme investigation (1993) in the Tysfjord region, north of the Arctic Circle demonstrated that the lobster population from this region was genetically different from lobster samples collected in other parts of Norway. More detailed investigation including supplementary extensive sampling and additional allozyme, microsatellite and mtDNA analyses are reported here. This investigation supports the genetic distinctness of the Tysfjord population and shows that this is mainly due to a reduction (60�70%) in gene diversity (observed heterozygosities and number of alleles) compared with lobsters from more southern regions. In addition to the Tysfjord region, the comprehensive sampling also included lobsters found in the adjacent Nordfolda fjord system. Genetic analyses provided evidence for significant differences between the lobster populations of Tysfjord and Nordfolda, even though they are separated by a coastal distance of only 142 km. The two populations were also different with regards to several biological characteristics such as body size. The genetic difference between these two geographically close populations is likely to be due to the local hydrological conditions, preventing larval dispersal between the fjord systems. Assessment of lobster abundance in the north-west region suggests that the sub-arctic lobster populations are geographically isolated.


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This article explores the nature and extent of racist harassment in predominantly white areas. It is based upon a case study of Northern Ireland and draws upon data from indepth interviews with a total of 32 children and 43 parents drawn from the four largest minority ethnic groups in the region: Chinese, Irish Travellers, South Asians and Black Africans. The article demonstrates that racist harassment is a significant problem in schools in Northern Ireland and highlights the varied forms that it can take from overt acts of physical and verbal abuse to more covert and subtle forms of teasing and 'friendly' banter. Following a consideration of the differing responses that schools have made to racist incidents reported to them by children and/or parents, the article concludes by considering the implications of the findings and re-affirming the argument that anti-racist strategies are as relevant and necessary for schools in predominantly white regions as they are in multi-ethnic areas.


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Flanders (1974) considered the Second World War to be the great social triumph and vindication of voluntarism in British industrial relations. This paper considers the experience of one region, Northern Ireland, functioning in a unique social and political context and considers the experience of its wartime industrial relations system. The political framework, trade union growth and representation, collective bargaining, strike activity including the major munitions strike of 1944 which may have provoked Defence Regulations Order 1AA, labour management and Joint Production Committees are all examined. The paper gives qualified support to Flanders’ conclusion.


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Purpose: Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common cause of severe vision loss. Identification of genes involved in AMD will facilitate early detection and ultimately help to identify pathways for treatment for this disorder. The A16,263G mutation in the HEMICENTIN-1 gene produces a non-conservative substitution of arginine for glutamine at codon 5345 which has been implicated in familial AMD. The aim of this study is to develop a rapid diagnostic assay for the detection of this mutation and to evaluate its frequency in a sample of AMD patients. Methods: A primer probe set was designed from exon 104 of the HEMICENTIN-1 gene to differentiate between mutant and wild type alleles. A region spanning the mutation was amplified by PCR using a LightCycler (Roche Diagnostic). The mutation was then detected by melt curve analysis of the hybrid formed between the PCR product and a specific fluorescent probe. The frequency of the mutation within the Northern Ireland population was evaluated by assaying 508 affected AMD patients, 25 possibly affected and 163 controls. Results: This assay clearly discriminates between the A16,263G mutant and wild type HEMICENTIN-1 alleles. The wild type sequence has a single base mismatch with the probe which decreases the stability of the hybrid, resulting in a lower TM (TM=51.27 °C) than that observed for the perfectly matched mutant allele (TM=59.9 °C). The mutant allele was detected in only one of the 696 subjects, an affected AMD patient. Conclusions: We describe a rapid assay for the genotyping of the Gln5345Arg mutation using real-time fluorescence PCR to facilitate rapid processing of samples through combined amplification and detection steps. These characteristics are suitable for a clinical setting where high throughput diagnostic procedures are required. The frequency of this mutation within the Northern Ireland population has been estimated at 0.2%, concurring with previous findings that this mutation is a rare variant associated with AMD. A rapid diagnostic assay will facilitate a reliable and convenient evaluation of the frequency of the Gln5345Arg mutation and its association with AMD within other populations.


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To determine whether polymorphisms in the interferon-? (IFN?)/interleukin-26 (IL-26; formerly, AK155) gene cluster contribute to sex-based differential susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA).


Four microsatellite markers, located in a 118-kb interval that contains both the IFN? and IL-26 genes on chromosome 12q15, were typed in 251 patients with RA and 198 unrelated healthy controls (all of whom lived in Northern Ireland) by means of polymerase chain reaction–based fragment analysis.


Marker D12S2510, which is located 3 kb 3' from the IL-26 gene, was significantly associated with RA in women (corrected P [Pcorr] = 0.008, 2 degrees of freedom [2 df]) but not in men (P = 0.99, 2 df). A 3-marker haplotype, IFNGCA*13;D12S2510*8;D12S2511*9, was inferred that showed significant underrepresentation in women with RA (odds ratio 0.50, 95% confidence interval 0.32–0.78; P = 0.002, Pcorr = 0.03) but not in men with RA.


Our results demonstrate that common polymorphisms in the IFN?/IL-26 gene region may contribute to sex bias in susceptibility to RA, by distorting the propensity of female carriers versus male carriers to contract this disease. These results conform to our recent observations of a role for this gene cluster in sex-based differential susceptibility to another Th1-type inflammatory disease, multiple sclerosis.


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This article provides a contextual framework for the new agenda for development, represented in the economic strategy known as Strategy 2010, and the regional spatial plan known as Shaping Our Future. These are considered in the following two articles. This article begins by setting a perspective on the political economy of Northern Ireland and follows with an outline of the spatial planning process. In conclusion, it raises the key challenges facing attempts to renew the region.


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ß-Site amyloid precursor protein (APP)-cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) is a biological and positional candidate gene for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). BACE1 is a protease that catalyses APP cleavage at the ß-secretase site. We evaluated all common and putatively functional polymorphisms in the genomic region encompassing BACE1 for an association with AD, and for functional effects on platelet ß-secretase activity. Tag SNPs (n = 10) derived from phase II of the International HapMap Project, and a nonsynonymous variant, were successfully genotyped in 901 Caucasian individuals from Northern Ireland using Sequenom iPLEX and TaqMan technologies. APOE genotyping was performed by PCR-RFLP. Platelet membrane ß-secretase activity was assayed in a subset of individuals (n = 311). Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was observed for all variants. Evidence for an association with AD was observed with multi-marker haplotype analyses (P = 0.01), and with rs676134 when stratified for APOE genotype (P = 0.02), however adjusting for multiple testing negated the evidence for association of this variant with AD. ?2 analysis of genotype and allele frequencies in cases versus controls for individual SNPs revealed no evidence for association (5% level). No genetic factors were observed that significantly influenced platelet membrane ß-secretase activity. We have selected an appropriate subset of variants suitable for comprehensive genetic investigation of the BACE1 gene. Our results suggest that common BACE1 polymorphisms and putatively functional variants have no significant influence on genetic susceptibility to AD, or platelet ß-secretase activity, in this Caucasian Northern Irish population.


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Aim Determination of the main directions of variance in an extensive data base of annual pollen deposition, and the relationship between pollen data from modified Tauber traps and palaeoecological data. Location Northern Finland and Norway. Methods Pollen analysis of annual samples from pollen traps and contiguous high-resolution samples from a peat sequence. Numerical analysis (principal components analysis) of the resulting data. Results The main direction of variation in the trap data is due to the vegetation region in which each trap is located. A secondary direction of variation is due to the annual variability of pollen production of some of the tree taxa, especially Betula and Pinus. This annual variability is more conspicuous in ‘absolute’ data than it is in percentage data which, at this annual resolution, becomes more random. There are systematic differences, with respect to peat-forming taxa, between pollen data from traps and pollen data from a peat profile collected over the same period of time. Main conclusions Annual variability in pollen production is rarely visible in fossil pollen samples because these cannot be sampled at precisely a 12-month resolution. At near-annual resolution sampling, it results in erratic percentage values which do not reflect changes in vegetation. Profiles sampled at near annual resolution are better analysed in terms of pollen accumulation rates with the realization that even these do not record changes in plant abundance but changes in pollen abundance. However, at the coarser temporal resolution common in most fossil samples it does not mask the origin of the pollen in terms of its vegetation region. Climate change may not be recognizable from pollen assemblages until the change has persisted in the same direction sufficiently long enough to alter the flowering (pollen production) pattern of the dominant trees.


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1. One of the goals for Natura 2000, a key European Community programme of nature conservation, is to produce a network of protected areas. An analysis of the Natura 2000 marine sites proposed in the most recently agreed list for the Atlantic region (northern Portugal to Denmark, n = 298) was used to characterize the network in terms of site areas and inter-site distances. Sites were considered as part of the network when they included any of the marine Natura 2000 Annex I habitat types found in the Atlantic region (excluding lagoons).