58 resultados para Nonlinear Dunkl-Schrödinger Equation

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A brief review of the occurrence of amplitude modulated structures in space and laboratory plasmas is provided, followed by a theoretical analysis of the mechanism of carrier wave (self-) interaction, with respect to electrostatic plasma modes. A generic collisionless unmagnetized fluid model is employed. Both cold-(zero-temperature) and warm-(finite temperature) fluid descriptions are considered and compared. The weakly nonlinear oscillation regime is investigated by applying a multiple scale (reductive perturbation) technique and a Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (NLSE) is obtained, describing the evolution of the slowly varying wave amplitude in time and space. The amplitude’s stability profile reveals the possibility of modulational instability to occur under the influence of external perturbations. The NLSE admits exact localized envelope (solitary wave) solutions of bright (pulses) or dark (holes, voids) type, whose characteristics depend on intrinsic plasma parameters. The role of perturbation obliqueness (with respect to the propagation direction), finite temperature and — possibly — defect (dust) concentration is explicitly considered. The relevance of this description with respect to known electron-ion (e-i) as well as dusty (complex) plasma modes is briefly discussed. © 2004 American Institute of Physics


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The nonlinear coupling between finite amplitude ion thermal waves (ITWs) and quasistationary density perturbations in a pair-ion plasma is considered. A generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation is derived for the ITW electric field envelope, accounting for large amplitude quasistationary plasma slow motion describing the ITW ponderomotive force. The present theory accounts for the trapping of ITWs in a large amplitude ion density hole. The small amplitude limit is considered and exact analytical solutions are obtained. Finite amplitude solutions are obtained numerically and their characteristics are discussed.


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The chaotic profile of dust grain dynamics associated with dust-acoustic oscillations in a dusty plasma is considered. The collective behaviour of the dust plasma component is described via a multi-fluid model, comprising Boltzmann distributed electrons and ions, as well as an equation of continuity possessing a source term for the dust grains, the dust momentum and Poisson's equations. A Van der Pol–Mathieu-type nonlinear ordinary differential equation for the dust grain density dynamics is derived. The dynamical system is cast into an autonomous form by employing an averaging method. Critical stability boundaries for a particular trivial solution of the governing equation with varying parameters are specified. The equation is analysed to determine the resonance region, and finally numerically solved by using a fourth-order Runge–Kutta method. The presence of chaotic limit cycles is pointed out.


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In this work we present the theoretical framework for the solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) of atomic and molecular systems under strong electromagnetic fields with the configuration space of the electron’s coordinates separated over two regions; that is, regions I and II. In region I the solution of the TDSE is obtained by an R-matrix basis set representation of the time-dependent wave function. In region II a grid representation of the wave function is considered and propagation in space and time is obtained through the finite-difference method. With this, a combination of basis set and grid methods is put forward for tackling multiregion time-dependent problems. In both regions, a high-order explicit scheme is employed for the time propagation. While, in a purely hydrogenic system no approximation is involved due to this separation, in multielectron systems the validity and the usefulness of the present method relies on the basic assumption of R-matrix theory, namely, that beyond a certain distance (encompassing region I) a single ejected electron is distinguishable from the other electrons of the multielectron system and evolves there (region II) effectively as a one-electron system. The method is developed in detail for single active electron systems and applied to the exemplar case of the hydrogen atom in an intense laser field.


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The weakly nonlinear regime of transverse paramagnetic dust grain oscillations in dusty (complex) plasma crystals is discussed. The nonlinearity, which is related to the sheath electric/magnetic field(s) and to the intergrain (electrostatic/magnetic dipole) interactions, is shown to lead to the generation of phase harmonics and, in the case of propagating transverse dust-lattice modes, to the modulational instability of the carrier wave due to self-interaction. The stability profile depends explicitly on the form of the electric and magnetic fields in the plasma sheath. The long term evolution of the modulated wave packet, which is described by a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation, may lead to propagating localized envelope structures whose exact forms are presented and discussed. Explicit suggestions for experimental investigations are put forward. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The nonlinear amplitude modulation of electromagnetic waves propagating in pair plasmas, e.g., electron-positron or fullerene pair-ion plasmas, as well as three-component pair plasmas, e.g., electron-positron-ion plasmas or doped (dusty) fullerene pair-ion plasmas, assuming wave propagation in a direction perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field, obeying the ordinary (O-) mode dispersion characteristics. Adopting a multiple scales (reductive perturbation) technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation is shown to govern the modulated amplitude of the magnetic field (perturbation). The conditions for modulation instability are investigated, in terms of relevant parameters. It is shown that localized envelope modes (envelope solitons) occur, of the bright- (dark-) type envelope solitons, i.e., envelope pulses (holes, respectively), for frequencies below (above) an explicit threshold. Long wavelength waves with frequency near the effective pair plasma frequency are therefore unstable, and may evolve into bright solitons, while higher frequency (shorter wavelength) waves are stable, and may propagate as envelope holes.(c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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A fluid model is used to describe the propagation of envelope structures in an ion plasma under the influence of the action of weakly relativistic electrons and positrons. A multiscale perturbative method is used to derive a nonlinear Schrödinger equation for the envelope amplitude. Criteria for modulational instability, which occurs for small values of the carrier wavenumber (long carrier wavelengths), are derived. The occurrence of rogue waves is briefly discussed. © Cambridge University Press 2013.


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The occurrence of rogue waves (freak waves) associated with electrostatic wavepacket propagation in a quantum electron-positron-ion plasma is investigated from first principles. Electrons and positrons follow a Fermi-Dirac distribution, while the ions are subject to a quantum (Fermi) pressure. A fluid model is proposed and analyzed via a multiscale technique. The evolution of the wave envelope is shown to be described by a nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). Criteria for modulational instability are obtained in terms of the intrinsic plasma parameters. Analytical solutions of the NLSE in the form of envelope solitons (of the bright or dark type) and localized breathers are reviewed. The characteristics of exact solutions in the form of the Peregrine soliton, the Akhmediev breather and the Kuznetsov-Ma breather are proposed as candidate functions for rogue waves (freak waves) within the model. The characteristics of the latter and their dependence on relevant parameters (positron concentration and temperature) are investigated. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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A semirelativistic fluid model is employed to describe the nonlinear amplitude modulation of low-frequency (ionic scale) electrostatic waves in an unmagnetized electron-positron-ion plasma. Electrons and positrons are assumed to be degenerated and inertialess, whereas ions are warm and classical. A multiscale perturbation method is used to derive a nonlinear Schrödinger equation for the envelope amplitude, based on which the occurrence of modulational instability is investigated in detail. Various types of localized ion acoustic excitations are shown to exist, in the form of either bright type envelope solitons (envelope pulses) or dark-type envelope solitons (voids, holes). The plasma configurational parameters (namely, the relativistic degeneracy parameter, the positron concentration, and the ionic temperature) are shown to affect the conditions for modulational instability significantly, in fact modifying the associated threshold as well as the instability growth rate. In particular, the relativistic degeneracy parameter leads to an enhancement of the modulational instability mechanism. Furthermore, the effect of different relevant plasma parameters on the characteristics (amplitude, width) of these envelope solitary structures is also presented in detail. Finally, the occurrence of extreme amplitude excitation (rogue waves) is also discussed briefly. Our results aim at elucidating the formation and dynamics of nonlinear electrostatic excitations in superdense astrophysical regimes.


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In this work, the general framework in which fits our investigation is that of modeling the dynamics of dust grains therein dusty plasma (complex plasma) in the presence of electromagnetic fields. The generalized discrete complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (DCGLE) is thus obtained to model discrete dynamical structure in dusty plasma with Epstein friction. In the collisionless limit, the equation reduces to the modified discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation (MDNLSE). The modulational instability phenomenon is studied and we present the criterion of instability in both cases and it is shown that high values of damping extend the instability region. Equations thus obtained highlight the presence of soliton-like excitation in dusty plasma. We studied the generation of soliton in a dusty plasma taking in account the effects of interaction between dust grains and theirs neighbours. Numerical simulations are carried out to show the validity of analytical approach.


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The nonlinear dynamics of modulated electrostatic wavepackets propagating in negativeion plasmas is investigated from first principles. A nonlinear Schrödinger equation is derived by adopting a multiscale technique. The stability of breather- like (bright envelope soliton) structures, considered as a precursor to freak wave (rogue wave) formation, is investigated and then tested via numerical simulations.


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The ionization dynamics of H2 + exposed to high-intensity, high-frequency, ultrashort laser pulses is investigated with two theoretical approaches. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation is solved by a direct numerical method, and a simple two-center interference-diffraction model is studied. The energy and angular distributions of the photoelectron for various internuclear distances and relative orientations between the internuclear axis of the molecule and the polarization of the field are calculated. The main features of the photoelectron spectrum pattern are described well by the interference-diffraction model, and excellent quantitative agreement between the two methods is found. The effect of quantal vibration on the photoelectron spectrum is also calculated. We find that vibrational average produces some broadening of the main features, but that the patterns remain clearly distinguishable.


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Theoretical and numerical studies are carried out of the nonlinear amplitude modulation of dust-ion acoustic waves propagating in an unmagnetized weakly coupled plasma comprised of electrons, positive ions, and charged dust grains, considering perturbations oblique to the carrier wave propagation direction. The stability analysis, based on a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation, exhibits a wide instability region, which depends on both the angle theta between the modulation and propagation directions and the dust number density n(d). Explicit expressions for the instability increment and threshold are obtained. The possibility and conditions for the existence of different types of localized excitations are also discussed. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The proton energy spectrum from photodissociation of the hydrogen molecular ion by short intense pulses of infrared light is calculated. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation is discretized and integrated. For few-cycle pulses one can resolve vibrational structure, arising from the experimental preparation of the molecular ion. We calculate the corresponding energy spectrum and analyse the dependence on the pulse time delay, pulse length and intensity of the laser for ? ~ 790 nm. We conclude that the proton spectrum is a sensitive probe of both the vibrational populations and phases, and allows us to distinguish between adiabatic and nonadiabatic dissociation. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the proton spectrum from H2+ is a practical means of calibrating the pulse. Our results are compared with recent measurements of the proton spectrum for 65 fs pulses using a Ti:Sapphire laser (? ~ 790 nm) including molecular orientation and focal-volume averaging. Integrating over the laser focal volume, for the intensity I ~ 3 × 1015 W cm-2, we find our results are in excellent agreement with these experiments.


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We study the structural effects produced by the quantization of vibrational degrees of freedom in periodic crystals at zero temperature. To this end we introduce a methodology based on mapping a suitable subspace of the vibrational manifold and solving the Schrödinger equation in it. A number of increasingly accurate approximations ranging from the quasiharmonic approximation (QHA) to the vibrational self-consistent field (VSCF) method and the exact solution are described. A thorough analysis of the approximations is presented for model monatomic and hydrogen-bonded chains, and results are presented for a linear H-F chain where the potential-energy surface is obtained via first-principles electronic structure calculations. We focus on quantum nuclear effects on the lattice constant and show that the VSCF is an excellent approximation, meaning that correlation between modes is not extremely important. The QHA is excellent for covalently bonded mildly anharmonic systems, but it fails for hydrogen-bonded ones. In the latter, the zero-point energy exhibits a nonanalytic behavior at the lattice constant where the H atoms center, which leads to a spurious secondary minimum in the quantum-corrected energy curve. An inexpensive anharmonic approximation of noninteracting modes appears to produce rather good results for hydrogen-bonded chains for small system sizes. However, it converges to the incorrect QHA results for increasing size. Isotope effects are studied for the first-principles H-F chain. We show how the lattice constant and the H-F distance increase with decreasing mass and how the QHA proves to be insufficient to reproduce this behavior.